340 research outputs found

    Allergen labelling in meat, dairy and cereal products from the Serbian market

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    Allergens in food are a great health risk, because of the ratio of severity of problems compared to small amounts of ingested allergen. Since 2014, Serbian producers and importers of food have been obliged to declare allergens from the list of Codex Alimentarius on the product packaging. Surveillance of different meat, diary, and cereal product took place in 2016, with aim of checking if the Serbian regulatory requirements for labelling of allergens in food are being fulfilled. Out of 68 different meat products, 20 were not labelled for allergens. Thirty-six labels of various dairy products were examined revealing that allergen information was included on 27 of them. Only one of eight examined cereal products did not have allergen labelling

    Unsupervised neural networks for principal component analysis

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    Оvај rаd је pоsvеćеn јеdnоstаvnim biоlоški vеrоvаtnim аlgоritmimа zа еkstrаkciјu glаvnih/spоrеdnih kоmpоnеnаtа i/ili njihоvih pоtprоstоrа iz kоvаriјаnsnе mаtricе ulаznоg signаlа, kао i prоnаlаžеnju gеnеrаlnоg mеtоdа zа trаnsfоrmаciјu mеtоdа zа аnаlizu glаvnih i spоrеdnih pоtprоstоrа u mеtоdе zа аnаlizu glаvnih i spоrеdnih kоmpоnеnаtа. Prоučаvаnе su јеdnоstаvnе, hоmоgеnе nеurаlnе mrеžе, bаzirаnе nа lоkаlnim izrаčunаvаnjimа, štо svе zајеdnо dаје dоbru оsnоvu zа јеdnоstаvnu implеmеntаciјu u pаrаlеlnоm hаrdvеru. Теоriјski dоprinоs оvоg rаdа sе оglеdа u slеdеćеm: - pоkаzаnо је dа dirеktnа primеnа Hеbоvоg zаkоnа nе dоvоdi dо divеrgеnciје sinаptičkоg vеktоrа аkо sе tај zаkоn primеni nа mrеži оdgоvаrајućе strukturе; - prеdlоžеnа је strukturа nеurаlnе mrеžе zа izrаčunаvаnjе PSА, kоја је u mnоgо čеmu sličnа sа strukturоm dеlа rеtinе kоd ribа; - prikаzаn је gеnеrаlni mеtоd kојi trаnsfоrmišе PSА/МSА mеtоdе u PCА/МCА mеtоdе i tаkо оmоgućаvа fоrmirаnjе vеоmа vеlikоg brоја nоvih PCА/МCА аlgоritаmа. Kоrišćеnjеm оvе trаnsfоrmаciје mоgućе је fоrmirаnjе hоmоgеnih аlgоritаmа nа bаzi Hеbоvоg zаkоnа učеnjа, kојi kоristе sаmо lоkаlnо dоstupnе pоdаtkе zа mоdifikаciјu vrеdnоsti sinаptičkе mаtricе, i kојi bi оndа mоgli biti smаtrаni zа biоlоški vеrоvаtnе. Prаktičnа primеnа оriginаlnih mеtоdа kоје su prеdlоžеnе u оvоm rаdu sе mоžе nаći u mоgućеm mоdеlоvаnju rаčunskih principа kојi sе kоristе u rеаlnim nеurаlnim mrеžаmа i kоd јеdnоstаvnе rеаlizаciје PSА/МSА ili PCА/МCА аlgоritаmа u pаrаlеlnоm hаrdvеru.This thesis is devoted to the simple biologically plausible algorithms for extraction of the principal/minor components/subspace from input signal covariance matrix, as well as discovery of a general method that transforms principal/minor subspace analysis methods into principal/minor component analysis methods. Analyzed neural networks are simple, their structure is homogeneous and proposed learning rules are based on local calculations. These features make proposed neural networks suitable for implementation in parallel hardware. Theoretical contributions of this thesis are: - It is shown that direct implementation of the basic Hebbian scheme would not lead to unrealistic growth of the synaptic strengths, thanks to the adopted network structure; - Proposition of the PSA algorithm which is implemented in a neural network whose structure shows high degree similarity with a part of the fish retina wiring; - A new method which transforms PSA/MSA methods into PCA/MCA methods is proposed. By implementation of this method it is possible to create a big number of new PCA/MCA methods. Also, use of the proposed transformation facilitates creation of homogeneous algorithms based on Hebbian learning rule, which use only locally available information for modification of synaptic matrix, and which could be, consequently, considered as a biologically plausible. Practical implementation of the proposed methods could be found in modeling of the general computational principles which are used in real neural networks, as well as in construction of simple neural networks for PSA/MSA or PCA/MCA which are suitable for realization in parallel hardware

