83 research outputs found

    Collaborative Production Model of Educational Resources for Human-Computer Interaction Community in Latino America

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    Today, human-computer interaction (HCI) shows great activity, dynamism, and academic presence throughout the world, having special relevance in the Latin American region. The region is not only vast for its geographical space but also diverse and multicultural, where researchers and academics from this area or community have proposed and made known the benefits of the HCI that they can bring to today’s society. However, some problems arise and need to be addressed in the HCI area in the Latin American region, such as the lack of training strategies and the availability of content and educational resources in Spanish. In order to mitigate this problem, the current work proposes a collaborative production model of educative resources for human-computer interaction developed in Latin America. The model preconizes a series of strategies and technological services to support the collaborative production and access of HCI educative resources such as videos, slides, handouts, textbooks, user experience analysis, and usability tests. The proposed model is tested throughout two real case studies conducted by teachers and researchers from different Latin American universities in order to produce and use the HCI educative resources for under- and postgraduate courses

    Extensión del Estándar IEEE LOM para Describir Aplicaciones Interactivas Educativas: un Enfoque sobre Accesibilidad

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    This work focuses on the use of Interactive Applications (IA) as an educational resources applied in the context of inclusive education. The Learning Object Metadata standard (LOM) is often used to facilitate the share and reuse of Learning Objects (LO). This standard suggests a wide set of metadata to describe a LO from the general, educational or even technical points of view. However this standard is not enough to describe overall the accessibility aspects and proper considerations of the Educational Interactive Applications. Therefore, this work presents a proposal to extend the LOM standard for the purpose to get extensive descriptions on the use of interactive applications as educational resources in inclusive education

    Desafíos de tele-rehabilitación en niños con discapacidad en educación temprana

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    This research deals with the tele-rehabilitation service for children with disabilities in a post-Covid-19 era. There has been a boom with new working models and adaptation to new challenges and experiences of professionals in rehabilitation therapies. With such services as the most effective way to treat psychomotor deficits in children with disabilities, Rehabilitation Centers have reconfigured their planning by offering hybrid care, but there is a lack of integration of ICT for the delivery of these services through agile approaches. Under an Action-Design methodology, a survey was designed and applied to therapists from five Rehabilitation Centers in Mexico; focused on knowing four relevant aspects: Rehabilitation Teleworking; ICT in therapeutic activity; Communication between parents and Rehabilitation centers; and Patients. From the result, it can be inferred that there is a high level of interest at THE initial education in technological training and a need for higher quality stimulation tools and resources.Esta investigación trata sobre el servicio de Tele-rehabilitación para niños con discapacidad en una época post-Covid 19. Ha habido un auge con nuevos modelos de trabajo y la adaptación a nuevos retos y experiencias de los profesionales en terapias de rehabilitación. Con dichos servicios como la forma más efectiva de tratar el déficit psicomotor en niños con discapacidad, los Centros de Rehabilitación han reconfigurado su planificación ofreciendo atención híbrida, pero existe una falta de integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para la entrega de estos servicios a través de enfoques ágiles. Bajo una metodología de Diseño-Acción, se diseñó una encuesta aplicada a terapeutas de cinco Centros de Rehabilitación de México. De los resultados se puede inferir un alto interés de la educación a nivel inicial por la formación tecnológica y una necesidad de mayor calidad en las herramientas y recursos de estimulación

    La Inclusión educativa a través de las TIC

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    The goal of this guest editorial is to introduce the first group of papers of the special issue on Educational Inclusion through ICT. This special issue integrates papers focused on identifying, sharing, and valorizing experiences, projects and best practices focused on inclusion and education with digital technologies. The papers were submitted and reviewed in an open format. In this first edition of this special issue nine works have been include

    Uso de rutas de aprendizaje a través de un ecosistema digital para apoyar a niños con problemas de aprendizaje en matemáticas básicas

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    Nowadays, technology is present in any human activity. In education a central problem is the large amount of educational resources available on the web, these resources need to be organized and evaluated for their best use in a specific way in order to be used by children with learning disabilities, this through user profiles that help an adequate delivery. Each of these children belongs to learning communities within an inclusive digital ecosystem that generates time optimization for the acquisition of basic math skills. This work aims to bring technology closer to improve the knowledge of children with learning disabilities in basic mathematics through the use of learning paths, which help to guide the teacher in the needs of children. A series of resources are proposed in an orderly and progressive manner that help to mitigate the problems presented according to the profile of each student, each of these learning paths are based on workflows in order to deliver resources through services. This paper presents a case study in an elementary school in Mexico and finally the results obtained from the evaluation of the case study

