25 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Cyber Hate in Social Media : A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Muslim Movements in the Czech Republic and Germany

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    In this paper, we address the issue of cyber hate in two selected cases of social movements from Central Europe, namely Pegida from Germany and Initiatives against Islam from the Czech Republic. Based on the Intergroup Contact Theory and previous research of cyber hate, we focus on the users of pages related to the above-mentioned movements on Facebook. For this purpose we use samples of user comments which are presented on the Facebook pages of the above-mentioned movements and we identify and measure the percentage of hateful comments, their targeting and trigger events by using a qualitative coding method. The research results show that in cyberspace, hate comments are more frequent in the case of the Czech Initiative against Islam. The targeting of these comments is very similar in both countries and we are able to classify immigrants and refugees, Muslims in general, governments in both countries, political elites (EU, USA), and people who are in favour of immigrants or refugees (most often from NGOs) as individual targets. Trigger events are linked across both countries and the largest cyber hate instigators are incidents in which refugees and immigrants are presented as perpetrators, as well as issues of asylum policy in general

    Verification of carrying capacity crab frame of ladle crane 120/40t - 21m

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá ocelovou konstrukcí rámu kočky mostového licího jeřábu o nosnosti 120 a 40 tun s výškou zdvihu 21 metrů. Cílem zadané práce je analýza a posouzení nosného rámu jeřábové kočky při zatížení na únavu dle ČSN 27 0103/89. Pro tuto analýzu je použit skořepinový a prutový model. Diplomová práce byla vytvořena ve spolupráci s firmou Královopolská a.s.This diploma thesis deals with a steel construction of crab frame of ladle crane with lifting capacity of 120 and 40 tons and maximum lifting height of 21 meters. The aim of the work is analysis and assessment of the support frame of crane with a load of fatigue according to ČSN 27 0103/89. For this analysis is used thin shell and beam model. The diploma thesis was developed in cooperation with the Královopolska a.s. company.

    Ptačí společenstva v porostech nepůvodních dřevin

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    6 Abstract This thesis deals with the effects of non-native tree stands on birds in the Czech Republic. Non-native plants, including trees, are known to adversely affect the biodiversity. At the same time, birds represent a widely used biodiversity indicator. The studies of bird communities in stands of non-native trees presented here show the extent to which the birds have been impacted by non-native tree stands. This knowledge can be used to evaluate the importance of non-native plants as a biodiversity threatening factor. As the representatives of widespread non-native trees, the broad-leaved black locust and coniferous black pine were selected. In these stands I investigated possible mechanisms affecting bird communities, arising from assumed differences in vegetation structure, bird species richness, bird community composition, food supplies, and nest predation pressure compared to the stands of native oak and native Scots pine. In general, the bird species richness positively correlates with the vegetation structure complexity. Despite the fact that the non-native stands proved to have a higher heterogeneity of vegetation structure than the native stands, bird species richness did not differ among the focal stands. The bird community composition was primarily affected by the birds' preference of...7 Abstrakt Tato dizertační práce se zabývá vlivy porostů nepůvodních dřevin na ptáky v České republice. Nepůvodní rostliny, včetně dřevin, jsou známy svým nepříznivým vlivem na biodiverzitu, přičemž ptáci představují její široce používaný indikátor. Zde předložené studie ptačích společenstev v porostech nepůvodních dřevin zkoumají, do jaké míry jsou ptáci nepůvodními dřevinami ovlivňováni, což může pomoci ke zhodnocení významu nepůvodních rostlin jako faktoru ohrožující biodiverzitu. Jako zástupce rozšířené nepůvodní dřeviny byl vybrán z listnáčů trnovník akát a z jehličnanů borovice černá. V porostech těchto dřevin jsem zkoumal možné mechanismy ovlivňující ptačí společenstva, vycházející z očekávaných rozdílů ve vegetační struktuře, druhové bohatosti ptáků, složení ptačího společenstva, potravních zdrojích a míře predačního tlaku v porovnání s porosty původního dubu a původní borovice lesní. Obecně počet druhů ptáků pozitivně koreluje se složitostí vegetační struktury. Počet druhů ptáků se však mezi zkoumanými porosty nelišil, navzdory průkazně vyšší vegetační heterogenitě porostů nepůvodních dřevin v porovnání s porosty původních dřevin. Složení ptačího společenstva se lišilo především s ohledem na rozdílnou preferenci jehličnatého a listnatého lesa u jednotlivých ptačích druhů. Z toho plyne, že základní...Institute for Environmental StudiesÚstav pro životní prostředíFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Trenchless Technologies of Communication Building

