17 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional electrophoretic comparison of metastatic and non-metastatic human breast tumors using in vitro cultured epithelial cells derived from the cancer tissues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast carcinomas represent a heterogeneous group of tumors diverse in behavior, outcome, and response to therapy. Identification of proteins resembling the tumor biology can improve the diagnosis, prediction, treatment selection, and targeting of therapy. Since the beginning of the post-genomic era, the focus of molecular biology gradually moved from genomes to proteins and proteomes and to their functionality. Proteomics can potentially capture dynamic changes in protein expression integrating both genetic and epigenetic influences.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We prepared primary cultures of epithelial cells from 23 breast cancer tissue samples and performed comparative proteomic analysis. Seven patients developed distant metastases within three-year follow-up. These samples were included into a metastase-positive group, the others formed a metastase-negative group. Two-dimensional electrophoretical (2-DE) gels in pH range 4–7 were prepared. Spot densities in 2-DE protein maps were subjected to statistical analyses (R/maanova package) and data-mining analysis (GUHA). For identification of proteins in selected spots, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was employed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three protein spots were significantly altered between the metastatic and non-metastatic groups. The correlations were proven at the 0.05 significance level. Nucleophosmin was increased in the group with metastases. The levels of 2,3-trans-enoyl-CoA isomerase and glutathione peroxidase 1 were decreased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have performed an extensive proteomic study of mammary epithelial cells from breast cancer patients. We have found differentially expressed proteins between the samples from metastase-positive and metastase-negative patient groups.</p

    Analysis and comparison of healthcare sytems in the Federal Republic of Germany and in France from 2004 to 2014

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá financováním a hodnocením kvality zdravotnických systémů ve Spolkové republice Německo a ve Francii. Analýza se zaměřuje na období od roku 2004 do roku 2014. Teoretická část se zabývá definicí zdraví, jeho determinanty a zejména pak zdravotnickými systémy. Analytická část se zabývá analýzou kvality a financování obou systémů a jejich následné komparaci. Výsledky této práce naznačují, že Francie má hlediska financování levnější, přesto však kvalitnější zdravotnický systém.This bachalor thesis deals with financing and quality evaluating of the health care systems in the Federal Republic of Germany and in France. The analysis covers the period from 2004 to 2014. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of health, its determinants and health care systems in particular. The analytical part provides financing and quality analysis of both health care systems and their futher comparation. Results of this thesis suggest that France has cheaper, nevertheless higher quality health care system

    The impact of quantitative easing on fiscal restriction of Greece government

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    This bachalor thesis deals with quantitative easing of the European central bank and its impact on fiscal restriction of Greece government. The analysis is divided into four main parts. The first one focuses on the EMU institutional framework, especially in relation to the fiscal policies of member states. The second chapter deals with European central bank and quantitative easing on general level and also in relation with the last economic crises. Third chapter examines the interaction between monetary and fiscal policy and the last chapter is devoted to the evaluation of Greece fiscal policy and the impact which quantitative easing may have on it. Results of this thesis suggest that quantitative easing have an impact on fiscal policies of EMU member states. However, taking current situation of Greece state financing into consideration, this is not the case in Greece

    Problematics of surveys and data analysis in social policy

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    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou šetření a výzkumů zaměřených na sociální politiku. Pojednává o slabinách, rizicích, výhodách a nevýhodách celého procesu šetření od samotného stanovení problému, průběhu šetření až po analýzu a vyhodnocení dat. Zkoumané oblasti jsou sami o sobě komplikovanou záležitostí již od jejich samotné definice, proto se pokoušíme popsat existující dilemata jak samotných dat, tak diskutovat samotný proces jako takový, jejich zpracování a výsledně syntetizovat a analyzovat získané výsledky. Cílem příspěvku je poukázat na slabiny celého procesu a nastínit možnosti, jak jim předejít a zvýšit tak vypovídající hodnotu celého výzkumu či šetření s akcentem na jejich praktické využití. Popsané výsledky (konkrétní náměty na zlepšení) lze následně využít pro další šetření, nejenom ve zmíněných oblastech, ale také v dalších příbuzných disciplínách. Konkrétně se jedná například o změny v metodologii popsaných výzkumů a využití modelování pro interpretaci reality i ve společenských vědách.This paper deals with surveys and research founded on the social policy and discusses about the weaknesses, risks, advantages and disadvantages of the whole survey process from the very assessment of the problem, course of the survey to the data analysis and data evaluation. The studied areas themselves are a complicated matter since itself definition are difficult and therefore we try to describe the existing dilemmas of itself data, discuss process itself as such, data processing and finally synthesize and analyze the results obtained. This paper aims to highlight the weaknesses of the whole process, delineate options and suggest concept how to prevent them and increase corresponding value of the research or survey with emphasis on their practical use. Described results (concrete suggestions for improvement) then can be used for further survey, particularly in those areas, but also in other disciplines. Specifically, this includes changes in the methodology of described researches and the use of modeling for interpretation of reality in the social sciences

