898 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Double Loop Problem Solving di Kelas VII-A MTs Negeri 3 Banyumas untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis dan Self-Efficacy

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    This study aimed to enhance mathematical communication ability and self-efficacy on seventh-grade students through Double Loop Problem Solving learning at MTs Negeri 3 Banyumas. The subjects was 26 seventh-grade students from MTs Negeri 3 Banyumas in academic year of 2018/2019. This research was a class action research consisting of 3 cycles. The instrument was the test to measure mathematical communication ability and the questionnaire to measure self-efficacy. The results are the average score of mathematical communication ability in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III respectively are 52,03; 74,02; dan 76,58. In addition, the average score of self-efficacy in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III respectively are 68,59; 72,80; and 75,64

    Berpikir Level Tinggi dan TPACK Calon Guru Matematika pada Pembelajaran Matematika Abad ke-21

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    In the 21st century, learning requires high-level thinking processes and mastery of technology. The benefits of using technology accompanied by high-level thinking include 1) having many alternative solutions to problems, 2) be a good co-worker, and 3) being more independent in finding solutions. Also, learning mathematics is one of the main lessons in class and has the main characteristics of structured learning and has a systematic flow. The attributes of existing mathematics learning may support the technology learning process, which also has an orderly system and algorithm. This study employed a cross-sectional survey—it exploring high-level thinking and TPACK in mathematics learning. The subject was 182 pre-service mathematics teachers in Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia. This study showed high-level thinking, and TPACK indicated that the item was sufficient to perform factor analysis. The analysis results found that the Kaiser Meyer-Oikin (KMO) value for items in the high-level thinking construct questionnaire with 12 items showed 0.657 (l> 0.50). Subsequently, in TPACK construct questionnaire with 32 items showed 0.783. The results stated that higher-order thinking is the essential capital in learning mathematics. Therefore, learning mathematics also demands the dynamism of technological developments to support the success of learning mathematics.Pembelajaran matematika pada abad ke-21 membutuhkan proses berpikir tingkat tinggi dan penguasaan teknologi. Manfaat penggunaan teknologi yang disertai dengan pemikiran tingkat tinggi antara lain 1) memiliki banyak alternatif pemecahan masalah, 2) menjadi rekan kerja yang baik, dan 3) lebih mandiri dalam mencari solusi. Selain itu, pembelajaran matematika merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran utama di kelas dan memiliki ciri utama pembelajaran yang terstruktur dan memiliki alur yang sistematis. Atribut pembelajaran matematika yang ada dapat mendukung proses pembelajaran teknologi, yang juga memiliki sistem dan algoritma yang teratur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei potong lintang yang mengeksplorasi pemikiran tingkat tinggi dan Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) dalam pembelajaran matematika. Subjek penelitian adalah 182 calon guru matematika di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menunjukkan item-item yang terkandung dalam berpikir tingkat tinggi, dan TPACK cukup untuk dilakukan analisis faktor, yaitu berada pada nilai 0.657 dan 0.783 (l> 0.50). Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa berpikir tingkat tinggi merupakan modal penting dalam pembelajaran matematika. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran matematika juga menuntut dinamisme perkembangan teknologi untuk menunjang keberhasilan pembelajaran matematika

    Higher thinking and digital literacy: Empowering technology for pre-service mathematics teacher

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    Teachers play a more significant role as a symbol of teaching success. Teachers who hold a more potential digital literacy in education teach mathematics with patterns and procedures, leading to practical teaching mathematics. Influential digital literacy and higher thinking are not possible when teachers do not use technology to understand the concept of mathematics. Therefore, teachers are required to improve their technical abilities and higher thinking in mathematics learning. This research used a cross-sectional quantitative research. This research uses statistical analysis of the Kaiser Meyer-Oikin Test (KMO) and the Barlett's Test to obtain exploratory factor analysis. Subsequently, the analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model with Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the relationship between higher thinking skills and digital literacy. The review discoveries show that teachers' digital literacy has a more significant impact on the use of technology in the classroom, and teachers' higher thinking in the role of technology will encourage teachers to use more technology in their practical teaching. Teachers need to broaden their perspectives on the ability and quality of mathematics teaching that is more easily changed by changing practical instruction in the classroom. One of the reasons mathematics teachers still apply traditional teachings is the lower thinking and low level of digital literacy. Teachers are not capable of teaching the concept of mathematics with technology to students


