10,958 research outputs found

    Anomalous Dimension and Spatial Correlations in a Point-Island Model

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    We examine the island size distribution function and spatial correlation function of a model for island growth in the submonolayer regime in both 1 and 2 dimensions. In our model the islands do not grow in shape, and a fixed number of adatoms are added, nucleate, and are trapped at islands as they diffuse. We study the cases of various critical island sizes ii for nucleation as a function of initial coverage. We found anomalous scaling of the island size distribution for large ii . Using scaling, random walk theory, a version of mean-field theory we obtain a closed form for the spatial correlation function. Our analytic results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations

    Optical properties of an ensemble of G-centers in silicon

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    We addressed the carrier dynamics in so-called G-centers in silicon (consisting of substitutional-interstitial carbon pairs interacting with interstitial silicons) obtained via ion implantation into a silicon-on-insulator wafer. For this point defect in silicon emitting in the telecommunication wavelength range, we unravel the recombination dynamics by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. More specifically, we performed detailed photoluminescence experiments as a function of excitation energy, incident power, irradiation fluence and temperature in order to study the impact of radiative and non-radiative recombination channels on the spectrum, yield and lifetime of G-centers. The sharp line emitting at 969 meV (∌\sim1280 nm) and the broad asymmetric sideband developing at lower energy share the same recombination dynamics as shown by time-resolved experiments performed selectively on each spectral component. This feature accounts for the common origin of the two emission bands which are unambiguously attributed to the zero-phonon line and to the corresponding phonon sideband. In the framework of the Huang-Rhys theory with non-perturbative calculations, we reach an estimation of 1.6±\pm0.1 \angstrom for the spatial extension of the electronic wave function in the G-center. The radiative recombination time measured at low temperature lies in the 6 ns-range. The estimation of both radiative and non-radiative recombination rates as a function of temperature further demonstrate a constant radiative lifetime. Finally, although G-centers are shallow levels in silicon, we find a value of the Debye-Waller factor comparable to deep levels in wide-bandgap materials. Our results point out the potential of G-centers as a solid-state light source to be integrated into opto-electronic devices within a common silicon platform

    Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer

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    We demonstrate quantitative magnetic field mapping with nanoscale resolution, by applying a lock-in technique on the electron spin resonance frequency of a single nitrogen-vacancy defect placed at the apex of an atomic force microscope tip. In addition, we report an all-optical magnetic imaging technique which is sensitive to large off-axis magnetic fields, thus extending the operation range of diamond-based magnetometry. Both techniques are illustrated by using a magnetic hard disk as a test sample. Owing to the non-perturbing and quantitative nature of the magnetic probe, this work should open up numerous perspectives in nanomagnetism and spintronics

    Magnetic properties of NaV2O5, a one-dimensional spin 1/2 antiferromagnet with finite chains

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    We have performed measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of NaV2_2O5_5 between 2 and 400 K. The high temperature part is typical of spin 1/2 chains with a nearest--neighbour antiferromagnetic exchange integral JJ of 529 K. We develop a model for the susceptibility of a system with finite chains to account for the low temperature part of the data, which cannot be fitted by a standard Curie-Weiss term. These results suggest that the next nearest--neighbour exchange integral J2J_2 in CaV4_4O9_9 should be of the order of 500 K because, like JJ in NaV2_2O5_5, it corresponds to corner sharing VO5_5 square pyramids.Comment: An early version of the manuscript was mistakenly submitted. Although relatively minor, the changes concern the list of authors, the main text, the references and the figure captions. 10 pages of latex, 2 figure

    Dynamics of the Fisher Information Metric

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    We present a method to generate probability distributions that correspond to metrics obeying partial differential equations generated by extremizing a functional J[gΌΜ(Ξi)]J[g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i)], where gΌΜ(Ξi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is the Fisher metric. We postulate that this functional of the dynamical variable gΌΜ(Ξi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is stationary with respect to small variations of these variables. Our approach enables a dynamical approach to Fisher information metric. It allows to impose symmetries on a statistical system in a systematic way. This work is mainly motivated by the entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning.Comment: 11 page

