198 research outputs found

    Effect of Piper betle and Brucea javanica on the Differential Expression of Hyphal Wall Protein (HWP1) in Non-Candida albicans Candida (NCAC) Species

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    The study aimed to identify the HWP1 gene in non-Candida albicans Candida species and the differential expression of HWP1 following treatment with Piper betle and Brucea javanica aqueous extracts. All candidal suspensions were standardized to 1 x 10(6) cells/mL. The suspension was incubated overnight at 37 degrees C (C. parapsilosis, 35 degrees C). Candidal cells were treated with each respective extract at 1, 3, and 6 mg/mL for 24 h. The total RNA was extracted and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was carried out with a specific primer of HWP1. HWP1 mRNAs were only detected in C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis. Exposing the cells to the aqueous extracts has affected the expression of HWP1 transcripts. C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis have demonstrated different intensity of mRNA. Compared to P. betle, B. javanica demonstrated a higher suppression on the transcript levels of HWP1 in all samples. HWP1 was not detected in C. albicans following the treatment of B. javanica at 1 mg/mL. In contrast, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis were shown to have HWP1 regulation. However, the expression levels were reduced upon the addition of higher concentration of B. javanica extract. P. betle and B. javanica have potential to be developed as oral health product.Article Link : http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2013/397268

    Bright solitary waves of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates under rotation

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    We analyse the rotation of bright solitary waves formed of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive atomic interactions. By employing a variational technique and assuming an irrotational quadrupolar flow field, we map out the variational solutions in the rotating frame. In particular, we show that rotation has a considerable stabilising effect on the system, significantly raising the critical threshold for collapse of the bright solitary waves.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Metode Resource Based Learning (RBL) Pada Pembelajaran PKn Di Kelas IV SDN Sampaka

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    Permasalahan utama dan mendasar pada penelitian ini adalah rendahnya pemahaman siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Sampaka pada pembelajaran PKn. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut antara lain kemampuan siswa menguasai materi pembelajaran masih sangat rendah akibat kurangnya motivasi, siswa tidak aktif dan penjelasan materi terlalu abstrak dan tidak sesuai kemempuan awal siswa. Selain itu siswa kurang berpeluang untuk mengembangkan proses berpikirnya dan menjadikan siswa aktif. Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, maka peneliti menerapkan Metode RBL dalam pembelajaran PKn agar dapat melibatkan siswa secara aktif dalam pembelajaran. Penerapan pembelajaran difokuskan pada permasalahan bagaimana Metode RBL dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Sampaka dalam pembelajaran PKn. Untuk menjawab permasalahan di atas, peneliti melakukan tindakan kelas dengan rancangan mengikuti Model Kemmis dan Mc Taggar (Depdiknas, 2005:6) dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus melalui empat tahap yaitu: (1) Perencanaan, (2) Pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) observasi dan (4) refleksi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar mata pelajaran PKn melalui Metode Resource Based learning (RBL) pada kelas IV SD Negeri Sampaka. Peningkatan dalam penelitian ini cukup berarti yakni dari rata-rata hasil belajar siklus I sebesar 66,67 naik menjadi 73,33 pada siklus II atau naik sebesar 6,66%. Akan halnya pada ketuntasan hasil belajar secara klasikal dari 57,14 % pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 90,48 % pada siklus II atau mengalami peningkatan sebesar 33,34%.. Artinya bahwa hasil yang diperoleh tersebut telah memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan pada indikator penelitian ini yaitu sebesar 80% dan ketuntasan hasil belajar individu sebesar 65%

    Recursive subspace identification algorithm using the propagator based method

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    Subspace model identification (SMI) method is the effective method in identifying dynamic state space linear multivariable systems and it can be obtained directly from the input and output data. Basically, subspace identifications are based on algorithms from numerical algebras which are the QR decomposition and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In industrial applications, it is essential to have online recursive subspace algorithms for model identification where the parameters can vary in time. However, because of the SVD computational complexity that involved in the algorithm, the classical SMI algorithms are not suitable for online application. Hence, it is essential to discover the alternative algorithms in order to apply the concept of subspace identification recursively. In this paper, the recursive subspace identification algorithm based on the propagator method which avoids the SVD computation is proposed. The output from Numerical Subspace State Space System Identification (N4SID) and Multivariable Output Error State Space (MOESP) methods are also included in this paper

