89 research outputs found

    EUCAT: A Pan-European Index of Union Catalogs

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    The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Library of Estonia organized a Conference on Union Catalogs which took place in Tallinn, in the National Library of Estonia on October 17–19, 2002. The Conference presented and discussed analytical papers dealing with various aspects of designing and implementing union catalogs and shared cataloging systems as revealed through the experiences of Eastern European, Baltic and South African research libraries. Here you can find the texts of the conference papers and the list of contributors and participants.The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Library of Estonia organized a Conference on Union Catalogs which took place in Tallinn, in the National Library of Estonia on October 17–19, 2002. The Conference presented and discussed analytical papers dealing with various aspects of designing and implementing union catalogs and shared cataloging systems as revealed through the experiences of Eastern European, Baltic and South African research libraries. Here you can find the texts of the conference papers and the list of contributors and participants

    A Structured Writing Program To Improve Fluency And Attitudes Of Seventh Grade Students In A Basic English Program

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    The intent of this practicum was to increase writing fluency and improve writing attitudes exhibited by a group of seventh grade students with Yaqui and Hispanic backgrounds. During a period of 16 weeks, a writing unit was implemented consisting of twenty structured activities to guide students in presenting their ideas and to increase their chances for success. As students\u27 fluency increased, the patterns and models given became less structured so that students used more of their own ideas. Evaluation was conducted through the use of Quality Writing Guidelines as well as student and parent follow-up surveys. Results indicated increased levels of writing fluency, improved capitalization and punctuation, improved sentence structure, and a wider variety of vocabulary. The methodology was found to be extremely effective in improving writing skills of students having difficulty supplement to regular education language arts teachers

    On the Edge of Freedom: Free Black Communities, Archaeology, and the Underground Railroad

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    "On the Edge of Freedom" is an interdisciplinary study of five free black communities that functioned as Underground Railroad sites along the southern borders of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Small rural free black communities along the borders of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers were situated in the landscape to offer sanctuary to runaways as first points of entry within often violent and racially hostile southern regions of the northern border states. I worked with National Forest Service archaeologists, universities, and private non-profit preservation groups. By combining archaeology, with oral and documentary history, genealogy, and cultural landscape studies, I contribute new comparative and theoretical models for explicating African-American history, and identifying and mapping undocumented Underground Railroad sites. The resulting geography of resistance reveals the risks African Americans endured in the cause of their own liberation. Blacks who participated in the subversive work of the Underground Railroad knew the level of violence to which whites would resort in response to black defiance in the face of oppression. Interrelated families played a central role in the establishment of the frontier settlements. Exclusive and independent of white abolitionist activities, virtually every nineteenth-century black settlement, urban or rural, offered some form of assistance to those escaping slavery. African-American, as well as white, Underground Railroad workers were loosely organized to offer assistance within their separate religious denominations although they worked across racial lines. For four out of the five sites, I demonstrate the relationship between the independent black church and the Underground Railroad. Methodist minister and fourth bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, William Paul Quinn, who was instrumental in the spread of Methodism to the northwest, established two churches associated with Underground Railroad sites in this study. Maps, in conjunction with archaeological techniques, are crucial to the identification and recovery of these enclaves. By mapping free black settlements, and black churches, new Underground Railroad routes emerge from the shadows of larger, nearby, better-known Quaker and abolitionist sites. Mapping little known African American Underground Railroad routes has implications for African American preservation initiatives and heritage tourism

    Screening and statistical optimization of media ingredients for production of microbial transglutaminase

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    Transglutaminase is a calcium dependent enzyme that catalyses acyl transfer reactions between primary amino groups and protein bound glutamine residues. Eighteen bacterial and twenty eight actinomycetes were screened for the presence of transglutaminase. Among the microbial cultures screened Streptomyces sp. D1, showed maximum transglutaminase activity. In this study characterization of transglutaminase and its application to modifying the properties of panner (Indian cottage cheese) in the form of cross linking was investigated. Optimum temperature and pH for enzyme was found to be at 50°C and 6.0, respectively. Optimization of media ingredients for maximizing the transglutaminase activity using Streptomyces sp. D1 was carried out using central composite design. Response surface methodology was employed to standardize the optimum media composition for maximum enzyme activity. Three factors such as carbon source, nitrogen source and pH were tested for the maximum enzyme activity as response. The optimized medium with sugarcane molasses as carbon source 6.0% (w/v), peptone as nitrogen source 1.75% (w/v) were found to be optimal at initial pH 6.5 and incubation temperature 30.0°C with agitation at 100 rpm for 96h. The enzyme activity of transglutaminase obtained from the optimized medium was found to be 4.1 (AU/ml). Low cost substrate such as sugarcane molasses in the form of a renewable substrate is proposed to be suitable even for scale-up production of enzyme and for industrial applications. The ethanol fractionated transglutaminse treated milk was found to produce more paneer with increased moisture content while reduction in cooking loss of the paneer prepared using enzyme treated milk is also reported