    Assessment of the association between socioeconomic inequalities and morbidity of the population

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    Uvod: Najveći doprinos nejednakostima u zdravlju, koje postoje kako unutar, tako i između zemalja širom sveta, pripisuje se socijalno-ekonomskim determinantama zdravlja. Što je socijalno-ekonomsko stanje ljudi gore, to je veća verovatnoća da sopstveno zdravlje procenjuju kao lošije uz češće prisustvo zdravstvenih simptoma i hroničnih stanja. Cilj ove disertacije bio je da se ispita povezanost demografskih i socijalno-ekonomskih determinanti sa obolevanjem stanovništva, da se konstruišu indeksi obolevanja uz procenu njihove pouzdanosti i validnosti, i da se izvrši analiza i poređenje socijalno-ekonomskih nejednakosti u zdravlju u 2000. i 2006. godini. Metod: U ovoj studiji korišćeni su podaci iz dva nacionalna ispitivanja zdravstvenog stanja stanovnika Republike Srbije, sprovedenih 2000. i 2006. godine po tipu studije preseka na reprezentativnom uzorku odraslih osoba uzrasta 20 i više godina (9921 u prvom i 14.522 u drugom ispitivanju). Kao instrument ispitivanja zdravlja stanovnika korišćeni su upitnici. Rezultati: Kao najučestaliji prediktori obolevanja stanovništva izdvojile su se sledeće varijable: pol, godine starosti, obrazovanje, radni status i materijalno stanje domaćinstva. Ispitanici sa nižim obrazovanjem (UO=2,69 u 2000. godini; UO=3,08 u 2006. godini), nezaposleni (UO=1,24 u 2000. godini; UO=1,53 u 2006. godini), neaktivno stanovništvo (UO=1,58 u 2000. godini; UO=1,96 u 2006. godini) i oni sa lošijim materijalnim stanjem domaćinstva (UO=4,34 u 2000. godini; UO=5,03 u 2006. godini) češće procenjuju svoje zdravlje kao loše. Vrednosti korišćenih indeksa obolevanja su veće u istraživanju iz 2000. godine, što ukazuje na bolje zdravstveno stanje stanovništva u 2006. godini...Introduction: The greatest contribution to inequalities in health both within and between countries is attributable to the socioeconomic determinants of health. The lower the socioeconomic status, the higher the probability of reporting a poor self-perceived health and the higher the prevalence of health problems and cronic conditions. The aim of this doctoral dissertation was to examine the associations between demographic, socioeconomic determinants and morbidity of the population, to construct morbidity indices with assessment of their reliability and validity, and to analyze and compare socioeconomic inequalities in health between 2000 and 2006. Methods: Data from the 2000 and the 2006 National Health Surveys for Serbia were used, conducted as cross-sectional studies on a representative sample of adults aged 20 years and over (9921 in the first survey and 14,522 in the second survey). The information on population health was obtained from the questionnaires. Results: The most frequent predictors of morbidity of the population are: gender, age, education, employment status and financial situation of the household. Respondents with lower education (OR=2,69 in year 2000; OR=3,08 in year 2006), unemployed (OR=1,24 in year 2000; OR=1,53 in year 2006), inactive (OR=1,58 in year 2000; OR=1,96 in year 2006) and those with worse financial situation of the household (OR=4,34 in year 2000; OR=5,03 in year 2006) were more likely to report poor self-perceived health. The values of used morbidity indices were higher in 2000 National Health Survey, which implies better health status of the population in 2006..