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    Cílem zadané práce bylo shrnout přehled současných metod a strojů pro bezvýkopové technologie budování komunikací a současně provést kritický rozbor jednotlivých technologií. Bezvýkopové technologie jsou fascinující a zajímavé metody, ale také jsou nejtěžším úkolem pro stavební inženýry, založeny na znalostech, a to nejen z geologie, geomechaniky, statické a pevné konstrukce, ale také strojní technologie a inženýrských staveb. Stavitelé tunelů razí šachty a vchody do země přes hory a pod vodními cestami tak, aby šlo dopravní cesty a plynovody zkonstruovat. V této práci byly popsány základní metody budování komunikací a to jak slovně, tak i s pomocí výstižného obrázku. Následný seznam firem popisuje momentální nabídku na trhu s těmito stroji.The target of submitted work was to sum up a view of current methods and the machines for the building of communications by trenchless technologies and to conduct a critical analysis each technologies parallely. Trenchless technology are fascinating and interesting method, but also are hardest imposition for structural engineer, based on knowledges, namely not only from geology, geomechanics, static and staunch, but also mechanical technology and engineering constructions. Builders of tunnels coins shaft and entrances to the country over mountains and below waterways so, to go traffic road and gas main fabricate. In those work were to be circumscribed basic method construction communication namely how verbally, so and with the aid of apposite picture. Resulting list of firms describes instantaneous offer in the marketplace with those machine.

    Identification of Workers’ Party of Social Justice (DSSS) mobilization issues using a social media analysis

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    The article “Identification of Workers’ Party of Social Justice (DSSS) mobilization issues using a social media analysis” is focused on using the analysis of data obtained from social media in political science and security research, specifically research of mobilization issues of the Czech far-right Workers' Party of Social Justice (DSSS) political party. Based on the theoretical framework and using a combination of content and framework analyses of their Facebook page, we tried to identify and describe the mobilization issues that this party uses, and which also have high response from the supporters of the party. The results show that in the last three years a rapid change can be seen in the mobilization potential associated with a shift from anti-Roma mobilization issues to issues oriented against immigration and Islam. General mobilization is then built on the principle of negation and delimitation towards other actors, especially the current establishment, and is based on a feeling of injustice.The article “Identification of Workers’ Party of Social Justice (DSSS) mobilization issues using a social media analysis” is focused on using the analysis of data obtained from social media in political science and security research, specifically research of mobilization issues of the Czech far-right Workers' Party of Social Justice (DSSS) political party. Based on the theoretical framework and using a combination of content and framework analyses of their Facebook page, we tried to identify and describe the mobilization issues that this party uses, and which also have high response from the supporters of the party. The results show that in the last three years a rapid change can be seen in the mobilization potential associated with a shift from anti-Roma mobilization issues to issues oriented against immigration and Islam. General mobilization is then built on the principle of negation and delimitation towards other actors, especially the current establishment, and is based on a feeling of injustice

    Sekuritizace a právní nástroje pro boj s projevy nenávisti na internetu v Německu: O diskurzu od pojetí platforem sociálních médií jako „nástrojů zneužívaných k šíření extremismu“ k vnímání jejich „odpovědnosti za projevy nenávisti“

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    In the contribution is provided a discussion on the development of securitization of expressions of hate speech on the internet, i.e. “cyber hate”, in Germany. The authors focus through the theory of securitization firstly on the process and individual steps, which led to establishment of instruments for countering cyber hate on social media. Next is described how these efforts resulted in creation of so called “Task Force” group, build from members of government, private and non-profit sectors, and how has the perception of social media with regard to security threat of extremism been developing. From the provided analysis emerges that there was a shift in the discourse from understanding the social media platforms as passive “instruments misused for dissemination of extremism” to stronger perception of their “accountability for removal of the hate speech content”. It is therefore a shift, which leads to their perception as active subjects, which are jointly liable for the illegal content and which obligation is to directly contribute to solving its removal. Currently last significant component in this development is the adoption of progressive legal framework for improvement of the enforcement of law in the online social networks environment (Gesetz zur Verbesserung der Rechtsdurchsetzung in sozialen Netzwerken), which strengthens the position of the state in enforcement of the required measures. For this reason the authors pay significant attention to this legislative act and provide thorough analysis, which they further reflect in a general assessment of the development in countering cyber hate on social media in Germany and also in broader European context

