107 research outputs found

    Er jeg musikalsk? BarnehagelĂŠrerstudenters oppfatning av egen musikalitet

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    This article presents results from a quantitative study of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) student teacher’s relationship to music and musicality. Survey data was collected among first-year students at a university college for ECEC at the start of studies in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. The survey consists in its entirety of ten different questions. This article discusses four questions from the survey that deal with the students’ perception of their own musicality and what it means to be musical. 1,019 responses have been registered, which gives a response rate of approximately 91% of the total number of students in the four study years the survey was conducted. Frequency analyzes and cross-table analyzes have been performed. Results show that perceptions of one’s own musicality can be put in context with different understandings of what it means to be musical. Musical activity in close family in childhood is important when it comes to musical interest and perception of one’s own musicality. The article discusses the significance of the results in relation to music teaching in higher education.publishedVersio

    Influenza A(H1N1) infection and severe cardiac dysfunction in adults: A case series

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    Zusammenfassung: HINTERGRUND: WĂ€hrend die virale Myokarditis und das Herzversagen anerkannte und gefĂŒrchtete Komplikationen einer saisonalen Influenza A Infektion sind, liegen bislang nur wenig Informationen ĂŒber ein durch das 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Virus induziertes Herzversagen vor. METHODEN UND HAUPTERGEBNISSE: Diese Fallsammlung fasst den Krankheitsverlauf von vier Patienten mit 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion zusammen, welche an unserer Klinik im Zeitraum von November 2009 bis September 2010 behandelt wurden. Alle Patienten prĂ€sentierten sich mit einer schweren kardialen Funktionsstörung (akutes Herzversagen, kardiogener Schock oder Herzkreislaufstillstand im Rahmen eines Kammerflimmerns) als das fĂŒhrende Symptom einer Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion. Zwei Patienten waren mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit kardial vorerkrankt, und drei benötigten eine Katecholamintherapie, um die hĂ€modynamische Funktion zu stabilisieren. Mit Ausnahme eines Patienten der vor der Diagnosestellung der Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion verstarb, wurden alle Patienten mit einer antiviralen Therapie mit Oseltamivir und supportiver Intensivtherapie behandelt. Ein Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom infolge der Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion trat bei einem Patienten auf. Die Herzfunktion normalisierte sich bei zwei Patienten und war bei einem Patienten noch bei Krankenhausentlassung eingeschrĂ€nkt. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Eine Influenza A(H1N1) Infektion kann mit einer schweren kardialen FunktionseinschrĂ€nkung assoziiert sein. Diese kann sich sogar als fĂŒhrendes klinisches Symptom darstellen. WĂ€hrend einer Influenza Pandemie kann eine genaue Anamneseerhebung GrippeĂ€hnliche Symptome hervorbringen und sollte auch bei kritisch kranken Patienten mit akutem Herzversagen eine Diagnostik auf H1N1 Infektion veranlasse

    Assessment of tensile and fatigue behavior of PEEK specimens in a physiologically relevant environment

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    In the last decades the necessity of implant devices is continuously increasing. The researchers have thus focused their attentions on the development of new biocompatible materials, in particular polymers. Among them, polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has gained wide interest in loadbearing applications such as spinal cages due to its yielding behavior and its superior corrosion resistance. Since such applications are characterized by notches and other stress concentrators weakening the implant resistance, a design tool for assessing their tensile and fatigue behavior, in the presence of such discontinuities, is highly claimed. To this aim, tensile and fatigue data available in literature related to neat and differently notched PEEK samples, experimentally tested in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at 37 ïżœC have been analyzed using the strain energy density (SED) approach. The method is shown to provide accurate results regardless of the different notch geometries, both in terms of tensile and fatigue behavior. Concerning the former, the tensile strength was in fact estimated with an error lower than ïżœ10%, whereas for the latter the SED approach was able to summarize the experimental fatigue data in a single narrow scatter band, independently from the notch geometr

    Evaluating Flood Exposure for Properties in Urban Areas Using a Multivariate Modelling Technique

