55 research outputs found

    Markkinointisuunnitelma : Case: FPro Consulting osuuskunta

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana toimi FPro Consulting -osuuskunta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda edullinen ja käytännönläheinen markkinointisuunnitelma, joka tekee yrityksen markkinoinnista järjestelmällisempää ja tehokkaampaa. Opinnäytetyön tutkimuskysymykset ovat seuraavat: Millä keinoilla FPro Consultingin myyntiä ja markkinointia saadaan tehostettua pienellä budjetilla? Kuinka yrityksen kannattaisi markkinoida palvelujaan saadakseen lisää asiakkaita? Työn menetelmänä käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimustapaa eli case studya. Tietoa kerättiin eri lähteiden lisäksi nykytilannetta analysoimalla. Tutkimusta varten aineistoa kerättiin tekemällä havaintojen pohjalta muistiinpanoja. Aineiston keruussa tutkittiin kattavasti alaan liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Opinnäytetyön teoria koostuu markkinointia käsittelevästä lähdekirjallisuudesta ja nettilähteistä. Toiminnallinen osuus koostuu FPro Consultingin markkinointisuunnitelmasta. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntyi markkinointisuunnitelma, jota FPro Consulting voi jatkossa käyttää hyödyksi markkinointia suunnitellessaan. FPro Consulting voi tulevaisuudessa markkinoida entistä järjestelmällisemmin ja tehokkaammin. Suunnitelma otetaan käyttöön mahdollisimman pian aloittamalla markkinointitoimenpiteiden toteuttaminen.This thesis was conducted on an assignment by FPro Consulting cooperative. The main objective of this thesis was to create a functional and affordable marketing plan. This marketing plan is to bring about system-orientation and efficiency to the company’s marketing. The research questions of this thesis are as follows: How is it possible to intensify FPro Consulting’s sales and marketing with a low budget? How should the case company market its services in order to increase the number of customers? The method of this thesis research was qualitative case study. We studied literature and analyzed the current status of the company together with observing the entrepreneur’s work. The theory of this thesis is based on source books dealing with marketing, including Internet sources. The practical part is the actual marketing plan for FPro Consulting cooperative. The outcome of this thesis was a marketing plan that can be used in the future by FPro Consulting cooperative. In accordance with the plan, FPro Consulting can market its services more systematically and efficiently than it does today. The plan will be taken into use as soon as possible by starting to implement FPro Consulting’s marketing activities

    Energia-alan liikkeenjohdon näkökulmia muutosjoustavuudesta : Resilienssin tila, osatekijät ja rajoitteet

