478 research outputs found

    The Production of Artificially Dried Grass

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    In-Between Epistemic Paradigms of Disablement: A Reflective Journey

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    The author explores feelings of in-betweenness, hybridity, and dislocation (Aoki, 2005; Bhabha, 2007/1994; Saïd, 1994) as he contemplates the meaningfulness of a liminal placement between two epistemic worlds—that of his more recent experiences as a curriculum studies scholar and his previous training as a postpositivist practitioner of school psychology. This self-study engages pedagogical possibilities of in-between spaces (Aoki, 2005; He & Ross, 2012; Baszile, 2006) to construct a lived curriculum that challenges traditional stereotypes of autism and postsecondary disability services. To guide this critical self-reflective inquiry, the author applies the concepts of Joseph Schwab’s (1973) curriculum commonplaces along with William Pinar’s (1975) method of currere as organizational structures and metaphorical guideposts to look back upon previous educational experiences, to consider the present, and to envision a future praxis. In looking beyond the traditional-medico conceptions of disablement, the author seeks alternate understandings of the autism label that arise not from the epistemic landscape of prior training but rather are informed by postcolonial scholarship, critical disability studies, cultural studies, and the personal narratives of individuals with autism. Major findings of this project relate to the following themes: the pervasiveness of positivism; the challenge of writing about lived experiences of in-between; differences between abstract theories and lived experiences of in-betweenness; and the agency of those labeled with disability. By blending alternate understandings of autism and reimagining ways to recognize the personal agency and functional needs of college students with autism, the author reconceptualizes feelings of in-betweenness and dislocation as a potential position for hope, opportunity, and change

    Measuring Streambank Erosion: A Comparison of Erosion Pins, Total Station, and Terrestrial Laser Scanner

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    Streambank erosion is diffcult to quantify; models and field methods are needed to assess this important sediment source to streams. Our objectives were to (1) evaluate and compare three techniques for quantifying streambank erosion: erosion pins, total station, and laser scanning, (2) spatially assess streambank erosion rates in the Indian Mill Creek watershed of Michigan, USA, and (3) relate results with modeling of nonpoint source pollution. We found large absolute and relative errors between the different measurement techniques. However, we were unable to determine any statistically significant differences between techniques and only observed a correlation between total station and laser scanner. This suggests that the three methods have limited comparability and differences between measurements were largely not systemic. Further, the application of each technique should be dependent on site conditions, project goals, desired resolution, and resources. The laser scanner collected high-resolution data on clear, barren streambanks, but the erosion pin and total station were more representative of complex vegetated banks. Streambank erosion rates varied throughout the watershed and were influenced by fluvial processes. We estimate that streambank erosion contributed 28.5% of the creek’s total sediment load. These findings are important to address sources of watershed impairments related to sedimentation, as choosing an applicable technique for individual purposes can help reduce the challenges and costs of a streambank erosion study

    Reducing effects of dispersal on the bias of 2-sample mark-recapture estimators of stream fish abundance

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    The 2-sample mark-recapture method with Chapman’s estimator is often used by inland fishery managers to estimate the reach-scale abundance of stream fish. An important assumption of this method is that no dispersal into or out of the study reach occurs between the two samples. Violations of this assumption are probably common in practice, but their effect on bias (systematic error) of abundance estimates is poorly understood, especially in small populations. Estimation methods permitting dispersal exist but, for logistical reasons, often are infeasible for routine assessments in streams. The purpose of this paper is to extend available results regarding effects of dispersal on the bias of Chapman’s estimator as applied to reach-scale studies of stream fish abundance. We examine for the first time the joint effects of dispersal and sampling variation on the bias of this estimator. To reduce the bias effects of dispersal, we propose a modified sampling scheme in which the original study reach is expanded, a central subreach is sampled during the mark session (sample 1), and the entire reach is sampled during the recapture session (sample 2). This modified sampling scheme can substantially reduce bias effects of dispersal without requiring unique marking of individual fish or additional site visits. Analytical and simulation results show that sampling variation tends to create negative bias with respect to study-reach abundance, while dispersal tends to create positive bias; the net effect can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the true abundance, capture probabilities, and amount and nature of dispersal. In most cases, simply expanding the study reach is an effective way to reduce dispersal-related bias of Chapman’s estimator, but expanding the study reach and employing the modified sampling scheme we propose is a better alternative for accurately estimating abundance with the same level of sampling effort

