455 research outputs found

    Concentrations of natural radionuclides in imported zirconium minerals

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    The natural radioactivity in imported zircon samples used as glaze for ceramic tiles in the ceramics industry has been presented in this paper. The measurements were made by gamma spectrometry with a high purity germanium detector. The average activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th determined in the measured samples (3250 Bq/kg, and 556 Bq/kg, respectively) are much higher than the concentrations found in the Earth’s crust. The activity concentration of 226Ra is also high in all analyzed samples, while 40K was not detected. The gamma index, I, the external hazard index, Hex, the internal hazard index, Hin, and the radium equivalent activity, Raeq, were calculated. Due to relatively high activity concentration level of uranium in imported zircon samples, specific regulations are necessary for zircon compound used in ceramic industry. It can be concluded that the investigated samples can be used as the component of ceramic glaze in the concentrations not above 3%


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    Ravnatelj svojim djelovanjem (bez obzira ovisi li o situaciji ili ciljevima) ne utječe samo na konačan uspjeh škole, nego i na međuljudske odnose, na školsku klimu, na motivaciju nastavnika i organizaciju rada škole. Upravo iz tog razloga nužno je ispitati socijalnu kompetenciju ravnatelja kako bi se potaknulo njihovo osposobljavanje, a potom i njihovo usavršavanje, jer vježbom se socijalne vještine mogu usavršiti (Goleman, 2008). Cilj rada je ispitati socijalne vještine koje su primjenjive u svim radnim sredinama te su kao takve prenosive iz jedne oblasti ljudskog rada na drugu. Sudionici ovog istraživanja su ravnatelji osnovnih i srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj(100ravnatelja/ravnateljica) bez obzira na spol, dob i zanimanje. U istraživanju je korišten Inventar socijalnih vještina (SSI; Riggio, 1986, 1989) koji je razvijen za mjerenje bazičnih socijalnih ili komunikacijskih vještina. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata moguće je zaključiti da se ispitanici muškog i ženskog spola ne razlikuju niti u jednoj neverbalnoj socijalnoj vještini: emocionalnoj izražajnosti, emocionalnoj osjetljivosti i emocionalnoj kontroli, niti u verbalnim socijalnim vještinama: socijalnoj izražajnosti, socijalnoj osjetljivosti i socijalnoj kontroli. Nadalje, možemo zaključiti da se ispitanici različiti zanimanja ne razlikuju niti u jednoj verbalnoj niti neverbalnoj socijalnoj vještini. Mogući uzrok ovakvim rezultatima je u uzorku (100 ispitanika) gdje bi i ona najmanja razlika na većem uzorku mogla biti značajna.The ability to communicate and interact effectively with other people is associated with a number of positive psychological and social consequences. This ability has variously been referred to as social skill, comunication competence, or social competence (Riggio, 1986, Spitzberg, 1987). Social competence includes functions like the understanding of their people’s feelings, the recognising of social clues, the antipation and judgement of consequences of social behaviour as well as the capability to actively exchange thoughts with other people. This study used Social Skills Inventory (SSI) (designed by Riggio, 1986) to measure different aspects of communication skills. This inventory assesses emotional expressivity, emotional sensitivity and emotional control. The SSI is positively and significantly associated with depth of social networks (Riggio, 1986), empathy (Riggio, Tucker and Coffaro, 1989), available social support (Riggio, Watring and Throckmorton, 1993), approachability and self- confidence (Jurcova and Stubova, 1999), conversational skills (Miczo, Segrin and Allspach, 2001), judges’ ratings of attractiveness (Riggio, Widaman, Tucker and Salinas, 1991) and accuracy of emotional expression (Tucker and Riggio, 1988). A short form of the SSI (Riggio and Canary, 2003) compresed of 30 items, was used for this investigation and had a reliability of .77. Items were measured using a five-point Likert scale, with higher scores indicatng a high level of social skills. Social competence is the ability to perform a certain task within a social context and implies knowledge as well as experience, attitudes and skills. A “lack of” competence can be countered with training, change of workplace or shange of environment. The aim of this study was to explore the role of social competence on the sex and occupation of a school principle (primary and secondary school principle). Results show that primary and secondary principles have social competence but there is no difference in social competence between female and male principles and their occupation. There was no specific study I could cite so this one is used to test hypothesis and built data

    Mathematical Model of Complete Vapor Compression Refrigeration System with Helical Coil Evaporator Flooded in the Water