    A Central Partition of Molecular Conformational Space.III. Combinatorial Determination of the Volume Spanned by a Molecular System

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    In the first work of this series [physics/0204035] it was shown that the conformational space of a molecule could be described to a fair degree of accuracy by means of a central hyperplane arrangement. The hyperplanes divide the espace into a hierarchical set of cells that can be encoded by the face lattice poset of the arrangement. The model however, lacked explicit rotational symmetry which made impossible to distinguish rotated structures in conformational space. This problem was solved in a second work [physics/0404052] by sorting the elementary 3D components of the molecular system into a set of morphological classes that can be properly oriented in a standard 3D reference frame. This also made possible to find a solution to the problem that is being adressed in the present work: for a molecular system immersed in a heat bath we want to enumerate the subset of cells in conformational space that are visited by the molecule in its thermal wandering. If each visited cell is a vertex on a graph with edges to the adjacent cells, here it is explained how such graph can be built

    Q-Dependent Susceptibilities in Ferromagnetic Quasiperiodic Z-Invariant Ising Models

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    We study the q-dependent susceptibility chi(q) of a series of quasiperiodic Ising models on the square lattice. Several different kinds of aperiodic sequences of couplings are studied, including the Fibonacci and silver-mean sequences. Some identities and theorems are generalized and simpler derivations are presented. We find that the q-dependent susceptibilities are periodic, with the commensurate peaks of chi(q) located at the same positions as for the regular Ising models. Hence, incommensurate everywhere-dense peaks can only occur in cases with mixed ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic interactions or if the underlying lattice is aperiodic. For mixed-interaction models the positions of the peaks depend strongly on the aperiodic sequence chosen.Comment: LaTeX2e, 26 pages, 9 figures (27 eps files). v2: Misprints correcte

    Tidal Dynamics in Cosmological Spacetimes

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    We study the relative motion of nearby free test particles in cosmological spacetimes, such as the FLRW and LTB models. In particular, the influence of spatial inhomogeneities on local tidal accelerations is investigated. The implications of our results for the dynamics of the solar system are briefly discussed. That is, on the basis of the models studied in this paper, we estimate the tidal influence of the cosmic gravitational field on the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and show that the corresponding temporal rate of variation of the astronomical unit is negligibly small.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, REVTeX 4.0; appendix added, new references, and minor changes throughout; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity; v4: error in (A24) of Appendix A corrected, results and conclusions unchanged. We thank L. Iorio for pointing out the erro

    Periplasm Organization in \u3ci\u3eTreponema denticola\u3c/i\u3e as Studied by Cryo-electron Tomography

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    As a spirochete, the genus Treponema is one of the few major bacterial groups whose natural phylogenic relationships are evident at the level of gross phenotypic characteristics such as their morphology. Treponema spp. are highly invasive due to their unique motility in dense media, and their ability to penetrate cell layers [1]. This feature is associated with the helical cell body and the presence of flagellar filaments in the periplasm [2]. Treponema denticola is an oral pathogen involved in endodontic infections and periodontal diseases. The presence and quantity of T. denticola in the subgingival biofilm is correlated with the severity of periodontal disease and tissue destruction [3,4]. The organism has also been detected in 75% of severe endodontic abscesses [5]. A better understanding of Treponema ultrastructure and motility will aid development of new strategies to control infection. Because of the similarity in ultrastructural organization among spirochetes, knowledge gained from T. denticola can be applied to other spirochetes causing diseases in human and animals (syphilis, digital dermatitis, Lyme disease, relapsing fever, leptospirosis, etc.)

    High energy gamma ray balloon instrument

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    The High Energy Gamma Ray Balloon Instrument was built in part to verify certain subsystems' performance for the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) instrument, the high energy telescope to be carried on the Gamma Ray Observatory. This paper describes the instrument, the performance of some subsystems, and some relevant results