    Efektivitas Pendampingan dalam Produksi dan Pengunaan Insektisida Organik di Kelompok Tani Sumber Urip Malang

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    Indonesia has the potential huge vegetable in the production of organic insecticide. In many areas still needed assistance to the farmer groups to produce and use organic insecticide. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of assistance in the production and use of organic insecticides in Farmers Group Sumber Urip Malang. The design study is cross sectional. Assistance performed 10 times in the production and use of organic insecticides involving 10 Farmers Group Sumber Urip I and 10 Farmers Group Sumber Urip II. Before the assistance do is the pretest and after the assistance do is posttest to knowing the knowledge and skills in the production and use of organic insecticides. Data collection method used was a questionnaire, observation, and interviews, while the method of data analysis used is the paired t-test. The results showed that; 1) there is a significant difference of knowledge production of organic insecticide before and after assistance (t-hit> t-tab0,01, 7.259 > 2.861), 2) there are significant differences of organic insecticide production skills before and after assistance (t-hit > t-tab0,01, 10.057 > 2.861), 3) there are significant differences knowledge of the use of organic insecticides before and after assistance (t-hit > t-tab0,01, 8.731 > 2.861), and 4) there are differences significant organic insecticide USAge skills before and after assistance (t-hit > t-tab0,01, 8.028 > 2.861). From the results of such research can be summed up the results of research that effective assistance to increase skills and knowledge production and use of organic insecticides

    Genome-wide survey of cytochrome P450 genes in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837)

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    Background The salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infests farmed and wild salmonid fishes, causing considerable economic damage to the salmon farming industry. Infestations of farmed salmon are controlled using a combination of non-medicinal approaches and veterinary drug treatments. While L. salmonis has developed resistance to most available salmon delousing agents, relatively little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved. Members of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily are typically monooxygenases, some of which are involved in the biosynthesis and metabolism of endogenous compounds, while others have central roles in the detoxification of xenobiotics. In terrestrial arthropods, insecticide resistance can be based on the enhanced expression of CYPs. The reported research aimed to characterise the CYP superfamily in L. salmonis and assess its potential roles in drug resistance. Methods Lepeophtheirus salmonis CYPs were identified by homology searches of the genome and transcriptome of the parasite. CYP transcript abundance in drug susceptible and multi-resistant L. salmonis was assessed by quantitative reverse transcription PCR, taking into account both constitutive expression and expression in parasites exposed to sublethal levels of salmon delousing agents, ecdysteroids and environmental chemicals. Results The above strategy led to the identification of 25 CYP genes/pseudogenes in L. salmonis, making its CYP superfamily the most compact characterised for any arthropod to date. Lepeophtheirus salmonis possesses homologues of a number of arthropod CYP genes with roles in ecdysteroid metabolism, such as the fruit fly genes disembodied, shadow, shade, spook and Cyp18a1. CYP transcript expression did not differ between one drug susceptible and one multi-resistant strain of L. salmonis. Exposure of L. salmonis to emamectin benzoate or deltamethrin caused the transcriptional upregulation of certain CYPs. In contrast, neither ecdysteroid nor benzo[a]pyrene exposure affected CYP transcription significantly. Conclusions The parasite L. salmonis is demonstrated to possess the most compact CYP superfamily characterised for any arthropod to date. The complement of CYP genes in L. salmonis includes conserved CYP genes involved in ecdysteroid biosynthesis and metabolism, as well as drug-inducible CYP genes. The present study does not provide evidence for a role of CYP genes in the decreased susceptibility of the multiresistant parasite strain studied
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