2,063 research outputs found

    The Five Factor Model of Personality and Stuttering

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    AbstractThe present study investigated the five personality domains of Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness, as measured by NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), in a sample of twenty adults who stutter and compared with twenty control group matched to age and gender. Results reveal that mean scores of the personality dimension of Conscientiousness were significantly higher in adults who stutter compared to the control group. Furthermore, male who stutter characterized by significantly higher Neuroticism, than male control group. Following the present results, clinicians might include data on Conscientiousness and Neuroticism to follow an individualized counseling procedure

    Econometric analysis of consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for organic tomatoes in Palestine: Choice experiment method

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    This study aimed to examine consumers’ willingness to pay a premium price for several environmental attributes of organic tomato to increase both producer production and consumer health in Palestine. The paper adopts the choice experiment method using the econometric analysis of the random utility model. The research questions of this study focus on awareness of the importance of ensuring / securing the environment, how many households in the West Bank purchase organic tomatoes, reasons for which households may be willing or not willing to pay more for organic tomatoes, and the main socio-economic variables that affect the households willingness to pay for organic tomatoes when making organic tomatoes choices. The empirical results show that organic tomatoes are preferred to conventional ones because of health claims by respondents so that we conclude that respondents are willing to pay more for organic tomatoes compared to conventional ones. Additionally, consumers prefer organic products because of health and environmental benefits. Some policy measures might further promote the consumption of organic products. These include creating awareness of the relevance of consuming organic products through effective marketing and educational campaigns. However, there are about 500 organic farms in Palestine with a total area of 1’0000 square meters mainly under fruit, almond, olives and dates. According to the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee, organic pasturelands are not found because of the Israeli control (German Development Agency GTZ) and according to the ministry of agriculture in Palestine, there are 24 organic olive farms with a total area of 18885 square meters

    Making Dye Solar Cells with Natural Extracts of Cabbage and Rubia Tinctorum and the Comparison of their Characteristics

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    One of the key components of dye solar cell is a pigment. The most important characteristics of a pigment is wide range of absorption spectrum, and its more photonic absorption. This article reports the characteristics of a dye solar cell with pigments obtained from extracts of cabbage and rubia tinctorum on nanoparticles. Regarding the results of spectrophotometry, the scope and extent of absorption of these two pigments is relatively high. The results of the measurements for each square centimeter of produced cells via the declined radiation of Sun light in intensity of (90 mW/cm2) are as follows: A dye solar cell with extract of cabbage: Jsc(µA/cm2=4360   Voc(mv)=400.4  µ=0.9% A dye solar cell with extract of ronas: Jsc(µA/cm2=3110   Voc(mv)=399  µ=0.42% According to the simple method of production and low cost of these cells, compared to other imported ones, there is a great hope to its spread for the optimization of these features

    Making Dye Solar Cells with Natural Extracts of Cabbage and Rubia Tinctorum and the Comparison of their Characteristics

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    One of the key components of dye solar cell is a pigment. The most important characteristics of a pigment is wide range of absorption spectrum, and its more photonic absorption. This article reports the characteristics of a dye solar cell with pigments obtained from extracts of cabbage and rubia tinctorum on nanoparticles. Regarding the results of spectrophotometry, the scope and extent of absorption of these two pigments is relatively high. The results of the measurements for each square centimeter of produced cells via the declined radiation of Sun light in intensity of (90 mW/cm2) are as follows: A dye solar cell with extract of cabbage: Jsc(µA/cm2=4360   Voc(mv)=400.4  µ=0.9% A dye solar cell with extract of ronas: Jsc(µA/cm2=3110   Voc(mv)=399  µ=0.42% According to the simple method of production and low cost of these cells, compared to other imported ones, there is a great hope to its spread for the optimization of these features

    The Role of Human Resource Management in the Growth of Startups: A Multiple Case Study from the Perspective of Entrepreneurs and Employees

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    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of human resource management (HRM) in the growth of startups. Accordingly, the missions and practices of HRM in startups are identified from the perspective of entrepreneurs and employees. A multiple case study approach is used by focusing on two startups in Iran. Moreover, the data are collected by interviewing one entrepreneur and four employees in each company. Besides, qualitative data are analysed using thematic analysis. Results demonstrated the various types of HRM missions and practices in startups and reflect different perspectives of entrepreneurs and employees of human resources management in these companies. Finally, the results illustrated that HRM can play an important role in the growth of these companies. Although research in the field of startups has increased in recent years, the role of HRM in the growth of these companies has rarely been addressed. The present research helps to expand literature related to the role of HRM in the growth of startups by considering the different perspectives of startups' entrepreneurs and employees

    Histological and allometric growth analysis of eye in Caspian kutum, Rutilus kutum Kamensky, 1901 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) during early developmental stages