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    Refrigeration cycle system modelling of the vapor compression experimental unit with the goal to predict the system performance of the cycle and geometry of the helical coil evaporator flooded in the water is presented in the paper. Design of the experimental unit is based on the commercially available scroll compressor and air cooled condenser. In order to determine the thermodynamic conditions of refrigeration cycle and heat transfer process in the evaporator the simulation model is developed. The model takes into account the specific data, dimensions and characteristics of the main components. Evaporation process, observed in three parts, and condensation process are described with appropriate heat transfer correlations. With two approximation functions, developed based on manufacturer data, the model of compression process is described. Results show relations between thermal resistance and geometrical quantities of evaporator with influence on the system performance. Analysis of thermal resistance shows that geometry of the evaporator may have important effect on the final design of these types of refrigeration applications

    Tritium content in precipitation and atmospheric water vapour of the reactor hall in the Vinča institute of nuclear sciences

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    Tritium activity was determined in precipitation samples collected at two locations in Belgrade over the period 1998-2007: meteorological station Belgrade (Zeleno Brdo 44º47' N, 20º32' E, altitude 243.2m asl) and the station at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. Tritium concentrations in precipitation ranged from 0.4 to 4.41 Bq l-1 (samples collected at Zeleno Brdo) and from 2.31 to 41.30 Bq l-1 (samples collected at VINS). Tritium content in atmospheric water vapour of the indoor reactor hall and inside of the reactor during the regular inspection of the fuel channels in the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in March and May 2006 was measured. The obtained results showed that the tritium content in HTO form varied from 1.56x102 Bq m-3 to 4.05x102 Bq m-3.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Violent recidivism and adverse childhood experiences in forensic psychiatric patients with impaired intellectual functioning

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    Accurate risk assessment and insight into which factors are associated with recidivism are essential for forensic correctional practice. Therefore, we investigated whether the Historical, Clinical, and Future–Revised (HKT-R [Historisch Klinisch Toekomst–Revised]) risk assessment instrument could predict violent recidivism over a 2-year follow-up period in forensic psychiatric patients with intelligence quotient (IQ) < 80. We refer to these patients as intellectually disabled (ID) and patients with IQ ≥ 80 as non-ID. Additionally, the associations of the 14 clinical HKT-R factors with ID versus non-ID group membership were investigated, as well as a possible moderating role of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in these associations. The final sample encompassed 748 forensic psychiatric patients (15.9% were patients with ID) who were unconditionally released from highly secured Dutch forensic psychiatric institutions between 2004 and 2014. The results showed that the HKT-R total score (AUC = 0.705, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.527, 0.882]) and the clinical domain (AUC = 0.733, 95% CI [0.579, 0.886]) had a large effect size for predictive validity for 2-year violent recidivism, while the future domain (AUC = 0.653, 95% CI [0.524, 0.781]) and the historical domain (AUC = 0.585, 95% CI [0.397, 0.772]) had a medium effect size for predictive validity for 2-year violent recidivism in ID patients. It was also found that lower levels of self-reliance and social skills were associated with ID, indicating that treatment should prioritize these skills. However, ACE was not associated with ID, nor did it moderate the associations of the clinical HKT-R factors with ID. This study contributes to the understanding of both risk assessment and treatment of forensic psychiatric patients with ID

    Specification of interoperability aspects in methodological approaches to IS development.

