96 research outputs found

    The features of political images and emotions in the voting for Bronisław Komorowski and Jarosław Kaczyński in the 2010 presidential elections. A report from a survey on the political attitudes of students

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    In the theory of political marketing the concept of the image appears crucial when explaining electoral preferences and behaviors. This paper presents a survey into the relations between image factors and liking for the main two candidates in the presidential elections in Poland in 2010. It is widely supposed that the assessment of a candidate’s image should translate into a definite (positive or negative) emotion towards him or her. An empirical analysis of the influence of political images on political attitudes, however, leads to a slightly more modest conclusion regarding the power of such influence. Surveys do not unconditionally confirm the assumption that voter’s emotions are unequivocally determined by a candidate’s image, especially as the decisive factors in stimulating support for a given politician (or party) may be provided by negative emotions evoked by his or her rival. The results of the survey do confirm an observation that has already been noted in the literature, that cognitive judgments of a candidate’s image have a considerably weaker influence on voter preferences than the emotions he evokes.In the theory of political marketing the concept of the image appears crucial when explaining electoral preferences and behaviors. This paper presents a survey into the relations between image factors and liking for the main two candidates in the presidential elections in Poland in 2010. It is widely supposed that the assessment of a candidate’s image should translate into a definite (positive or negative) emotion towards him or her. An empirical analysis of the influence of political images on political attitudes, however, leads to a slightly more modest conclusion regarding the power of such influence. Surveys do not unconditionally confirm the assumption that voter’s emotions are unequivocally determined by a candidate’s image, especially as the decisive factors in stimulating support for a given politician (or party) may be provided by negative emotions evoked by his or her rival. The results of the survey do confirm an observation that has already been noted in the literature, that cognitive judgments of a candidate’s image have a considerably weaker influence on voter preferences than the emotions he evokes

    Wczesna inicjacja seksualna młodzieży – przyczyny i konsekwencje

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    Juvenescence constitutes period between infantile sexuality and sexuality of young man. Adolescence is time of discovering sexual identity, initiating new sexual behaviors and involving into intimate relationships. During this period, the forms of sexual activity are developing from less to more and more mature – from masturbation, through petting to sexual initiation. Decision of a first sexual intercourse is an important act for every person. Nevertheless, sexual initiation which is precocious, in a stage of unformed identity, can disturb psychosexual functioning of an individual causing unplanned pregnancies, leading to sexually transmissible diseases and initiating risky sexual behaviors. The causes of starting precocious sexual activity are associated with improper models of upbringing (strictness or lack of interference) as well as with distancing of youth from pedagogical or educational influences of school or church. These traditional socializing agendas are replaced with media influences and behavior patterns providing by peers. It seems that only complex acts from pedagogical and socializing backgrounds can contribute starting responsible behaviors of youth in sexual field

    Więzienne macierzyństwo kobiet z problemem alkoholowym

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    Macierzyństwo kobiet pozbawionych wolności jest ważnym problemem społecznym, gdyż dotyczy nie tylko samej osadzonej, ale także jej dzieci i całej rodziny oraz sposobu funkcjonowania w zakładzie karnym. Problem ten jest szczególnie trudny, gdyż dotyczy nie tylko osadzonych będących matkami, ale równocześnie matkami uzależnionymi od alkoholu. W tej sytuacji rośnie ilość czynników obciążających rozwój dziecka oraz wyzwań stawianych przed placówką resocjalizacyjną. Sposób oddziaływania pomocowego w więzieniu powinien uwzględniać zarówno dobro matki, jak i dziecka. Wyniki prowadzonych badań wskazują, że u kobiet inaczej niż u mężczyzn przebiega proces kontaktu ze środkami psychoaktywnymi oraz że istnieją różnice międzypłciowe w konsekwencjach używania i nadużywania środków psychoaktywnych. Problemy związane z używaniem alkoholu są powszechne wśród kobiet pozbawionych wolności, a uzależnionych skazanych matek przybywa w populacji przestępczych kobiet i dziewcząt. Podstawowymi celami oddziaływań pracowników Domów Matki i Dziecka jest kształtowanie u osadzonych kobiet pozostających w tym czasie w sytuacji aktywnego macierzyństwa umiejętności społecznych roli matki zarówno w czasie, gdy przebywają one wraz z potomstwem w warunkach izolacyjnych, jak i gdy opuszczą zakład karny. Istotne jest także zapewnienie ich dzieciom bezpieczeństwa i warunków umożliwiających prawidłowy rozwój psychospołeczny i fizyczny przy uwzględnieniu ograniczeń związanych ze specyfiką przebywania w placówce zamkniętej.The motherhood of women deprived of their liberty is an important social problem, as it affects not only the prisoner herself, but also her children and the whole family, and well as the mother’s functioning in a prison. This problem is particularly difficult, as it affects not only prisoners who are mothers but also mothers addicted to alcohol. In this situation, the number of factors affecting the child’s development and the challenges posed by the resocialization facility increases. The way in which help is provided in prisons should take into account both the welfare of the mother and of the child. The results of the conducted research indicate that contact with psychoactive substances has a different effect on women than on men, and that there are gender differences in the consequences of using and abusing psychoactive substances. Problems related to alcohol abuse are common among women deprived of their liberty and addicts of convicted mothers are increasing in the population of criminal women and girls. The basic goals of employees of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters is to teach women, who are in a situation of active motherhood at the time of imprisonment, the skills connected with the social role of the mother, both under the condition of social isolation and after release. It is also important to ensure their children’s safety and to provide conditions which allow their psychosocial and physical development, taking into account the limitations related to the specificity of being in a closed facility.Zadanie „Wspieranie badań naukowych w obszarze problemów wynikających z używania alkoholu” finansowane ze środków Narodowego Programu Zdrowia na lata 2016-202