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    Trigonometry was one of the basic topic used for learning advance mathematics. Lecturer borteacher and students often faced difficulties when they learned trigonometri and answeredtrigonometric exercises, moreover when they solved trigonometric problem. This articledescribed the undergraduate students unnecessary mistakes of trigonometric exercises. Theconjectures of mistakes was created based on students mistakes in learning trigonometry. Datacollection conducted from students test result. Data reduction, data display, and conclusiondrawing was used to analyze the data. Test result choosed analyzed based on the conjecturescreated. Research found nine students unnecessary mistakes of the trigonometric exerciseanswer agreed with the conjectures. These were student uncared place of quadrant, studentsgot accidently exchange formula, students created table to help them drawing trigonometricfunction graph, students drew trigonometric function graph in a straight line manner, studentsdid not add period in solution of trigonometric equation, students did not operate to all of thepart of equation, students applied distribution in a wrong place, students applied uncorrectformula, students did not connect between trigonometry other concept in mathematics.Keyword: Trigonometry, Unnecessary Mistake, Students Answer


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membantu perkembangan aktivitas kerjasama kelompok mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran kooperatif mata kuliah dasar proses pembelajaran matematika melalui lesson study . Penelitian dilakukan dalam 4 siklus, setiap siklus memiliki 3 fase kegiatan yaitu a) plan , b ) do , dan c ) see. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kelas B angkatan 2011 Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi, rekaman video , dan hasil pekerjaan mahasiswa yang berupa lembar kerja mahasiswa . Data dianalisis dengan cara reduksi data dan interpretasi silang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan aktivitas kerjasama mahasiswa yang tidak mendukung pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran kooperatif yaitu mahasiswa berdiskusi dengan kelompok lain, mahasiswa mendiskusikan materi lain, salah satu dari mahasiswa dalam kelompok mendominasi mahasiswa yang lain, tidak adanya pembagian tugas , mahasiswa membuang waktu diskusi dengan bermain laptop Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan aktivitas kerjasama mahasiswa yang mendukung pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran kooperatif setelah dilakukan perbaikan pembelajaran melalui lesson study yaitu antusiasme mahasiswa dalam bekerja sama, mahasiswa fokus berdiskusi dengan kelompoknya sendiri, dominasi mahasiswa dalam kelompok menurun, mahasiswa memanfaatkan waktu secara maksimal. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas kerjasama mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dapat dibantu dengan memberikan perhatian khusus kepada mahasiswa tertentu, memberikan tugas untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu, pemberian prosedur dalam berdiskusi, mempertimbangkan penggunaan media, memberikan tugas diskusi yang lebih banyak dari waktu yang tersedia. Kata kunci : aktivitas kerjasama , pembelajaran kooperatif , lesson stud

    Flipped Classroom Model: Empowering Digital Literacy for Mathematics Learning in Society 5.0

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    In the era of society 5.0, technology and education are likely two side of coin. Teachers can use technology in the classroom. Also, teachers play a role in maximizing the quality of learning. This study employed descriptive qualitative research. This study aimed produced an overview of flipped classroom used in learning activities, particularly in learning mathematics. The research data in this study were observations, semi-structure interviews, and documentation of flipped classroom learning activities. The research subjects were 37 seventh-grade students of one of junior high school in Purwokerto, Indonesia. The data analysis technique in this study consisted of four stages:1) data collection, 2) data reduction, 3) data presentation and 4) drawing conclusions. The results of this study are: 1) flipped classroom improves teachers and students digital literacy; 2) flipped classroom as one alternative learning model; 3) flipped classroom expressed students’ positive activities with technology; and 4) flipped classroom provide opportunities for parents interact with students in home activities

    Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Luar Jaringan (Luring) Pada Mata Pelajaran PAI Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    Wabah pandemi covid 19 telah merubah proses pembelajaran di sekolah termasuk dalam pembelajaran PAI. Guru PAI harus berusaha secara optimal agar proses pembelajarn PAI dapat terlaksana secara baik dan efektif sehingga kompetensi peserta didik pada mata pelajaran PAI dapat tercapai sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang implementasi strategi pemnbelajaran luring pada mata pelajaran PAI di masa pandemi dengan lokus penelitian di SMPS Islam Terpadu Assalam Sukaregang Pasantren Kabupaten Garut. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif, peneliti dapat lebih komprehensif memahami dan mendiskripsikan tentang implementasi strategi pembelajaran luring pada mata pelajaran PAI di masa Pandemi. Data yang diperoleh melalui studi dokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara langsung kepada responden terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi strategi pembelajaran luring pada mata pelajaran PAI di Masa pandemi di SMPS Islam Terpadu Assalam Sukaregang Pasantren Kabupaten Garut meliputi; 1) Tahapan pra pembelajaran luring, 2) Inti pembelajaran luring, 3) Pasca pembelajaran luring