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    Energia-ala on joutunut viime vuosina kohtaamaan poikkeuksellisia kriisejä. Koronapandemian ja Ukrainan sodan vaikutukset ovat ulottuneet myös kotimaisiin energia-alan yrityksiin. Energia-ala on myös merkittävässä roolissa ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnassa, jonka pakottama vihreä siirtymä vaatii energia-alan yrityksiltä suuria muutoksia. Lisäksi kriittiseen infrastruktuuriin kohdistuva ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittisten jännitteiden myötä kohonnut uhka vaatii yrityksiltä valppautta. Yritysten menestyminen toimintaympäristössä tapahtuvista rajuista muutoksista huolimatta edellyttää muutosjoustavuutta eli resilienssiä. Resilienssiä on tutkittu paljon esimerkiksi psykologiassa, mutta liiketaloudellisessa yhteydessä tieteellinen konsensus puuttuu esimerkiksi sen määritelmien ja taustatekijöiden osalta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella kartoittavasti kotimaisten energia-alan yritysten muutosjoustavuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Muutosjoustavuutta tutkimalla voidaan pyrkiä esimerkiksi parantamaan yritysten edellytyksiä selviytyä ja menestyä alati muuttuvassa ja epävarmassa maailmassa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitetta lähestytään energia-alan yritysten liikkeenjohdon näkökulmasta, sillä heillä oletetaan olevan kattava kokonaiskuva edustamiensa yritysten toiminnasta. Laadullisena tutkimuksena tämän tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu liikkeenjohdon edustajilta kerätyistä puolistrukturoiduista haastatteluista, jotka toteutettiin etähaastatteluina kesällä 2023. Haastattelukysymykset johdettiin teoreettisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen pohjalta. Aikaisempi muutosjoustavuuden teoria vaikutti ohjaavasti myös aineiston analyysiin, joka toteutettiin laadullisena sisällönanalyysinä. Sisällönanalyysi aloitettiin aineistolähtöisesti, eli haastatteluaineistosta poimittiin merkityksellisten katkelmien perusteella koodeja ja edelleen laajempia teemoja. Analyysin teoriaohjaavuus ilmeni lopullisten teemakokonaisuuksien muodostamisessa. Muutosten tahti energia-alalla on kiihtynyt merkittävästi kuluneina vuosina. Merkittävät yhteiskunnalliset kriisit ovat vaikuttaneet yrityksiin esimerkiksi etätyön yleistymisen kautta, joka on aiheuttanut haasteita sisäisen viestinnän tehokkuudelle. Lisäksi yritysturvallisuuteen ja toimitusketjuhäiriöihin suhtaudutaan aiempaa vakavammin, mikä on näkynyt esimerkiksi riskienhallintaprosessien reaktiivisena uudistamisena. Ennakointi ja toimiva sisäinen viestintä ovat eräitä muutosjoustavuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, mutta energia-alan yrityksissä vallitsee myös pääosin avoin ja välitön kulttuuri sekä korkea yksilöllisen autonomian aste, jotka myös tukevat muutosjoustavuutta. Energia-alan yritykset harjoittavat laaja-alaista varautumista, millä ennakoidaan toimintaympäristössä tapahtuvia muutoksia. Uudistumisen ja ajassa pysymisen tarve on energia-alalla laajasti tiedostettu. Ala on kuitenkin perinteikäs, ja vanhat ajattelutavat saattavat rajoittaa uusien näkökulmien omaksumista. Yritykset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet muutosjoustavuutta kykenemällä selviytymään ja osin jopa menestymään päällä olleista kriiseistä huolimatta. Muutosjoustavuuden kannalta keskeisimmät kipupisteet liittyvät kuitenkin perinteisiin ajattelutapoihin ja sisäisen viestinnän haasteisiin, joita voitaisiin ehkäistä esimerkiksi johdon monimuotoisuutta edistämällä ja lähestymällä sisäistä viestintää strategisesta näkökulmasta. Energia-alan työntekijät ovat kuitenkin sitoutuneita työhönsä ja kykeneviä joustavasti sopeutumaan muutoksiin, kun niiden tarkoitusperät ovat tiedossa. Tällä tutkimuksella osallistutaan resilienssiä käsittelevään tieteelliseen keskusteluun uudesta näkökulmasta ja tuotetaan jopa huoltovarmuussuunnittelua tukevaa tietoa

    Waveform prototype-based feature learning for automatic detection of the early repolarization pattern in ECG signals

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    Objective: Our aim was to develop an automated detection method, for prescreening purposes, of early repolarization (ER) pattern with slur/notch configuration in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using a waveform prototype-based feature vector for supervised classification. Approach: The feature vectors consist of fragments of the ECG signal where the ER pattern is located, instead of abstract descriptive variables of ECG waveforms. The tested classifiers included linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbor algorithm, and support vector machine (SVM). Main results: SVM showed the best performance in Friedman tests in our test data including 5676 subjects representing 45408 leads. Accuracies of the different classifiers showed results well over 90%, indicating that the waveform prototype-based feature vector is an effective representation of the differences between ECG signals with and without the ER pattern. The accuracy of inferior ER was 92.74% and 92.21% for lateral ER. The sensitivity achieved was 91.80% and specificity was 92.73%. Significance: The algorithm presented here showed good performance results, indicating that it could be used as a prescreening tool of ER, and it provides an additional identification of critical cases based on the distances to the classifier decision boundary, which are close to the 0.1 mV threshold and are difficult to label.Peer reviewe

    Waveform prototype-based feature learning for automatic detection of the early repolarization pattern in ECG signals