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    Ova disertacija se bavi problemom specifikacije aspekata interoperabilnosti u metodološkim pristupima za razvoj informacionih sistema. U uslovima opšte globalizacije i savremene saradnje se umesto čvrste integracije teži ka slabom povezivanju organizacionih sistema. Način na koji heterogeni, slabo-povezani sistemi mogu da ostvare efikasne inter-organizacione veze je jedna od aktuelnih tema istraživanja oblasti interoperabilnosti informacionih sistema. Na osnovu analize relevantne literature, imajući u vidu preporuke Advanced Technologies for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Enterprise Networks and their Application (ATHENA) referentnog modela za konceptulnu integraciju, odabrana su tri relevantna aspekta za specifikaciju interoperabilnosti: aspekt procesa, servisa i informacija. U disertaciji se definiše nov specifičan pristup za specifikaciju aspekata interoperabilnosti u metodološkim pristupima za razvoj informacionih sistema. Predloženi pristup je baziran na principima opšteg sistemsko teorijskog modela životnog ciklusa softvera koji ima tri osnovne faze: identifikaciju, realizaciju i implementaciju. Za svaku od faza su precizno definisani opšti koraci i date su preporuke za njihovu primenu. U fazi identifikacije se predlaže da se za specifikaciju inter-organizacionih poslovnih procesa pored funkcionalnog uključi i procesni pogled. U prvom koraku se identifikuju zahtevi za interoperabilnošću koji podrazumevaju specifikaciju: esencijalnih interoperabilnih poslovnih funkcija i poslovnih partnera koji učestvuju u kolaboraciji. Za reprezentaciju kolaborativnog poslovnog procesa je odabrana Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) notacija. U drugom koraku se definišu opšti dijagrami konverzacije i kolaboracije, dok se u trećem koraku predlaže detaljna specifikacija njihove javne i privatne reprezentacije. U poslednjem koraku faze identifikacije se vrši kreiranje nove ili izbor postojeće referentne ontologije, koja predstavlja osnovu za nedvosmislenu interpretaciju značenja poruka koje se razmenjuju u kolaboraciji.This thesis addresses the problem of specification of interoperability aspects in methodological approaches to information system development. Under the conditions of general globalization and modern cooperation, instead of firm integration there is a tendency towards weak linking of organizational systems. The manner in which weakly linked systems may achieve efficient inter-organizational connections is one of the up-to-date research topics in the information systems' interoperability domain. Based on the analysis of relevant literature and bearing in mind recommendations of the Advanced Technologies for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Enterprise Networks and their Application (ATHENA) reference model for conceptual integration, three relevant aspects were selected for the specification of interoperability, namely: process, service and informations aspects. This thesis defines a new specific approach to specification of interoperability aspects in methodological approaches for informations systems' development. The proposed approach is based on the „System-Theoretic life cycle“ having three fundamental phases: identification, realization and implementation. For each of these phases general steps have been precisely defined and recommendations for their application given. As for the identification phase, for specification of the inter-organizational business processes it is proposed to include the process view in addition to the functional one. The first step identifies interopebability requirements implying specification of the following: essential interoperable business functions and business partners participating in the collaboration. For representation of the collaborative business process Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has been selected. The second step defines general conversation and collaboration diagrams, while the x third step proposes a detailed specification for their private and public representation. The last step in the identification phase implies creation of a new or selection of the existing reference ontology representing a basis for an unambiguous interpretation of the meaning of messages being exchanged in scope of the collaboration


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    Poduzetnička aktivnost predstavlja pokretačku snagu rasta i razvoja svake ekonomije. Upravo zato je ključno pratiti sve njene aspekte od utjecaja države na poduzetništvo, regulacija, poduzetničke okoline do zapravo svih prilika i prepreka za poduzetnički razvoj. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor je studija poduzetničke aktivnosti koja ima zadaću mjeriti poduzetničku aktivnost zemlje prikupljanjem i evaluacijom podataka prikupljenih od uzorka odraslih pojedinaca i ekspertne skupine.Entrepreneurial activity is the driving force of the growth and development of every economy. That is why it is crucial to keep track of all aspects of the state's influence on entrepreneurship, regulation, entrepreneurial environment to all opportunities and obstacles to entrepreneurial development. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is a study of entrepreneurial activities that has the task of measuring country's entrepreneurial activity by collecting and evaluating data collected from a sample of adult individuals and expert group


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    Poduzetnička aktivnost predstavlja pokretačku snagu rasta i razvoja svake ekonomije. Upravo zato je ključno pratiti sve njene aspekte od utjecaja države na poduzetništvo, regulacija, poduzetničke okoline do zapravo svih prilika i prepreka za poduzetnički razvoj. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor je studija poduzetničke aktivnosti koja ima zadaću mjeriti poduzetničku aktivnost zemlje prikupljanjem i evaluacijom podataka prikupljenih od uzorka odraslih pojedinaca i ekspertne skupine.Entrepreneurial activity is the driving force of the growth and development of every economy. That is why it is crucial to keep track of all aspects of the state's influence on entrepreneurship, regulation, entrepreneurial environment to all opportunities and obstacles to entrepreneurial development. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is a study of entrepreneurial activities that has the task of measuring country's entrepreneurial activity by collecting and evaluating data collected from a sample of adult individuals and expert group

    Symmetrical index application for monitoring temporal changes of tritium concentration in the waters of environmental

