224 research outputs found

    Language Transfer of Audio Word2Vec: Learning Audio Segment Representations without Target Language Data

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    Audio Word2Vec offers vector representations of fixed dimensionality for variable-length audio segments using Sequence-to-sequence Autoencoder (SA). These vector representations are shown to describe the sequential phonetic structures of the audio segments to a good degree, with real world applications such as query-by-example Spoken Term Detection (STD). This paper examines the capability of language transfer of Audio Word2Vec. We train SA from one language (source language) and use it to extract the vector representation of the audio segments of another language (target language). We found that SA can still catch phonetic structure from the audio segments of the target language if the source and target languages are similar. In query-by-example STD, we obtain the vector representations from the SA learned from a large amount of source language data, and found them surpass the representations from naive encoder and SA directly learned from a small amount of target language data. The result shows that it is possible to learn Audio Word2Vec model from high-resource languages and use it on low-resource languages. This further expands the usability of Audio Word2Vec.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1603.0098

    Measuring intangible capital and its contribution to economic growth in Europe

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    This study describes the state of the art in the measurement of intangible capital and its contribution to economic growth, with a focus on an international comparison of intangible capital deepening among eleven advanced economies. By employing a broad measure of intangibles, including computerized information, innovative property and economic competencies, we find a relatively large impact on growth. Intangible capital explains about a quarter of labour-productivity in the US and larger countries of the EU. The continental West-European countries show a distinction between countries with significant contributions from intangible capital deepening and a group of laggards. Catching-up countries such as the Czech Republic, Greece and Slovakia show much larger contributions from tangible capital deepening than from intangibles, and also larger multi-factor productivity (MFP) growth rates related to the restructuring of those countries.Economic growth; productivity; capital; innovation

    Measuring intangible capital and its contribution to economic growth in Europe

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    This study describes the state of the art in the measurement of intangible capital and its contribution to economic growth, with a focus on an international comparison of intangible investment intensity and intangible capital deepening among eleven advanced economies. By employing a broad measure of intangibles, including computerized information, innovative property and economic competencies, we find a relatively large impact on growth. Intangible capital explains about a quarter of labour-productivity growth in the US and larger countries of the EU. The continental West-European countries show a distinction between countries with significant contributions from intangible capital deepening and a group of laggards. Catching-up countries such as the Czech Republic, Greece and Slovakia show much larger contributions from tangible capital deepening than from intangibles, and also larger multi-factor productivity (MFP) growth rates related to the restructuring of those economies

    Relações hídricas e arquitetura hidráulica em árvores do cerrado : adequação às variações sazonais de disponibilidade hídrica e de demanda evaporativa

