537 research outputs found

    Physical activity and fatigue in adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): a systematic review

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    Background: Fatigue is frequently reported in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD has been shown to have an impact on, and be impacted by, physical activity levels in IBD patients, Yet, to date, there have been no systematic reviews considering the impact of physical activity on levels of IBD fatigue.Aim: This aim of this review is to explore the current body of knowledge of what kind of physical activity interventions are available to treat IBD fatigue.Methods: Systematic database searchs (CINAHL, EMBASE, PsychInfo, PsycARTICLES, AMED, Medline) and hand searching were conducted on 03/03/2019. Searches were restricted to ‘human’, ‘adult’, ‘primary research’ and ‘English language’publications. No time limit was set. Quality appraisal and data extraction was undertaken by at least 2 reviewers.Results: searches yielded 32 publications; 2 studies were included in the review. Physical activity is inhibited by higher fatigue levels, lowering HRQoL, but also as a means of reducing fatigue, subsequently improving HRQoL.Conclusion: There was very little data eligible for inclusion in this review, and it was not of a high quality. The findings of the review suggest that physical activity may be beneficial for IBD fatigue, but this cannot be definitively stated. Evidence suggests physical activity is safe to undertake in active disease, therefore better-quality studiesare needed in this area

    Perturbations of moving membranes in AdS_7

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    We study the stability of uniformly moving membrane-like objects in seven dimensional Anti-de Sitter space. This is approached by a linear perturbation analysis and a search for growing modes. We examine both analytic and numerical configurations previously found in [1].Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Acute Exercise Increases Adiponectin Levels in Abdominally Obese Men

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    Objective. To examine the effect of acute and short-term (~1 week) aerobic exercise training on plasma adiponectin levels in inactive, abdominally obese men. Materials and Methods. Inactive and abdominally obese men (n = 38, waist circumference ≥102 cm) recruited from Kingston, Canada were randomly allocated to perform three bouts of aerobic treadmill exercise at either low (50% VO2 peak) or high (75% VO2 peak) intensity during a 1-week period. Blood samples were taken before and after the first exercise session and 24–72 hours following the completion of the final exercise session. Results. Adiponectin levels were elevated immediately following an acute bout of exercise at both high and low intensities (High: 5.79 ± 0.42 versus 5.05 ± 0.41 ug/mL; Low: 5.24 ± 0.44 versus 4.37 ± 0.44 ug/mL, P < 0.05) and remained elevated following 30 minutes of rest. In comparison to baseline, adiponectin levels were also elevated 24–72 hours following the final exercise session (High: 5.47 ± 0.48 versus 4.88 ± 0.48 ug/mL; Low: 5.18 ± 0.49 versus 4.47 ± 0.49 ug/mL, P < 0.05). Conclusion. Both acute and short-term aerobic exercise result in a significant increase in plasma adiponectin levels in inactive, abdominally obese men independent of intensity

    Acute Exercise Increases Adiponectin Levels in Abdominally Obese Men

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    Objective. To examine the effect of acute and short-term (~1 week) aerobic exercise training on plasma adiponectin levels in inactive, abdominally obese men. Materials and Methods. Inactive and abdominally obese men (n = 38, waist circumference ≥102 cm) recruited from Kingston, Canada were randomly allocated to perform three bouts of aerobic treadmill exercise at either low (50% VO2 peak) or high (75% VO2 peak) intensity during a 1-week period. Blood samples were taken before and after the first exercise session and 24–72 hours following the completion of the final exercise session. Results. Adiponectin levels were elevated immediately following an acute bout of exercise at both high and low intensities (High: 5.79 ± 0.42 versus 5.05 ± 0.41 ug/mL; Low: 5.24 ± 0.44 versus 4.37 ± 0.44 ug/mL, P < 0.05) and remained elevated following 30 minutes of rest. In comparison to baseline, adiponectin levels were also elevated 24–72 hours following the final exercise session (High: 5.47 ± 0.48 versus 4.88 ± 0.48 ug/mL; Low: 5.18 ± 0.49 versus 4.47 ± 0.49 ug/mL, P < 0.05). Conclusion. Both acute and short-term aerobic exercise result in a significant increase in plasma adiponectin levels in inactive, abdominally obese men independent of intensity