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    Objective: Our aim was to develop an automated detection method, for prescreening purposes, of early repolarization (ER) pattern with slur/notch configuration in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using a waveform prototype-based feature vector for supervised classification. Approach: The feature vectors consist of fragments of the ECG signal where the ER pattern is located, instead of abstract descriptive variables of ECG waveforms. The tested classifiers included linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbor algorithm, and support vector machine (SVM). Main results: SVM showed the best performance in Friedman tests in our test data including 5676 subjects representing 45408 leads. Accuracies of the different classifiers showed results well over 90%, indicating that the waveform prototype-based feature vector is an effective representation of the differences between ECG signals with and without the ER pattern. The accuracy of inferior ER was 92.74% and 92.21% for lateral ER. The sensitivity achieved was 91.80% and specificity was 92.73%. Significance: The algorithm presented here showed good performance results, indicating that it could be used as a prescreening tool of ER, and it provides an additional identification of critical cases based on the distances to the classifier decision boundary, which are close to the 0.1 mV threshold and are difficult to label.Peer reviewe

    Somatic mutations and T-cell clonality in patients with immunodeficiency

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) and other late-onset immunodeficiencies often co-manifest with autoimmunity and lymphoproliferation. The pathogenesis of most cases is elusive, as only a minor subset harbors known monogenic germline causes. The involvement of both B and T cells is, however, implicated. To study whether somatic mutations in CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells associate with immunodeficiency, we recruited 17 patients and 21 healthy controls. Eight patients had late-onset CVID and nine patients other immunodeficiency and/or severe autoimmunity. In total, autoimmunity occurred in 94% and lymphoproliferation in 65%. We performed deep sequencing of 2,533 immune-associated genes from CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells. Deep T-cell receptor b-sequencing was used to characterize CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell receptor repertoires. The prevalence of somatic mutations was 65% in all immunodeficiency patients, 75% in CVID, and 48% in controls. Clonal hematopoiesis-associated variants in both CD4(+)and CD8(+) cells occurred in 24% of immunodeficiency patients. Results demonstrated mutations in known tumor suppressors, oncogenes, and genes that are critical for immuneand proliferative functions, such as STAT5B (2 patients), C5AR1 (2 patients), KRAS (one patient), and NOD2 (one patient). Additionally, as a marker of T-cell receptor repertoire perturbation, CVID patients harbored increased frequencies of clones with identical complementarity determining region 3 sequences despite unique nucleotide sequences when compared to controls. In conclusion, somatic mutations in genes implicated for autoimmunity and lymphoproliferation are common in CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells of patients with immunodeficiency. They may contribute to immune dysregulation in a subset of immunodeficiency patients.Peer reviewe

    Individualised non-contrast MRI-based risk estimation and shared decision-making in men with a suspicion of prostate cancer : Protocol for multicentre randomised controlled trial (multi-IMPROD V.2.0)

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    Introduction European Association of Urology and UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines recommend that all men with suspicions of prostate cancer should undergo prebiopsy contrast enhanced, that is, multiparametric prostate MRI. Subsequent prostate biopsies should also be performed if MRI is positive, that is, Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) scores 3-5. However, several retrospective post hoc analyses have shown that this approach still leads to many unnecessary biopsy procedures. For example, 88%-96% of men with PI-RADS, three findings are still diagnosed with clinically non-significant prostate cancer or no cancer at all. Methods and analysis This is a prospective, randomised, controlled, multicentre trial, being conducted in Finland, to demonstrate non-inferiority in clinically significant cancer detection rates among men undergoing prostate biopsies post-MRI and men undergoing prostate biopsies post-MRI only after a shared decision based on individualised risk estimation. Men without previous diagnosis of prostate cancer and with abnormal digital rectal examination findings and/or prostate-specific antigen between 2.5 ug/L and 20.0 ug/L are included. We aim to recruit 830 men who are randomised at a 1:1 ratio into control (all undergo biopsies after MRI) and intervention arms (the decision to perform biopsies is based on risk estimation and shared decision-making). The primary outcome of the study is the proportion of men with clinically significant prostate cancer (Gleason 4+3 prostate cancer or higher). We will also compare the overall biopsy rate, benign biopsy rate and the detection of non-significant prostate cancer between the two study groups. Ethics and dissemination The study (protocol V.2.0, 4 January 2021) was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland (IORG number: 0001744, IBR number: 00002216; trial number: 99/1801/2019). Participants are required to provide written informed consent. Full reports of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals, mainly urology and radiology. Trial registration number NCT04287088; the study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Individualised non-contrast MRI-based risk estimation and shared decision-making in men with a suspicion of prostate cancer: protocol for multicentre randomised controlled trial (multi-IMPROD V.2.0)