    Nástroje ruských aktivních opatření ve vybraných zemích EU

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    Vlivové aktivity Ruské federace v zemích Evropské unie jsou předmětem četných studií s pomocí aplikace strategických konceptů, a to od informačních operací až po hybridní válku (např. analýzy NATO STRATCOM COE). Jedním z nich, který má původ již v Sovětském svazu a je v praxi stále aplikován na několik státních aktérů, jsou tzv. active measures , v překladu aktivní opatření. Aktivní opatření (dále jen AO) zahrnují širokou a komplexní škálu aktivit, kam bychom mohli zařadit i výše zmíněné informační operace společně s např. tajnými operacemi nebo akcemi vojenského charakteru. Tento historický koncept poukazuje na komplexnost ruských vlivových aktivit, kdy v sobě spojuje několik technik: politické, vojenské, ekonomické, diplomatické, mediální, ale také činnost zpravodajských služeb nebo cyber operace/aktivity. Na aktuálnost užití konceptu i v dnešní době poukazuje např. jeho užívání v dokumentu Report on Russian Active Measures od americké Sněmovny reprezentantů, kde je diskutováno vměšování Ruska do amerických prezidentských voleb v roce 2016. Ač jsou AO velmi komplexní a často bez vymezených hranic, nabízejí se jako vhodný koncept k analýze ruských aktivit v rozličných regionech, neboť Rusko zaujímá k jednotlivým evropským zemím rozdílný přístup. Trendem současných AO je regionalizace, která vyžaduje nebo také umožňuje využívat kulturní a regionální specifika. Následující práce se zaměří na země, které zastupující různé regiony EU, aby mohlo být na tato specifika poukázáno. Cílem studie je tedy analýza ruských AO v různých evropských regionech. Pro analýzu AO v EU byly vybrány tři země, kdy první - Bulharsko, sdílí s Ruskem kulturně-historické vzorce, je mu geograficky blízké a země mezi sebou mají i významné ekonomické vazby. Druhá Itálie bude představovat zemi geograficky vzdálenější bez významnějších historicko-kulturních vazeb. Nakonec bude přidáno Rakousko, jakožto neutrální aktér mezinárodního systému a zároveň zástupce zemí střední Evropy. Důvodem je zahrnutí co nejširšího možnéhoThe concept of active measures, which is part of influence operations of Russia, covers a broad and complex range of activities, including political, military, economic, diplomatic, media focused as well operations of secret services. During the past few years, these activities affected various regions of the European Union. The article aims to identify and analyze tools of Russian active measures used within the European Union countries with different geopolitical patterns and relations to Russia. Specifically, the study focuses on three state actors - Austria, Italy, and Bulgaria. First, in the theoretical part authors deconstruct the concept with the use of comparison to similar ones: hybrid warfare and information warfare. Next, authors consider the concept of active measures as the most proper for analyzing Russian influence operations in the European Union. The analysis and comparison of case studies have both shown clear differences and similar patterns in used active measures tools, such as an essential position of extreme right parliament parties. The concept of active measures has proven to be a helpful tool when analyzing Russian influence operations in its typical complexity

    Intraspecific variability in population trends of farmland birds: influence of habitat and altitude

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    Farmland bird populations in Europe have been in decline for a long time. Agricultural intensification and growing a large share of crops that provide suboptimal breeding habitat could be the main causes of the observed decline. To explore these possible drivers, I focused on population trends of farmland bird species in different habitats in the Czech Republic over the periods 1982-1990 and 1990-2010. Specifically, I focused on the variability in trends within each species in respect to the differences in landscape management between the lowlands and mid-altitude areas before and after 1990. The expected effect of intensive farming in the lowlands until 1990 was reflected by a strong decline in populations of Northern Lapwing and Yellowhammer. The influence of less intensive farming in mid-altitude areas causing moderate population decline was confirmed rather by shrubs and trees species than farmland specialists. After 1990, less intensive farming in the lowlands should reduce the decline, which may have occurred, but compelling comparison of population trends between the two time periods was not possible for most species due to the lack of data. On the contrary, more intensive population decline in mid-altitudes after 1990, which should be the response to arable land abandonment, was not..

    Bird communities in stands of non-native trees

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    6 Abstract This thesis deals with the effects of non-native tree stands on birds in the Czech Republic. Non-native plants, including trees, are known to adversely affect the biodiversity. At the same time, birds represent a widely used biodiversity indicator. The studies of bird communities in stands of non-native trees presented here show the extent to which the birds have been impacted by non-native tree stands. This knowledge can be used to evaluate the importance of non-native plants as a biodiversity threatening factor. As the representatives of widespread non-native trees, the broad-leaved black locust and coniferous black pine were selected. In these stands I investigated possible mechanisms affecting bird communities, arising from assumed differences in vegetation structure, bird species richness, bird community composition, food supplies, and nest predation pressure compared to the stands of native oak and native Scots pine. In general, the bird species richness positively correlates with the vegetation structure complexity. Despite the fact that the non-native stands proved to have a higher heterogeneity of vegetation structure than the native stands, bird species richness did not differ among the focal stands. The bird community composition was primarily affected by the birds' preference of..