23 research outputs found

    Application of whey protein isolate in bone regeneration:Effects on growth and osteogenic differentiation of bone-forming cells

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    Recently, milk-derived proteins have attracted attention for applications in the biomedical field such as tissue regeneration. Whey protein isolate (WPI), especially its main component β-lactoglobulin, can modulate immunity and acts as an antioxidant, antitumor, antiviral, and antibacterial agent. There are very few reports of the application of WPI in tissue engineering, especially in bone tissue engineering. In this study, we tested the influence of different concentrations of WPI on behavior of human osteoblast-like Saos-2 cells, human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASC), and human neonatal dermal fibroblasts (FIB). The positive effect on growth was apparent for Saos-2 cells and FIB but not for ASC. However, the expression of markers characteristic for early osteogenic cell differentiation [type-I collagen (COL1) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)] as well as ALP activity, increased dose-dependently in ASC. Importantly, Saos-2 cells were able to deposit calcium in the presence of WPI, even in a proliferation medium without other supplements that support osteogenic cell differentiation. The results indicate that, depending on the cell type, WPI can act as an enhancer of cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation. Therefore, enrichment of biomaterials for bone regeneration with WPI seems a promising approach, especially due to the low cost of WPI

    Physical traing in nursery school (methodical suggestions of kinetic activities with balls)

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    ZÁRUBOVÁ, J. Physical training in nursery school (Methodical suggestions of kinetic activities with balls). Prague 2011. M. A. Dissertation. Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Pedagogy. Thesis counselor Mgr. Věra Svobodová. This dissertation is meant especially for kindergartner, but also for everyone from the general public, who is concerned with extra-curricular leisure and sports activities of children. It provides general information about development and age peculiarities of preschool children, it discusses also about arrangement of physical training into the mode of nursery school and about influence of gym on the child's organism. The dissertation is further focused on usage of ball in physical training classes of preschool children and submittes a number of longer validated methodical suggestions of kinetic activities with balls for preschool children

    Reclamation after coal mining in Most area

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    Import 22/07/2008Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízeníNeuveden

    Připravenost České republiky k přijetí eura

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    The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the Czech Republic's readiness to adopt the euro. Within this objective, the concept of monetary union, the European Central Bank, is explained and describes the historical development that was behind the emergence of the eurozone. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the euro. The readiness to adopt the euro is assessed using the nominal and real convergence criteria, which are first theoretically characterized and subsequently evaluated using the available data. The last chapter deals with the opinion of citizens of the Czech Republic and representatives of the current and past governments of the Czech Republic, who are interested in adopting the eur

    Social pathology phenomena and their prevention

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    It is seen on problems denominations and religious movements from many angles. After introductory part where we can find basic determination of problem and explanation of essential religions follows specification of religious movements and their main features. Next part devotes to mental manipulation and rules how to behave towards representatives of denominations. Integral part of work forms empirical research which was performed by the help of nonstandardized questionnaire at primary school in Chýnov. His object was charting of infomedness of students. Enclosures contain wording of nonstandardizes questionnaire, graphs and other documents

    Architecture and Urbanictic Development of Vysoké Mýto from 1848 to 1945

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    Práce se zabývá architekturou a urbanismem Vysokého Mýta v období 1848-1945. V práci se věnuji veřejným i soukromým stavbám města. Práce zachycuje významné osobnosti, ať to jsou stavitelé, umělci, architekti či obchodníci, kteří působili ve Vysokém Mýtě v daném období a významně se podíleli na kulturním rozvoji města. U jednotlivých staveb je popsána nejen architektura, ale i historický vývoj. V práci je zachycen i kulturní vývoj města.The thesis deals with architecture and urbanism of Vysoké Mýto in the period 1848-1945. The work is devoted to construction of public and builders, artists, architects and tradesmen who worked hard in particular periods of the history and thus significantly contributed to the cultural development of the city. Particular buildings being described by the autor in this thesis focus on both historical and architectural point of view. The cityś cultural development is also an important part of this work.Katedra literární kultury a slavistik