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    Urban flooding caused by heavy rainfall is expected to increase in the future. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the variables characterizing the placement of a house, which seem to have an impact when it comes to the exposure to floods. From the same region in Norway, data from 347 addresses were derived. All addresses were either associated with insurance claims caused by flooding or were randomly selected. A multivariate statistical model, Partial Least Square Regression (PLS), was used. Among others, the analysis has shown that the upstream, sealed area is the most significant variable for characterizing properties’ exposure to urban flooding. The model confirms that flooding tends to occur near old combined sewer mains and in concave curvature, and houses located in steep slopes seem to be less exposed. Using this method, it is possible to rank and quantify significant exposure variables contributing to urban floods within a region. Results from the PLS-analysis might provide important input to professionals, when planning and prioritizing measures. It can also predict flood-prone areas and make residents aware of the risks, which may induce them to implement preventive measures.publishedVersio

    Changes in water temperature and oxygen: the effect of triploidy on performance and metabolism in large farmed Atlantic salmon

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    In salmon farming, the use of sterile triploids (3N) can mitigate the problem of escapees interbreeding with wild salmon. However, triploid salmon appear less tolerant to high water temperatures and low oxygen levels compared to diploids (2N). To investigate how the thermal performance and physiology of large (2.5 kg) triploid Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. differs from those of diploids, both ploidies were subjected to water temperatures between 3 and 18°C. The fish were exposed to reduced oxygen saturations (O2 sat, 70%), termed hypoxia, at 6 and 18°C. Triploids fed more than diploids between 3 and 9°C and at similar levels at 12°C. At 15°C, the feed intake significantly dropped in both ploidies, although more in triploids. During hypoxia, feed intake was higher in triploids at 6°C and equal to diploids at 18°C. The overall feed conversion ratio was similar between ploidies. Muscle energy phosphates were generally lower in triploids than diploids, while muscle glucose, blood haemoglobin and haematocrit were lower in triploids than diploids at ≄12°C. Plasma lactate levels tended to be higher in triploids and increased with increasing temperature and at hypoxia in both ploidies. Plasma cortisol increased in both ploidies at high temperatures and was highest in triploids under hypoxic conditions at 18°C. Triploids had a higher cataract score at the start of the experiment and developed more cataracts throughout the experiment. The present findings show that large triploid Atlantic salmon perform better at colder water temperatures compared to diploids and differ in parts of their physiological expression at increasing and high temperature.publishedVersio

    Las obsesiones antes de Freud: historia y clĂ­nica

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    In-vivo-writing using two-photon-lithography

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    Zsfassung in dt. SpracheZwei-Photonen-Lithographie ist eine Methode zur Herstellung von Strukturen mit Abmessungen im Nano- und Mikrometerbereich, die sich in den letzten Jahren wachsender Beliebtheit erfreut. FĂŒr die Erzeugung von biokompatiblen Strukturen scheint sich dieses neue additive Fertigungsverfahren besonders gut zu eignen, da die hergestellten Teile dem Anspruch höchster Fertigungsgenauigkeit entsprechen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt eine Methode zur Herstellung von einfachen Strukturen innerhalb von fotosensitiven Harzen, in denen lebende Organismen eingeschlossen wurden (Rundwurm Caenorhabditis elegans). Der Bauprozess wurde mit einem gepulsten Laser mit einer LichtwellenlĂ€nge im nahen Infrarotbereich (810nm) bewerkstelligt. Die Leistung konnte eingestellt werden und betrug maximal 160mW. Da biologisches Gewebe transparent fĂŒr rotes und infrarotes Licht ist, verursachten die LaserintensitĂ€ten in den Experimenten dieser Arbeit keinen zellulĂ€ren Schaden am Modellorganismus. SchĂ€dliche UmwelteinflĂŒsse waren chemischer Art und durch die ReaktivitĂ€t des Harzes bedingt. Die Polymerisationszeit musste daher kurz gehalten werden. Mit einem Carl Zeiss Objektiv mit einer 20 fachen VergrĂ¶ĂŸerung und einer numerischen Apertur von 0.4 wurde ein WĂŒrfel mit einer quadratischen GrundflĂ€che von 300x300 ”m und einer Höhe von 80 ”m hergestellt (siehe Bild). Da relativ hohe LaserintensitĂ€ten verwendet werden konnten, wurde die Schreibgeschwindigkeit auf 250 ”m/s eingestellt. Eine Herstellungszeit von 12 Minuten war dadurch möglich.Wie die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, ĂŒberlebte das Versuchstier den Strukturierungsprozess. Da jedoch die ToxizitĂ€t des Harzes mit der ReaktivitĂ€t steigt, gibt es immer einen Zielkonflikt zwischen diesen beiden Parametern. Um diese Methode zu verbessern und in Zukunft fĂŒr Applikationen innerhalb von Organismen anzuwenden, bedarf es wasserbasierter Harze. Aufbauend auf dieser Arbeit kann langfristig eine Möglichkeit zur Strukturierung hochauflösender Bauteile innerhalb lebender Organismen entwickelt werden.Two-Photon-Lithography is a fast developing application used for the micro- and nanostructuring of three-dimensional parts. The manufacturing of biocompatible structures using this technique is a promising field as it fulfils the demand for high resolution parts. This paper describes the fabrication of scaffolds inside photopolymer based resins with embedded living organisms (Caenorhabditis elegans). The structuring was performed with a pulsed near-infrared laser with a wavelength of 810nm and adjustable power up to 160mW. The intensities applied do not cause damage at the cellular level for the model organism since biological tissue is very transparent to red and infrared light.Since environmental stress is of chemical origin only, the limiting factor is the toxicity of the resin, so the polymerisation time had to be kept short. Using a Carl Zeiss objective with a 20 times magnification and a numerical aperture of 0.4, a high resolution scaffold with a base area of 300x300”m and a height of 80”m could be fabricated (see figure). As considerably high laser intensities were possible, a writing speed set to 250”m/s permitted a short structuring process of 12 minutes, which the animal survived in the resin. As toxicity increases with the reactivity of the resin there is a trade-off between the two parameters in the in vivo writing process. To advance this method, water-based resins have to be developed. This work holds out the prospect of structuring high-resolution scaffolds inside living organisms.11