    Colaboración de los objetos de aprendizaje en la gestión del aprendizaje

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    This work presents a research project advance, the target is design and evaluate a methodology based in instructional software engineering for learning management. The project´ s proposed focus in the dynamic part of learning process management by the generation of conceptual maps and learning objects, the intention is interpret the student meaning and produce the continuous improvement. Specifically this paper deepens about the value of learning objects collaboration issue. For that, we identified three fases that are fundamental and show the "know-how" of learning objects collaboration in the learning management.Este artículo presenta el avance de un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es diseñar y evaluar una metodología basada en ingeniería de software instruccional para la gestión del aprendizaje. La propuesta del proyecto se concentra en la parte dinámica de la gestión del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, a través de la generación de mapas conceptuales en combinación con objetos de aprendizaje con la finalidad de interpretar el significado de los estudiantes y provocar la mejora continua. Específicamente este artículo profundiza sobre la importancia del aspecto de la colaboración de Los objetos de aprendizaje. Para el LO se identifican tres fases que son fundamentales y que muestran el “know-how” de la colaboración de los objetos de aprendizaje en la gestión del aprendizaje

    Integration of Gamification to Assist Literacy in Children with Special Educational Needs

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    Nowadays, the use of mobile applications is gaining popularity among people, spreading to different areas. Specifically, the use of mobile applications has boomed in the field of education, with the increasing variety of applications in the application stores (PlayStore, AppStore, etc) that address specific problems of stories becoming increasingly common in the market like: problems of reading, writing, mathematics and other topics. On the other hand, the special education is an area of attention to children with special educational needs such as attention deficit, intellectual disability, speech problems, among other problems. Specifically, children who have problems in literacy with special educational need, face a challenge during their learning process of reading and writing. Because of this, special education has begun to incorporate the use of technology through the use of mobile applications in the classroom. In this context, we believe that teaching strategies can be adapted to the development of competences, both specific and transversal, in special education students, while at the same time they can increase students motivation during their learning process. These elements are known as gamification techniques. There is a seies of gamification techniques that can be incorporated into the learning process in children with special educational needs. The present work exposes the gamification techniques incorporated in a playful way in mobile applications, as well as a methodological proposal for the integration of these techniques in special education enviroments, making a case study in conjunction with teachers and special education children. First section of the article consits of a brief introduction to the reader on the subject of the gamification techniques, in wich they are found and some examples of gamification techniques used. Section II exposes the problem that can be solved in this work, section III presents the methodology used for the preparation of this work, describing each of the stages by wich it is composed. Section IV presents the case study that was conducted in conjuntion with special education children and finally section V discusss the results and conclusions that wre obtained from the work done

    Entornos de Realidad Virtual Centrados en el Usuario como Soporte a las Necesidades Educativas de Niños con TDAH en la Pandemia por COVID 19

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    The use of technology to face the challenges in daily life is something that is increasingly needed and in complicated times like the one we live in today where there is a health contingency (COVID-19) that prevents people from exposing themselves to each other and restricts physical contact, virtual reality can be an alternative that allows the transmission of knowledge in an immersive and interactive way in various fields. This work proposes the use of virtual reality environments as an alternative to support the learning process in children with special educational needs such as Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other associated disorders that occur in basic education. These proposed virtual reality environments are designed under a user-centered approach and their contents are in accordance with expert therapeutic guidelines. As a result of this proposal, a case study is presented in which the user experience is evaluated through the use of an interactive environment to support the special educational needs of elementary school children attending an educational institution in Mexic

    Patrones de Multiculturalidad para el Diseño de Aplicaciones Web

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    The cultural diversity on the Web is the result of the growth of the Internet in the last years, making that the Web services and applications be every time more used for users in different cultures who, in many cases, are different to the initial users in which the design and development were based. This paper studies the differences in the cultural communication through the Web starting by the cultural dimensions proposed by Victor, Hofstede, Trompenaars and Hall. The Web design elements associated with the cultural dimensions and its behavior in representative Websites of Argentina, Colombia and Spain were identified to finally build a set of multiculturalism Patterns for Web Application Design with those elementsLa diversidad cultural en la Web surge como resultado del crecimiento de internet en los últimos años, logrando que los servicios y aplicaciones Web sean cada vez más utilizados por usuarios de diversas culturas, que en muchos casos terminan siendo diferentes a los usuarios iniciales en los que se basó su diseño y construcción. Este trabajo analiza las diferencias que se presentan en la comunicación multicultural a través de la Web, tomando como punto de partida las dimensiones culturales propuestas por Victor, Hofstede, Trompenaars y Hall. Se identificaron los elementos de diseño Web que están relacionados con las dimensiones culturales y su comportamiento en sitios Web representativos de Argentina, Colombia y España para finalmente construir un conjunto de Patrones de Multiculturalidad para el Diseño de Aplicaciones Web