    Sistem Pemanggilan Darurat Pada Penderita Lumpuh Menggunakan EEG Neurosky Mindwave Melalui Blink Detection

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    Kelumpuhan adalah kehilangan kemampuan salah satu otot atau lebih untuk sementara waktu atau bahkan secara permanen. Pada pasien yang mengalami kelumpuhan membutuhkan bantuan penuh selama 24 jam. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, penelitian tugas akhir ini mendesain dan menganalisis sistem pemangilan darurat berdasarkan perintah pada penderita lumpuh dengan menggunakan modul EEG Neurosky Mindwave. Sistem ini mengambil data sinyal attention dan blinkstrength yang dihasilkan EEG Neurosky Mindwave kemudian dianalisis untuk menentukan apakah pasien lumpuh sudah berhasil atau gagal dalam memanggil kondisi perintah kemudian dibandingkan dengan kondisi perintah berdasarkan grafik blink. Pada pemanggilan perintah digunakan sebagai pemanggilan perawat dan pemanggilan ke kamar mandi. Oleh karena itu, pada pemanggilan kondisi perintah jika dikategorikan berhasil grafik blink sesuai dengan kondisi perintah dan dikategorikan gagal apabila grafik blink tidak sesuai dengan kondisi perintah

    As representações sobre o bibliotecário em notícias de jornais

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    A atuação profissional do bibliotecário tem sido inovada acompanhando as necessidades informacionais da sociedade, sendo que seu foco era o acervo e atualmente é a informação. O uso das tecnologias da informação tem sido útil nos processos de organização, tratamento, recuperação, disseminação, preservação e gestão da informação. O presente trabalho apresenta a representação do bibliotecário em notícias de jornais encontradas no motor de busca Google. Utiliza a abordagem quali-quantitativa, e na coleta de dados foram selecionadas as notícias que falavam sobre a atuação do bibliotecário. Foi analisado o conteúdo das expressões identificadas nas notícias e categorizadas de acordo com os Grupos de Trabalho (GTs) da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (ANCIB). Considerando que a mídia pode influenciar a visibilidade profissional, foram analisadas como as expressões utilizadas nas notícias se relacionam com a realidade atual do exercício profissional do bibliotecário.The professional work of the librarian has been innovated in keeping with the informational needs of society, and its focus that was on the collection, currently, is in the information. The use of information technology has been useful in the processes of organization, treatment, retrieval, dissemination, preservation and information management. The present work presents the representation of the librarian in newspaper news found in the Google search engine. It uses the quali-quantitative approach, and in the data collection we selected the news that talked about the performance of the librarian. The content of the expressions identified in the news was analyzed and categorized according to the Working Groups (WGs) of the National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Science Information (NASIA). Considering that the media can influence professional visibility, we analyzed how the expressions used in the news relate to the current reality of the professional practice of the librarian

    Nutritional Intervention during Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Environments A Dietary Perspective

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    The future war scenario is based on use and applications of various conventional and non-convectional agents which includes weaponised or non-weaponised chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN), toxic industrial materials, direct energy devices/ weapons, and or high yield explosives. These include nerve agents, blood agents, vesicants or skin blistering agents, lung irritants, asphyxiants or choking agents. Biological weapons are basically disease causing microorganisms and other replicating entities including viruses, infectious nucleic acids and prions. These agents have ability to infect host and are highly virulent, pathogenic and dangerous in nature. The interface between ammunitions and above agents is soldier whose physical and mental health is affected as enough precautionary measures are not adopted. The reducing environment thus created has various agents which enter into exposed body and lead to mild to serious damage to various vital parts of the human body. As food is important component for survival and intrinsic to basic human nutrition and health, therefore, it is imperative to develop certain kind of a wholesome meal system which can be consumed by the soldiers tasked with combating CBRN situations during such operations. Such meals can be in the form of solid or liquid type and packaged in suitable delivery system, compatible and amenable with the CBRN suit. Food can be contaminated during CBRN conditions by coming in direct or indirect contact with CBRN agents. Therefore, the food materials to be used under such conditions need to be protected in suitable coverings as consumption of contaminated food can be lethal. Designer meal for CBRN environment is not only suitable for soldiers but also to all human interface dealing with similar scenario viz. the low intensity conflicts and surgical operations, nuclear submarines, cosmonauts, pilots, individuals handling radiation equipment and patient undergoing chemotherapy for cancer


