961 research outputs found

    Design optimization of ANN-based pattern recognizer for multivariate quality control

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    In manufacturing industries, process variation is known to be major source of poor quality. As such, process monitoring and diagnosis is critical towards continuous quality improvement. This becomes more challenging when involving two or more correlated variables or known as multivariate. Process monitoring refers to the identification of process status either it is running within a statistically in-control or out-of-control condition, while process diagnosis refers to the identification of the source variables of out-of-control process. The traditional statistical process control (SPC) charting scheme are known to be effective in monitoring aspects, but they are lack of diagnosis. In recent years, the artificial neural network (ANN) based pattern recognition schemes has been developed for solving this issue. The existing ANN model recognizers are mainly utilize raw data as input representation, which resulted in limited performance. In order to improve the monitoring-diagnosis capability, in this research, the feature based input representation shall be investigated using empirical method in designing the ANN model recognizer


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     Since the Dutch Government ratified the religious court for Java and Madura in 1882, up to 1989, it had not had the procedural law that was compiled in one book. The religious court had its procedural law after the Law Number 7 year 1989 jo Law Number 3 2003 about the religious court were issued. However, the procedural law was still divided into two sources: (1)  Law Number 7 year 1989 jo Law Number 3 year 2006 especially for marriage, (2) civil procedural law at the public justice that was outside  marriage cases. In the cases whiich was outside the marriage cases, there was inconsistency among the competence, the legal source material, and the procedural law. The problem was  because the competence was the Islam cases, the legal source material was also from Islam, meanwhile the procedural law was based on the public justice taken from Het Herziene Indonesisch Reglement (HIR) and Rechtsreglement Buitengewesten (R. Bg), and Burgelijk Wetboek (BW) book IV. There were two problems in this research: (1) How do the judges construct the procedural law of the religious justice to obtain the fair justice? (2) Do the judges at the religious court who deal with the cases outside the marriage cases apply another procedural law other than the civil procedural law at the public justice? The purposes of this research were to (1) construct the procedural law applied in the religious court, (2) obtain the procedural law used by  the judges of the religious court to process the cases outside the marriage cases.  The data in this research was qualitative data, so the research methodology was qualitative. The approaches used were the hermeunetic phenomenology. The result of the research was that the judges of the religious court constructed the procedural law in the process of outside marriage cases using the combiantion of the procedural law of the public justice and the procedural law of the religious court. The judges do this policy to gain the fair justice. The fair justice according to the judge was the justice based on the highest value that could be accounted before the God. To produce a fair justice, the judges of the religious court still used the Islamic procedural law in the process of cases outside the marriage cases. The judges did not fully implement the civil procedural law applied at the civil justice

    Lembaga Perdamaian sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam Pandangan Peradilan Islam dan Hukum Positif

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    In Islam to settle dispute peacefully or reconciliation is acceptable, even it is recommended as far as relates to the rights of the people based on justice. In order the decision of reconciliation has a legal effect to the parties, it is necessarily to request the court to strengthen the reconciliation to be the court decision. In addition, ifin the future, one of the  parties does not obey the reconciliation, the reconciliation can be forced by the court to be executed

    Design optimization of ann-based pattern recognizer for multivariate quality control

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    In manufacturing industries, process variation is known to be major source of poor quality. As such, process monitoring and diagnosis is critical towards continuous quality improvement. This becomes more challenging when involving two or more correlated variables or known as multivariate. Process monitoring refers to the identification of process status either it is running within a statistically in-control or out-of-control condition, while process diagnosis refers to the identification of the source variables of out-of-control process. The traditional statistical process control (SPC) charting scheme are known to be effective in monitoring aspects, but they are lack of diagnosis. In recent years, the artificial neural network (ANN) based pattern recognition schemes has been developed for solving this issue. The existing ANN model recognizers are mainly utilize raw data as input representation, which resulted in limited performance. In order to improve the monitoring-diagnosis capability, in this research, the feature based input representation shall be investigated using empirical method in designing the ANN model recognizer

    Application of a novel high resolution widefield surface plasmon microscope in cell engineering, wound healing and development of new binding assays