    Alterações nos compartimentos hídricos e energéticos do organismo durante a greve de fome

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    Prolonged total food deprivation in non-obese adults is rare, and few studies have documented body composition changes in this setting. In a group of eight hunger strikers who refused alimentation for 43 days, water and energy compartments were estimated, aiming to assess the impact of progressive starvation. Measurements included body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF), arm muscle circumference (AMC), and bioimpedance (BIA) determinations of water, fat, lean body mass (LBM), and total resistance. Indirect calorimetry was also performed in one occasion. The age of the group was 43.3±6.2 years (seven males, one female). Only water, intermittent vitamins and electrolytes were ingested, and average weight loss reached 17.9%. On the last two days of the fast (43rd-44th day) rapid intravenous fluid, electrolyte, and vitamin replenishment were provided before proceeding with realimentation. Body fat decreased approximately 60% (BIA and TSF), whereas BMI reduced only 18%. Initial fat was estimated by BIA as 52.2±5.4% of body weight, and even on the 43rd day it was still measured as 19.7±3.8% of weight. TSF findings were much lower and commensurate with other anthropometric results. Water was comparatively low with high total resistance, and these findings rapidly reversed upon the intravenous rapid hydration. At the end of the starvation period, BMI (21.5±2.6 kg/m²) and most anthropometric determinations were still acceptable, suggesting efficient energy and muscle conservation. Conclusions: 1) All compartments diminished during fasting, but body fat was by far the most affected; 2) Total water was low and total body resistance comparatively elevated, but these findings rapidly reversed upon rehydration; 3) Exaggerated fat percentage estimates from BIA tests and simultaneous increase in lean body mass estimates suggested that this method was inappropriate for assessing energy compartments in the studied population; 4) Patients were not morphologically malnourished after 43 days of fasting; however, the prognostic impact of other impairments was not considered in this analysis.A privação total e prolongada de alimentos em adultos não-obesos é raramente vista, e poucos estudos documentaram as modificações da composição corpórea neste contexto.Num grupo de oito casos de greve de fome durante 43 dias, procedeu-se à estimativa dos compartimentos hídricos e energéticos, visando averiguar a influência sobre os mesmos da desnutrição progressiva.Os métodos incluiram índice de massa corporal (IMC), prega cutânea do tríceps (PCT), circunferência muscular do braço, e determinação através da bioimpedância (BIA) da água, massa gorda, massa magra e resistência corpórea total..A calorimetria indireta foi realizada em uma ocasião apenas.A idade do grupo era de 43,3± 6,2 anos (sete homens, uma mulher), somente água e ocasionais eletrólitos e vitaminas foram ingeridos no jejum, e a perda de peso média foi de 17,9%. Por volta do 43º dia da greve iniciou-se a reposição venosa rápida de fluidos, vitaminas e eletrólitos,antes de se prosseguir com a realimentação.A gordura corporal diminuiu em aproximadamente 60% (BIA e PCT), ao passo que o IMC caiu apenas 18%.A estimativa da gordura total inicial por BIA foi de 52,2± 5,4% do peso corporal, e mesmo no 43º dia do evento o valor calculado era de 19,7± 3,8% do peso.Os valores correspondentes deduzidos da PCT mostraram-se substancialmente inferiores, e mais compatíveis com os demais índices antropométricos. A água corporal revelou-se inicialmente contraída, com resistência elevada,sendo que estes achados se reverteram rapidamente por ocasião da hidratação venosa rápida.Quando do término da greve de fome o IMC (21,5± 2,6 kg/m²) e outras variáveis antropométricas revelavam-se numericamente aceitáveis, sugerindo eficiente conservação de musculatura e energia na fase de dieta zero.Conclui-se que: 1) Todos os compartimentos orgânicos se contrairam na greve de fome, porém o tecido adiposo foi de longe o mais afetado; 2) A água corporal mostrou-se reduzida com elevada resistência total, mas estes achados inverteram-se prontamente mediante hidratação parenteral; 3) O encontro de gordura total excessiva e de aumento da massa magra com o avançar do jejum sugerem que as leituras de BIA são inapropriadas para esta população e fornecem resultados incoerentes; 4) Com base nos parâmetros expostos os doentes não estavam morfologicamente desnutridos ao cabo de 43 dias, todavia não foram aqui avaliados outros transtornos de considerável importância prognóstica

