940 research outputs found

    Surveillance and privacy as emerging issues in communication and media studies. An introduction

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    Surveillance and privacy are two closely related issues that continue to move into the heart of communication and media studies. With contemporary mediatization and datafication of societies, surveillance and privacy play an increasing role across all communication and media subdisciplines and thus advance to being a core theme in the field. Considerations on data collection and analysis, on the one hand, and managing individual and organizational information boundaries, on the other hand, are subject to mundane, everyday media practices. Both relate to customer data, provided for instance in offline and online shopping or with car tracking data. Another key concern is social media communication, as there is an increasing awareness and knowledge on the massive collection of data by large technology companies. Not least, being a member of digital societies implies a certain loss of control over personal data. This special issue joins contributions which illustrate that surveillance and privacy play multiple roles in mediated communication across all these fields of human action

    Management System for Sports Teams

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou správy sportovních týmů. Analyzuje potřeby a požadavky sportovních týmů na systém, který by jim pomohl při organizaci jejich záležitostí v rámci týmu. V rámci práce byla také provedena implementace tohoto systému a navržena marketingová strategie budoucího rozvoje. Celý systém je postaven na bázi webové aplikace s využitím programovacího jazyka PHP a relačního databázového serveru MariaDB. Systém je na internetu dostupný pro širokou veřejnost. Nadále probíhá jeho monitoring a na základě zpětné reakce od uživatelů i jeho rozšiřování a vývoj.The thesis is focused on problematic of sports team management. It analyzes sports team‘s needs and requirements for a system, which could help them to organize their team activities and issues. Thesis includes an implementation of such system and its marketing strategy for future development purposes. Whole system is built on a web application basis using PHP programming language and relational database server MariaDB. System is available online for public use. It is monitored continuously and its expansion and development is based on feedbacks from its users.

    Financial Performance Prediction of Electrotechnical Company by CorporateMetrics Method

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    Import 11/07/2012Cílem diplomové práce je predikovat finanční výkonnost firmy z elektrotechnického sektoru s využitím metody CorporateMetrics na bázi provozního výsledku hospodaření. Finanční výkonnost je posuzována z pohledu dosažení firmou plánovaného výsledku hospodaření oproti výsledku hospodaření predikovanému vzhledem k proměnlivosti tržních veličin, které na něj působí. V teoretické části je charakterizována metoda CorporateMetrics, popsány její jednotlivé kroky a princip při její aplikaci. Pozornost je zde zaměřena zejména na finanční modelování, charakteristiku tržního rizika, metodu Monte Carlo a Value at Risk. V praktické části je představena firma, na níž bude metoda CorporateMetrics aplikována a jsou identifikována tržní rizika, která mají vliv na její provozní výsledek hospodaření. Dalším krokem je odhad modelů těchto rizikových faktorů, pomocí kterých je následně možné vyjádřit odhadované náklady a výnosy, z nichž je predikován provozní výsledek hospodaření. Využitím ukazatele Earnings at Risk je na závěr vyjádřena potenciální ztráta oproti plánu na předem stanovených hladinách významnosti.The aim of this thesis is to predict financial performance of companies in the electrotechnical sector using CorporateMetrics method based on operating profit. Financial performance is assessed in terms of achieving the planned profit than the profit predicted due to the volatility of market values which influence the profit. In the theoretical part, there is characterized CorporateMetrics method, described its steps and principles for its application. Main Attention is focused on financial modeling, market risk characteristics, Monte Carlo method and Value at Risk. In the practical part is company on which CorporateMetrics method will be apllied and market risks which affect its operating profit are identified. The next step is to estimate models of these risk factors by which is then possible to express the estimated costs and revenues, from which is predicted operating profit. Using Indicator Earnings at Risk is expressed the potential loss than planned on predetermined levels of significance in the end.154 - Katedra financívelmi dobř

    On the concept of figurations, deep mediatization, and the adulthood of media and communication studies – the interview with Andreas Hepp

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    Andreas Hepp is Professor of Communication and Media Studies at ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research at theUniversityofBremen. Mediatization research is among his various research interests that generally include media and communication theory, media sociology, and transcultural communication. Theoretical and empirical studies on mediatization processes are also among the leading subjects in the academic work of ZeMKI.Andreas Hepp is the author of several publications on the subject of mediatization, including his latest book The Mediated Construction of Reality written with Nick Couldry of the Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science. In The Mediated Construction of Reality, Couldry and Hepp revisit the question of how the social world is constructed, originally asked by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann (1966), and provide the reader with their own original answer, acknowledging the complex and irreducible contribution of digital media to the process. The editorial staff of Mediatization Studies reckons Andreas Hepp as one of the leading academics in the field of mediatization research and his and Couldry’s book as one of the most interesting and up-to-date accounts on the issue. This is why we decided to present it via this interview.The interview was conducted during the Communicative Figurations international conference in Bremen (December 7-9, 2016), which focused on transforming communications in times of deep mediatization. Couldry and Hepp’s book had its official presentation during the conference

    Glokalna e-mobilizacja: (naprawdę) nowe media narzędziem obywatelskiej mobilizacji

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