    Novel biocompatible materials for in vivo two-photon polymerisation

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    Zsfassung in dt. SpracheZweiphotonenpolymerisation (2PP) ist eine vielseitig anwendbare laserbasierte Fertigungstechnik, die es ermöglicht, 3D Strukturen mit Mikro- und NanometerprĂ€zision herzustellen. Die Strukturen können dabei direkt nach einem computergenerierten Design (CAD) additiv aufgebaut werden. FĂŒr die 2PP benötigt man stark fokussiertes, femtosekunden-gepulstes Laserlicht. Die WellenlĂ€nge der verwendeten Laser liegt normalerweise im nahen Infrarotbereich. Licht dieser WellenlĂ€ngen wird von biologischem Gewebe nur minimal absorbiert und verursacht bei moderaten Pulsenergien keine zellulĂ€ren SchĂ€den.Theoretisch kann also 2PP in direktem Kontakt mit lebendem Gewebe und Zellen erfolgen. Mithilfe von biokompatiblen Formulierungen könnten so bioaktive Konstrukte geschaffen werden, die dynamisch modellierbar sind und Ă€hnliche topografische, chemische und mechanische Anreize wie die natĂŒrliche extrazellulĂ€re Matrix geben. Mittels 2PP könnte man so bestimmte Elemente dieser Umgebung verĂ€ndern, ohne auf andere Faktoren Einfluss zu nehmen. Um diese Möglichkeiten auszuschöpfen, mĂŒssen jedoch zwei EinschrĂ€nkungen der 2PP ĂŒberwunden werden: die langen Prozesszeiten und die geringe VerfĂŒgbarkeit von passenden, fĂŒr die 2PP optimierten photopolymerisierbaren Formulierungen.In dieser Doktorarbeit beschreiben wir das Design und die Realisierung eines experimentellen Aufbaus fĂŒr die 2PP, der es erlaubt, neuartige wasserbasierte Formulierungen zu verarbeiten. Hydrogelstrukturen können mit Schreibgeschwindigkeiten von ĂŒber 100 mm/s aufgebaut werden, die bisher höchsten Schreibgeschwindigkeiten in der 2PP. ZusĂ€tzlich können diese Strukturen in vivo, in Gegenwart von lebenden biologischem Gewebe und Zellen geformt werden. Mithilfe eigens entwickelter, wasserlöslicher 2PP-Photoinitiatoren konnten wir Acrylat-Monomere in Formulierungen mit ĂŒber 80% Wassergehalt vernetzen. Da diese Monomere eine Tendenz zur Michael-Addition an Proteine zeigen, untersuchten wir auch die Verarbeitbarkeit von Vinylester- und Vinylcarbonat-Monomeren. Im Gegensatz zu Acrylaten, die in potentiell toxische PolyacrylsĂ€ure zerfallen, degradieren Vinylester und Vinylcarbonat-Polymere zu biokompatiblen Polyvinylalkohol. Effiziente Thiol/-en-Chemie erlaubte uns, CAD-PrĂ€zisionsbauteile aus biokompatibler modifizierter Gelatine und HyaluronsĂ€ure aufzubauen. In ToxizitĂ€tsanalysen untersuchten wir den Einfluss einzelner Komponenten von acrylatbasierten Formulierungen auf den Modellorganismus C. elegans. Schlussendlich zeigten wir 2PP in direktem Kontakt mit lebenden Nematoden.Two-photon polymerisation (2PP) is a versatile laser fabrication technique that allows the creation of 3D structures at micro- and nanometre precision. The structures are created additively in direct accordance to a computer-aided design (CAD). It requires tightly focused fs-pulsed light sources usually operating in the near infrared wavelength range. In this region, biological tissues exhibit a window of transparency and only absorb light minimally. When operating below a certain pulse energy threshold, the laser light does not cause any cellular damage. This theoretically allows inducing 2PP in the presence of living biological tissues and cells. Suitable biocompatible formulations that can render bioactive constructs would potentially allow building a dynamic environment with topographical, chemical and mechanical cues similar to that of the natural extracellular matrix. In that way, 2PP would allow to alter key elements of this environment without changing any other influencing factors. To explore these possibilities, 2PP has to overcome two main limitations, the slow process speeds and the lack of available optimised formulations.In this thesis, we report the design and realisation of a 2PP experimental setup, which allows fabricating hydrogel structures from novel water-based formulations. Writing speeds of above 100 mm/s are feasible, which is the highest speed reported in 2PP. Moreover, the presented components have the potential to be formed in vivo, in the presence of living cells and tissues. Using water-soluble two-photon optimised photoinitiators, we could effectively cross-link acrylates in formulations of up to 80% water content. As acrylates show a tendency towards Michael addition to proteins, we explored the use of vinyl ester and vinyl carbonate monomers for 2PP. In contrast to acrylic polymers, which form potentially toxic poly (acrylic acid), vinyl ester and carbonate polymers form biocompatible poly (vinyl alcohol) during degradation. Efficient tiol/-ene chemistry enabled us to cross-link modified Gelatine and Hyaluronic Acid hydrogel precursors to form precise biocompatible constructs in good accordance to CADs. Using model organisms of type C. elegans, we performed lethal concentration assays exposing the animals to the components of one selected hydrogel formulation. Finally, as a proof-of-concept, we performed 2PP directly in the presence of a living nematode.14