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    Introduction European Association of Urology and UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines recommend that all men with suspicions of prostate cancer should undergo prebiopsy contrast enhanced, that is, multiparametric prostate MRI. Subsequent prostate biopsies should also be performed if MRI is positive, that is, Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) scores 3-5. However, several retrospective post hoc analyses have shown that this approach still leads to many unnecessary biopsy procedures. For example, 88%-96% of men with PI-RADS, three findings are still diagnosed with clinically non-significant prostate cancer or no cancer at all.Methods and analysis This is a prospective, randomised, controlled, multicentre trial, being conducted in Finland, to demonstrate non-inferiority in clinically significant cancer detection rates among men undergoing prostate biopsies post-MRI and men undergoing prostate biopsies post-MRI only after a shared decision based on individualised risk estimation. Men without previous diagnosis of prostate cancer and with abnormal digital rectal examination findings and/or prostate-specific antigen between 2.5 ug/L and 20.0 ug/L are included. We aim to recruit 830 men who are randomised at a 1:1 ratio into control (all undergo biopsies after MRI) and intervention arms (the decision to perform biopsies is based on risk estimation and shared decision-making). The primary outcome of the study is the proportion of men with clinically significant prostate cancer (Gleason 4+3 prostate cancer or higher). We will also compare the overall biopsy rate, benign biopsy rate and the detection of non-significant prostate cancer between the two study groups.Ethics and dissemination The study (protocol V.2.0, 4 January 2021) was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hospital District of Southwest Finland (IORG number: 0001744, IBR number: 00002216; trial number: 99/1801/2019). Participants are required to provide written informed consent. Full reports of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals, mainly urology and radiology.</p

    Prospective comparison of 18F-PSMA-1007 PET/CT, whole-body MRI and CT in primary nodal staging of unfavourable intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer

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    Purpose To prospectively compare F-18-prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-1007 positron emission tomography (PET)/CT, whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WBMRI) including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and standard computed tomography (CT), in primary nodal staging of prostate cancer (PCa).Methods Men with newly diagnosed unfavourable intermediate- or high-risk PCa prospectively underwent F-18-PSMA-1007 PET/CT, WBMRI with DWI and contrast-enhanced CT within a median of 8 days. Six readers (two for each modality) independently reported pelvic lymph nodes as malignant, equivocal or benign while blinded to the other imaging modalities. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were reported according to optimistic (equivocal lesions interpreted as benign) and pessimistic (equivocal lesions interpreted as malignant) analyses. The reference standard diagnosis was based on multidisciplinary consensus meetings where available histopathology, clinical and follow-up data were used.Results Seventy-nine patients completed all the imaging modalities, except for one case of interrupted WBMRI. Thirty-one (39%) patients had pelvic lymph node metastases, which were detected in 27/31 (87%), 14/31 (45%) and 8/31 (26%) patients by F-18-PSMA-1007 PET/CT, WBMRI with DWI and CT, respectively (optimistic analysis). In 8/31 (26%) patients, only F-18-PSMA-1007 PET/CT detected malignant lymph nodes, while the other two imaging modalities were reported as negative. At the patient level, sensitivity and specificity values for F-18-PSMA-1007 PET/CT, WBMRI with DWI and CT in optimistic analysis were 0.87 (95%CI 0.71-0.95) and 0.98 (95%CI 0.89-1.00), 0.37 (95%CI 0.22-0.55) and 0.98 (95%CI 0.89-1.00) and 0.26 (95%CI 0.14-0.43) and 1.00 (95%CI 0.93-1.00), respectively.Conclusion F-18-PSMA-1007 PET/CT showed significantly greater sensitivity in nodal staging of primary PCa than did WBMRI with DWI or CT, while maintaining high specificity.</div