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os ajustamentos na morfologia e fisiologia que permitem árvores das savanas neotropicais do Brasil Central (Cerrado) de evitar déficits hídricos e de manter um balanço hídrico interno praticamente constante apesar das variações sazonais da precipitação e no déficit de saturação do ar (D). A precipitação na área de estudo é fortemente sazonal, com cerca de cinco meses praticamente sem chuva durante os quais D é duas vezes maior aos valores medidos na época chuvosa. Como conseqüência da flutuação sazonal das chuvas e de D, o potencial hídrico do solo muda substancialmente, nos primeiros 100 cm do solo, mas permanece quase constante abaixo de 2 m de profundidade. A arquitetura hidráulica e os parâmetros relacionados a relações hídricas das árvores do Cerrado se ajustaram durante a estação seca para evitar o déficit hídrico crescente e assegurar a homeostase nos valores mínimos de potencial hídrico foliar ΨL e na perda total diária de água pela planta (iso-hidria). O comportamento iso-hídrico das árvores do Cerrado foi o resultado de uma diminuição da superfície foliar total por árvore, um forte controle estomático das perdas por evaporação, um aumento na condutividade hidráulica específica da folha e na condutância hidráulica foliar e um aumento da quantidade de águas retirada dos reservatórios internos do caule, durante a estação seca. A eficiência no transporte de água aumentou, nas mesmas proporções, nas folhas e nos ramos terminais durante a estação seca. Todos estes ajustamentos sazonais foram importantes para a manutenção de ΨL acima de limiares críticos, com isto contribuindo para uma redução na formação de embolismos nos ramos e ajudando a evitar a perda de turgor em tecidos foliares durante a época seca. Esses ajustes permitem que os ramos das espécies lenhosas do Cerrado operem bem distanciados do ponto de disfunção catastrófica para a cavitação, enquanto as folhas operam próximas e sofrem embolismos em uma base diária, especialmente durante a estação seca.We determined adjustments in physiology and morphology that allow Neotropical savanna trees from central Brazil (Cerrado) to avoid water deficits and to maintain a nearly constant internal water balance despite seasonal changes in precipitation and air saturation deficit (D). Precipitation in the study area is highly seasonal with about five nearly rainless months during which D is two fold higher compared to wet season values. As a consequence of the seasonal fluctuations in rainfall and D, soil water potential changes substantially in the upper 100 cm of soil, but remains nearly constant below 2 m depth. Hydraulic architecture and water relations traits of Cerrado trees adjusted during the dry season to prevent increasing water deficits and insure homeostasis in minimum leaf water potential ΨL and in total daily water loss per plant (isohydry). The isohydric behavior of Cerrado trees was the result of a decrease in total leaf surface area per tree, a strong stomatal control of evaporative losses, an increase in leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity and leaf hydraulic conductance and an increase in the amount of water withdrawn from internal stem storage, during the dry season. Water transport efficiency increased in the same proportion in leaves and terminal stems during the dry season. All of these seasonal adjustments were important for maintaining ΨL above critical thresholds, which reduces the rate of embolism formation in stems and help to avoid turgor loss in leaf tissues still during the dry season. These adjustments allow the stems of most Cerrado woody species to operate far from the point of catastrophic dysfunction for cavitation, while leaves operate close to it and experience embolism on a daily basis, especially during the dry season

    A quantitative approach for measuring the reservoir of latent HIV-1 proviruses.

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    A stable latent reservoir for HIV-1 in resting CD4+ T cells is the principal barrier to a cure1-3. Curative strategies that target the reservoir are being tested4,5 and require accurate, scalable reservoir assays. The reservoir was defined with quantitative viral outgrowth assays for cells that release infectious virus after one round of T cell activation1. However, these quantitative outgrowth assays and newer assays for cells that produce viral RNA after activation6 may underestimate the reservoir size because one round of activation does not induce all proviruses7. Many studies rely on simple assays based on polymerase chain reaction to detect proviral DNA regardless of transcriptional status, but the clinical relevance of these assays is unclear, as the vast majority of proviruses are defective7-9. Here we describe a more accurate method of measuring the HIV-1 reservoir that separately quantifies intact and defective proviruses. We show that the dynamics of cells that carry intact and defective proviruses are different in vitro and in vivo. These findings have implications for targeting the intact proviruses that are a barrier to curing HIV infection

    Computational Modeling for the Activation Cycle of G-proteins by G-protein-coupled Receptors

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    In this paper, we survey five different computational modeling methods. For comparison, we use the activation cycle of G-proteins that regulate cellular signaling events downstream of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) as a driving example. Starting from an existing Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) model, we implement the G-protein cycle in the stochastic Pi-calculus using SPiM, as Petri-nets using Cell Illustrator, in the Kappa Language using Cellucidate, and in Bio-PEPA using the Bio-PEPA eclipse plug in. We also provide a high-level notation to abstract away from communication primitives that may be unfamiliar to the average biologist, and we show how to translate high-level programs into stochastic Pi-calculus processes and chemical reactions.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    Differences in receipt of multimodality therapy by race,insurance status, and socioeconomic disadvantage in patientswith resected pancreatic cancer

