334 research outputs found

    Do desequilíbrio do pilar da autoavaliação no modelo de avaliação externa: apontamentos

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    [Extrato] Considerando diferentes contextos nacionais, a avaliação das escolas pode ser referenciada, consoante os casos, a modelos e experiências diversos que estão, eles próprios, em etapas de implementação e consolidação muito distintas. No caso português, a avaliação das escolas começou por ter alguma visibilidade ao longo da década de noventa, nomeadamente com o Observatório da Qualidade da Escola e o Projeto Qualidade XXI 2, tendo evoluído discretamente até conseguir algum impacto na década seguinte com o programa de Avaliação Integrada das Escolas. Atualmente está em curso (e quase a finalizar) o segundo ciclo avaliativo do modelo ou programa designado de Avaliação Externa das Escolas. Como neste último modelo há um claro desequilíbrio a favor do pilar da avaliação externa, estas breves notas pretendem chamar a atenção para a necessidade de reforçar e revalorizar o pilar da autoavaliação, no sentido de redefinir interações, produzir melhores sinergias e maximizar as vantagens recíprocasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Higher education in the knowledge economy, the disregard of social sciences and humanities and teacher training

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    Na primeira parte do artigo, faz-se uma breve reflexão sobre a universidade no contexto da economia do conhecimento. Numa segunda parte, tendo em conta essencialmente a realidade portuguesa, questiona-se a subalternização crescente das ciências sociais e humanas e, dentro delas, das ciências da educação. Por último, chama-se a atenção para o facto de os dilemas atuais na formação de professores poderem ser, pelo menos em parte, discutidos como consequência da discrepância entre a importância potencial do conhecimento das ciências da educação e a baixa atenção ou desvalorização que estas recebem da parte da sociedade, dos decisores políticos e, por vezes, da própria comunidade científica. Em qualquer dos casos, estas situações nunca são indiferentes às visões e orientações político-ideológicas dominantes.In the first part of the article I make a brief reflection about the university within the context of the knowledge based economy. In a second part, considering essentially the Portuguese reality, I put in question the growing subalternization of the Social Sciences and Humanities and, among these, of the Educational Sciences. Finally, I draw attention to the fact that the current dilemmas of teacher training might be, at least in part, discussed as a consequence of the discrepancy between the potential importance of the knowledge delivered by the Educational Sciences and the lack of attention or devaluation they receive from society, policy-makers and sometimes even from the scientific community. In any case, these situations are never indifferent to the dominant visions and political-ideological orientations.O trabalho foi financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mudanças no Estado-avaliador: comparativismo internacional e teoria da modernização revisitada

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    Depois de rever algumas características da primeira fase do Estado-avaliador, o exercício delineado neste texto começa por revisitar brevemente a (velha) teoria da modernização para, em seguida, sugerir que alguns dos seus pressupostos continuam, em grande medida, a estar subjacentes ao atual comparativismo internacional avaliador que se tem vindo a constituir como agenda política, crescentemente dominante, pelo menos, desde os finais dos anos de 1990, e à qual corresponde o que o autor designa de segunda fase (ou reconfiguração) do Estado-avaliador. O artigo procura ainda levantar algumas questões e hipóteses em torno de uma terceira fase (a fase pós-Estado-avaliador), a qual, apresentando ainda contornos pouco definidos, pode vir a inscrever-se, com crescente evidência, na continuidade da expansão capitalista das políticas de privatização e mercadorização da educação (e da avaliação).(undefined


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    The purpose of this study was to explore the daily life of the younger generation of Mexican Americans through a phenomenology design. Specifically, in regard to how the culture-sharing pattern of biculturalism is reflected in their lives and the way they construct their bicultural identity. The study utilized rich qualitative data to paint a clear and descriptive picture of the internal process of biculturalism within eight Mexican American college students. Ultimately, the data analysis aimed to collect and reflect their voices and the stories. This was done through three distinct data methods that complemented each other: interviews (oral), photo elicitation (visual), and document analysis (written). Results indicate that, the way bicultural individuals organize and respond to their culture in terms of behavior and cognition, is independent from the feelings they experience while engaging in cultural frame switching. No matter how well the participants are able to organize their dual cultures and compartmentalize them in their life, they still struggle with conflicting and opposing feelings. Nonetheless, even though their cultures and ideologies can clash at times and feel contradictory, this young generation can still manage to respond and function in both cultures, but to varying degrees

    The field of evaluation and accountability policies in education: for a dense reflexivity