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    Fish larvae have several sensory systems that are functional at or soon after hatching and then are developed further during larval and juvenile stages. This study was conducted to investigate development of the eye in Rutilus kutum, based on histological and allometric growth analysis during early developmental stages up to 35 day post hatching with emphasis on retinal morphology. For this purpose, the histological sections were prepared and allometric growth pattern of the eye was calculated. The results showed that the most eye's structures along with the retina of the newly hatched larvae, as the inner sensory (photosensitive) tissue were completely differentiated. Allometric growth pattern of the eye diameter up to the inflexion point (7 dph) was somewhat positive and then it became negative. The results revealed that the Caspian kutum is dependence on visual capability as visual feeder during their larval period which itself explains completion of eye structures and the high growth rate of eye before 3 dph i.e. beginning of mixed feeding

    Developing and validating a checklist for assessing the performance of air ambulance services

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop a checklist for assessing the performance of air ambulance services. Method: This is a qualitative study. The first phase involved a review of existing documentation about air emergency standards to create a checklist of the most critical factors and components affecting the performance of air ambulance services. The second phase required experts to complete a performance evaluation checklist from the previous phase. The third phase utilized the Delphi technique to validate the performance evaluation checklist for air ambulance services. The experts in this study were 24 pundits with a vested interest in the subject. Results: A total of 31 items exist in the area of helipad-related facilities, 17 items in the area of process requirements for medical centers with helicopter landing areas, 15 items in the category of human resources for air ambulances, 10 items in the category of human resources for receiving or delivering patients from air ambulances to medical centers, 27 items in the area of base equipment, 17 items in the area of helicopter equipment, and requirements, 14 items in the category of technical, communication, and safety equipment for use inside the helicopter, 1o items dealing with time standards, 11 items dealing with road and urban base requirements for air ambulance operations. Experts approved two items in the area of utilizing other rescue and law enforcement agencies to assist and cooperate with air emergency flights and two items in the area of comfort for conscious patients to alleviate stress during flight. Conclusion: A performance evaluation checklist is an effective tool for evaluating the quantity and quality of emergency helicopter services provided and measuring their performance

    Comparison of success rate and onset time of two different anesthesia techniques

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    Background: Using local anesthetic is common to control the pain through blocking the nerve reversibly in dental procedures. Gow-Gates (GG) technique has a high success rate but less common. This study aimed to compare the onset time and success rate in GG and standard technique of inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB). Material and Methods: This descriptive, single blind study was consisted of 136 patients (59 males and 77 females) who were randomly received GG or IANB for extraction of mandibular molar teeth. Comparisons between the successes of two anesthetic injection techniques were analyzed with Chi-square test. Incidence of pulpal anesthesia and soft tissue anesthesia were analyzed with Kaplan-Meier method. Mean onset times of pulpal anesthesia, soft tissue and lip numbness were analyzed with Log-Rank test. Comparisons were considered significant at P ≤0.05 by using SPSS software ver.15. Results: The incidence of pulpal anesthesia in the IANB group (canine 49.3%, premolar 60.3%) were not significantly different from the GG group (canine 41.3%, premolar 74.6%) ( P =0.200 and P =0.723). The success rate in the IANB group (80.82%) was not significantly different from the GG group (92.02%) ( P =0.123). Furthermore, onset time of lip and buccal soft tissue numbness in GG group (3.25, 4.96 minutes) was quite similar to IANB group (3.22, 4.89 minutes) (all P values >0.05). Conclusions: Although this study demonstrated higher clinical success rate for GG than IANB technique, no significant differences in success rates and onset time were observed between two techniques

    Factors affecting the choice of treatment center by infertile couples: A cross-sectional study in Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute

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    Background: Infertility is one of the critical health issues in Iran. There are more than 70 specialized infertility treatment centers in Iran, of which the Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute, is one of the most important ones. Objective: This study aimed to determine the factors influencing infertile couples’ choice of Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 275 infertile couples aged 18 and older, referring to Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute, Yazd, Iran from September 2021 to March 2022. Data were gathered using a 2-part questionnaire. Data analysis was done through SPSS software. We used descriptive statistics, Kruskal- Wallis, Mann-Whitney, and t test for data analysis. Results: Most participants were individuals who came from other provinces of Iran (74.9%) and were referred to the Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute. Among the 4 categories that influenced couples’ decision to choose this center, factors related to the personnel and treatment staff received the highest score (75.83), while personal factors received the lowest score (65.76). The average score for factors related to doctors was 72.90, and for factors related to the center, it was 73.65. The satisfaction with personnel and treatment staff varied based on participants’ education levels, with those who had lower levels of education reporting higher levels of satisfaction (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The primary factors contributing to the success of the Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute in attracting clients were the dedication and expertise of the staff, as well as the esteemed reputation of the doctors at the center. Key words: Infertility, Fertility clinics, Yazd, Iran
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