66 research outputs found

    XML Dictionary Tagging

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    Tato bakalářská práce popisuje systém správu slovníků ve formě XML. Zabývá se hlavně rodinou standardů XML (XSLT, XPath, XSD, ...) a poukazuje na kvalitní možnosti zpracování slovníkových dat uložené právě ve formě XML. V praktické části se zabývá převodem neanotovaných slovníkových dat do XML formy pomocí gramatik.This Bachelor's thesis describes system for managing dictionaries in XML form. It also describes XML standard language family (XSLT, XPath, XSD, ...) and points out the qualities of computer processing of dictionaries stored in form of XML. The practical part shows translation of non-structured forms of dictionaries to XML using grammars.

    Cross-Coupled Charge Pump Synthesis Based on Full Transistor-Level

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    This paper presents utility for the design of the cross-coupled charge pump, which is used for supplying peripherals with low current consumption on the chip, as the EEPROM or FLASH memories. The article summarizes the knowledge in the field of the theoretical and practical analysis of the cross-coupled charge pump (design relationships and their connection with the pump parameters, as the threshold voltage, power supply voltage, clock signal frequency, etc.) that are applicated in the design algorithm. Optimal MOSFETs sizes (W, L) were find based on the construct of the time response characteristics of the pump sub-block and finding of the maximal voltage increase in the active interval of the clock signal and minimizing of the pump losses, as the switch reverse current, inverter cross current, etc. Synthesis process includes the design of the pump functional blocks with dominant real properties, which are described based on BSIM equations for long channel MOSFET. The pump stage complex model is applicated for estimation of the number of pump stages via state-space model description and using of the interpolation polynomial functions in the algorithm. It involves the construction of the time response characteristic due to the state variables and prediction of the number of the pump stages for the next cycle based on the previous data. Optimization of the pump area is based on the minimizing of the main capacitor in each of the pump stages (number of the pump stages must be increased to obtain the desired output voltage value.) Access is designed to stress the maximum pump voltage efficiency. The whole procedure is summarized in the practical example, in which the solution is shown both in terms of maximal voltage efficiency and the optimal pump area on a chip with respect to the clock signal frequency. Added functions of the design environment are explained, inclusive of the designed pump netlist generating for professional design environment Mentor Graphics including the real models of components that are available in library MGC Design Kit. The procedure gives designer credible results without long timeconsuming optimization process. In addition, the complex model allows the inclusion effects of higher-levels

    Analysis of control traffic in mobile networks

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na popis jednotlivých řídicích procedur v mobilních systémech. Zejména se projekt zabývá procesy v mobilních systémech GSM a LTE. Dále jsou uvedeny základní procesy, které předchází samotné službě. Jedná se o procedury jako je inspekce rádiového prostředí terminálem, výběr nejvhodnější buňky, přidělení kanálu mobilní stanici, autentizace účastníka, aktualizace polohy. V další části práce jsou popsány procedury při tzv. handoveru a v poslední řadě procesy pro uskutečnění hovoru a přenosu datových služeb. V poslední kapitole je popsána vytvořená laboratorní úloha pro předmět Komunikační prostředky mobilních sítí.The Bachelor´s thesis describe management procedures in mobile systems. This thesis is mainly focused on mobile systems GSM and LTE. Further are describe basic processes what are required before starting service. This basic procedures contains: inspection of radio signals, select the cell with the best parameters for connection, allocate channel to mobile station, authentication of subscriber and location update. Next part of thesis describe procedures in handover, initialize call session and data session. Last chapter describes laboratory task for subject Communication resources in mobile networks.


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    This paper is focused to characterize the ochre precipitates and the mine water effluents of some old mine adits and settling pits after mining of polymetallic ores in Slovakia. It was shown that the mine water effluents from two different types of deposits (adits; settling pits) have similar composition and represent slightly acidic sulphate water (pH in range 5.60-6.05, sulphate concentration from 1160 to 1905 g.dm-3). The ochreous precipitates were characterized by methods of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and B.E.T. method for measuring the specific surface area and porosity. The dominant phases were ferrihydrite with goethite or goethite with lepidocrocide

    Reduced real lifetime of PV panels – Economic consequences

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    The maintenance and analyzing failures of PV systems and plants are becoming more and more important issues. Our data from the long-term operation of 85 photovoltaic power plants in central Europe show that their actual lifetime is about half that of the originally planned lifetime. After about 10 years, serious failures of 1st tier (bankable) PV panels occur at an increasing rate. This article presents selected typical data and describes the most serious failures. Furthermore, economic calculations of returns on investment are carried out in relation to the price of electricity, which is currently changing at a rapid pace. It shows that the PV panel lifetime reduction from 20 to 30 years, declared at commercial leaflets, to real lifetime about 10–12 years can reduce PV power plant profit substantially, but the investment is still worth it. The reason is that after 10–12 years ser vice/maintenance expenses to replace damaged PV panels and inverters are growing very quickly. The new information could be helpful for owners of PV power plants to get a more realistic estimation of profits

    Mechanochemical Synthesis of Visible Light Sensitive Titanium Dioxide Photocatalyst

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    Phase transition of anatase nanoparticles into the phases TiO2-II and rutile under grinding was studied. The addition of ammonium carbamate to the reaction mixture inhibits the phase conversion and the cold welding of particles. The UV-visible absorption spectrum showed narrowing the band gap width after grinding with an ammonium carbamate additive resulting in shift of the light absorption of the ground sample towards the visible region. By EPR, intensive formation of OH• radical at irradiation of the sample with both UV (λ > 300 nm) and visible (λ > 435 nm) light was observed. High photocatalytic activity of the ground sample in visible light region was demonstrated also by measurement of kinetics of the photocatalytic decomposition of 4-chlorophenol

    Regionální ekonomika

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    Street art and its relationship to tourism in Prague

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    Street art and its relationship to tourism in Prague Abstract Bachelor thesis is focused on mutual relationship between street art and tourism in urban environment. Purpose of research is to describe relationships between individual artists (buskers) and other participants within the historic center of Prague. Also impact of busking on the city. First part contains analyses of used specialized literature. This literature is mostly focused on street art problematics, public spaces and urban tourism. Different part of thesis is dedicated to identifying current conditions for street artist and outlining the developmental phases of street art. After acceptance of new restrictive public notice in year 2016, the impact of street art on tourism has decreased. Street art production does not oppress city areas anymore. Combination of several qualitative methods were used for research. Chapter with case study Prague consists of evaluation of results gained by observations made in selected areas. Also, it includes analyses of interviews with selected street artists or representatives of public administration. Key words: Prague, busking, tourism, public space, urban touris