    Determination of solidus and liquidus temperatures for S34MnV steel grade by thermal analysis and calculations

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    The paper is devoted to the comparison of the results in the frame of solidus and liquidus temperatures obtained by thermo analytical methods with the generally used empirically based formulas and thermo dynamical Computherm software. The series of thermal analysis measurements of high temperature phase transformations of real steel grade (S34MnV) under conditions of two analytical devices (Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter; Setaram Multi High Temperature Calorimeter (MHTC)) were carried out. Two thermo analytical methods were used (DSC and Direct Thermal Analysis). The different weight of samples was used (2,6 g; 23 g). The liquidus and solidus temperatures for close to equilibrium conditions during heating (DSC: 1 °C/min; 2 °C/min) and during cooling (Direct Thermal Analysis: 1 °C/min) were determined and compared. Then, the discussion on the different values obtained by experiments and empirically based calculation is realised

    Moving Defects in AdS/CFT

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    We study defects of various dimensions moving through Anti-de Sitter space. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence this allows us to probe aspects of the dual quantum field theory. We focus on the energy loss experienced by these defects as they move through the CFT plasma. We find that the behavior of these physical quantities is governed by induced world-volume horizons. We identify world-volume analogs for several gravitational phenomena including black holes, the Hawking-Page phase transition and expanding cosmological horizons.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Version 2 contains two added reference

    Dressed spectral densities for heavy quark diffusion in holographic plasmas

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    We analyze the large frequency behavior of the spectral densities that govern the generalized Langevin diffusion process for a heavy quark in the context of the gauge/gravity duality. The bare Langevin correlators obtained from the trailing string solution have a singular short-distance behavior. We argue that the proper dressed spectral functions are obtained by subtracting the zero-temperature correlators. The dressed spectral functions have a sufficiently fast fall-off at large frequency so that the Langevin process is well defined and the dispersion relations are satisfied. We identify the cases in which the subtraction does not modify the associated low-frequency transport coefficients. These include conformal theories and the non-conformal, non-confining models. We provide several analytic and numerical examples in conformal and non-conformal holographic backgrounds.Comment: 51 pages, 2 figure

    Winter Bird Assemblages in Rural and Urban Environments: A National Survey

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    Urban development has a marked effect on the ecological and behavioural traits of many living organisms, including birds. In this paper, we analysed differences in the numbers of wintering birds between rural and urban areas in Poland. We also analysed species richness and abundance in relation to longitude, latitude, human population size, and landscape structure. All these parameters were analysed using modern statistical techniques incorporating species detectability. We counted birds in 156 squares (0.25 km2 each) in December 2012 and again in January 2013 in locations in and around 26 urban areas across Poland (in each urban area we surveyed 3 squares and 3 squares in nearby rural areas). The influence of twelve potential environmental variables on species abundance and richness was assessed with Generalized Linear Mixed Models, Principal Components and Detrended Correspondence Analyses. Totals of 72 bird species and 89,710 individual birds were recorded in this study. On average (±SE) 13.3 ± 0.3 species and 288 ± 14 individuals were recorded in each square in each survey. A formal comparison of rural and urban areas revealed that 27 species had a significant preference; 17 to rural areas and 10 to urban areas. Moreover, overall abundance in urban areas was more than double that of rural areas. There was almost a complete separation of rural and urban bird communities. Significantly more birds and more bird species were recorded in January compared to December. We conclude that differences between rural and urban areas in terms of winter conditions and the availability of resources are reflected in different bird communities in the two environments