22 research outputs found

    Reconnaissance, Historical-geography and Toponymy Research Of Toplica "and" with Image Modeling

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    Project New technologies and reconnaissance and historical- geography and toponymy research of Toplica “land” aims to research the territory of the Toplica land, making the list of all localities dating between prehistory to the 16th century. Some of those are known archeological sites with material remains, and the others devastated throughout the history and witnessed today only by local tradition or toponymy. Both detailed reconnaissance and historical- geography research are conducted through extensive terrain examinations. Besides listing of localities, research team is working on gathering and sorting toponymical information. New information will profoundly extend and expand the understanding of this region. Simultaneously, new technologies used within this project would broaden the classic way of researching and thus supplement it with a new element - a possibility of making a precise map of all localities and cultural- historical monuments. All localities, known as well as unknown and undefined, will be mapped and their locations will be presented by the positions gathered from GPS. In addition, localities will be presented in a digital form through numerous photographs and films. For the purpose of the project, two packets were tested: Photoshop and Photosynth, both on the material collected at localities of Toplica land. Testing Photoshop and Photosynth produced impression that Photoshop is more complex for using (with its numerous functions). It is good in image analysis and processing. Photosynth, on the other hand, has created very good 3D effect with its geometric topology of the pictures. Photosynth makes dynamic photos/videos, and allows exploring of places, objects, and events in detail unlike any other media; therefore, it is useful for archeological heritage, as well as all tangible (material) heritage

    Optimization of the synthesis parameters of nanocomposites based on bacterial nanocellulose/Fe3O4

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    Napredak u mnogim oblastima tehnike i tehnologije je blisko povezan sa razvojem novih ili unapređenjem postojećih materijala. Imajući u vidu široku primenu bakterijske nanoceluloze (BNC) u raznim oblastima svakodnevnog života, od biomedicine, ekologije do elektronike, kompoziti na bazi BNC su sve rasprostranjeniji i privlače pažnju naučne zajednice. Posebno je značajno detaljno ispitati parametre sinteze koji utiču na promene u kristalnoj strukturi i morfologiji dobijenih kompozita, imajući u vidu da ove promene imaju značajan uticaj na krajnja funkcionalna svojstva. U ovom radu je proučavan kompozitni materijal zasnovan na bakterijskoj nanocelulozi BNC (kao početnoj komponenti) i feromagnetnom Fe3O4. BNC je dobijena aktivnošću bakterija sirćetnog vrenja nakon 7 dana rasta u odgovarajućem medijuma. Istraživanje je usmereno na optimizaciju uslova precipitacije Fe3O4, koji se odnose na promenu intervala stajanja BNC filmova u rastvoru soli gvožđa. Uticaj različitih uslova sinteze je analiziran metodama SEM-EDS, FTIR i XRD.Development in many areas of engineering and technology are closely linked to the development of new or improvement of existing materials. Having in mind wide use of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) in various areas of everyday life, from biomedicine, ecology to electronics, BNC-based composites are becoming widely used and attracting the attention of the scientific community. It is especially important to examine in detail the synthesis parameters that affect the changes in the crystal structure and morphology of the obtained composites, having in mind that these changes have a crucial influence on their final functional properties. In this paper, a composite material based on bacterial nanocellulose BNC (as the matrix) and ferromagnetic Fe3O4 was studied. BNC was obtained by the activity of acetic fermentation bacteria after 7 days of growth in a suitable medium. The research is aimed to optimization of the Fe3O4 precipitation conditions. It's especially considering the time interval of BNC films spend in the iron salt solution. The influence of the performed synthesis conditions was considered by the SEMEDS, FTIR and XRD methods

    Modified local diatomite as potential functional drug carrier - a model study for diclofenac sodium

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    Diatomite makes a promising candidate for a drug carrier because of its high porosity, large surface area, modifiable surface chemistry and biocompatibility. Herein, refined diatomite from Kolubara coal basin, which complied with the pharmacopoeial requirements for heavy metals content and microbiological quality, was used as a starting material. Inorganic modification of the starting material was performed through a simple, one-step procedure. Significant increase in adsorbent loading with diclofenac sodium (DS) was achieved after the modification process (~373 mg/g) which enabled the preparation of comprimates containing therapeutic dose of the adsorbed drug. Adsorption of DS onto modified diatomite resulted in the alteration of the drug's XRD pattern and FTIR spectrum. In vitro drug release studies in phosphate buffer pH 7.5 demonstrated prolonged DS release over 8 h from comprimates containing DS adsorbed on modified diatomite (up to 37% after 8 h) and those containing physical mixture of the same composition (up to 45% after 8 h). The results of in vivo toxicity testing on mice pointed on potential safety of both unmodified (starting) and modified diatomite. All these findings favour the application of diatomite as a potential functional drug carrier

    Comparison of extraction agents for metal determination in sediments from artificial lakes and rivers in Serbia

