53 research outputs found

    The role of olfactory perception in newborns

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    Jedním z nejdůležitějších vztahů v našem životě je vztah matky a dítěte. Značné množství studií poukazuje na to, že při navazování tohoto pouta, hraje důležitou roli čichová percepce. Několik studií již ukázalo, že matky, které mají těsnější vztah se svými dětmi a tráví s nimi více času, jsou lepší v rozpoznávání jejich tělesné vůně. Podobně novorozenci jsou úspěšní v rozpoznávání vůně své matky, vůně jejího prsu i vlastní amniotické tekutiny. Tyto vůně preferují před jinými vůněmi a jsou pro ně uklidňující. Vůně matčina prsu pak hraje zásadní roli při nastartování kojení. Již během prenatálního vývoje mají při vnímání okolí pro dítě čichové podněty, které ho obklopují v plodové vodě, pravděpodobně velký význam; na sluchové a vizuální podněty je totiž toto prostředí poměrně chudé. Ukazuje se, že vystavení odorantům in utero skrz stravu, kterou matka konzumuje, ovlivňuje následné reakce dětí. Tyto pachy jsou následně pozitivněji přijímány než pachy, se kterými děti nemají žádnou předchozí zkušenost. Díky takovémuto brzkému seznámení se s vůněmi a chutěmi typickými pro vlastní kulturu se pak mohou formovat pozdější stravovací návyky. Cílem bakalářské práce je shrnout a kriticky prověřit dosavadní evidenci o roli čichového vnímání u novorozenců v oblastech vztahu matky a dítěte a formování pozdějších...One of the most important relationships in our lives is the bond between mother and child. A considerable amount of studies have shown that olfaction plays an important role in establishing this bond. As previous research already demonstrated, mothers who spend more time with their children and form a closer relationship with them are better at recognizing their child's body odor. Similarly, newborns are relatively successful at recognizing the smell of their mother, the smell of their mother's breast and the scent of their own amniotic fluid. These scents, compared to others, are not only more preferred by newborns but also appear soothing for them. Moreover, the smell of mother's breast plays a crucial role in starting of breastfeeding. The environment in utero is rather deprived of auditory and visual stimuli and thus olfactory cues play an important role in this ontogeny phase. It has been shown that prenatal exposure to odorants through amniotic fluid affects subsequent reactions of children. The effect is conveyed through food that the mother ingests; these odors are then received more positively than the odors that children were not previously exposed to. This early acquaintance with smells and flavors typical for a specific culture might, to some extent, shape the later eating habits of...Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Evaluation of the Impact of Selected Factors on the Development of Non-performing Loans from the Credit Cards in the Czech Republic

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    Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnocení vlivu vybraných faktorů na vývoj úvěrů se selháním z kreditních karet v České republice a následná predikce budoucího vývoje v této oblasti. Práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol, z nichž první je věnována úvodu a pátá závěru práce. Ve druhé kapitole je popsána problematika péče o finanční stabilitu v České republice a také český trh s platebními kartami. Třetí kapitola je věnována teoretickému popisu vybraných metod ekonometrické analýzy. Je popsán odhad lineárního regresního modelu za využití metody nejmenších čtverců. Ve čtvrté kapitole je provedeno ekonometrické modelování daného problému, z něhož vyplývá, že významný vliv na vývoj úvěrů se selháním má nejenom ekonomická situace v dané zemi, ale také regulace v bankovním sektoru zabezpečující finanční stabilitu.The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the impact of selected factors on the development of non-performing loans from the credit cards in the Czech Republic and to predict future development in this area. The thesis is divided into five chapters, the first one is devoted to the introduction and the fifth one to the conclusion of the thesis. There are described the issues of financial stability in the Czech Republic as well as the czech payment card market in the second chapter. The third chapter is devoted to the theoretical description of selected methods of econometric analysis. There is described an estimate of the linear regression model using the method of least squares in the third chapter. There is performed econometric modeling of the given problem in the fourth chapter which shows that economic situation in the country as well as regulation in the banking sector that secures financial stability have a significant influence on the development of non – performing loans.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    Comparison of the Debit and Credit Cards for Individuals in the Czech Republic

