710 research outputs found

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the ionic Hubbard model on the striped triangular lattice at 3/4 filling

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    We report a detailed study of a model Hamiltonian which exhibits a rich interplay of geometrical spin frustration, strong electronic correlations, and charge ordering. The character of the insulating phase depends on the magnitude of Delta/|t| and on the sign of t. We find a Mott insulator for Delta >> U >> |t|; a charge transfer insulator for U >> \Delta >> |t|; and a correlated covalent insulator for U >> \Delta ~ |t|. The charge transfer insulating state is investigated using a strong coupling expansion. The frustration of the triangular lattice can lead to antiferromagnetism or ferromagnetism depending on the sign of the hopping matrix element, t. We identify the "ring" exchange process around a triangular plaquette which determines the sign of the magnetic interactions. Exact diagonalization calculations are performed on the model for a wide range of parameters and compared to the strong coupling expansion. The regime U >> \Delta ~ |t| and t<0 is relevant to Na05CoO2. The calculated optical conductivity and the spectral density are discussed in the light of recent experiments on Na05CoO2.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Effect of apparatus characteristics on anxiety-like behavior in young adult and old mice of both sexes assessed by the elevated plus maze assay

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    Incidence of anxiety-like disorders in humans has been shown to decrease with aging; however, it is still under debate whether there are similarities in mice, which would support the use of mouse models in understanding the neuronal network changes that regulate anxiety-like behavior in aging. One of the most common tests used to assess anxiety-like behavior in laboratory animals is the elevated plus maze (EPM). Although several variables, such as room brightness and width of the maze arms, have been shown to influence the spontaneous animal behavior during the EPM test, none of these variables have ever been evaluated in aging to understand their possible differential effect on younger and older mice. We therefore decided to investigate the effect of apparatus construction on young adult and old mice of both sexes on EPM test performance. Our results show that distance traveled during the test is the variable that is most affected by apparatus characteristics independent of age and sex. We also found that apparatus construction was key in demonstrating that old mice spent more time and had relatively more entries in the open arms as compared to young mice, suggesting a decrease in anxiety-like behavior with age. Taken together, our data demonstrate that EPM apparatus characteristics dramatically affect test outcome with a wider arm apparatus being more effective in revealing age-dependent changes in anxiety-like behavior, thus, suggesting the use of a wider arm EPM when conducting aging studies in mice

    The influence of shyness on the use of Facebook in an undergraduate sample

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    Researchers have suggested that individual differences will help to determine which online communication tools appeal to and are used by different individuals. With respect to the domain of computer-mediated communication, shyness is a particular personality trait of interest, as forums provide opportunities for social interactions that shy individuals might otherwise avoid. The present study investigated the personality trait of shyness and its relation with certain features of an online communication tool (Facebook). We hypothesized that shyness would be significantly related to the quantity of time spent on Facebook, the number of contacts added to one’s Facebook profile, and attitudes toward Facebook. Our findings supported that shyness was significantly positively correlated with the time spent on Facebook and having favorable attitudes toward the social networking site. Furthermore, shyness was significantly negatively correlated with the number of Facebook “Friends.” Limitations of the present study and suggestions for future research are addressed

    Two new glassfrogs (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from Ecuador, with comments on the endangered biodiversity of the Andes.

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    Background The Tropical Andes is the world's most biodiverse hotspot. This region contains >1,000 amphibian species, more than half of which are endemic. Herein we describe two new glassfrog species (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) that we discovered within relatively unexplored and isolated localities of the Ecuadorian Andes. Methods We employed morphological, acoustic, and molecular methods to test the hypothesis that Hyalinobatrachium mashpi sp. nov and H. nouns sp. nov. are species new to science. Following standard methods, we generated mitochondrial sequences (16S) of 37 individuals in the genus Hyalinobatrachium. We inferred the phylogenetic relationships of the two new species in comparison to all other glassfrogs using Maximum Likelihood. In addition to describing the call of H. mashpi sp. nov., we performed a discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) with the advertisement call characteristics of several congeners. Results Based on an integrative taxonomy approach, we describe two new species. Morphological traits and the inferred phylogeny unambiguously place the new taxa in the genus Hyalinobatrachium. Both species are distinguished from other glassfrogs mainly by their dorsal coloration (i.e., dorsum lime green with small light yellow spots, head usually with interorbital bar) and transparent pericardium (i.e., the heart is visible through the ventral skin). The new species exhibit a high morphological similarity (i.e., cryptic) and occur within relatively close geographical proximity (closest aerial distance = 18.9 km); however, their uncorrected p distance for the mitochondrial gene 16S is 4.6-4.7%, a value that greatly exceeds the genetic distance between closely related species of centrolenid frogs. The DAPC revealed that the advertisement call of H. mashpi sp. nov. is acoustically distinct. Discussion Our findings are congruent with several previous studies that report a high degree of endemism in the Toisán mountain range, which appears to be isolated from the main Andean cordillera for some amphibian groups. We recommend that both H. mashpi sp. nov. and H. nouns sp. nov. be listed as Endangered, following IUCN criteria. These new species provide another example of cryptic diversity in the Andes-further evidence that the region fosters much more biodiversity than we have the resources to catalog. Threatened by mining and other exploitative industries, these glassfrogs and many other yet-to-be-discovered Andean species highlight the dire need for effective conservation measures-especially in northwestern Ecuador

