30 research outputs found

    Phytopaleontological Description of the Heap of Materials from the CSM Heap in the Louky nad Olší Locality with Use in Geotourism

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    Téma této bakalářské práce se zabývá fytopaleontologickými nálezy na haldě ČSM a jejich popisem. První část práce je zaměřena na geologickou stavbu oblasti Louky nad Olší. Druhá část se zabývá historií dobývání uhlí v karvinské části OKR. Třetí část je zaměřena na popis fytopaleontologických nálezů z haldy ČSM. Čtvrtým bodem je Itinerář odborné exkurze v okolí Louky nad Olší. Bakalářská práce se jako celek dělí na dvě části a to praktickou, které se zabývá sběrem, studiem a určením fytopaleontologických nálezů, vytvořením turistické trasy po zájmových bodech v blízkém okolí hald. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis geologie v Karviné, přírodní poměry, historii hornictví na našem území a popisu zájmových lokalit.Theme of this Bachelor’s is focused on Paleobotany findings at the ČSM spoil heap and their description. First part is focused on geological structure of Louky nad Olší area. Second part examines the history of coal mining in Karviná. The third pard is dedicated to the description of Paleobotany findings from the ČSM spoil heap. Last point is about itinerary of excursion in close proximity to the ČSM spoil heap. Bachelors thesis as a whole is divided into 2 parts. Practical part is focused on inclusion, reasearch collecton of paleobotany findings. Another part of it is turist route which is focused on interesting places around spoil heaps. Main focus in theoretical part is on geology in Karviná, natural conditions, history of coal mining and description of places of interest.541 - Katedra geologického inženýrstvívýborn

    Mid-term generation adequacy forecast for the Czech republic

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    Obsahem této diplomové práce je použití metod využívaných při analýze výrobní přiměřenosti ve společnosti ČEPS. V první části je analyzován současný výrobní mix a předpoklad jeho vývoje v nejbližších letech jak pro ČR, tak i celou evropskou soustavu. V další části je sestaven model pro výpočet zbytkového zatížení pro rok 2025 s využitím historických klimatických dat. Zbytkové zatížení je poté analyzováno na potřebu výkonu a jeho flexibility, včetně citlivostní analýzy s důrazem na různou míru penetrace OZE. V poslední části jsou nastíněny ekonomické důsledky potřebných změn v elektrizační soustavě, aby byla i v budoucnu zajištěna potřebná úroveň zabezpečenosti pokrytí zatížení.This thesis is focused on the application of methods used for generation adequacy assessment by Czech transmission system operator ČEPS. The first part covers the analysis of current generation sources mix in Europe and the Czech Republic and its prospects in following years. In next part, the model for residual load calculation is described. This model uses historical climatic data to estimate the situation in 2025. Residual load is then analysed to calculate demands for power plants generation and its flexibility. Sensitivity analysis focused on renewable sources penetration is then performed. In the last part, economic aspects of some options for necessary investments to maintain the level of the security of supply are described

    Elevation gradient affects the distribution and host utilisation of Zatypota anomala (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) associated with mesh web weaving spiders (Araneae, Dictynidae)

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    The spatial distribution of parasitoids is closely linked to the distribution and ecological requirements of their hosts. Several studies have documented changes in the fauna composition of parasitoids in response to elevation, but data on parasitoids associated with spiders are missing. The koinobiont ichneumonid wasp Zatypota anomala is strictly specialised on spiders of the genus Dictyna (Dictynidae) in Europe. We examined the distribution of spiders of the family Dictynidae in forest ecotones in central Europe across a broad elevation gradient (110–1466 m a.s.l.). We checked the spiders for parasitism by Z. anomala. It was most abundant at the mid-elevations (median 712 m a.s.l., range 179–870 m a.s.l.). We identified four dictynid spider species as Z. anomala hosts. These were Dictyna arundinacea, Dictyna uncinata, Nigma flavescens, and Nigma walckenaeri. All four species and the genus Nigma were recorded as hosts for the first time. The parasitoids strongly preferred juvenile instars of their hosts. The body length differed between parasitised Dictyna and Nigma spiders (medians: 1.95 mm and 2.55 mm, respectively). The distribution of Dictyna and Nigma spiders overlapped along the elevation gradient, but parasitism incidence significantly differed between spider genera along the elevation gradient. Nigma was parasitized at lower elevations between 179–254 m a.s.l. and Dictyna at higher elevations between 361–870 m a.s.l. The phenology of Z. anomala is closely tied to the univoltine life strategy of its host spiders. The parasitoid female oviposits in autumn, and its offspring overwinter as larvae on the host, reach adulthood during spring, and pass the summer as an adult

