151 research outputs found


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    IL-6: A Janus-like factor in abdominal aortic aneurysm disease

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    AbstractBackground and aimsAn abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is part of the atherosclerotic spectrum of diseases. The disease is hallmarked by a comprehensive localized inflammatory response with striking IL-6 hyperexpression. IL-6 is a multifaceted cytokine that, depending on the context, acts as a pro- or anti-inflammatory factor. In this study, we explore a putative role for IL-6 in AAA disease.MethodsELISA’s, Western blot analysis, real time PCR and array analysis were used to investigate IL-6 expression and signaling in aneurysm wall samples from patients undergoing elective AAA repair. A role for IL-6 in AAA disease was tested through IL-6 neutralization experiments (neutralizing antibody) in the elastase model of AAA disease.ResultsWe confirmed an extreme disparity in aortic wall IL-6 content between AAA and atherosclerotic disease (median [5th–95th percentile] aortic wall IL-6 content: 281.6 [0.0–1820.8] (AAA) vs. 1.9 [0.0–37.8] μg/g protein (atherosclerotic aorta), (p < 0.001). Array analysis followed by pathway analysis showed that IL-6 hyper-expression is followed by increased IL-6 signaling (p < 0.000039), an observation confirmed by higher aneurysm wall pSTAT3 levels, and SOCS1 and SOCS3 mRNA expression, (p < 0.018).Remarkably, preventive IL-6 neutralization i.e. treatment started one day prior to the elastase-induction resulted in >40% 7-day mortality due to aortic rupture. In contrast, delayed IL-6 neutralization (i.e. neutralization started at day 4 after elastase induction) did not result in ruptures, and quenched AAA growth (p < 0.021).ConclusionsAAA disease is characterized by increased IL-6 signaling. In the context of the elastase model of AAA disease, IL-6 appears a multi-faceted factor, protective upon acute injury, but negatively involved in the perpetuation of the disease process

    Excess Mortality for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and the Potential of Strict Implementation of Cardiovascular Risk Management: A Multifaceted Study Integrating Meta-Analysis, National Registry, and PHAST and TEDY Trial Data

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    Objective: Previous studies imply a profound residual mortality risk following successful abdominal aorta aneurysm (AAA) repair. This excess mortality is generally attributed to increased cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was (1) to quantify the excess residual mortality for patients with AAA, (2) to evaluate the cross sectional level of cardiovascular risk management, and (3) to estimate the potential of optimised cardiovascular risk management to reduce the excess mortality in these patients. Methods: Excess mortality was estimated through a systematic review and meta-analysis, and through data from the Swedish National Health Registry. Cardiovascular risk profiles were individually assessed during eligibility screening of patients with AAA for two multicentre pharmaceutical AAA stabilisation trials. The potential of full implementation of cardiovascular risk management was estimated through the validated Second Manifestations of ARTerial disease (SMART) risk scores algorithm. Results: The meta-analysis showed a similarly impaired survival for patients who received early repair (small AAA) or regular repair (≥ 55 mm), and a further impaired survival for patients under surveillance for a small AAA. Excess mortality was further quantified using Swedish population data. The data revealed a more than quadrupled and doubled five year mortality rate for women and men who had their AAA repaired, respectively. Evaluation of the level of risk management of 358 patients under surveillance in 16 Dutch hospitals showed that the majority of patients with AAA did not meet therapeutic targets set for risk management in high risk populations, and indicated a more pronounced prevention gap in women. Application of the SMART risk score algorithm predicted that optimal implementation of risk management guidelines would reduce the 10 year risk of major adverse cardiovascular events from 43% to 14%. Conclusion: Independent of the rupture risk, AAA is associated with a worryingly compromised life expectancy with a particularly poor prognosis for women. Optimal implementation of cardiovascular risk prevention guidelines is predicted to profoundly reduce cardiovascular risk

    Using established biorepositories for emerging research questions: a feasibility study

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    Background: Proteomics and metabolomics offer substantial potential for advancing kidney transplant research by providing versatile opportunities for gaining insights into the biomolecular processes occurring in donors, recipients, and grafts. To achieve this, adequate quality and numbers of biological samples are required. Whilst access to donor samples is facilitated by initiatives such as the QUOD biobank, an adequately powered biobank allowing exploration of recipient-related aspects in long-term transplant outcomes is missing. Rich, yet unverified resources of recipient material are the serum repositories present in the immunological laboratories of kidney transplant centers that prospectively collect recipient sera for immunological monitoring. However, it is yet unsure whether these samples are also suitable for -omics applications, since such clinical samples are collected and stored by individual centers using non-uniform protocols and undergo an undocumented number of freeze–thaw cycles. Whilst these handling and storage aspects may affect individual proteins and metabolites, it was reasoned that incidental handling/storage artifacts will have a limited effect on a theoretical network (pathway) analysis. To test the potential of such long-term stored clinical serum samples for pathway profiling, we submitted these samples to discovery proteomics and metabolomics. Methods: A mass spectrometry-based shotgun discovery approach was used to obtain an overview of proteins and metabolites in clinical serum samples from the immunological laboratories of the Dutch PROCARE consortium. Parallel analyses were performed with material from the strictly protocolized QUOD biobank. Results: Following metabolomics, more than 800 compounds could be identified in both sample groups, of which 163 endogenous metabolites were found in samples from both biorepositories. Proteomics yielded more than 600 proteins in both groups. Despite the higher prevalence of fragments in the clinical, non-uniformly collected samples compared to the biobanked ones (42.5% vs 26.5% of their proteomes, respectively), these fragments could still be connected to their parent proteins. Next, the proteomic and metabolomic profiles were successfully mapped onto theoretical pathways through integrated pathway analysis, which showed significant enrichment of 79 pathways. Conclusions: This feasibility study demonstrated that long-term stored serum samples from clinical biorepositories can be used for qualitative proteomic and metabolomic pathway analysis, a notion with far-reaching implications for all biomedical, long-term outcome-dependent research questions and studies focusing on rare events