    Changes in total viable count and TVB-N content in marinated chicken breast fillets during storage

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    Marination is a popular technique for enhancing meat properties. Depending on the marinade type and ingredients added, marination can improve sensory, chemical and microbiological quality of meat products. In this study, the total viable count and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) content in marinated chicken breast fillets were investigated. The possible correlation between bacterial growth and formation of TVB-N was also tested. Chicken breast fillets were immersed in a solution of table salt (as a control) orthree different marinades, which consisted of table salt, sodium tripolyphosphate and/or sodium citrate, and stored in air for nine days at 4 +/- 1 degrees C. Analyses of the total viable count and TVB-N were performed on days0, 3, 6 and 9 day of storage. The total viable count gradually increased in all examined groups, and statistically significant differences (p<0.01; p<0.05) between treatments on days0, 3 and 6 day of storage were established. TVB-N values in marinated chicken were significantly higher (p<0.01; p<0.05) compared to the control. Using the multiple linear regression, a positive correlation between total viable count and formation of TVB-N in chicken marinated with sodium citrate was established (p<0.05), while the intensity of TVB-N formation was lowest in chicken marinated with sodium tripolyphosphate

    The common foodborne viruses: A review

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    Transmission pathways of foodborne viruses include contamination of food by infected food handlers, by contamination of food during the production process and by consumption of products of animal origin harbouring a zoonotic virus. Viral foodborne illnesses, which have become a significant cause of all reported foodborne illnesses in recent years and considered as an emerging risk in veterinary public health. Microbiological genomics studies discovered that Noroviruses and hepatitis A viruses were primarily associated with food-handler transmission and sewage-contaminated foods. In contrast, hepatitis E was associated with consumption of raw or undercooked meat of pig or wild animals. In order to facilitate source attribution and identify risk prevention measures, Routine harmonized surveillance of viral outbreaks, and surveillance of virus occurrence in food commodities, in combination with systematic strain typing, and joint expertise from veterinary, food, and clinical microbiologists would be recommended

    Effect of genotype on morphological and quality features of sugar beet

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    The importance of sugar beet is great because it gives root yield of about 50 t ha-1 and 30 - 40 t of fresh leaves and heads of beet that is used for feeding cattle. In the Republic of Serbia are favorable agro-ecological and soil conditions for the production of sugar beet. In the structure of total arable land of the Republic of Serbia, sugar beet accounts for about 2% where 94% of it is in Vojvodina, which has the most favorable climate and soil conditions, tradition and proximity of capacities for root production and processing. In addition to its adaptability to climatic conditions, sugar beet reacting quickly to changes in meteorological factors which greatly affect root yield and sugar content. In the three-year trials it was examined morphological characteristics and the amount of a-amino N in five genotype of sugar beet. According to the survey results, the largest number of leaves at the genotypes at technological maturity had the genotype Otis (35.33) while the smallest had had genotype Severina (15:53). Genotype Otis, as a whole, had the highest leaf area (X=10193.13 and Xmax = 11483.79), and the lowest had genotype Severina (X = 4242.33; Xmin = 3982.44). The lowest average value of the amount of α -amino N indicators were found for Chiara and Laetitia (X = 2.23). The observed traits were largely depended on the genotypes and years. Genetic variation is necessary for successful breeding


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    Faced with the increasing number of cases of cyberbullying and its consequences, states are trying to find the best way of its sanctioning. The latest tragic event, in which a young man from Republika Srpska committed suicide because he was mocked on one of the social networks, has triggered a public debate on whether cyberbullying is adequately sanctioned in our country. Based on the way individual countries sanction cyberbullying, we can divide them into two groups. The first group includes those countries that sanction cyberbullying through the application of one of the existing criminal offenses (insult, defamation, persecution, unauthorised filming, hate speech). The second one refers to those countries where cyberbullying has been treated as a special criminal offense. The aim of this paper is to make suggestions for possible changes, based on an analysis of the existing legislation on cyberbullying in our country as well as in some European countries, in order to protect the victims of cyberbullying more effectively. In the paper, the authors have used a normative-legal method for the analysis of legal regulations including a comparative method for a comparative presentation of a legal regulation of cyberbullying in other countries. On the grounds of the analysis conducted, there is a conclusion that a legal protection against digital violence in our country does not provide adequate remedies for the victims of cyberbullying