    Hodnocení kvality života krajů České republiky a vývoj tohoto hodnocení v letech 200-2015

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    This paper deals with the quality of life evaluation in NUTS3 regions of Czech Republic and progression of this evaluation in years 2000 - 2015 based on selected indicators of Czech statistical office. The set of indicators is organized along a lot of areas: economy, safety, health, education, infrastructure, environment, labor market and other. Indicators for quality of life evaluation were selected from survey between Czech inhabitants from various regions, age and from different demographic characteristics in august 2016. Quality of life is evaluated by the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The NUTS3 regions of Czech Republic are evaluated by TOPSIS for each year and the result is a ranking of quality of life in regions. Next result is progress of these ranking regions in years 2000 - 2015. The results of QL evaluation show small differences in the assessment of individual regions, even though they are so different.Tento článek se zabývá hodnocením kvality života krajů České republiky a vývojem tohoto hodnocení v letech 2000 - 2015 na základě vybraných ukazatelů Českého statistického úřadu. Soubor ukazatelů je organizována napříč mnoha oblastmi: hospodářství, bezpečnost, zdraví, vzdělání, infrastruktury, životního prostředí, trhu práce a další. Indikátory pro hodnocení kvality života (QL) byly vybrány z průzkumu mezi českým obyvatelstvem z různých regionů, věku a různých demografických charakteristik v srpnu 2016. QL je hodnocena technikou pro pořadí podle preference podobnosti s ideálním řešením metodou (TOPSIS). V krajích České republiky jsou hodnoceny metodou TOPSIS pro každý rok, a výsledkem je žebříček kvality života v regionech. Další výsledek je vývoj hodnocení těchto regionů v letech 2000 - 2015. Výsledky hodnocení QL vykazují malé rozdíly v posuzování jednotlivých regionů, i když jsou tak odlišné

    Methods of system engineering in practice example of indicating quality of life in the data analysis from social policy

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    Veřejná správa stojí před každodenním úkolem zajišťovat spokojený život obyvatel na území, které spravuje. K tomu využívá nejrůznějších cest. Jednou z nich může být pravidelný monitoring spokojenosti občanů s životem v obci, podobně jak ho definují například Společné evropské indikátory – ECI či různorodé koncepty měření kvality života. Metody systémového inženýrství mohou přinést efektivní predikce zjištěné reality. To následně vyvolává pozitivní efekt při úvahách veřejného managementu, jak naplňovat svou klíčovou roli v otázkách spokojených občanů. Příspěvek ukazuje možnosti, jak implementovat metody systémového inženýrství do praxe veřejné správy na příkladu problematiky kvality života. Systémové inženýrství lze definovat jako techniku pro uplatnění poznatků z ostatních vědních oborů, jejímž důležitým aspektem je aplikace či implementace na vývoji nových možností, metodik či technologií s konkrétním cílem jejich uvedení, jak to ekonomické, technické a další aspekty dovolí.Public administration faces a daily task to secure happy life of inhabitants of the territory its manage. It uses a variety of ways for this attain. One of the way may be regular monitoring of inhabitants' satisfaction with life in the town, such as it defined European Common Indicators – ECI or various concepts of measuring quality of life. Methods of system engineering can deliver effective prediction of identified reality. This question in turn produces a positive effect on considerations of public management to fulfill its key role in issues of satisfied inhabitants. The paper shows possibilities of how to implement experience from the methods of systems engineering in public administration for example the issue of quality of life. Systems engineering can be defined as it is a technique for applying knowledge from other disciplines of science which important considerations is its application to the development of new technological possibilities with the specific objective of putting them to use as rapidly as economic and technical considerations permit