    Urgensi Pengaturan Peredaran Minuman Beralkohol di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    This study discusses the urgency of setting up the circulation of alcoholic beverages in DIY formulated in the following three research problems: first, what is the urgency of Yogyakarta Province government in regulating the circulation of alcoholic drinks? Second, what is the basic principles underlying Yogyakarta Province authority to regulate the circulation of alcoholic beverages and what is the best form of legal products to regulate the circulation of alcoholic beverages in the province? Third, what are the materials of the regulations on the distribution of alcoholic beverages in Yogyakarta Province? This research is a normative juridical which uses primary law, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. The results showed that first, urgency settings of alcoholic beverages is intended as prevention (preventive), risk reduction (preparedness), responsiveness (response), as well as recovery efforts (recovery) from drinking alcoholic beverages. Secondly, the basis of the authority of Yogyakarta Province Government for the Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages regulation is rooted in Law 32 of 2004 and Presidential Decree No. 74 Year 2014. Third, the main points of the materials contain (i) the type and classification of alcoholic beverages; (ii) a ban on the production, distribution, sale and storage of alcoholic beverages; (iii) licensing; (iv) community participation

    The comparison of dual wavelength fiber laser spectrum in SMF and HNLF by utilizing laser diode

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    A dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber (EDF) fiber ring laser in single mode fiber and highly nonlinear fiber is demonstrated and both optical spectrums are compared at 400 mA of Laser Diode (LD) output. The fiber ring laser cavity incorporated sagnac loop had been applied for the laser to lase two wavelengths simultaneously due to high birefringent in polarizaton-maintaining fiber (PMF). Experimental results show that, owing to the contributions of two degenerate fourwave mixings (FWM) in the HNLF and the dual-wavelength proposed fiber laser is quite stable with small fluctuation power in 1.93 dB within 24 minutes in HNLF

    Landslide Vulnerability Assessment (LVAs): a Case Study From Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.4.1.49-59The topic on Landslide Vulnerability Assessment (LVAs) in Malaysia is relatively new and received little attention from geoscientists and engineers. This research paper tries to formulate the concept of LVAs by taking into account the science and socio-economic aspects. A new approach in vulnerability concept is also introduced herein. To achieve this goal, a framework was designed for assessing the LVAs. The framework was formulated semiquantitatively through the development of database for the risk elements (human and properties) based on information from secondary data (technical reports), extensive review of literature, and field observations. The vulnerability parameters included in assessing LVAs are 1) physical implication (building structures, internal materials, property damage, infrastructural facilities, and stabilization actions), 2) social status (injury, fatalities, safety, loss of accommodation, and public awareness), and 3) interference on environment (affected period, daily operation, and diversity). Each considered parameter in the vulnerability assessment is allocated with a certain index value ranges from 0 (0 % damage/victims/period), 0.25 (1 - 25% damage/victims/period), 0.50 (26 - 50% damage/victims/period), 0.75 (51 - 75% damage/victims/period), and 1.00 (75 - 100% damage/victims/period). All of these parameters are compiled and analyzed with “Landslide Distribution Map” (LDM) to generate a “Landslide Vulnerability Degree map (LVD)”. The LDM was produced based on field studies and satellite image interpretations in order to locate the landslide locations in the studied area. Finally, three types of physical, human, and environment vulnerabilities were then classified into five classes of vulnerabilities, namely: Class 1 (< 0.20): Very Low Vulnerability; Class 2 (0.21 - 0.40): Low Vulnerability; Class 3 (0.41 - 0.60): Medium Vulnerability; Class 4 (0.61 - 0.80): High Vulnerability); and Class 5 (> 0.81): Very High Vulnerability. Results from this study indicate that a further study is needed to the areas of high to very high vulnerability only. This LVAs approach is suitable as a guideline for preliminary development planning, controlling, and managing the landslide hazard /risk in the studied area and potentially to be extended with different background environments

    The sintering temperature effect on the shrinkage behavior of cobalt chromium alloy

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    Problem Statement: Co-Cr based alloys which is well known for its high Young’s modulus, fatigue strength, wear resistance and corrosion resistance is an important metallic bio�material. However, till date there are only two type of Co-Cr alloy which are the castable and wrought cobalt alloy. Powder Metallurgy route for cobalt is expected to give better result of Co-Cr alloy. The purpose of this research was mainly to study the sintering temperature effect to the shrinkage behavior of Cobalt Chromium (Co-Cr) alloy of the powder metallurgy route. Approach: Co-Cr was produced following P/M route under sintering temperature of 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400oC. The sintering time was fixed at 60 min. Several tests has been conducted to determine this effect such as the rate of shrinkage measurement, the bulk density and porosity percentage measurement, compression and hardness tests and micro structural study. Result: From the study, it was found that the sintering temperature has caused the shrinkage of Co-Cr. The increasing of the sintering temperature has caused to the increasing of shrinkage of Co-Cr. This has resulted to the reduction of the pore volume and hence increased it density. In conjunction to that, the strength and the hardness of Co-Cr was increased. Conclusion: Therefore, it is hope that it will bring new view of powder metallurgy Co-Cr alloy as bio-material
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