    Activator protein-1 (AP-1) signalling in human atherosclerosis: results of a systematic evaluation and intervention study

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    Animal studies implicate the AP-1 (activator protein-1) pro-inflammatory pathway as a promising target in the treatment of atherosclerotic disease. It is, however, unclear whether these observations apply to human atherosclerosis. Therefore we evaluated the profile of AP-1 activation through histological analysis and tested the potential benefit of AP-1 inhibition in a clinical trial. AP-1 activation was quantified by phospho-c-Jun nuclear translocation (immunohistochemistry) on a biobank of aortic wall samples from organ donors. The effect of AP-1 inhibition on vascular parameters was tested through a double blind placebo-controlled cross-over study of 28 days doxycycline or placebo in patients with symptomatic peripheral artery disease. Vascular function was assessed by brachial dilation as well as by plasma samples analysed for hs-CRP (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein), IL-6 (interleukin-6), IL-8, ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1), vWF (von Willebrand factor), MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1), PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) and fibrinogen. Histological evaluation of human atherosclerosis showed minimal AP-1 activation in non-diseased arterial wall (i.e. vessel wall without any signs of atherosclerotic disease). A gradual increase of AP-1 activation was found in non-progressive and progressive phases of atherosclerosis respectively (P<0.044). No significant difference was found between progressive and vulnerable lesions. The expression of phospho-c-Jun diminished as the lesion stabilized (P<0.016) and does not significantly differ from the normal aortic wall (P<0.33). Evaluation of the doxycycline intervention only revealed a borderline-significant reduction of circulating hs-CRP levels (−0.51 μg/ml, P=0.05) and did not affect any of the other markers of systemic inflammation and vascular function. Our studies do not characterize AP-1 as a therapeutic target for progressive human atherosclerotic disease

    Enhanced expression and activation of proinflammatory transcription factors distinguish aneurysmal from atherosclerotic aorta: IL-6- and IL-8-dominated inflammatory responses prevail in the human aneurysm,”

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    A B S T R A C T Inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of an AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm); however, the nature of the inflammatory factors and cellular response(s) involved in AAA growth is controversial. In the present study, we set out to determine the aortic levels of inflammatory cytokines in relation to downstream inflammatory transcription factors and cellular responses. A comparison of AAA wall samples with atherosclerotic wall samples taken from the same aortic region allowed AAA-specific inflammatory parameters to be identified that distinguish AAAs from ASD (aortic atherosclerotic disease). RT-PCR (real-time PCR), ELISA, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry were combined to assess cytokines and transcription factors at the mRNA and protein level, and their activation status. Compared with ASD, inflammatory parameters associated with Th1-type [T-bet, IL (interleukin)-2, IFN-γ (interferon-γ ), TNF-α (tumour necrosis factor-α), IL-1α and cytotoxic T-cells] and Th2-type [GATA3, IL-4, IL-10, IL-13 and B-cells] responses were all increased in AAA samples. Evaluation of major downstream inflammatory transcription factors revealed higher baseline levels of C/EBP (CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein) α, β and δ in the AAA samples. Baseline p65 NF-κB (nuclear factor κB) and c-Jun [AP-1 (activator protein-1)] levels were comparable, but their activated forms were strongly increased in the AAA samples. Downstream target genes of p65 NF-κB, c-Jun, IL-6 and IL-8 were hyperexpressed. Molecular and cellular processes associated with IL-6 and IL-8 hyperactivation were enhanced in the AAA samples, i.e. the expression of phospho-STAT-3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription-3) and perforin were elevated, and the content of plasma cells, neutrophils and vasa vasorum was increased. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that an AAA is a general inflammatory condition which is characterized by enhanced expression and activation of pro-inflammatory transcription factors, accompanied by IL-6 and IL-8 hyperexpression and exaggerated downstream cellular responses, which together clearly distinguish an AAA from ASD

    Altered non-coding RNA expression profile in F1 progeny 1 year after parental irradiation is linked to adverse effects in zebrafish