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    The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effectiveness of three different extraction agents for the extraction of 25 elements from sediment samples collected from 4 artificial lakes and 12 rivers in Serbia (33 samples in total). The extraction efficiency of the agents was evaluated by its ability to extract the highest quantity of the elements. For that purpose, three acids (1M HCl, 2M HNO3 and 0.43M CH3COOH) have been used. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used for quantitative determination of following elements: Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Ni, Na, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, V, and Zn. The extraction with 1M HCl has shown the best results for the majority of investigated elements (especially Sr, Mn and Ca). Antimony (Sb) was detected only after extraction with 0.43M CH3COOOH, while selenium (Se) could not be detected when 2M HNO3 was applied as extraction agents. The present study could be very useful for choosing a suitable method for specific elements and also can be helpful in the evaluation of the contaminants in freshwater sediments in Serbia. This might contribute to environmental risk assessment of the present elements

    Synthesis and structure of bcterial cellulose by acetic acid bacteria

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    Kao jedan od najzastupljenijih biopolimera na Zemlji, celuloza je našla primenu u prehrambenoj industriji, biomedicini i biotehnologiji. Dobijanje celuloznih vlakana iz biljaka je praćeno prisustvom nusproizvoda, čije je uklanjanje zahtevan proces. Stoga, materijali na bazi bakterijske nanoceluloze (BCN), nalaze sve širu primenu u svakodnevnici. Imajući u vidu prednosti BCN, u ovom radu su ispitivane promene u strukturi i morfologiji BCN u funkciji parametara sinteze. Analiziran je uticaj vrste i zapremine medijuma, kao i dužine prečišćavanja u NaOH, na promene u prinosu i strukturi BCN. Navedene promene su ispitivane metodama XRD, FTIR, kao i primenom SEM i EDS analize.As one of the most common biopolymers on Earth, cellulose has found an important role in food industry, biomedicine andbiotechnology. The process of obtaining cellulose fibers is often followed with the presence of the byproduct, whose removal is required procedure. From that reason, the process of obtaining material on a bacterial cellulose (BC) basis,finds wide application in everyday life. Having in mind her many features, we have investigated the change in structure and morphology of BC depending on the synthesis parameters. The influence of the medium volume and different time intervals of NaOH treatment relative to different BCN yields and structure. The mentioned changes were examined by XRD, FTIR spectroscopy, as well as SEM and EDS analyzes

    Structural Characterization of Nanocellulose/Fe3O4 Hybrid Nanomaterials

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    The rise of innovation in the electrical industry is driven by the controlled design of new materials. The hybrid materials based on magnetite/nanocellulose are highly interesting due to their various applications in medicine, ecology, catalysis and electronics. In this study, the structure and morphology of nanocellulose/magnetite hybrid nanomaterials were investigated. The effect of nanocellulose loading on the crystal structure of synthesized composites was investigated by XRD and FTIR methods. The presented study reveals that the interaction between the cellulose and magnetic nanoparticles depends on the nanocellulose content. Further, a transition from cellulose II to cellulose I allomorph is observed. SEM and EDS are employed to determine the variation in morphology with changes in component concentrations. By the calculation of magnetic interactions between adjacent Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions within composites, it is determined that ferromagnetic coupling predominates

    Dielectric and Structural Properties of the Hybrid Material Polyvinylidene Fluoride-Bacterial Nanocellulose-Based Composite

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    In the search for environmentally friendly materials with a wide range of properties, polymer composites have emerged as a promising alternative due to their multifunctional properties. This study focuses on the synthesis of composite materials consisting of four components: bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) modified with magnetic Fe3O4, and a mixture of BaTiO3 (BT) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The BT powder was mechanically activated prior to mixing with PVDF. The influence of BT mechanical activation and BNC with magnetic particles on the PVDF matrix was investigated. The obtained composite films’ structural characteristics, morphology, and dielectric properties are presented. This research provides insights into the relationship between mechanical activation of the filler and structural and dielectric properties in the PVDF/BT/BNC/Fe3O4 system, creating the way for the development of materials with a wide range of diverse properties that support the concept of green technologies

    Structural, Mechanical, and Barrier Properties of the Polyvinylidene Fluoride-Bacterial Nanocellulose-Based Hybrid Composite

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    This study presents an analysis of films which consist of two layers; one layer is PVDF as the matrix, along with fillers BaTiO3 (BT), and the second is one bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) filled with Fe3O4. The mass fraction of BT in PVDF was 5%, and the samples were differentiated based on the duration of the mechanical activation of BT. This innovative PVDF laminate polymer with environmentally friendly fillers aligns with the concept of circular usage, resulting in a reduction in plastic content and potential improvement of the piezoelectric properties of the entire composite. This work presents new, multifunctional “green” packaging materials that potentially could be a good alternative to specific popular materials used for this purpose. The synthesis of the films was carried out using the hot press method. Tensile tests, water vapor permeability examination, and structural analyses using SEM-EDS and FTIR have been conducted. The sample PVDF/BT20/BNC/Fe3O4 exhibited the best barrier properties (impermeability to water vapor), while the highest tensile strength and toughness were exhibited by the PVDF/BT5/BNC/Fe3O4 sample