    Family and Partnership Conditions of Students’ Well-being

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    Subjective well-being constitutes and important area for positive psychology research. Building own feeling of happiness and satisfaction strongly depends on relations with other people. The aim of this thesis in the analysis of the relations between well-being and family relations or partnership relations of students. The results obtained showed that the retrospective positive evaluation of a relation between parents in the childhood period and own relations with the father were connected to the higher indicators of personal well-being. What has been obtained is also statistically important relation between secure attachment style and higher personal well-being as well as between the styles: evasion and anxiety-ambivalent and lower personal well-being. The prediction analysis proved that both non-secure styles decrease the well-being indicators, however, it did not prove that the secure style is the condition of well-being. With regards to intimate relations, the obtained results point that the form itself of the relations which is formed does not relate to the feeling of happiness but its quality definitely does. The obtained data also show that the people being in the relationships are more satisfied with life that singles.4017719011Studia Edukacyjn

    Young People in Crisis – the Experience of Being Neglected Among Adolescents as a Neglected Area of Theory and Research

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    Experiencing violence from parents (being neglected is a form of violence as well) may contribute to a serious emotional crisis affecting positive development in adolescence and limiting the ability to cope with developmental tasks. Unfortunately, there are still doubts concerning a proper definition of neglect of young people. Available data indicate that neglect of teenagers should be distinguished from neglect of younger children because of differences in the needs of these age groups and, consequently, because of differences in parents’ behaviours which support their development and which are a threat to young people’s needs being met. Analysis of available literature reveals a gap in the knowledge about the occurrence of neglect of young people as well as its causes and consequences.Doświadczanie przemocy ze strony rodziców – także jednej z form przemocy, jaką jest zaniedbanie – przyczynić się może do poważnego kryzysu emocjonalnego, silnie obciążającego pozytywny rozwój w okresie dorastania i ograniczający możliwości radzenia sobie z zadaniami rozwojowymi. Niestety nadal istnieją wątpliwości co do właściwego zdefiniowania zaniedbania młodzieży. Dostępne dane wskazują, że zaniedbanie nastolatków należy odróżnić od zaniedbania młodszych dzieci ze względu na różnice w potrzebach tych grup wiekowych, a co za tym idzie różnice w zachowaniach rodzicielskich wspierających rozwój oraz takich, które stanowią zagrożenie dla realizacji potrzeb młodych ludzi. Analiza dostępnej literatury świadczy o istnieniu luk w wiedzy na temat rozpowszechnienia zaniedbania wśród młodzieży oraz przyczyn i konsekwencji zaniedbania

    Parental Conflict as a Risk Factor of Maladjustment in Children and Adolescents

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    The aim of the article is to analyze parental conflict as a risk factor of difficulties experienced by their children. Research studies have shown that parental conflict is connected with maladjustment, defined as internalizing and externalizing problems. The difficulties experienced by children contribute to a deepening of the conflict between partners, especially in the field of parenting. The research cited proves that children and adolescents in families with conflicts and arguments should be given psychological and pedagogical help since they are in a risk group with disorders and maladjustment.3616517810Studia Edukacyjn