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    Surface Plasmon (SP) microscope systems are mostly built around the prism based Krctschmann configuration. In thcsc systcms the generation of Surface Plasmons (SPs) is achieved by p-polarized light striking a metallised prism surfacc at a spccific angle and then monitoring thc intensity of the reOected light. Thus in these systems. an image of the material can be obtained in terms of an intensity map. in which the intcnsity of thc image is dcpendent on the way the light couples into the SPs. The drawback of these systems is that lateral resolution relies on the ability of plasmons to propagate along the metallised layer. The lateral resolution is thus limited to a few microns. Therefore, a new microscope systcm was developed. i.e. thc Widcficld Surface Plasmon Resonance (WSPR) microscope. that is not only capable of analysing molecular interactions at high vertical resolutions. but also enables SP imaging at much higher lateral resolution than prism based systcms. The functionality of thc novel (WSPR) microscope has been investigated by imaging a scquence of binding events between micropattcrncd cxtracellular matrix proteins and their specific antibodies both in air and real-time. Using the WSPR systcm a changc in contrast was observed with each protein binding cvcnts. Images produced via the WSPR system were analyzcd and comparcd qualitatively and quantitatively. The preliminary results acquired for these binding studics between antibody/antigens dcmonstrate that the WSPR systcm capablc of resolving features down to 260nm although the theoretically proven lateral resolution of the WSPR system is -500nm. Cell surface interactions undcr two diffcrent culture conditions. i.e. HaCaTs cultured on SPR substrate with Transforming Growth Factor ~3 (TGF~3) (50ng/lII/) and without TGF~3 were also invcstigated. It was found that I-IaCaTs cultured in the presence of TGF~3 showed enhanced division and motility along with decreased cell attachmcnt as compared with cclls maintained in TGF~3 free media. It is believed that cellular signalling by TGF~3 is very important for enhancing tissue development in wound rcpair. It is confirmed that the WSPR microscope described here can be used to study sequential monomolecular layer of antibody/antigen interactions binding cvents and examination of cell surface intcrfacial intcractions at latcral scales of less than one micron without the need for traditional immunoOuorescent labelling. These rcsults have significant implications in the developmcnt of ncw brecd fast binding assays system and in enabling high resolution detailed examination of the cell surface couplings and ccll signalling proccsses involvcd in cell attachmcnt and migration

    The Effect of Using the Directed inquiry Strategy on the Development of Critical Thinking Skills and Achievement in Physics of the Tenth Grade Students in Southern Mazar

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    The current study aimed at investing the effect of using the  directed inquiry strategy on  the  development of critical thinking skills and achievement in Physics of the tenth grade students in Southern Mazar. To achieve the objectives of the study a teaching program using the directed inquiry  strategy was built also an achievement test and the test of critical thinking were built .    The sample of study consisted of (52) students that was intentionally selected and divided into two groups of (27) and an experimental group of (25) students that was taught using the directed inquiry strategy. The results of the study showed that there was an effect of using directed inquiry strategy on the achievement and the development of  critical thinking among  tenth grade students in Southern  Mazar educational directorate. In light of the findings of the study, a set of recommendations were recommended

    Perkembangan Seni Catan Moden di Malaysia

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    Malaysian Modern Painting Art is an art field which reflects Malaysian identity and its look. The beauty and fine aesthetic value shown through local artist masterpieces symbolizes the greatest of tradition arts. Furthermore, this creative touch also reflects the uniqueness of Malaysian culture. Generally, the history of Malaysian Modern Art which began in the early 1930s gave prestige in painting art as a knowledge discipline in domain aspect. Starting from the earliest art movement with nature theme aesthetical focuses on Victorian Romanticism style, it moved to the art of Impressionism painting, then into the manifestation art of 'avanr-garde modernism' and 'post-modernism'. It is a development of modern painting art in Malaysia. This positive development on the other hand establishes the Malaysian Modern Art. Therefore, this research is produced to analyze and document the history and development of Modern Painting in Malaysia and also its relation to the development of visual art education subject. These phenomena are chosen because both fields relate and hard to be divided even though in this Modernist Art era. This historical research is outcome through methodologies such as visual observation, respondent interview and referring to literature documentation. This research topic is classified into two main parts which is history and development of Visual Art Education subject. The factors contributed to the revolution and development in both art fields become the main focus. The relationship between Malaysian Modern Painting Art and Visual Art Education subject can be seen clearly. Hopefully, this documented research outcome will be beneficial especially in education system. The outcome of this research obviously has several factors that influencing the developments of modern painting in Malaysia such as pre historical painting, west painting in 20th century, cultural influences, literal thinking of modernist art era, nationalism spiritual and great involving contribution of local artist. Otherwise, Visual Art Education is also contributing the development. The main factors that influencing through the developments of education system such as development in world of painting and also the implement of several changes in Visual Art Education in Malaysia. The final result of research was clearly stated that the development of Malaysian Modern Painting and Visual Art Education subject was related each other. The outcomes hopefully can give impact in education system literally. Next research is suggested to do more explore about development of a Malaysian Modern Painting in 20th century and also about the effectiveness of implementation Visual Art Education curriculum in Malaysia. The aim is for observing the juxtaposition of 21st century Malaysian Modern Painting with development of Malaysian Visual Art Education

    Urgensi Penanaman Literasi Lingkungan pada Anak Usia Dini

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    Manusia hidup berdampingan dengan alam. Dengan demikian, manusia patut merawat lingkungan sehingga lingkungan membalas dengan timbal balik yang baik bagi manusia. Hal ini menjadi tugas bersama orang dewasa yakni guru, orangtua dan masyarakat. Maka, diperlukan literasi lingkungan pada anak usia dini. Sebab, sesuatu yang ditanam pada usia dini akan dibawa pada usia dewasa. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah khazanah keilmuan yang berkaitan dengan urgensi literasi lingkungan pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang bersifat library research dan teknis pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan mencari referensi pada buku-buku, jurnal dan kajian litelatur lain yang relevan. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian tersebut penelitian dan dijelaskan secara dekriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penanaman literasi lingkungan pada anak usia dini dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan lingkugan, seperti menanam pohon Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA)
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