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    Tritijum (3H), radioaktivni izotop vodonika, koji je dospeo u prirodu 60-tih godina veštačkim putem iz nuklearnih eksplozija i nuklearne industrije, povećao je prirodni sadržaj ovog radionuklida u atmosferi i u vodama iz životne sredine. Opasnost od zagađenja voda i potreba da se kontroliše stepen tog zagađenja bio je i danas je sve više jedan od najvećih razloga proučavanja količine i načina dolaženja 3H u vode. Padavine predstavljaju glavni put za eliminaciju tritijuma iz atmosfere, bilo da je stvoren prirodnim ili veštačkim putem. Putem padavina, tritijum dospeva u površinske vode. U Beogradu se, u Institutu za nuklearne nauke Vinča, od 1976. god. vrši ispitivanje sadržaja tritijuma u sakupljenim uzorcima padavina i površinskih voda. Zbog postojanja teškovodnih istraživačkih reaktora u Institutu za nuklearne nauke "Vinča" kao potencijalnih emitera tritijuma, potrebno je pratiti distribuciju tritijuma u padavinama u samom Institiutu, a takođe i na drugim referentnim meteorološkim stanicama (Zeleno Brdo i Usek). Usled moguće kontaminacije reka Save i Dunava tritijumom zbog niza nuklearnih elektrana na uzvodnim obalama ovih reka, važno je ispitivati njegov sadržaj, naročito zbog toga što se Beograd snabdeva vodom za piće iz Save i Dunava. Ispitivanje sadržaja tritijuma u potoku Mlaka, koji izvire u krugu Instituta Vinča je značajno, jer se potok uliva u Dunav (u Vinči), preko reke Bolečice. Potok protiče pored istraživačkog reaktora u Institutu Vinča, tako da može doći do kontaminacije Dunava. U svim uzorcima voda koji su analizirani u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji, praćena je vremenska promena koncentracije tritijuma u dugom vremenskom intervalu od 1985 – 2009. godine. S obzirom na činjenicu da se srednja koncentracija tritijuma u padavinama i u površinskim vodama na severnoj hemisferi kreće se od 0,6 Bq l-1 do 1,19 Bq l-1, svi uzorci su elektrolitički obogaćeni u cilju povećanja koncentracije i kao takvi su mereni na tečnom scintilacionom detektoru LKB Wallac 1219 RackBeta. Određeni su parametri koji definišu sam proces elektrolize, separacioni faktor, parametar obogaćenja i faktor obogaćenja. Izračunati su mesečni i kvartalni sezonski indeksi koji ukazuju na pojavu maksimalnih i minimalnih vrednosti koncentracije tritijuma u godišnjim dobima.Tritium (3H), a radioactive isotope of hydrogen, which reached in the nature in the sixties, by nuclear explosions and nuclear industries, increased the natural abundance of this radionuclide in the atmosphere and in the water from the environment. The reason for studying the tritium content in natural waters is a risk of water pollution by this radionuclide. Precipitation is the main route for the elimination of tritium from the atmosphere, whether it is natural origin or made artificially. Tritium enters in the surface water by precipitation. Environmental monitoring of tritium began, in a systematic way, in 1976 in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča" in Belgrade, with sampling and measurements of precipitation and surface waters. Because of the existence of the heavy research reactors in the Institute as potential emitters of tritium, it is necessary to monitor the distribution of tritium in precipitation in the Institute, as well as at the other reference meteorological stations (Zeleno Brdo and Usek). Due to possible contamination of the Sava and Danube rivers by tritium because of a number of nuclear power plants on the banks of the river upstream, it is important to examine its contents, particularly since Belgrade is supplied with drinking water from the Sava and Danube. Investigation of tritium in the creek Mlaka, which starts within the Institute Vinča is significant to detect any unsuspected change in local discharge, because it flows along the heavy reactor boundary in the Institute into the Danube River (Vinča), across the river Bolečice. In all samples of natural water that have been analyzed in this PhD thesis, distribution of tritium concentration was followed for the long-term time period (1985 – 2009). Given the fact that the concentration of tritium in natural water is low (0,6 Bq l-1 - 1,19 Bq l-1), all samples were electrolytically enriched in order to increase the concentration and, as such, were measured by liquid scintillation detector LKB Wallac 1219 RackBeta. The parameters that define the process of electrolysis, the separation factor, enrichment parameter and enrichment factor were determined. The seasonal variations of 3H could also be analyzed by seasonal indices. Monthly and quarterly seasonal indices were calculated and they indicate the occurrence of the maximum and minimum values of tritium concentration in the season