    Er jeg musikalsk? BarnehagelĂŠrerstudenters oppfatning av egen musikalitet

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    This article presents results from a quantitative study of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) student teacher’s relationship to music and musicality. Survey data was collected among first-year students at a university college for ECEC at the start of studies in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. The survey consists in its entirety of ten different questions. This article discusses four questions from the survey that deal with the students’ perception of their own musicality and what it means to be musical. 1,019 responses have been registered, which gives a response rate of approximately 91% of the total number of students in the four study years the survey was conducted. Frequency analyzes and cross-table analyzes have been performed. Results show that perceptions of one’s own musicality can be put in context with different understandings of what it means to be musical. Musical activity in close family in childhood is important when it comes to musical interest and perception of one’s own musicality. The article discusses the significance of the results in relation to music teaching in higher education

    Better the devil you know : the treacherous path towards a formative culture

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    Students and teachers in Dutch schools are used to many summative assessments and assign great value in grades. At the same time, those same people experience pressure from a barrage of tests and scientific consensus on grading is that it increases stress and does not improve learning or motivation. Still, both students and teachers are hesitant moving towards a system of marking less and have doubts about formative alternatives. In this thesis, the authors investigated formative working as a concept and looked at attitudes students at two Dutch schools had towards learning and summative grading. Students were found to be largely result-oriented, yet unaware of the relationship between their learning and the reception and application of feedback. Using the Concerns-Based Adoption Model, it was investigated how these students’ teachers felt about formative working and the extent to which it was actually already in use. This data was gathered through validated Stages of Concerns questionnaires and Level of Use interviews. It was found that both students and teachers believe that formative working is preferable to summative working, yet both express hesitation at the feasibility. It also became clear that many stakeholders labour under misconceptions as to what formative working entails. Even critical teachers were found to already use formative working in their lessons