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    Abstrak: Penerapan revolusi industri 4.0 memberi dampak kepada dunia pendidikan dalam menerapkan teknologi dari segala aspek pembelajaran di sekolah. Making Indonesia 4.0 adalah salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menyelaraskan kehidupan Indonesia dengan laju teknologi. Salah satu program dalam making Indonesia 4.0 adalah pendidikan 4.0 di Indonesia. Pendidikan 4.0 di Indonesia adalah program yang diciptakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dengan berlandaskan teknologi dalam aktivitasnya di pembelajaran kelas. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk mengetahui program pendidikan 4.0 di Indonesia dan dampak yang dihadapi dari pendidikan 4.0 di sekolah, khususnya di Muhammadiyah Ajibarang Middle School. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah guru-guru Muhammadiyah Ajibarang Middle School sebanyak 36 orang. Evaluasi yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah kuesioner pemahaman pengetahuan pendidikan 4.0. Hasil pelatihan ini adalah pemenuhan pendidikan 4.0 di Muhammadiyah Ajibarang Middle School dengan peningkatan pemahaman pengetahuan pendidikan 4.0 sebanyak 63% dari pengetahuan awal. Diharapkan kegiatan ini dapat menjadi alternatif penyelesaian masalah terkait penerapan pendidikan 4.0 di SMP Muhamamdiyah Ajibarang sebagai upaya terciptanya roadmap making Indonesia 4.0.Abstract: The application of the industrial revolution 4.0 has an impact on the field of education in adopting technology from all aspects of learning in schools. Making Indonesia 4.0 is one of the government's efforts to synchronize Indonesian living with the pace of technology. One of the programs in establishing Indonesia 4.0 is education 4.0 in Indonesia. Education 4.0 in Indonesia is a program established to improve the quality of education based on technology in its activities in classroom learning. The goal of this activity is to find out the 4.0 education program in Indonesia and the impact suffered by 4.0 education in schools, especially at Muhammadiyah Ajibarang Middle School. The participants of this exercise were instructors of Muhammadiyah Ajibarang Middle School as many as 36 people. The evaluation carried out in this activity was a questionnaire on comprehending education knowledge 4.0. The result of this training is the fulfillment of education 4.0 at Muhammadiyah Ajibarang Middle School with an increase in understanding of education 4.0 knowledge as much as 63 percent of starting knowledge. It is hoped that this activity can be an alternative to solving challenges linked to the implementation of education 4.0 at Muhamamdiyah Ajibarang Middle School as an effort to build a roadmap for making Indonesia 4.0

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Keselamatan Kerja dengan Kewaspadaan Terhadap Kecelakaan Kerja Pada Karyawan Bagian Pengisian LPG PT. Pertamina (Persero) Fuel Retail Marketing Region VII Sulawesi

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    Dari hasil penelitian tampak bahwa nilai p= 0,004< 0,05 sehingga Ho ditolak yang menyatakan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan keselamatan kerja dengan kewaspadaan terhadap kecelakaan kerja pada karyawan. Sedangkan koefisien kontigensi sebesar 1,00 maka dapat diketahui hubungan antara pengetahuan keselamatan kerja dengan kewaspadaan terhadap kecelakaan kerja adalah sangat kuat. Keselamatan kerja adalah suatu pemikiran dan upaya untuk menjamin keutuhan dan kesempurnaan manusia baik jasmani maupun rohani serta karya dan budayanya yang tertuju pada kesejahteraan manusia pada umumnya dan tenaga kerja pada khususnya. Pengetahuan tentang keselamatan kerja seorang karyawan ini akan berpengaruh pada kewaspadaan terhadap kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan keselamatan kerja dengan kewaspadaan terhadap kecelakaan kerja pada karyawan

    Students' Strategies of Measuring Time Using Traditional Gasing Game in Third Grade of Primary School

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    Understanding of measuring time has difficulty for children because it is intangible. Standar units often use directly by teacher for learning time measurement. Many researches involved game in designing learning material to facilitate fun and meaningful learning for children. For this reason, learning of time measurement that connect with children's daily experience was designed. The context of this research was traditional gasing game. The study is situated in implementation of Indonesian version of Realistic Mathematics Education, labeled as PMRI. This research aimed acquire learning trajectory of time measurement using traditional gasing game for the third grader of primary school by describing students' progress in learning. Design research methodology comprising preparing for the experiment, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis was used. The research was conducted in SD (Sekolah Dasar) Pusri (Pupuk Sriwijaya) Palembang as one of PMRI (Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia) school. The result of the teaching experiment showed that learning design could foster students to experience reinvention of time measurement historically. It stimulated students to emerge their sense of time, measure time using non standar unit, understand the concept of standard unit, and measure time using standar unit. Students' strategies that were emerged showed students' progress through situation and problems that were provided by traditional gasing game
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