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    [Extrato] Libros muy referenciados como es el caso de The Audit Society de Michael Power y, más recientemente, The Evaluation Society de Peter Dahler-Larsen, llaman la atención inmediatamente por la expresividad de sus títulos. Anuncian (y denuncian) la centralidad de la evaluación en las sociedades y organizaciones contemporáneas. Pero se trata apenas de ejemplos de la vasta bibliografía sobre evaluación, que no deja de aumentar. Efectivamente, dentro y fuera del campo educativo, numerosos trabajos (tal vez no tantos como sería deseable) continúan abordando nuevas dimensiones y ofreciendo contribuciones significativas en prestigiosas publicaciones académicas y redes de investigación especializadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigating Health Related Quality of Life in People with Schizophrenia

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that significantly lessens health-related quality of life (HRQoL). A better understanding of HRQoL is needed to inform holistic and patient-centered treatments for schizophrenia. The purpose of this dissertation is to conduct an in-depth exploration of HRQoL in people with schizophrenia. The dissertation includes three components. The first component is an integrative literature review aimed at identifying factors associated with physical quality of life (QoL) in people with schizophrenia. The review reveals that symptoms of schizophrenia, depression, obesity or body mass index, and physical activity are associated with physical QoL in this population. The second and third components are based on illness narratives of 20 people with schizophrenia who had participated in a larger study of individuals diagnosed with serious mental illness. The second component of the dissertation is a qualitative descriptive study conducted to describe common HRQoL concerns in people with schizophrenia. The results indicate that these concerns were related to social relationships, psychiatric symptoms, psychiatric care, and employment. The third component of the dissertation is a parallel convergent mixed-methods study conducted to explore whether computerized lexical analysis (CLA) of illness narratives of people with schizophrenia can reveal their HRQoL concerns. CLA is an automatized process that counts words in text data and sorts them into pre-defined word categories. The results provide preliminary support for the potential use of CLA to efficiently assess HRQoL in people with schizophrenia as the CLA identified some of the HRQoL concerns that had been identified in the prior qualitative descriptive study. The results of the three studies reveal the complexity of the phenomenon of HRQoL in people with schizophrenia and can inform the development of strategies to identify and promote HRQoL in this population

    História do amianto no mundo e em Portugal

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    Este artigo faz uma descrição da história do amianto, da sua utilização ao longo dos tempos, do amianto enquanto substância, dos problemas que provoca, de quando foram sendo descobertos e do que se fez para diminuir esses problemas. Referem-se casos do amianto nos países industrializados, e de como o «duplo padrão» leva empresas a adotar critérios de saúde e ambientais diferentes consoante os países em que operam, deixando um legado tóxico às futuras gerações. É feita uma abordagem à história do amianto em Portugal e à sua legislação. Foram utilizadas fontes de informação escritas de diversos tipos, como artigos científicos, Diário da Assembleia da República, legislação e comunicados de imprensa.This article contains a description of the history of asbestos, its use throughout history, asbestos as substance, which problems it causes, when they were discovered and what has been done to reduce these problems. There are references to cases of asbestos in industrialized countries, and how the «double standard» induce companies to adopt different environmental and health criteria depending on the country in which they operate, leaving a toxic legacy to the future generations. Is made an approach to the asbestos history and legislation in Portugal. Several kinds of written sources were used, such scientific papers, official journal of the Republic Assembly, legislation and press releases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Newtonian Flow in Converging-Diverging Capillaries

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    The one-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are used to derive analytical expressions for the relation between pressure and volumetric flow rate in capillaries of five different converging-diverging axisymmetric geometries for Newtonian fluids. The results are compared to previously-derived expressions for the same geometries using the lubrication approximation. The results of the one-dimensional Navier-Stokes are identical to those obtained from the lubrication approximation within a non-dimensional numerical factor. The derived flow expressions have also been validated by comparison to numerical solutions obtained from discretization with numerical integration. Moreover, they have been certified by testing the convergence of solutions as the converging-diverging geometries approach the limiting straight geometry.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. This is an extended and improved version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1006.151

    Preparing Our Students for the Future

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    Science education must advance with the times. Methods and ideas must change. We, as teachers, are being closely scrutinized. We can no longer sit back complacently. Since Sputnik, there has been grave concern over the ability of our students to apply knowledge to practical problems. Students are naturally curious so we must develop their inquiring minds and instill in them habits of sound reasoning, accurate judgment, and careful evaluation. To live in our democracy of the twentieth century the students must be trained to develop their powers of critical thinking