    Adultism – Prejudice Against Young People

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    The article analyses adultism, or prejudice against children and young people as singled out of ageism, i.e. prejudice on grounds of age. Adultism involves a stereotypical perception of and approach to younger members of the society solely because they are young. Scientifictheories on young people and adolescence have transformed from those stressing the negative features of teenagers themselves and seeing adolescence as the “most difficult”development stage to those which highlight the potential of young people and the coming-of-age period as one of many equally important stages of life. Analysis of relevant literature and studies indicates that there is a need to fillthe gap both in the theoretical approach to adultism and in studies of prejudice against young people

    Biographical variables and the range of sexual standards in the opinion of young women

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    Wstęp: Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie, jakie zmienne łączą się z zakresem normy seksualnej prezentowanym w opiniach młodych kobiet. Materiał i metody. Anonimowe badania kwestionariuszowe przeprowadzono wśród kobiet w wieku –35 lat na przełomie marca i kwietnia 2003 roku. Badana grupa obejmowała 60 kobiet. Zastosowane metody to skonstruowane specjalnie do potrzeb pracy kwestionariusze: kwestionariusz do badania normy seksualnej i kwestionariusz do badania zachowań seksualnych. Wyniki i wnioski: Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwoliły na wyróżnienie następujących zmiennych związanych z zakresem normy seksualnej prezentowanym w opiniach młodych kobiet w wieku 20–35 • zachowania seksualne, • fakt rozpoczęcia współżycia seksualnego, • wiek rozpoczęcia współżycia seksualnego, • liczba obecnych partnerów seksualnych, • liczba partnerów seksualnych, z którymi do tej pory doszło do stosunku płciowego, • religijność, • deklarowane uczucia do pierwszego partnera seksualnego.Introduction. The aim of this study is to investigate which biographical variables correlate with the process of forming the range of sexual standards in the opinion of young women. Materials and methods. An annonymous questionnaire research was carried between March and April 2003. Sixty women, age from 20–35 years old, took part in this research. Two research tools were designed by the author: sexual standards questionnaire and sexual behaviours questionnaire. Results and conclusions Results and conclusions. The results of the research show that the following variables are correlated with the range of sexual standards of women in the age between 20–35 years: • sexual behaviours, • the fact of sexual initiation, • the age of sexual initiation, • the number of current sexual partners, • the number of previous partners, • religiousness, • the kind of feelings toward the first sexual partner, declared by woman

    Partnership Relations of Students. Quality and Durability vs. Elements of Formal Structure and Family Conditions of Intimate Relations

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    In the face of the social and cultural changes in the area of intimate relations, the forms of love relations and individual expectations as to functioning in the relations are changed. This research analyzes the connection between quality and durability of love relations with the elements of formal relations and family conditions. The results obtained showed that the forms of created relations (marriage, cohabitation without living together) are not related to its quality. At the same time, formal relations appeared to be stronger. Then analysis focused on family conditions and the durability of now created relations in two co-relating aspects. Both, the evaluation of own relations with parents and the relations between them and the styles of attachment. Both, the evaluation of happiness experienced in the relations with mother and father and in their own interactions influence the higher quality of current relations. The style of attachment developed in the childhood is the condition regulating the happiness or the lack of satisfaction in current relations. The safe style was related to the higher quality of relations whilst the slightly ambivalent, avoiding one to the lower quality. The particular attachment style is not related to the durability of intimate relations. The singles were researched too, which showed that the attachment style causes creating specific positive or negative expectations as to own abilities to start love relations with people currently not involved in romantic relations. The safe style was related to the positive expectations regarding the quality of potential relations, the avoidance style was related to the lower quality of anticipated relationships.3521523312Studia Edukacyjn

    Modele wychowania seksualnego w rodzinach pochodzenia współczesnych kobiet na tle przemian obyczajowych w sferze seksualności

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    The paper attempts to present the transformations in sexual morality and their significance for the sexual upbringing of men and women. The results of the research presented herein allow us to analyze the models of sexual upbringing implemented in the families of origin of modern young women. It also verifies whether there are differences between men and women in the realm of sexual upbringing in their families of origin and if there are differences in their sexual functioning within a partnership depending on the model of sexual upbringing in the family of origin.The paper attempts to present the transformations in sexual morality and their significance for the sexual upbringing of men and women. The results of the research presented herein allow us to analyze the models of sexual upbringing implemented in the families of origin of modern young women. It also verifies whether there are differences between men and women in the realm of sexual upbringing in their families of origin and if there are differences in their sexual functioning within a partnership depending on the model of sexual upbringing in the family of origin