    Electronic Ceramic Structure within the Voronoi Cells Model and Microstructure Fractals Contacts Surfaces New Frontier Applications

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    In this study, in order to establish grain shapes of sintered ceramics, new approach on correlation between microstructure and doped BaTiO3 -ceramics properties based, on Voronoi model and mathematical statistics calculations on fractal geometry, has been developed. BaTiO3-ceramics doped with Yb2O3 (from 0.1 to 1.0wt% of Yb) were prepared by using conventional solid state procedure and were sintered from 1320 degrees C to 1380 degrees C for four hours. The microstructure of sintered specimens was investigated by Scanning electron microscope JEOL-SEM-5300. For better and deeper characterization and understanding of the ceramics material microstructure, the methods which include the fractal nature structure, and also Voronoi model and mathematical statistics calculations, are applied. In our research the Voronoi is one specific interface between fractal structure nature and different stochastically contact surfaces, defined by statistical mathematical methods. Also, the Voronoi model practically provided possibility to control the ceramics microstructure fractal nature. Mathematical statistic methods enabled establishing the real model for the prognosis based on correlation: synthesis-structures-properties

    Microelectronics miniaturization and fractal electronic frontiers

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    The intergrain ceramic structures are very complex and difficult to describe by using traditional analytical methods. In this study, in order to establish grain shapes of sintered ceramics, new approach on correlation between microstructure and properties of doped BaTiO3 -ceramics based on fractal geometry has been developed. BaTiO3 ceramics doped with CeO2, Bi2O3, Fe2O3, CaZrO3 Nb2O5, MnCO3 , La2O3, Er2O3, Yb2O3 and Ho2O3, were prepared using conventional solid state procedure and sintered at 1350°C. The sintered specimens microstructure was investigated by SEM-5300 and capacitance has been done using LCR-metra Agilent 4284A. The fractal modeling method using a reconstruction of microstructure configurations, like grains or intergranular contacts shapes has been successfully done. Furthermore, the area of grains surface was calculated by using fractal correction which expresses the grains surface irregularity through fractal dimension. For better and deeper the ceramics material microstructure characterization the Voronoi model and mathematical statistics calculations, are applied, also. The fractal nature for ceramics structure analysis providing a new ideas for modeling the grain shape and relations between the BaTiO3 ceramic structure and dielectrical properties and new frontier for higher integration on electronic circuits. The presented results indicate that fractal method for structure ceramics analysis creates a new approach for describing, predicting and modeling the grain shape and relations between the BaTiO3 -ceramic structure and dielectric and generally electric and microelectronics properties

    Polymerase chain reaction in the identification of periodontopathogens: A reliable and satisfactory method?

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    Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is considered one of the bacterial species of etiological importance in periodontitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the serotype of A. actinomycetemcomitans in the subgingival biofilm in subjects with periodontal health and disease. Pooled samples of subgingival plaque were taken for culture-based identification of microorganisms. Colonies suspected to be A. actinomycetemcomitans were selected for molecular identification using either multiplex or conventional PCR in serotype-specific genotyping and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In silico analysis showed that most selected colonies belong to the genus Campylobacter, although positive signals for serotypes of A. actinomycetemcomitans were obtained with these samples. Identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans by conventional PCR for 16S rRNA with one species-specific and one universal primer was inconclusive because an almost identical signal with Campylobacter gracilis was obtained. Although PCR-based methods for the identification of A. actinomycetemcomitans are more rapid, sequencing should not be omitted. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 41008 and br. 173048