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Background and Methods:Racial and socioeconomic disparities in receipt ofadjuvant chemotherapy affect patients with pancreatic cancer. However, differencesin receipt of neoadjuvant chemotherapy among patients undergoing resection arenot well�understood. A retrospective cross�sectional cohort of patients withresected AJCC Stage I/II pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma was identified fromthe National Cancer Database (2014–2017). Outcomes included receipt ofneoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy, or receipt of either, defined asmultimodality therapy and were assessed by univariate and multivariate analysis.Results:Of 19 588 patients, 5098 (26%) received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, 9624(49.1%) received adjuvant chemotherapy only, and 4757 (24.3%) received nochemotherapy. On multivariable analysis, Black patients had lower odds ofneoadjuvant chemotherapy compared to White patients (OR: 0.80, 95% CI:0.67–0.97) but no differences in receipt of multimodality therapy (OR: 0.89, 95%CI: 0.77–1.03). Patients with Medicaid or no insurance, low educational attainment,or low median income had significantly lower odds of receiving neoadjuvantchemotherapy or multimodality therapy.Conclusions:Racial and socioeconomic disparities persist in receipt of neoadjuvantand multimodality therapy in patients with resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma.Discussion:Policy and interventional implementations are needed to bridge thecontinued socioeconomic and racial disparity gap in pancreatic cancer care.ECU/Wiley Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    A comparison of the predictive accuracy of three screening models for pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis

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    Introduction: There is evidence that early screening for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in systemic sclerosis (SSc) improves outcomes. We compared the predictive accuracy of two recently published screening algorithms (DETECT 2013 and Australian Scleroderma Interest Group (ASIG) 2012) for SSc-associated PAH (SSc-PAH) with the commonly used European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society (ESC/ERS 2009) guidelines. Methods: We included 73 consecutive SSc patients with suspected PAH undergoing right heart catheterization (RHC). The three screening models were applied to each patient. For each model, contingency table analysis was used to determine sensitivity, specificity, and positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values for PAH. These properties were also evaluated in an ‘alternate scenario analysis’ in which the prevalence of PAH was set at 10%. Results: RHC revealed PAH in 27 (36.9%) patients. DETECT and ASIG algorithms performed equally in predicting PAH with sensitivity and NPV of 100%. The ESC/ERS guidelines had sensitivity of 96.3% and NPV of only 91%, missing one case of PAH; these guidelines could not be applied to three patients who had absent tricuspid regurgitant (TR) jet. The ASIG algorithm had the highest specificity (54.5%). With PAH prevalence set at 10%, the NPV of the models was unchanged, but the PPV dropped to less than 20%. Conclusions: In this cohort, the DETECT and ASIG algorithms out-perform the ESC/ERS guidelines, detecting all patients with PAH. The ESC/ERS guidelines have limitations in the absence of a TR jet. Ultimately, the choice of SSc-PAH screening algorithm will also depend on cost and ease of application

    Lynn Chamber Music Competition 2015

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    Judges Daniel Andai Janet Harris Joan Kretschmer Winners Alla Sorokoletova (flute), John Weisberg (oboe), Jackie Gillette (clarinet), Sebastian Castellanos (bassoon), Mileidy Gonzales (French Horn), and Chance Israel (piano)https://spiral.lynn.edu/conservatory_chamber-music-competition/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Substantial Progress Yet Significant Opportunity for Improvement in Stroke Care in China

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Stroke is a leading cause of death in China. Yet the adherence to guideline-recommended ischemic stroke performance metrics in the past decade has been previously shown to be suboptimal. Since then, several nationwide stroke quality management initiatives have been conducted in China. We sought to determine whether adherence had improved since then. METHODS: Data were obtained from the 2 phases of China National Stroke Registries, which included 131 hospitals (12 173 patients with acute ischemic stroke) in China National Stroke Registries phase 1 from 2007 to 2008 versus 219 hospitals (19 604 patients) in China National Stroke Registries phase 2 from 2012 to 2013. Multiple regression models were developed to evaluate the difference in adherence to performance measure between the 2 study periods. RESULTS: The overall quality of care has improved over time, as reflected by the higher composite score of 0.76 in 2012 to 2013 versus 0.63 in 2007 to 2008. Nine of 13 individual performance metrics improved. However, there were no significant improvements in the rates of intravenous thrombolytic therapy and anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation. After multivariate analysis, there remained a significant 1.17-fold (95% confidence interval, 1.14-1.21) increase in the odds of delivering evidence-based performance metrics in the more recent time periods versus older data. The performance metrics with the most significantly increased odds included stroke education, dysphagia screening, smoking cessation, and antithrombotics at discharge. CONCLUSIONS: Adherence to stroke performance metrics has increased over time, but significant opportunities remain for further improvement. Continuous stroke quality improvement program should be developed as a national priority in China