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    Import 02/11/2016Cílem této bakalářské práce je srovnání vybraných debetních a kreditních karet, nabízených na českém trhu bankovními institucemi, pro dva konkrétní subjekty, a následné stanovení optimálních řešení těchto dvou rozhodovacích problémů. Práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol, z nichž první je věnována úvodu a pátá závěru práce. Ve druhé kapitole je konkrétně popsána charakteristika platebních karet. Ve třetí kapitole je shrnuta metodika vícekriteriálního rozhodování, jež je nezbytná pro výběr optimálního produktu. Ve čtvrté kapitole je provedena analýza a následné vyhodnocení vybraných platebních karet pro oba dva klienty. Nejprve jsou aplikovány vybrané metody pro stanovení vah kritérií. Poté je provedena aplikace vybraných metod pro hodnocení variant. Varianta dosahující nejvyššího ohodnocení je označena za optimální. Optimální varianta platební karty je pro každého klienta stanovena zvlášť.The aim of the thesis si a comparison of selected debit and credit cards that are offered on the Czech banking market, for two specific clients, and the subsequent determination of the optimal products. The thesis is divided into five chapters, the first one is devoded to the introduction and the fifth one to the conclusion of the thesis. There are specifically described the characteristics of payment cards in the second chapter. There is summarized the multi-criteria decision making methodology in the third chapter, which is neccesary for selecting the optimal product. There is analysis made and subsequent evaluation of the selected payment cards for both clients in the fourth chapter. First of all there are applied selected methods for the determination of criteria’s weights. Then there are applied selected methods for rating of alternatives. The alternative with the highest rating is considered as optimum. The optimal alternative of payment cards is determined for each client individually.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    The key factors influencing clients' decision-making in the market of selected planned healthcare in the Czech Republic

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    Considering the system, the economics and competitive attitudes in the healthcare market, we can certainly apply standard market tools that are usable in any competitive environment, however, with some limitations. The legal framework for the competitive healthcare services in the Czech Republic has been brought about by the privatization of the healthcare sector and private health care in accordance with Act No. 160/1992 Coll., which enabled the establishment of private health facilities. The law has also permitted clients to choose their specific healthcare establishment and their physician. On the other hand, it is also necessary to respect market specifics. A differentiated structure of health organizations is one of the main differences. Some health care organizations work as business entities and others are not-for-profit organizations whose primary objective is not profit. The type of healthcare utilized is the second difference in this environment. We can distinguish two types of healthcare: (1) acute or emergency and necessary healthcare and (2) planned healthcare. In an acute situation, involving emergency and necessary care, a client often does not take advantage of the opportunity to choose his/ her healthcare provider, either due to pain or the need to solve the medical problem quickly. Regarding the planned care, a client has more time and options for choosing. Providers of planned healthcare services constitute part of a competitive environment and their task is to understand their clients' preferences and to customize their portfolio of healthcare services to meet those clients' specific needs. The purpose of the present article is to define the most important factors that influence the decision-making process of clients in the market of selected healthcare services (e.g. eye defects corrections, eyelid aesthetic treatment, orthopedic procedures, selected surgical procedures, planned childbirth and gynecological operations) and to identify the role and the importance of those factors in regard to the decision-making process. A partial aim is to find out whether there are differences in regard to the perception of the key factors that influence decision-making between men and women or between potential and real clients. The result of the research involves the evaluation of 786 questionnaires from clients or potential clients of healthcare services. They were evaluated using the Two-sample t-Test for equal means.Internal Grant Agency (The key factors influencing decision-making of clients in the market of health services) [IGA/FaME/2015/024]; Internal Grant Agency (Management of healthcare organizations effectiveness) [RO/2016/12

    Dynamic modelling of kaolin deposits on example of the Jimlíkov-East deposit

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    This paper focuses on research within the project TE02000029 Competence Centre for Effective and Ecological Mining of Mineral Resources, granted by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and, more specifically, on the research within its work package WP4 – Spatial modelling of mineral deposits. The focus of this work package is digital modelling of selected non-energetic raw materials, which belong to the critical commodities, as defined by the European Union. For modelling these deposits, suitable mathematical procedures, based on study and re-evaluation of archived data, are needed. One of the selected deposits is a kaolin deposit near the village Jimlíkov near the city Karlovy Vary. In this paper, we show a step-by-step procedure for creation, visualization and evaluation of a 3D model of the deposit. This methodology, along with our recently developed soft ware allows a user to create a variant of this dynamic model for the same or similar types of deposits, enables rapid updating of these models when adding or changing the input data on the basis of new mining exploration or when changing modelling parameters, such as using multiple variations interpolation parameters. Our methodology leads to a more advanced deposit evaluation, including adaptive estimates of the reserves based on the usability requirements we choose.This paper focuses on research within the project TE02000029 Competence Centre for Effective and Ecological Mining of Mineral Resources, granted by The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and, more specifically, on the research within its work package WP4 – Spatial modelling of mineral deposits. The focus of this work package is digital modelling of selected non-energetic raw materials, which belong to the critical commodities, as defined by the European Union. For modelling these deposits, suitable mathematical procedures, based on study and re-evaluation of archived data, are needed. One of the selected deposits is a kaolin deposit near the village Jimlíkov near the city Karlovy Vary. In this paper, we show a step-by-step procedure for creation, visualization and evaluation of a 3D model of the deposit. This methodology, along with our recently developed soft ware allows a user to create a variant of this dynamic model for the same or similar types of deposits, enables rapid updating of these models when adding or changing the input data on the basis of new mining exploration or when changing modelling parameters, such as using multiple variations interpolation parameters. Our methodology leads to a more advanced deposit evaluation, including adaptive estimates of the reserves based on the usability requirements we choose

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