304 research outputs found

    Methodology cost control budget in buildings vertical

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    El presente artículo muestra los parámetros que se deben tener en cuenta para realizar el presupuesto, cronograma, monitoreo y control de costos de un proyecto ya que en la actualidad muchas empresas del sector de la construcción no realizan el presupuesto de una forma confiable, lo que dificulta realizar el respectivo seguimiento y control o lo que ocasiona que en algunas oportunidades no se haga; es por esto que se plantea el paso a paso como se debe realizar el presupuesto es decir la línea base del costo autorizado y el cronograma a partir de la cual se propone desarrollar la metodología de control de costos de construcciones verticales para la empresa Arquitectos Loft, con el fin de evitar sobre costos en el proyecto que la empresa conozca el valor ganado y la línea real del costo.This article shows the parameters must take into account to make the budget, timeline, and cost control of a project, in the actuality many construction companies it does not to make the budget, in a reliable and safe way. This makes it difficult the monitoring and control of plan. For this step by step design and should make the budget, That means the authorized cost baseline and the schedule from which it is proposed to develop the methodology of cost control for the enterprise vertical constructions Architects Loft, for the purpose of avoid overruns in the project, In addition the company can meet the earned value and actual cost lin

    Methodology cost control budget in buildings vertical

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    El presente artículo muestra los parámetros que se deben tener en cuenta para realizar el presupuesto, cronograma, monitoreo y control de costos de un proyecto ya que en la actualidad muchas empresas del sector de la construcción no realizan el presupuesto de una forma confiable, lo que dificulta realizar el respectivo seguimiento y control o lo que ocasiona que en algunas oportunidades no se haga; es por esto que se plantea el paso a paso como se debe realizar el presupuesto es decir la línea base del costo autorizado y el cronograma a partir de la cual se propone desarrollar la metodología de control de costos de construcciones verticales para la empresa Arquitectos Loft, con el fin de evitar sobre costos en el proyecto que la empresa conozca el valor ganado y la línea real del costo.This article shows the parameters must take into account to make the budget, timeline, and cost control of a project, in the actuality many construction companies it does not to make the budget, in a reliable and safe way. This makes it difficult the monitoring and control of plan. For this step by step design and should make the budget, That means the authorized cost baseline and the schedule from which it is proposed to develop the methodology of cost control for the enterprise vertical constructions Architects Loft, for the purpose of avoid overruns in the project, In addition the company can meet the earned value and actual cost lin

    Mejoramiento del nivel de servicio del Almacén General de Cervecería Unión S.A.

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    El sistema de almacenaje tiene como objetivo garantizar el suministro continuo y oportuno de los materiales requeridos para asegurar los servicios sin interrupción -- Al almacenar insumos es de suma importancia medir el nivel de servicio, ya que es un aspecto primordial para evaluar cómo el sistema del almacén brinda los servicios a sus clientes -- Inicialmente se parte de una encuesta para conocer la percepción de los clientes internos en cuanto al servicio prestado por el almacén; de acuerdo a los resultados arrojados se realizó el respectivo análisis para conocer los inconformismos presentados por los clientes y empezar a resolverlos -- Se vio la necesidad de implementar un indicador de Nivel de Servicio para conocer el estado de este y según los resultados se identificaron debilidades existentes y se empezaron a realizar las respectivas mejoras -- Para Cervecería Unión S. A. el almacén juega un papel importante en su cadena de suministro, ya que este es el encargado de la recepción de los materiales a los proveedores, cuidado respectivo y distribución de estos a cada uno de sus clientes internos: elaboración, envasado y el centro de empaque; por lo que requiere la medición del nivel de servicio en el almacé

    Axes of Tension:Navigating craft, institution and industry as an art-researcher in film and new media

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    Artistic Research (AR) in collective, industrial arts can find itself to be an intense balancing act: film and new media are expensive forms that rely on commercial expectations and industrial integration, while artistic experimentation flourishes in independence and creative freedom.Transposing the model of the independent artist to large-scale collective productions challenges our vision of art, affiliation and integrity. AR researchers in film and new media can have radically different practices: from industrial creative producers to one-person camera documentarists, from VR designers to screenwriters and 3D artists. While our potential for creation and innovation is similar, our expectations and abilities are as diverse as the cost of our projects.Our contribution spans questions of affiliation, authorship, production and speculation, with the aim to bring clarification on what can be expected for and of diverse AR researchers in film and new media, and to promote the concrete establishment of appropriate support and supervision

    Axes of Tension: Navigating craft, institution and industry as an art-researcher in film and new media

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    Artistic Research (AR) in collective, industrial arts can find itself to be an intense balancing act: film and new media are expensive forms that rely on commercial expectations and industrial integration, while artistic experimentation flourishes in independence and creative freedom.Transposing the model of the independent artist to large-scale collective productions challenges our vision of art, affiliation and integrity. AR researchers in film and new media can have radically different practices: from industrial creative producers to one-person camera documentarists, from VR designers to screenwriters and 3D artists. While our potential for creation and innovation is similar, our expectations and abilities are as diverse as the cost of our projects.Our contribution spans questions of affiliation, authorship, production and speculation, with the aim to bring clarification on what can be expected for and of diverse AR researchers in film and new media, and to promote the concrete establishment of appropriate support and supervision

    The Colombian Strategic Freight Transport Model Based on Product Analysis

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    Freight transport modelling at interregional scale is relevant for planning issues. However, freight modelling processes are complex because it is not easy to define the relevant variables in the analysis, and to obtain the required information on freight movements through the network. These facts raise the need to adapt the modelling framework to each context.This paper proposes a strategic national freight transport modelling framework developed as a variant of the traditional four-step modelling process with additional steps to estimate traffic flows from freight flows and to consider empty trips. The country of Colombia is used as the case study to implement and calibrate the proposed model. The data, data sources, and modelling methodologies used for each step are explained. In addition, data limitations and measures taken to complement the available data are discussed. From the implementation, the authors identify a set of advantages derived from the modelling approaches considered and suggestions for improvement