159 research outputs found

    Experimental Evaluation of Cache-Related Preemption Delay Aware Timing Analysis

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    In the presence of caches, preemptive scheduling may incur a significant overhead referred to as cache-related preemption delay (CRPD). CRPD is caused by preempting tasks evicting cached memory blocks of preempted tasks, which have to be reloaded when the preempted tasks resume their execution. In this paper we experimentally evaluate state-of-the-art techniques to account for the CRPD during timing analysis. We find that purely synthetically-generated task sets may yield misleading conclusions regarding the relative precision of different CRPD analysis techniques and the impact of CRPD on schedulability in general. Based on task characterizations obtained by static worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis, we shed new light on the state of the art

    On the Incomparability of Cache Algorithms in Terms of Timing Leakage

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    Modern computer architectures rely on caches to reduce the latency gap between the CPU and main memory. While indispensable for performance, caches pose a serious threat to security because they leak information about memory access patterns of programs via execution time. In this paper, we present a novel approach for reasoning about the security of cache algorithms with respect to timing leaks. The basis of our approach is the notion of leak competitiveness, which compares the leakage of two cache algorithms on every possible program. Based on this notion, we prove the following two results: First, we show that leak competitiveness is symmetric in the cache algorithms. This implies that no cache algorithm dominates another in terms of leakage via a program's total execution time. This is in contrast to performance, where it is known that such dominance relationships exist. Second, when restricted to caches with finite control, the leak-competitiveness relationship between two cache algorithms is either asymptotically linear or constant. No other shapes are possible

    Making Dynamic Memory Allocation Static to Support WCET Analysis

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    Current worst-case execution time (WCET) analyses do not support programs using dynamic memory allocation. This is mainly due to the unpredictable cache performance when standard memory allocators are used. We present algorithms to compute a static allocation for programs using dynamic memory allocation. Our algorithms strive to produce static allocations that lead to minimal WCET times in a subsequent WCET analyses. Preliminary experiments suggest that static allocations for hard real-time applications can be computed at reasonable computational costs

    Cache-Related Preemption Delay Computation for Set-Associative Caches - Pitfalls and Solutions

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    In preemptive real-time systems, scheduling analyses need - in addition to the worst-case execution time - the context-switch cost. In case of preemption, the preempted and the preempting task may interfere on the cache memory. These interferences lead to additional reloads in the preempted task. The delay due to these reloads is referred to as the cache-related preemption delay (CRPD). The CRPD constitutes a large part of the context-switch cost. In this article, we focus on the computation of upper bounds on the CRPD based on the concepts of useful cache blocks (UCBs) and evicting cache blocks (ECBs). We explain how these concepts can be used to bound the CRPD in case of direct-mapped caches. Then we consider set-associative caches with LRU, FIFO, and PLRU replacement. We show potential pitfalls when using UCBs and ECBs to bound the CRPD in case of LRU and demonstrate that neither UCBs nor ECBs can be used to bound the CRPD in case of FIFO and PLRU. Finally, we sketch a new approach to circumvent these limitations by using the concept of relative competitiveness

    uiCA : Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures

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    Performance models that statically predict the steady-state throughput of basic blocks on particular microarchitectures, such as IACA, Ithemal, llvm-mca, OSACA, or CQA, can guide optimizing compilers and aid manual software optimization. However, their utility heavily depends on the accuracy of their predictions. The average error of existing models compared to measurements on the actual hardware has been shown to lie between 9% and 36%. But how good is this? To answer this question, we propose an extremely simple analytical throughput model that may serve as a baseline. Surprisingly, this model is already competitive with the state of the art, indicating that there is significant potential for improvement. To explore this potential, we develop a simulation-based throughput predictor. To this end, we propose a detailed parametric pipeline model that supports all Intel Core microarchitecture generations released between 2011 and 2021. We evaluate our predictor on an improved version of the BHive benchmark suite and show that its predictions are usually within 1% of measurement results, improving upon prior models by roughly an order of magnitude. The experimental evaluation also demonstrates that several microarchitectural details considered to be rather insignificant in previous work, are in fact essential for accurate prediction. Our throughput predictor is available as open source

    uiCA : Accurate Throughput Prediction of Basic Blocks on Recent Intel Microarchitectures

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    Performance models that statically predict the steady-state throughput of basic blocks on particular microarchitectures, such as IACA, Ithemal, llvm-mca, OSACA, or CQA, can guide optimizing compilers and aid manual software optimization. However, their utility heavily depends on the accuracy of their predictions. The average error of existing models compared to measurements on the actual hardware has been shown to lie between 9% and 36%. But how good is this? To answer this question, we propose an extremely simple analytical throughput model that may serve as a baseline. Surprisingly, this model is already competitive with the state of the art, indicating that there is significant potential for improvement. To explore this potential, we develop a simulation-based throughput predictor. To this end, we propose a detailed parametric pipeline model that supports all Intel Core microarchitecture generations released between 2011 and 2021. We evaluate our predictor on an improved version of the BHive benchmark suite and show that its predictions are usually within 1% of measurement results, improving upon prior models by roughly an order of magnitude. The experimental evaluation also demonstrates that several microarchitectural details considered to be rather insignificant in previous work, are in fact essential for accurate prediction. Our throughput predictor is available as open source

    Warping Cache Simulation of Polyhedral Programs

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    Techniques to evaluate a program’s cache performance fall into two camps: 1. Traditional trace-based cache simulators precisely account for sophisticated real-world cache models and support arbitrary workloads, but their runtime is proportional to the number of memory accesses performed by the program under analysis. 2. Relying on implicit workload characterizations such as the polyhedral model, analytical approaches often achieve problem-size-independent runtimes, but so far have been limited to idealized cache models. We introduce a hybrid approach, warping cache simulation, that aims to achieve applicability to real-world cache models and problem-size-independent runtimes. As prior analytical approaches, we focus on programs in the polyhedral model, which allows to reason about the sequence of memory accesses analytically. Combining this analytical reasoning with information about the cache behavior obtained from explicit cache simulation allows us to soundly fast-forward the simulation. By this process of warping, we accelerate the simulation so that its cost is often independent of the number of memory accesses

    Response-time analysis for fixed-priority systems with a write-back cache

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    This paper introduces analyses of write-back caches integrated into response-time analysis for fixed-priority preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. For each scheduling paradigm, we derive four different approaches to computing the additional costs incurred due to write backs. We show the dominance relationships between these different approaches and note how they can be combined to form a single state-of-the-art approach in each case. The evaluation explores the relative performance of the different methods using a set of benchmarks, as well as making comparisons with no cache and a write-through cache. We also explore the effect of write buffers used to hide the latency of write-through caches. We show that depending upon the depth of the buffer used and the policies employed, such buffers can result in domino effects. Our evaluation shows that even ignoring domino effects, a substantial write buffer is needed to match the guaranteed performance of write-back caches
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