    Projected distributions of Southern Ocean albatrosses, petrels and fisheries as a consequence of climatic change

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    Given the major ongoing influence of environmental change on the oceans, there is a need to understand and predict the future distributions of marine species in order to plan appropriate mitigation to conserve vulnerable species and ecosystems. In this study we use tracking data from seven large seabird species of the Southern Ocean (black‐browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris, grey‐headed albatross T. chrysostoma, northern giant petrel Macronectes halli, southern giant petrel M. giganteus, Tristan albatross Diomedea dabbenena, wandering albatross D. exulans and white‐chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis, and on fishing effort in two types of fisheries (characterised by low or high‐bycatch rates), to model the associations with environmental variables (bathymetry, chlorophyll‐a concentration, sea surface temperature and wind speed) through ensemble species distribution models. We then projected these distributions according to four climate change scenarios built by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change for 2050 and 2100. The resulting projections were consistent across scenarios, indicating that there is a strong likelihood of poleward shifts in distribution of seabirds, and several range contractions (resulting from a shift in the northern, but no change in the southern limit of the range in four species). Current trends for southerly shifts in fisheries distributions are also set to continue under these climate change scenarios at least until 2100; some of these may reflect habitat loss for target species that are already over‐fished. It is of particular concern that a shift in the distribution of several highly threatened seabird species would increase their overlap with fisheries where there is a high‐bycatch risk. Under such scenarios, the associated shifts in distribution of seabirds and increases in bycatch risk will require much‐improved fisheries management in these sensitive areas to minimise impacts on populations in decline

    Cyclotron effective masses in layered metals

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    Many layered metals such as quasi-two-dimensional organic molecular crystals show properties consistent with a Fermi liquid description at low temperatures. The effective masses extracted from the temperature dependence of the magnetic oscillations observed in these materials are in the range, m^*_c/m_e \sim 1-7, suggesting that these systems are strongly correlated. However, the ratio m^*_c/m_e contains both the renormalization due to the electron-electron interaction and the periodic potential of the lattice. We show that for any quasi-two-dimensional band structure, the cyclotron mass is proportional to the density of states at the Fermi energy. Due to Luttinger's theorem, this result is also valid in the presence of interactions. We then evaluate m_c for several model band structures for the \beta, \kappa, and \theta families of (BEDT-TTF)_2X, where BEDT-TTF is bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene) and X is an anion. We find that for \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2X, the cyclotron mass of the \beta-orbit, m^{*\beta}_c, is close to 2 m^{*\alpha}_c, where m^{*\alpha}_c is the effective mass of the \alpha- orbit. This result is fairly insensitive to the band structure details. For a wide range of materials we compare values of the cyclotron mass deduced from band structure calculations to values deduced from measurements of magnetic oscillations and the specific heat coefficient.Comment: 12 pages, 3 eps figure

    Phylogenetic position of “Cochranella” megista (Anura: Centrolenidae) and first records for Ecuador

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    “Cochranella” megista is an Endangered and rarely encountered species of glass frog that, until now, had been only registered in the Colombian Andes. Here we report this species for the first time in Ecuador, expanding its known distribution ca. 530 km south of its original range. Additionally, we include C. megista in a molecular phylogeny for the first time and unambiguously place the species in the genus Nymphargus, resulting in a new combination. Habitat in both countries is fragmented and is threatened by mining concessions and agriculture

    Quenching a Weyl-Kondo semimetal by magnetic field

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    With the advent of topology in electronic materials the number of predicted quantum phases has literally exploded. Most of them, however, still await firm experimental identification. In strongly correlated electron systems, scanning their low-temperature phase diagrams by varying a nonthermal control parameter has been instrumental in delineating phases defined by a Landau order parameter. Here we show that this approach is versatile also for strongly correlated topological phases. We use Hall effect measurements to probe how the time reversal symmetry invariant Weyl-Kondo semimetal Ce3_3Bi4_4Pd3_3 transforms under magnetic-field tuning. We detect an intriguing two-stage transition, which we associate with an annihilation of the Weyl nodes, making the system more insulating, and a consecutive transition to a heavy fermion metal phase. We expect our work to stimulate tuning studies in related systems, thereby advancing the much needed identification of organizing principles for strongly correlated electronic topology.Comment: 4 figures, 19 page

    MyTrack+: Human-centered design of an mHealth app to support long-term weight loss maintenance

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    A growing body of research has focused on the utility of adaptive intervention models for promoting long-term weight loss maintenance; however, evaluation of these interventions often requires customized smartphone applications. Building such an app from scratch can be resource-intensive. To support a novel clinical trial of an adaptive intervention for weight loss maintenance, we developed a companion app, MyTrack+, to pair with a main commercial app, FatSecret (FS), leveraging a user-centered design process for rapid prototyping and reducing software engineering efforts. MyTrack+ seamlessly integrates data from FS and the BodyTrace smart scale, enabling participants to log and self-monitor their health data, while also incorporating customized questionnaires and timestamps to enhance data collection for the trial. We iteratively refined the app by first developing initial mockups and incorporating feedback from a usability study with 17 university students. We further improved the app based on an in-the-wild pilot study with 33 participants in the target population, emphasizing acceptance, simplicity, customization options, and dual app usage. Our work highlights the potential of using an iterative human-centered design process to build a companion app that complements a commercial app for rapid prototyping, reducing costs, and enabling efficient research progress