100 research outputs found

    The real convergence of selected countries to the euro zone average economic level

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    The convergence of the economic level occurs when a converging country approaches to the economic level of another country, respectively group of countries. This process is generally known as the catching - up and it is mostly measured via the gross domestic product per capita. The aim of this paper is to research the convergence/divergence of the Euro zone countries and the Czech Republic to the average economic level of the Euro area. The determined goal is solved helped by a panel data analysis

    Factors affecting entry into entrepreneurship for university students

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    Purpose: The development of entrepreneurship has a fundamental benefit for the economy of both developed and developing countries. Especially the young generation, which represents the potential for future development of entrepreneurship, has received a lot of attention in this respect. That is why this study aims at determining what are the most prominent entrepreneurial motives and barriers for university students and whether there exist statistically significant gender differences both in terms of opinions about entrepreneurship and in the assessment of individual motives or barriers. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study took place at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic). The study was carried out via written questionnaires. The sample consisted of 1021 respondents. Results were obtained using Friedmann’s ANOVA analysis and the Mann-Whitney U Test. Findings: The three most prominent motives associated with the commencement of entrepreneurship were identified as: becoming more independent, higher salary, and market opportunities. On the other hand, the most prominent barriers obstructing new entrepreneurs were identified by students to be a lack of financial resources, fear of failure and complex administration. This study also identified statistically significant gender differences both in the willingness to start a business (men declare a higher interest in entrepreneurship than women) and in the assessment of the most prominent motives and barriers. For men, the most important motive is market opportunities and the greatest barrier is a lack of finances. Practical Implications: The precise identification of the barriers and motivations are very important for the governments and creators of public politics as young enterprises are the main source of innovations with the latest growing potential. Originality/Value: The originality of the paper can be seen in the fact, that the investigation is focussed on potential entrepreneurs while the other researches at the Czech Republic were focused on the starting entrepreneurs, i.e. on the slightly different target group.peer-reviewe

    Selected Administrative Style Genres in Teaching Czech to Native Speakers of Russian at Secondary Schools

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    The dissertation focuses on teaching of so called advanced writing (in Czech) to secondary- school pupils who are native Russian speakers. We investigate the topic in the framework of a specific curriculum topic, i.e. administrative style genres. The aim of the dissertation is a) to identify the approach of teachers and that of Russian-speaking pupils towards this particular part of the curriculum, b) to assess the differences between texts of the chosen genres written by Czech pupils and pupils with Russian mother tongue, and, finally, c) to propose didactic solution for teaching the given administrative style genres to Russian-speaking pupils. We approach the topic with qualitative research methods. The practical part of the thesis consists of four parts. In the first one, on the basis of interviews, we analyse the teachers' approach, collect the evidence of critical places as well as examples of good practice. The second part looks closely at the Russian-speaking pupils' view. It has been discovered the pupils often cannot evaluate their language competences objectively, and generally, they lack metacognitive skills. The third part of the thesis compares - from the point of view of functional stylistics - 180 texts by Czech and native Russian pupils. The comparison shows the native Russian...Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou výuky tzv. pokročilého psaní u ruskojazyčných žáků středních škol. V rámci tohoto tématu jsme se zaměřili na konkrétního učivo, slohové útvary administrativního stylu. Cílem práce je zmapovat, jak k výuce přistupují učitelé a jak žáci s ruským mateřským jazykem, a dále posoudit, jaké jsou rozdíly v písemných pracích u žáků s českým mateřským jazykem a ruským mateřským jazykem, a nakonec navrhnout didaktické řešení výuky zvolených slohových útvarů u žáků s ruským mateřským jazykem. Ke zpracování tématu jsme přistupovali metodami kvalitativního výzkumu. Praktická část práce se skládá ze čtyř částí. První na podkladě shromážděných rozhovorů s učiteli analyzuje jejich přístup k výuce daného učiva a shromažďuje poznatky o kritických místech i příklady dobré praxe. Druhá část se zaměřuje na pohled žáků s ruským mateřským jazykem; prostřednictvím rozhovorů jsme zjistili, že žáci mnohdy nedokáží objektivně posoudit své jazykové kompetence a obecně trpí nedostatkem metakognice. Třetí část komparativně z hlediska funkční stylistiky zpracovává v jednotlivých jazykových plánech vzorek 180 písemných prací žáků s českým mateřským jazykem a ruským mateřským jazykem. Zjistili jsme, že žáci s ruským mateřským jazykem při výuce vybraných útvarů administrativního stylu...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Evaluation nursery school teacher

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    Centrum školského managementuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Local Public Services in the City of Vsetín

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    Import 02/11/2016Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnotit vybrané veřejné služby poskytované městem Vsetín za období 2010-2014. Veřejné služby budou zhodnoceny z hlediska poskytování veřejné služby, hospodaření a legislativního zakotvení služeb. Druhá kapitola bakalářské práce se věnuje teoretické části v oblasti veřejných služeb a veřejného sektoru. Třetí kapitola se zabývá analýzou služeb, které poskytuje Městský úřad Vsetín, a také analýzou vybraných veřejných služeb poskytovaných městem Vsetín.The aim of the bachelor´s thesis is to evaluation of selected public servises provided by city of Vsetín for the period of 2010-2014. The public servises will be evaluation of terms poviding public servises, economy of public servises and legislation public servises. Second part of bachelor´s thesis is dedicated on the theoretical part in section of public servises and public sector. The third part is focused on analasis of public servises, which are provided by municipality of city Vsetín. Analysis is focused on selected public servises provided my city of Vsetín.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    Factors that Positively Influence the Initiation of a Business

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    The aim of this study was to find out which factors are important for the initiation of a business. There were 1034 students from a regional university in the Czech Republic within the research group. It was determined that almost 23% of the students declared a positive attitude towards business and they considered their own business objectives after finishing their studies. By comparing individual factors it was noted that the most important factors were not determined by economic factors (lack of finance for the initiation of a business), but rather by social factors (family tradition)

    Effect of storage conditions on ageing process of plastics

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    Autooxidation, a chemical chain reaction, is an important part of various forms of degradation of most polymeric materials. During time and in relation to the particular conditions under which the polymers serve (temperature, air oxygen, sun irradiation, ozone, mechanical treatment, impurities etc.) undesirable and irreversible changes in their structure and useful properties take place.The necessity to use appropriate antioxidants and stabilizers for slowing down the degradation processes is mentioned

    Private law aspectes of health care

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    The problems of providing medical care have been actual, especially regarding the fact, that the contemporary legal regulations lean on a Human care and Health Act (Law on Health Care) from 1966, that has been amended a lot since, as well as on The Convention on Human Rights Biomedicine, that came in force in 2001 in the Czech Republic. The professional public has been waiting for a new law form on providing health care, which is otherwise included in the Bill on Health Care Services, but it has not gone through the legislative process yet. Furthermore the author considers legally and ethically controversial Themes e.g. abortion or following the "Living will" in practice. The next processed topics are the patient's instructions and the acquirement of his informed consent

    Programme brochure

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    Proceedings of the 4th Czech - Slovak Conference Polymery 2006