770 research outputs found

    Power Balance in the ITER Plasma and Divertor

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    It is planned to use atomic processes to spread out most of the heating power over the first wall and side walls to reduce the heat loads on the plasma facing components in ITER to ~ 50 MW. Calculations indicate that there will be 100 MW in bremstrahlung radiation from the plasma center, 50 MW of radiation from the plasma edge inside the separatrix and 100 MW of radiation from the scrape-off layer and divertor plasma, leaving 50 MW of power to be deposited on the divertor plates. The radiation losses are enhanced by the injection of impurities such as Neon or Argon at acceptably low levels (~0.1 % Argon, etc.)Comment: Preprint for the Plasma Edge Theory Conference, Monterey, Dec.4-6, 1995, 5 pages, gzipped postscrip

    Structural assessment of the gripper interlock of the DEMO breeding blanket transporter

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    The maintenance of the DEMO Breeding Blanket (BB) remotely is a crucial aspect in development of the DEMO power plant. It is a challenge due to the huge mass of the BB segment of about 180 tons. A new concept for the BB transporter has recently been developed. To properly grip and manipulate each BB segment, the BB transporter has been equipped with a gripper interlock. Due to the geometry of the BB and the vacuum vessel, the attachment point on the BB segment is not aligned with its center of gravity. Hence in addition to the vertical lifting load, large moments about the horizontal axes need to be reacted.The work discussed here concerns the structural analysis conducted on the gripper interlock; its structural integrity has been checked against the most severe load conditions that include also seismic loads according to the EN13001. Elastic analyses were performed using a finite element model in accordance with EN 13001-3-1:2012 + A2:2018, Cranes - General Design - Part 3-1: Limit States and proof competence of steel structure. The effect of the gap sizes at the contact surfaces between gripper interlock and BB after engagement as well as the effect of different friction coefficients on the sliding areas were assessed. The improvements of the design based on the structural analysis are presented, too

    Real-time depth sectioning: Isolating the effect of stress on structure development in pressure-driven flow

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    Transient structure development at a specific distance from the channel wall in a pressure-driven flow is obtained from a set of real-time measurements that integrate contributions throughout the thickness of a rectangular channel. This “depth sectioning method” retains the advantages of pressure-driven flow while revealing flow-induced structures as a function of stress. The method is illustrated by applying it to isothermal shear-induced crystallization of an isotactic polypropylene using both synchrotron x-ray scattering and optical retardance. Real-time, depth-resolved information about the development of oriented precursors reveals features that cannot be extracted from ex-situ observation of the final morphology and that are obscured in the depth-averaged in-situ measurements. For example, at 137 °C and at the highest shear stress examined (65 kPa), oriented thread-like nuclei formed rapidly, saturated within the first 7 s of flow, developed significant crystalline overgrowth during flow and did not relax after cessation of shear. At lower stresses, threads formed later and increased at a slower rate. The depth sectioning method can be applied to the flow-induced structure development in diverse complex fluids, including block copolymers, colloidal systems, and liquid-crystalline polymers

    Forschung auf dem Weg zum Fusionskraftwerk

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    Plasmaphysik - eine Kurzeinführung

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    Molecular Simulation of Flow-Enhanced Nucleation in n-Eicosane Melts Under Steady Shear and Uniaxial Extension

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    Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics is used to study crystal nucleation of n-eicosane under planar shear and, for the first time, uniaxial extension. A method of analysis based on the mean first-passage time is applied to the simulation results in order to determine the effect of the applied flow field type and strain rate on the steady-state nucleation rate and a characteristic growth rate, as well as the effects on kinetic parameters associated with nucleation: the free energy barrier, critical nucleus size, and monomer attachment pre-factor. The onset of flow-enhanced nucleation (FEN) occurs at a smaller critical strain rate in extension as compared to shear. For strain rates larger than the critical rate, a rapid increase in the nucleation rate is accompanied by decreases in the free energy barrier and critical nucleus size, as well as an increase in chain extension. These observations accord with a mechanism in which FEN is caused by an increase in the driving force for crystallization due to flow-induced entropy reduction. At high applied strain rates, the free energy barrier, critical nucleus size, and degree of stretching saturate, while the monomer attachment pre-factor and degree of orientational order increase steadily. This trend is indicative of a significant diffusive contribution to the nucleation rate under intense flows that is correlated with the degree of global orientational order in a nucleating system. Both flow fields give similar results for all kinetic quantities with respect to the reduced strain rate, which we define as the ratio of the applied strain rate to the critical rate. The characteristic growth rate increases with increasing strain rate, and shows a correspondence with the nucleation rate that does not depend on the type of flow field applied. Additionally, a structural analysis of the crystalline clusters indicates that the flow field suppresses the compaction and crystalline ordering of clusters, leading to the formation of large articulated clusters under strong flow fields, and compact well-ordered clusters under weak flow fields

    Impact of profile resilience on energy confinement

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    Multi-machine experimental observations indicate resilience in the temperature profiles at low pedestal temperatures, whereas at high pedestal temperatures the profile stiffness seems to disappear. The change of the profile behavior impacts the energy confinement, basically due to a strong non-linear dependence of the energy transport on the pedestal temperature together with different critical conditions for the onset of turbulence in the ions and electrons. This possible explanation for the different observations is based on the assumption that both ion and electron energy transport is governed by turbulence which sets in at a critical temperature gradient as well as on a significant energy equipartition between electrons and ions