    Cell-biomaterial interactions in hard and soft tissue engineering

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    Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field which aims to create substitutes of damaged tissues by combining cells with biomaterials. Cells are extremely sensitive to their microenvironment and so the cell response to biomaterials can be regulated by different extrinsic stimuli and alterations of biomaterial properties. Successful implant integration into the tissue can therefore be promoted by appropriate surface roughness, chemical composition, adhesion ligand density, as well as the availability of growth factors. This thesis mainly focuses on the development of orthopedic replacements and the improvement of the currently used blood vessel prostheses. Through the study of cell-biomaterial interactions, it was demonstrated that superimposed topography with features ranging from the nano to micro scale promotes cell spreading, proliferation, and the metabolic activity of osteoblast-like cells. Moreover, when comparing the chemical composition of biomaterials for orthopedic implants, higher osteoblast densities were observed on composites with 5-15 vol. % of calcium phosphate nanoparticles, while concentrations of 25 vol. % did not support cell proliferation. Cell viability, however, was not affected. In vivo, a more intensive formation of new bone tissue, was found on samples containing..

    Interakce buňek s biomateriály v tkáňovém inženýrství tvrdých a měkkých tkání

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    Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field which aims to create substitutes of damaged tissues by combining cells with biomaterials. Cells are extremely sensitive to their microenvironment and so the cell response to biomaterials can be regulated by different extrinsic stimuli and alterations of biomaterial properties. Successful implant integration into the tissue can therefore be promoted by appropriate surface roughness, chemical composition, adhesion ligand density, as well as the availability of growth factors. This thesis mainly focuses on the development of orthopedic replacements and the improvement of the currently used blood vessel prostheses. Through the study of cell-biomaterial interactions, it was demonstrated that superimposed topography with features ranging from the nano to micro scale promotes cell spreading, proliferation, and the metabolic activity of osteoblast-like cells. Moreover, when comparing the chemical composition of biomaterials for orthopedic implants, higher osteoblast densities were observed on composites with 5-15 vol. % of calcium phosphate nanoparticles, while concentrations of 25 vol. % did not support cell proliferation. Cell viability, however, was not affected. In vivo, a more intensive formation of new bone tissue, was found on samples containing...Tkáňové inženýrství je interdisciplinární obor, který se snaží vytvořit náhrady poškozených tkání kombinací dvou základních složek, buněk a biomateriálů. Buňky jsou velmi citlivé ke svému mikroprostředí, což umožnuje ovlivňovat jejich chování různými vnějšími faktory nebo změnou vlastností biomateriálů. Úspěšná integrace implantátu do tkáně tak může být podpořena vhodnou drsností povrchu, chemickým složením, hustotou adhezních ligandů, stejně jako dostupností růstových faktorů. Tato práce se zaměřuje především na vývoj ortopedických náhrad a vylepšení aktuálně používaných cévních protéz. Studiem interakcí kostních buněk s biomateriálem bylo prokázáno, že povrchy s kombinovanou nanodrsností a mikrodrsností podporují rozprostření, proliferaci a metabolickou aktivitu těchto buněk. Na příkladu biomateriálů určených pro ortopedické implantáty byl demonstrován vliv chemického složení na proliferaci osteoblastů. Vyšší hustota buněk byla pozorována na kompozitech s 5-15 obj. % nanočástic fosforečnanu vápenatého, zatímco koncentrace 25 obj. % nepodporovala proliferaci buněk, přestože jejich viabilita nebyla ovlivněna. In vivo testy pak odhalily rozdíly mezi kompozity obsahujícími hydroxyapatitové a β-trikalciumfosfátové nanočástice, kde intenzivnější tvorba kostní tkáně byla pozorována na vzorcích...Department of BiochemistryKatedra biochemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Operating Technolgy and Planning of the Nigh-time Transport Lockouts on the Prague Metro Lines

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou veřejné osobní drážní dopravy, resp. problematikou městské hromadné rychlodrážní dopravy varianta podzemní dráha (metro). Tato práce analyzuje právní rámec upravující subsystém městské hromadné dopravy metra, a to v podmínkách České republiky a Německa. Dále pak jde o analýzu provozního systému pražského metra včetně užitých technologií v rámci noční přepravní výluky na tratích pražského a norimberského metra.The bachelor thesis deals with an issue of the public passenger rail transport or an issue of the urban mass rapid transit - an underground (metro) variation. This thesis analyses a legal framework regulating a sub-system of the urban public transport metro in conditions of the Czech Republic and Germany. Furthermore, the thesis analyses the operating support system of the Prague Metro, the operations support system including the technology used in the night transport lockouts of the Prague and Nürnberg Metro lines in particular.Dopravní fakulta Jana PerneraStudentka obhájila bakalářskou práci a uspokojivě zodpověděla všechny otázky státní zkušební komise