11 research outputs found


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    Background: Many authors suggest that there is low reactivity of autonomic nervous system and reduced heart rate variability in patients with panic disorder. The patients are therefore exposed to increased cardiac mortality. Power spectral analysis is a successful tool in detecting autonomic instabilities in many disorders. Subjects and methods: The aim of our study is to monitor the activity of the autonomic nervous system through heart rate variability measured in the beginning and end of a therapeutic cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program in patients with panic disorder. We measured 31 patients with panic disorder in the beginning (1st measurement) and end of a therapeutic CBT program (2nd measurement). The autonomic nervous system (ANS) has been evaluated in three positions (supine – standing – supine). The evaluated parameters of the HRV linear analysis were: RR interval, HF, LF, VLF band and VLF + LF / HF ratio. Results: Spectral activity in the very low frequency band was significantly higher in the 2nd measurement compared to the 1st measurement in the standing position. The ratio of the spectral activity at lower frequencies (VLF+LF) to high frequency (HF) was significantly lower in the supine position. Conclusion: This study demonstrated an improvement of neurocardiac control regulation after a therapeutic CBT program in patients suffering from panic disorder

    Specialization of an Exonuclease III family enzyme in the repair of 3′ DNA lesions during base excision repair in the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis

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    We have previously demonstrated that the two Exonuclease III (Xth) family members present within the obligate human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, NApe and NExo, are important for survival under conditions of oxidative stress. Of these, only NApe possesses AP endonuclease activity, while the primary function of NExo remained unclear. We now reveal further functional specialization at the level of 3′-PO4 processing for NExo. We demonstrate that the bi-functional meningococcal glycosylases Nth and MutM can perform strand incisions at abasic sites in addition to NApe. However, no such functional redundancy exists for the 3′-phosphatase activity of NExo, and the cytotoxicity of 3′-blocking lesions is reflected in the marked sensitivity of a mutant lacking NExo to oxidative stress, compared to strains deficient in other base excision repair enzymes. A histidine residue within NExo that is responsible for its lack of AP endonuclease activity is also important for its 3′-phosphatase activity, demonstrating an evolutionary trade off in enzyme function at the single amino acid level. This specialization of two Xth enzymes for the 3′-end processing and strand-incision reactions has not previously been observed and provides a new paradigm within the prokaryotic world for separation of these critical functions during base excision repair

    Mouse SLX4 Is a Tumor Suppressor that Stimulates the Activity of the Nuclease XPF-ERCC1 in DNA Crosslink Repair

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    SLX4 binds to three nucleases (XPF-ERCC1, MUS81-EME1, and SLX1), and its deficiency leads to genomic instability, sensitivity to DNA crosslinking agents, and Fanconi anemia. However, it is not understood how SLX4 and its associated nucleases act in DNA crosslink repair. Here, we uncover consequences of mouse Slx4 deficiency and reveal its function in DNA crosslink repair. Slx4-deficient mice develop epithelial cancers and have a contracted hematopoietic stem cell pool. The N-terminal domain of SLX4 (mini-SLX4) that only binds to XPF-ERCC1 is sufficient to confer resistance to DNA crosslinking agents. Recombinant mini-SLX4 enhances XPF-ERCC1 nuclease activity up to 100-fold, directing specificity toward DNA forks. Mini-SLX4-XPF-ERCC1 also vigorously stimulates dual incisions around a DNA crosslink embedded in a synthetic replication fork, an essential step in the repair of this lesion. These observations define vertebrate SLX4 as a tumor suppressor, which activates XPF-ERCC1 nuclease specificity in DNA crosslink repairope

    Alcohol-derived DNA crosslinks are repaired by two distinct mechanisms

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    Acetaldehyde is a highly reactive, DNA-damaging metabolite that is produced upon alcohol consumption1. Impaired detoxification of acetaldehyde is common in the Asian population, and is associated with alcohol-related cancers1,2. Cells are protected against acetaldehyde-induced damage by DNA crosslink repair, which when impaired causes Fanconi anaemia (FA), a disease resulting in failure to produce blood cells and a predisposition to cancer3,4. The combined inactivation of acetaldehyde detoxification and the FA pathway induces mutation, accelerates malignancies and causes the rapid attrition of blood stem cells5,6,7. However, the nature of the DNA damage induced by acetaldehyde and how this is repaired remains a key question. Here we generate acetaldehyde-induced DNA interstrand crosslinks and determine their repair mechanism in Xenopus egg extracts. We find that two replication-coupled pathways repair these lesions. The first is the FA pathway, which operates using excision—analogous to the mechanism used to repair the interstrand crosslinks caused by the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin. However, the repair of acetaldehyde-induced crosslinks results in increased mutation frequency and an altered mutational spectrum compared with the repair of cisplatin-induced crosslinks. The second repair mechanism requires replication fork convergence, but does not involve DNA incisions—instead the acetaldehyde crosslink itself is broken. The Y-family DNA polymerase REV1 completes repair of the crosslink, culminating in a distinct mutational spectrum. These results define the repair pathways of DNA interstrand crosslinks caused by an endogenous and alcohol-derived metabolite, and identify an excision-independent mechanism

    Structural analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 methyltransferase complex involved in RNA cap creation bound to sinefungin

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    SARS-CoV-2 expresses a 2′-O RNA methyltransferase (MTase) that is involved in the viral RNA cap formation and therefore a target for antiviral therapy. Here the authors provide the structure of nsp10-nsp16 with the panMTase inhibitor sinefungin and report that the development of MTase inhibitor therapies that target multiple coronoaviruses is feasible

    High-Throughput Fluorescent Assay for Inhibitor Screening of Proteases from RNA Viruses

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    Spanish flu, polio epidemics, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are the most profound examples of severe widespread diseases caused by RNA viruses. The coronavirus pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) demands affordable and reliable assays for testing antivirals. To test inhibitors of viral proteases, we have developed an inexpensive high-throughput assay based on fluorescent energy transfer (FRET). We assayed an array of inhibitors for papain-like protease from SARS-CoV-2 and validated it on protease from the tick-borne encephalitis virus to emphasize its versatility. The reaction progress is monitored as loss of FRET signal of the substrate. This robust and reproducible assay can be used for testing the inhibitors in 96- or 384-well plates

    Structural basis of RNA recognition by the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid phosphoprotein.

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SARS-CoV-2 is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus. Like other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 has an unusually large genome that encodes four structural proteins and sixteen nonstructural proteins. The structural nucleocapsid phosphoprotein N is essential for linking the viral genome to the viral membrane. Both N-terminal RNA binding (N-NTD) and C-terminal dimerization domains are involved in capturing the RNA genome and, the intrinsically disordered region between these domains anchors the ribonucleoprotein complex to the viral membrane. Here, we characterized the structure of the N-NTD and its interaction with RNA using NMR spectroscopy. We observed a positively charged canyon on the surface of the N-NTD that might serve as a putative RNA binding site similarly to other coronaviruses. The subsequent NMR titrations using single-stranded and double-stranded RNA revealed a much more extensive U-shaped RNA-binding cleft lined with regularly distributed arginines and lysines. The NMR data supported by mutational analysis allowed us to construct hybrid atomic models of the N-NTD/RNA complex that provided detailed insight into RNA recognition