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    Gamma radiation produces DNA instability and impaired phenotype. Previously, we observed negative effects on phenotype, DNA methylation, and gene expression profiles, in offspring of zebrafish exposed to gamma radiation during gametogenesis. We hypothesize that previously observed effects are accompanied with changes in the expression profile of non-coding RNAs, inherited by next generations. Non-coding RNA expression profile was analysed in F1 offspring (5.5 h post-fertilization) by high-throughput sequencing 1 year after parental irradiation (8.7 mGy/h, 5.2 Gy total dose). Using our previous F1-γ genome-wide gene expression data (GSE98539), hundreds of mRNAs were predicted as targets of differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs, involved in pathways such as insulin receptor, NFkB and PTEN signalling, linking to apoptosis and cancer. snRNAs belonging to the five major spliceosomal snRNAs were down-regulated in the F1-γ group, Indicating transcriptional and post-transcriptional alterations. In addition, DEpiRNA clusters were associated to 9 transposable elements (TEs) (LTR, LINE, and TIR) (p = 0.0024), probable as a response to the activation of these TEs. Moreover, the expression of the lincRNAs malat-1, and several others was altered in the offspring F1, in concordance with previously observed phenotypical alterations. In conclusion, our results demonstrate diverse gamma radiation-induced alterations in the ncRNA profiles of F1 offspring observable 1 year after parental irradiation.publishedVersio

    Coding and regulatory variants are associated with serum protein levels and disease.

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    Circulating proteins can be used to diagnose and predict disease-related outcomes. A deep serum proteome survey recently revealed close associations between serum protein networks and common disease. In the current study, 54,469 low-frequency and common exome-array variants were compared to 4782 protein measurements in the serum of 5343 individuals from the AGES Reykjavik cohort. This analysis identifies a large number of serum proteins with genetic signatures overlapping those of many diseases. More specifically, using a study-wide significance threshold, we find that 2021 independent exome array variants are associated with serum levels of 1942 proteins. These variants reside in genetic loci shared by hundreds of complex disease traits, highlighting serum proteins' emerging role as biomarkers and potential causative agents of a wide range of diseases

    Adventitial lymphatic capillary expansion impacts on plaque T cell accumulation in atherosclerosis

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    During plaque progression, inflammatory cells progressively accumulate in the adventitia, paralleled by an increased presence of leaky vasa vasorum. We here show that next to vasa vasorum, also the adventitial lymphatic capillary bed is expanding during plaque development in humans and mouse models of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, we investigated the role of lymphatics in atherosclerosis progression. Dissection of plaque draining lymph node and lymphatic vessel in atherosclerotic ApoE(-/-)mice aggravated plaque formation, which was accompanied by increased intimal and adventitial CD3(+) T cell numbers. Likewise, inhibition of VEGF-C/D dependent lymphangiogenesis by AAV aided gene transfer of hVEGFR3-Ig fusion protein resulted in CD3(+) T cell enrichment in plaque intima and adventitia. hVEGFR3-Ig gene transfer did not compromise adventitial lymphatic density, pointing to VEGF-C/D independent lymphangiogenesis. We were able to identify the CXCL12/CXCR4 axis, which has previously been shown to indirectly activate VEGFR3, as a likely pathway, in that its focal silencing attenuated lymphangiogenesis and augmented T cell presence. Taken together, our study not only shows profound, partly CXCL12/CXCR4 mediated, expansion of lymph capillaries in the adventitia of atherosclerotic plaque in humans and mice, but also is the first to attribute an important role of lymphatics in plaque T cell accumulation and development.Peer reviewe

    A nationwide evaluation of deceased donor kidney transplantation indicates detrimental consequences of early graft loss

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    Early graft loss (EGL) is a feared outcome of kidney transplantation. Consequently, kidneys with an anticipated risk of EGL are declined for transplantation. In the most favorable scenario, with optimal use of available donor kidneys, the donor pool size is balanced by the risk of EGL, with a tradeoff dictated by the consequences of EGL. To gauge the consequence of EGL we systematically evaluated its impact in an observational study that included all 10,307 deceased-donor kidney transplantations performed in The Netherlands between 1990 and 2018. Incidence of EGL, defined as graft loss within 90 days, in primary transplantation was 8.2% (699/8,511). The main causes were graft rejection (30%), primary nonfunction (25%), and thrombosis or infarction (20%). EGL profoundly impacted short- and long-term patient survival (adjusted hazard ratio; 95% confidence interval: 8.2; 5.1-13.2 and 1.7; 1.3-2.1, respectively). Of the EGL recipients who survived 90 days after transplantation (617/699) only 440 of the 617 were relisted for re-transplantation. Of those relisted, only 298 were ultimately re-transplanted leading to an actual re-transplantation rate of 43%. Noticeably, re-transplantation was associated with a doubled incidence of EGL, but similar long-term graft survival (adjusted hazard ratio 1.1; 0.6-1.8). Thus, EGL after kidney transplantation is a medical catastrophe with high mortality rates, low relisting rates, and increased risk of recurrent EGL following re-transplantation. This implies that detrimental outcomes also involve convergence of risk factors in recipients with EGL. The 8.2% incidence of EGL minimally impacted population mortality, indicating this incidence is acceptable