    Откривање хипотензије током спиналне анестезије за царски рез континуираним неинвазивним праћењем артеријског притиска и интермитентним осцилометријским праћењем крвног притиска код болесница третираних ефедрином или фенилефрином

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    Introduction/Objective. Despite frequent side effects such as hypotension, spinal anesthesia (SA) is still one of the best anesthetic methods for elective cesarean section (CS). Intermittent, oscillometric, noninvasive blood pressure monitoring (NIBP) frequently leads to missed hypotensive episodes. The objective was to compare continuous non-invasive arterial pressure (CNAP) monitoring with NIBP in the terms of efficiency to detect hypotension. Methods. In this study, we compared CNAP and NIBP monitoring for hypotension detection in 76 patients divided into two groups of 38 patients treated with ephedrine (E) or phenylephrine (P), during threeminute intervals, starting from SA, by the end of the surgery. Results. In E group, significantly lower mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) values with CNAP compared with NIBP (p = 0.008) was detected. By monitoring CNAP, we detected 31 (81.6%) hypotensive patients in E group and significantly lower number, 20 (52.6%), with NIBP (p = 0.001), while in P group CNAP detected 34 patients (89.5%) and NIBP only 18 (47.3%), p = 0.001. By monitoring CNAP, we detected significantly higher number of hypotensive intervals in E and P groups (pУвод/Циљ Упркос честим нежељеним ефектима као што је хипотензија, спинална анестезија је и даље техника избора за планирани царски рез. Интермитентно неинвазивно праћење крвног притиска често не детектује хипотензивне епизоде. Циљ ове студије је био да се упореди континуирано неинвазивно праћење артеријског притиска са интермитентним неинвазивним праћењем крвног притиска у смислу ефикасности у откривању хипотензије.Методе Упоређивани су системи за континуирано неинвазивно праћење артеријског притиска и интермитентно неинвазивно праћење крвног притиска ради детекције хипотензије код 76 болесница подељених у две групе од по 38 болесница, третираних ефедрином (Е) или фенилефрином (Ф), на свака три минута, почевши од спиналне анестезије па све до краја операције.Резултати У групи Е су детектоване знатно ниже средње вредности систолног крвног притиска континуираним неинвазивним праћењем артеријског притиска у поређењу са интермитентним неинвазивним праћењем крвног притиска (p = 0,008). Континуираним неинвазивним праћењем артеријског притиска детектована је 31 (81,6%) хипотензивна болесница у групи Е и знатно мањи број, 20 (52,6%) болесница, интермитентним неинвазивним праћењем крвног притиска (p = 0,001), док је у групи Ф континуираним неинвазивним праћењем артеријског притиска детектована хипотензија код 34 болеснице (89,5%), а интермитентним неинвазивним праћењем крвног притиска код 18 (47,3%) болесница, p = 0,001. Континуираним неинвазивним праћењем артеријског притиска детектован је знатно већи број хипотензивних епизода у групама Е и Ф (p < 0,001). pH вредности умбиликалне крви биле су значајно ниже код хипотензивних у односу на нормотензивне болеснице у групама Е и Ф, и са континуираним неинвазивним праћењем артеријског притиска и интермитентним неинвазивним праћењем крвног притиска, респективно (p < 0,001, p = 0,027 у групи Е, и p = 0,009, p < 0,001 у групи Ф).Закључак Континуирано неинвазивно праћење артеријског притиска је много ефикасније у откривању хипотензије током царског реза у спиналној анестезији, што омогућава бржи третман и мање нежељених ефеката код мајке и новорођенчета

    Hybrid Nanoscale Materials for Convergent Technologies

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    The convergence of nano-, bio-, and information technologies is based on the understanding of complex hierarchical structures and systems, as well as on the material unity at the nanoscale and on technology integration from that scale. A growing interest in these technologies is a result of their potential to provide solutions to numerous societal challenges, such as advanced healthcare, environmental remediation, sustainable development, and adoption of cyber-physical systems based on the Internet of Things and the Internet of Systems. Taking into account that hybrid nanomaterials possess extraordinary physical and chemical properties derived from their size in the nanoscale, the aim of this work is to present the connection between processing parameters and multifunctional properties of nano scale hybrid materials, focusing on the study of ceramic-polymer structures before they can be nano-engineered into functional devices. The unique functionality of these nanostructures has enabled their applications in numerous devices such as: micro and nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), sensors, microactuators, surface acoustic wave devices, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, switches, thermistors, resonators and filters, electrooptic devices, etc. In this study special attention has been paid to their applications in the fields of electronics, biotechnology, environmental protection and remediation