32 research outputs found

    The Effects of Biogeotextiles on the Stabilization of Roadside Slopes in Lithuania.

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    Soil erosion, Water erosion, Soil conservation, Geotextiles, Geotextile mats, Roadside slopes, Vegetation cover, Biogeotextiles , Palm mat geotextiles - Borassus aethiopum - Mauritia flexuosa - Buriti mats - BORASSUS Project - LithuaniaBiogeotextiles constructed from the leaves of Borassus aethiopum and Mauritia flexuosa are investigated at the Kaltinėnai Research Station of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, which is participating in the EU-funded BORASSUS Project. Biogeotextiles are potentially excellent biodegradable and environmentally-friendly materials useful for soil conservation. Field studies on a steep (21–25°) roadside slope in Lithuania suggest biogeotextile mats are an effective and sustainable soil conservation technique. Biogeotextiles have a potential as a biotechnical soil conservation method for slope stabilization and protection from water erosion on steep industrial slopes and may be integrated with the use of perennial grasses to optimize protection from water erosion. The investigations demonstrated that a cover of Borassus and Buriti mats improved the germination and growth of sown perennial grasses. The biomass of perennial grasses increased by 52.0–63.4% under cover of Borassus mats and by 18.6–28.2% under cover of Buriti mats. Over 2 years, the biogeotextiles (Borassus and Buruti, respectively) decreased soil losses from bare fallow soil by 90.8% and 81.5% and from plots covered by perennial grasses by 87.9% and 79.0%, respectively


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    Provides a unique and comprehensive assessment of soil erosion throughout Europe, an important aspect to control and manage if landscapes are to be sustained for the future. Written in two parts, Soil Erosion in Europe primarily focuses on current issues, area specific soil erosion rates, on and off-site impacts, government responses, soil conservation measures, and soil erosion risk maps. The first part overviews the erosion processes and the problems encountered within each European country, whilst the second section takes a cross-cutting theme approach. Based on an EU-funded project that has been running for four years with erosion scientists from 19 countries Reviews contemporary erosion processes and rates on arable and rangeland in Europe Looks at current issues, such as socio-economic drivers, controlling factors specific to the country and changes in land us

    Septyni šimtai metų nuo Didžiojo kunigaikščio Gedimino valdymo pradžios

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Biografija; Biografijos duomenys; Gediminas; Gedimino pilis; Ldk Gediminas; Gediminas, Lietuvos didysis kunigaikštis; Biographical data; Biography; Gediminas castle; Grand Duke of Lithuania Gedimina

    Juodoji sukaktis : 750 metų nuo taikios Kuršių krikšto idėjos sužlugdymo

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Krištas; Kuršas; Kuršiai; Kuršių krikštas; Teodoras Narbutas (Teodor Narbutt); Žemaitija (Samogitia); Christening; Courland; Samogitia; Teodor Narbutt; The Baptism of Courland; The Curonian

    Inter-relationships between soil-protecting land use systems, recreation and tourism on agricultural landscapes in Lithuania

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    The full text article appears with the kind permission of the journal editor, Dr Jonas Jasaitis, Siauliai University, Lithuania.Soil de­gra­da­tion by soil erosion is evident on the hilly- undula­ting landsca­pe, when com­mon land use systems, containing tilla­ge crops, are practised by land ow­ners. Results of long-term field investigations enab­le the proposal of specific erosion‑resistant land ma­na­ge­ment systems, which enable us to loca­lize and sta­bilize erosion processes on are­as most vulne­rable to soil erosion. It is fe­a­sible to im­ple­ment soil-protecting land use systems (i.e. erosion- re­sistant crop rota­tions and long-term pe­rennial grasses) de­signed for fields of vary­ing size, slope gradient and soil texture. The­se agro- environmental aims can be integrated with rural tourism, thus enabling re­ha­bilita­tion of de­gra­ded land and im­proving the socio- economic situation of rural villages. Matching specific soil tilla­ge ope­ra­tions with intensity of fertiliza­tion permits further re­tarda­tion of soil erosion intensity. The proposed vision of the modern Lithua­nian villa­ge is thus to re­com­mend new activities for local land owners and to promote sustainable and environmentally- friendly economic de­ve­lopmen

    Šilalės rajono Kaltanėnų seniūnijos kraštovaizdis, dirvožemiai ir ūkininkavimo ypatybės

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    Soil erosion is one of the most dangerous forms of soil degradation. It reduces soil organic matter (SOM) reserves and creates even better conditions to break down the soil. All measures which promote the accumulation of SOM are therefore also measures for the prevention of erosion. The clear benefit of multicomponent mixtures of grasses, erosion-preventive crop rotations, and growing intermediate plants to slope soil has been clarified by studies carried out at the Kaltinėnai Research Station of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture. These measures, which cost virtually nothing, stabilize the depletion of erosion-sensitive soils not only by protecting the soil from adverse natural factors such as intense rain and wind, but also by encouraging the accumulation of soil carbon. At the same time, the soil’s bulk density decreases, porosity and soil moisture increases, and the soil structure improves. All this creates better conditions for plant growth and reduces the risk of soil depletion. Soil loss due to erosion, as well as the loss of SOM can also be reduced by prudent minimizing of the tillage system of cultivated slopes and science-based optimization of plant nutrition and crop management. All these measures are appropriate for farmers working in hilly areas of both the district of Šilalė and other districts of Žemaitija

    31 Soil Erosion

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    Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agricultur

    31 Soil Erosion

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    Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agricultur