    Dilemata využití konceptu kvality pro socioekonomický rozvoj regionu

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    Socio-economic development of the region is not derived only from the performance of the local economy and riches of inhabitants. In an effort to achieve equilibrium of the social society, regional management is facing numerous ob-stacles. The main obstacle is finding the method of measuring the degree of satisfying the needs of inhabitants, citi-zens. One of the way for retrospective evaluation of effectivity and effectiveness measures, which are promoting the development of region, is using of concept of quality of life. In the following text are briefly described the basic di-lemmas in definition of quality of life. Then weaknesses of individual procedures are discussed in the examples of specific measurements. The result is a reasoning - how to measure quality of life so as to deliver the expected results for the needs of regional management? The primary issue in our considerations is the minimum number of publicly available data on the subjective quality of life. We consider objective indicators simplistic and often misleading (in relation to an abstract concept to most definitions of quality of life). Because the subject of interest of this concept is the man, we have to look for the intersection of these two approaches. Another important question is to use data ob-tained by regional management in decision making and very definition of the expectations of the regional manage-ment of these data.Socioekonomický rozvoj region se neodvíjí pouze od výkonu místní ekonomiky a bohatství občanů. Při usilování o rovnovážný společenský stav, naráží regionální management na celou řadu překážek. Tou hlavní je hledání způsobu měření míry uspokojení potřeb občanů. Jedním ze způsobů jak zpětně hodnotit efektivitu a účinnost opatření, které podporují rozvoj regionu je, využití konceptu kvality života. Následující text stručně charakterizuje základní dilemata definice kvality života. Následně na příkladech konkrétního měření diskutujeme slabiny popsaných postupů. Výsled-kem je pak úvaha, jakým způsobem měřit kvalitu života tak, aby přinášela očekáváné výsledky pro potřeby regionální-ho managementu. Primárním problémem v našich úvahách je minimální počet veřejně dostupných dat o subjektivní kvalitě života. Objektivní ukazatele naopak vzhledem k abstraktnímu pojetí většiny definic kvality života považujeme za zjednodušující a často zavádějící. Vzhledem k tomu, že předmětem zájmu tohoto konceptu je člověk, je třeba hledat průnik obou přístupů. Další zásadní otázkou je to, zda dokáže regionální management zjištěná data využívat ve svých rozhodovacích procesech a jasně definovat svá očekávání od nich

    Black, Grey and Watch Lists of alien species in the Czech Republic based on environmental impacts and management strategy

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    As legislation, research and management of invasive alien species (IAS) are not fully coordinated across countries or different stakeholder groups, one approach leading to more or less standardized activities is based on producing lists of prominent IAS that attain high level of concern and are a subject of priority monitoring and management. These so-called Black, Grey and Watch (alert) Lists represent a convenient starting point for setting priorities in prevention, early warning and management systems. It is important that these lists be based on transparent and robust criteria so as to accommodate interests and perception of impacts by groups of concerned authorities and stakeholders representing sectors as diverse as, e.g. forestry, horticulture, aquaculture, hunting, and nature conservation, and to justify possible trade restrictions. The principles for blacklisting need to be general enough to accommodate differences among taxonomic groups (plants, invertebrates, vertebrates) and invaded environments (e.g. aquatic, terrestrial, urban, suburban, seminatural), and must take into account invasion dynamics, the impact the IAS pose, and management strategies suitable for each particular invader. With these assumptions in mind, we synthesize available information to present Black, Grey and Watch Lists of alien species for the Czech Republic, with recommended categorized management measures for land managers, policy makers and other stakeholders. We took into account differences in the listed species’ distribution, invasion status, known or estimated environmental impact, as well as possible management options, and apply these criteria to both plants and animals. Species with lower impact, but for which some level of management and regulation is desirable, are included on the Grey List. Some potentially dangerous species occurring in European countries with comparable climatic conditions, as well as those introduced in the past but without presently known wild populations in the Czech Republic, are listed on the Watch list. In total, there are 78 plant and 39 animal species on the Black List, 47 and 16 on the Grey List, and 25 and 27, respectively, on the Watch List. The multilayered approach to the classification of alien species, combining their impacts, population status and relevant management, can serve as a model for other countries that are in process of developing their Black Lists

    The “True Colours” of Golden Loaches (Teleostei: Cobitidae)

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    Loaches of the genus Sabanejewia are model organisms for many ichthyologic studies focusing on morphological and colour variation. The bright lateral spots—a part of the mimicry of this fish—cause a taxonomic puzzle. Common practice is that morphometric and molecular studies lack habitat assessments of species originating from different environments. In this study, we analysed body shape and colour variation within two species of Sabanejewia in order to reveal whether they are more affected by phylogeny or environmental conditions. The environmental parameters were obtained using satellite mapping tools, body shape using geometric morphometry, and the molecular identification of specimens using an analysis of mitochondrial DNA (sequence of the cytochrome b gene). Generalized linear mixed models were used for the analysis of lateral spot numbers, and principal components analysis to describe the changes in landmark position defined by the permutation tests. Results show a significant impact of the locality elevation and specimen’s sex on the change of the body shape. We identified significant differences in the number of lateral spots, which are considered mimicry variation across an elevation gradient. Morphological differences of Sabanejewia spp. vary with ecological factors along the river continuum