62 research outputs found

    Block of Flats

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je zpracování projektové dokumentace stavby bytového domu obsahující všechny náležitosti dle platných předpisů a norem. Bytový dům je umístěn ve svažitém terénu na pozemcích 553/14, 553/15, 553/16 a 553/17 v katastrálním území Nemošice. Stavba má tři nadzemní podlaží obsahující celkem 11 bytových jednotek a jedno podzemní podlaží, které je částečně pod terénem, kde se nachází 6 jednotlivých garáží a sklepní prostory. Obvodové zdivo nadzemních podlaží je z keramických tvárnic, podzemní podlaží z betonových tvarovek. Zdivo je opatřeno kontaktním zateplovacím systémem. Stropy jsou z předpjatých stropních panelů, střecha plochá jednoplášťová.The object of this work is the preparation of project documentation for construction of a block of flats building containing all requirements in accordance with applicable regulations and standards. The building is located on sloping terrain on land 553/14, 553/15, 553/16 and 553/17 in the cadastral area Nemošice. The building has three overground floors containing a total of eleven residential units and one underground floor, which is partially below ground, where the six individual garages and cellars. Perimeter walls floors are made of ceramic bricks, underground floors of concrete bricks. Masonry is fitted with contact system. Ceilings are made of prestressed concrete ceiling panels, flat roof single casing.

    The financing of panel and flat building's reconstruction using grants

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    Obsahem předkládané diplomové práce je představení a rozebrání možností financování rekonstrukce panelových a bytových domů. Práce je zaměřena zejména na financování těchto oprav pomocí dotace z programu PANEL. Na konkrétním příkladu je pak demonstrována analýza a následný výběr nejvhodnějšího způsobu financování celkové revitalizace panelového domu.This Master’s thesis deals with performance and disassembly possibilities of financing of panel and flat building’s reconstruction. The thesis focuses mainly on the financing through grant from the PANEL. The specific example demonstrates the analysis and subsequent selection the most appropriate method of financing the general revitalization.

    Litarární analýza Orchis militaris, románu Iva Michielse

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    'Typově ideální román' (een 'idealtype van roman')' je podle vlámského spisovatele Iva Michielse takový román, 'jejž nelze zfilmovat ani přenést do konkrétních reálií. Je to román, který již nechce konkurovat konzumnímu průmyslu založeném na přemíře informací, především ve filmu.' (Janssens, 5) Jak vypadá román autora takovéto vize, jsme rozebrali v diplomové práci Literární analýza Orchis militaris, knihy Iva Michielse. Těžiště této práce spočívá v literární analýze Orchis militaris (1968), jež zahrnuje jak formální, tak tematický rozbor. Nadto jsem knihu začlenila do literárně historického kontextu, který naznačuje provázanost této knihy s vlámskou, nizozemskou a světovou literaturou, a to především s experimentální literaturou 50. a 60. let a dále s francouzským novým románem. Během výzkumu se mi podařilo vymezit typické znaky tohoto díla, m.j. rozrůstající se věty, téměř tvořící labyrint, necenzurovaný vnitřní monolog, silně zpomalený čas, nejasné hranice mezi osobami a obrazy; postavy, u nichž se nelze dočíst žádného charakteru - jediné, co se o nich čtenář může dozvědět, jsou situace, ve kterých se postavy nacházejí, ale naprosto bez perspektivy a směru, včetně směru pohybu; v knize je též nápadný prvek tělesnosti a vypravěčská instance, jež si nečiní nároky na vlastní prostor. Dále autor využil...A 'Type-ideal novel' (een 'idealtype van roman')', is according to the Flemish writer Ivo Michiels such a novel, 'that a film which can not be filmized of brought into the concrete milieu. It's a novel that does not want to compete with consumer industry, based on abundance of information, especially in the film.' (Janssens, 5) In the thesis Literary Analysis of Orchis militaris, a book by Ivo Michiels we have analysed how does a novel look like, written by an author of such a vision. The focus ov this thesis is the literary analysis of Orchis militaris (1968), which includes both formal and thematic analysis. Moreover, I integrated this book into the literary-historical context, which indicates the connection between this book and the Flemish, Dutch and world literature - especially important was the experimental literature of 50th and 60th and the French nouveau roman. During the research I managed to define the typical features of this work, a.o. the expanding sentences, almost forming a labyrinth, not censored inner monologue, very slow time, unclear boundaries between individuals and the images, the characters, which do not have any character - the only things we knoě about them, are the situations in which the characters are, there is no perspective of future or direction of movement, in the book is...Institute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Dva životy, dvě kultury, dvě země

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    Performance Implications of Business Model Change: A Case Study

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    Byly "Klausovy polštáře" úspěšné?

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    Expression patterns of microRNAs associated with CML phases and their disease related targets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs are important regulators of transcription in hematopoiesis. Their expression deregulations were described in association with pathogenesis of some hematological malignancies. This study provides integrated microRNA expression profiling at different phases of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) with the aim to identify microRNAs associated with CML pathogenesis. The functions of <it>in silico </it>filtered targets are in this report annotated and discussed in relation to CML pathogenesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using microarrays we identified differential expression profiles of 49 miRNAs in CML patients at diagnosis, in hematological relapse, therapy failure, blast crisis and major molecular response. The expression deregulation of miR-150, miR-20a, miR-17, miR-19a, miR-103, miR-144, miR-155, miR-181a, miR-221 and miR-222 in CML was confirmed by real-time quantitative PCR. <it>In silico </it>analyses identified targeted genes of these miRNAs encoding proteins that are involved in cell cycle and growth regulation as well as several key signaling pathways such as of mitogen activated kinase-like protein (MAPK), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR, ERBB), transforming growth factor beta (TGFB1) and tumor protein p53 that are all related to CML. Decreased levels of miR-150 were detected in patients at diagnosis, in blast crisis and 67% of hematological relapses and showed significant negative correlation with miR-150 proved target <it>MYB </it>and with <it>BCR-ABL </it>transcript level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study uncovers microRNAs that are potentially involved in CML and the annotated functions of <it>in silico </it>filtered targets of selected miRNAs outline mechanisms whereby microRNAs may be involved in CML pathogenesis.</p

    Towards an improved legislative framework for organic farming – Overall conclusions and recommendations

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    Towards an improved legislative framework for organic farming – Overall conclusions and recommendations

    Silver covalently bound to cyanographene overcomes bacterial resistance to silver nanoparticles and antibiotics

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    The ability of bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics is threatening one of the pillars of modern medicine. It was recently understood that bacteria can develop resistance even to silver nanoparticles by starting to produce flagellin, a protein which induces their aggregation and deactivation. This study shows that silver covalently bound to cyanographene (GCN/Ag) kills silver-nanoparticle-resistant bacteria at concentrations 30 times lower than silver nanoparticles, a challenge which has been so far unmet. Tested also against multidrug resistant strains, the antibacterial activity of GCN/Ag is systematically found as potent as that of free ionic silver or 10 nm colloidal silver nanoparticles. Owing to the strong and multiple dative bonds between the nitrile groups of cyanographene and silver, as theory and experiments confirm, there is marginal silver ion leaching, even after six months of storage, and thus very high cytocompatibility to human cells. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest strong interaction of GCN/Ag with the bacterial membrane, and as corroborated by experiments, the antibacterial activity does not rely on the release of silver nanoparticles or ions. Endowed with these properties, GCN/Ag shows that rigid supports selectively and densely functionalized with potent silver-binding ligands, such as cyanographene, may open new avenues against microbial resistance.Web of Scienceart. no. 200309