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    Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat harus diiringi dengan penggunaan yang bijak.  Beberapa tahun terakhir terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan dalam penggunaan ponsel. Survey di beberapa Negara membuktikan bahwa sebanyak 98% orangtua memperbolehkan anaknya menggunakan gawai. Gawai dapat membuat anak kecanduan, berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan fisik, mental, dan emosional anak. Oleh karena itu diperlukan edukasi tentang  dampak penggunaan gawai berlebih agar anak-anak secara sadar dapat mengurangi kuantitas penggunaan gawai. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi tentang bahaya penggunaan gawai secara berlebih pada anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam adalah pre-test, presentasi, diskusi dan tanya jawab, serta post-test. Kelompok sasaran adalah siswa sekolah dasar. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan diketahui bahwa sebanyak 4 orang mengalami penurunan nilai setelah dilakukan edukasi, sebanyak 17 orang mengalami peningkatan nilai setelah edukasi dan sebanyak 28 orang tidak mengalami perubahan nilai. Dengan adanya pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang baik, diharapkan terjadi perubahan perilaku positif seperti mampu mengelola waktu ketika bermain gawai atau membatasi penggunaan gawai. Abstract:  Rapid technological developments must be accompanied by wise use.  In recent years there has been a significant increase in mobile phone usage. Surveys in some countries have proved that as many as 98% of parents allow their children to use the gadget. Gadgets can make children addicted, affect the child's physical, mental, and emotional health. It is therefore necessary to educate the impact of the use of excess devices so that children can consciously reduce the quantity of use of gadgets. The purpose of this community dedication is to educate the dangers of excessive use of gadgets in children. The methods used in this are pre-test, presentation, discussion and question, as well as post-test. The target audience is elementary school students. Based on the results of the activities known that as many as 4 people have decreased the value after education, 17 people experienced an increase in the value after education and as many as 28 people did not change the value. With good knowledge and understanding, it is hoped that positive behavior changes such as being able to manage the time when playing gadgets or limiting the use of gadgets. 

    Poly (γ-) Glutamic Acid : A Promising Biopolymer

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    Poly (γ-) glutamic acid is a polymer of L or D - Glutamic acid units produced by          microorganisms as a defense mechanism as an act of stress tolerance. Production of γ-PGA by microbial source has been gaining attention due to its low cost of production and varied application with high compatibility and high biodegradability. Its application ranges from food industry to waste water treatment. γ-PGA is a major constituent of Japanese food - natto. PGA has vast applications in food, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, water treatment and other fields. The high research interest that currently is developing for γ-PGA is due to its potential as a biomedical material with a high biocompatibility and a fair biodegradability. In fact, γ-PGA is extensively used as a food additive and it is known to be hydrolytically degradable by water with or without intervening of proteases. An incessant number of publications dealing with the use of γ-PGA as drug delivery system are appearing in these last few years and several processes have been developed at large scale which are able to afford great amounts of this compound for industrial uses

    Investigating the Relationship between Technology Acceptance Factors and Behavioural Intention to Use of Online Food Delivery Applications in Sarawak

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    The current study investigated the relationships between technology acceptance factors and behavioural intention to use of online food delivery applications in Sarawak. The framework of this research was drawn from the perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) model with two additional constructs, namely trust and risk. The study was based on a sample gathered from users of online food delivery applications in Sarawak. Data were collected using a self-administered online questionnaire. Of the 411 returned questionnaires, 400 questionnaires were valid for analysis. IBM-SPSS Amos 24.0 procedures were utilised to analyse the data and test the hypotheses. The findings of the study lead to the conclusion that the relationship between 6 constructs (effort expectancy, facilitating condition, hedonic motivation,trust and risk) and behavioural intention to use online food delivery applications are significant. Meanwhile, there are not significant relationship between 4 constructs (performance expectancy, social influence, price value and habit) and behavioural intention to use online food delivery applications. The significance of the findings enable to highlight the important factors for promoting online food delivery applications among users in aforesaid context