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Mechanical properties of large scale 3D printing parts

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    Práce se zaměřuje na mechanické vlastnosti polymerních vzorků v závislosti na výšce vrstvy a orientaci vůči podložce. Vzorky byly tištěny technologií Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) na robotickém rameni KUKA KR8 R1620. Jejich tvar byl navržen tak, aby se eliminovaly koncentrace napětí vzniklé výrobou, dále byly vzorky testovány tahovou zkouškou. Nakonec proběhlo vzájemné porovnání maximální hodnoty napětí a výsledky zhodnoceny. Na závěr byly vypočteny časy tisku robotem a stolní tiskárnou. Z výsledků vyplynulo, že materiály houževnaté (PETG a CPE) mají výrazně menší únosnost, pokud jsou tištěny pomocí robotického ramene. U materiálů křehkých (PLA a NonOilen) je rozdíl menší. Vzorek lze vytisknout až 20x rychleji pomocí 2mm trysky při výšce vrstvy 1,5 mm, než na tiskárně stolní při výšce vrstvy 0,2 mm. Výsledky této práce mají sloužit jakožto referenční hodnoty pro bližší zkoumání problematiky velkorozměrného 3D tisku. Lze si z nich udělat představu o vlastnostech a chování materiálu tištěného pomocí větších trysek.This study focuses on the mechanical properties of polymer samples printed using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) on a KUKA KR8 R1620 robotic arm with layer height and orientation relative to the bed as parameters. The samples were tested for tensile strength. The shape of the specimens was designed to eliminate the stress concentrations generated by the manufacturing process. The maximum stress values were compared with each other and the results were evaluated. In the end, it was evaluated how faster it is to print a sample using a 2 mm nozzle than a 0.4 mm nozzle. The results showed that the ductile materials (PETG and CPE) have significantly less load carrying capacity when printed on the robotic arm. For fragile materials (PLA and NonOilen) the difference is smaller. A sample can be printed up to 20 times faster using a 2 mm nozzle at a layer height of 1.5 mm than on a conventional printer at a layer height of 0.2 mm. The results of this work are intended to serve as a benchmark for further investigation of large-scale 3D printing. They can give a basic understanding of the properties and behaviour of materials printed using large diameter nozzles.

    Mechanical properties of large scale 3D printing parts

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    This study focuses on the mechanical properties of polymer samples printed using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) on a KUKA KR8 R1620 robotic arm with layer height and orientation relative to the bed as parameters. The samples were tested for tensile strength. The shape of the specimens was designed to eliminate the stress concentrations generated by the manufacturing process. The maximum stress values were compared with each other and the results were evaluated. In the end, it was evaluated how faster it is to print a sample using a 2 mm nozzle than a 0.4 mm nozzle. The results showed that the ductile materials (PETG and CPE) have significantly less load carrying capacity when printed on the robotic arm. For fragile materials (PLA and NonOilen) the difference is smaller. A sample can be printed up to 20 times faster using a 2 mm nozzle at a layer height of 1.5 mm than on a conventional printer at a layer height of 0.2 mm. The results of this work are intended to serve as a benchmark for further investigation of large-scale 3D printing. They can give a basic understanding of the properties and behaviour of materials printed using large diameter nozzles

    Softwarová podpora tvorby a vyhodnocování finančních ukazatelů

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (155) informatiky v ekonomic

    Lease of an apartment

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    This thesis deals with legal aspects of the lease of an apartment pursuant to the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended. Regarding the fact, that the said code is relatively new, the thesis also contains a comparison with the previous Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, in the previous wording. The first chapter is devoted to the general aspects of the lease and of the lease on an apartment. The second chapter deals with the lease agreement as the main legal title for the creation of the lease of an apartment and its characteristics. In this respect, it also deals with some special cases of the lease of an apartment. The third chapter contains rights and obligations of the lessor and the lessee. The fourth chapter is focused on the rent and other related payments. The subject of the fifth chapter is the joint lease of an apartment. The sixth chapter deals with the sublease. In the seventh chapter, I focused on changes of the lease relationship with respect to its subjects. The last chapter deals with legal facts that result in termination of the lease of an apartment. The thesis also shows some insufficiencies and disputable issues contained in the new legal regulation. The text is added by relevant judicial decisions