205 research outputs found

    Systemic Candidiasis in Mice: New Insights From an Old Model

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    Animal models are essential to understand the pathophysiology of infections, to test novel antifungal compounds, and to determine the potential of adjunctive therapies, e.g. immune modulation. The murine model of systemic candidiasis induced by intravenous infection is technically straightforward, highly reproducible, and well-characterized. However, intravenous inoculation circumvents the necessity for the fungus to translocate across mucosal barriers, and the use of SPF mice that are immunologically naïve to Candida does not reflect the situation in human patients, in whom adaptive immune responses have been induced by mucosal colonization prior to infection. Therefore, mouse models that combine intestinal colonization and systemic infection have been developed, resulting in novel insights into host-fungal interactions and immunity. In this review, we summarize the main findings, current questions, and discuss how these might impact the translatability of results from mice to humans

    B Cell Recognition of Candida albicans Hyphae via TLR 2 Promotes IgG1 and IL-6 Secretion for T H 17 Differentiation

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    Candida albicans is usually a benign member of the human gut microbiota, but can become pathogenic under certain circumstances, for example in an immunocompromised host. The innate immune system, in particular neutrophils and macrophages, constitutes a crucial first line of defense against fungal invasion, however adaptive immunity may provide long term protection and thus allow vaccination of at risk patients. While T H 1 and T H 17 cells are important for antifungal responses, the role of B cells and antibodies in protection from C. albicans infection is less well defined. In this study, we show that C. albicans hyphae but not yeast, as well as fungal cell wall components, directly activate B cells via MyD88 signaling triggered by Toll- like receptor 2, leading to increased IgG1 production. While Dectin-1 signals and specific recognition by the B cell receptor are dispensable for B cell activation in this system, TLR2/MyD88 signals cooperate with CD40 signals in promoting B cell activation. Importantly, recognition of C. albicans via MyD88 signaling is also essential for induction of IL-6 secretion by B cells, which promotes T H 17 polarization in T-B cell coculture experiments. B cells may thus be activated directly by C. albicans in its invasive form, leading to production of antibodies and T cell help for fungal clearance

    Small but Crucial: The Novel Small Heat Shock Protein Hsp21 Mediates Stress Adaptation and Virulence in \u3ci\u3eCandida albicans\u3c/i\u3e

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    Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) have multiple cellular functions. However, the biological function of sHsps in pathogenic microorganisms is largely unknown. In the present study we identified and characterized the novel sHsp Hsp21 of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Using a reverse genetics approach we demonstrate the importance of Hsp21 for resistance of C. albicans to specific stresses, including thermal and oxidative stress. Furthermore, a hsp21∆/∆ mutant was defective in invasive growth and formed significantly shorter filaments compared to the wild type under various filamentinducing conditions. Although adhesion to and invasion into human-derived endothelial and oral epithelial cells was unaltered, the hsp21∆/∆ mutant exhibited a strongly reduced capacity to damage both cell lines. Furthermore, Hsp21 was required for resisting killing by human neutrophils. Measurements of intracellular levels of stress protective molecules demonstrated that Hsp21 is involved in both glycerol and glycogen regulation and plays a major role in trehalose homeostasis in response to elevated temperatures. Mutants defective in trehalose and, to a lesser extent, glycerol synthesis phenocopied HSP21 deletion in terms of increased susceptibility to environmental stress, strongly impaired capacity to damage epithelial cells and increased sensitivity to the killing activities of human primary neutrophils. Via systematic analysis of the three main C. albicans stress-responsive kinases (Mkc1, Cek1, Hog1) under a range of stressors, we demonstrate Hsp21-dependent phosphorylation of Cek1 in response to elevated temperatures. Finally, the hsp21∆/∆mutant displayed strongly attenuated virulence in two in vivo infection models. Taken together, Hsp21 mediates adaptation to specific stresses via fine-tuning homeostasis of compatible solutes and activation of the Cek1 pathway, and is crucial for multiple stages of C. albicans pathogenicity. Hsp21 therefore represents the first reported example of a small heat shock protein functioning as a virulence factor in a eukaryotic pathogen

    The 5' Untranslated Region of the EFG1 Transcript Promotes Its Translation To Regulate Hyphal Morphogenesis in Candida albicans

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    Extensive 5' untranslated regions (UTR) are a hallmark of transcripts determining hyphal morphogenesis in Candida albicans The major transcripts of the EFG1 gene, which are responsible for cellular morphogenesis and metabolism, contain a 5' UTR of up to 1,170 nucleotides (nt). Deletion analyses of the 5' UTR revealed a 218-nt sequence that is required for production of the Efg1 protein and its functions in filamentation, without lowering the level and integrity of the EFG1 transcript. Polysomal analyses revealed that the 218-nt 5' UTR sequence is required for efficient translation of the Efg1 protein. Replacement of the EFG1 open reading frame (ORF) by the heterologous reporter gene CaCBGluc confirmed the positive regulatory importance of the identified 5' UTR sequence. In contrast to other reported transcripts containing extensive 5' UTR sequences, these results indicate the positive translational function of the 5' UTR sequence in the EFG1 transcript, which is observed in the context of the native EFG1 promoter. It is proposed that the 5' UTR recruits regulatory factors, possibly during emergence of the native transcript, which aid in translation of the EFG1 transcript. IMPORTANCE Many of the virulence traits that make Candida albicans an important human fungal pathogen are regulated on a transcriptional level. Here, we report an important regulatory contribution of translation, which is exerted by the extensive 5' untranslated regulatory sequence (5' UTR) of the transcript for the protein Efg1, which determines growth, metabolism, and filamentation in the fungus. The presence of the 5' UTR is required for efficient translation of Efg1, to promote filamentation. Because transcripts for many relevant regulators contain extensive 5' UTR sequences, it appears that the virulence of C. albicans depends on the combination of transcriptional and translational regulatory mechanisms

    The Candida albicans-Specific Gene EED1 Encodes a Key Regulator of Hyphal Extension

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    The extension of germ tubes into elongated hyphae by Candida albicans is essential for damage of host cells. The C. albicans-specific gene EED1 plays a crucial role in this extension and maintenance of filamentous growth. eed1Δ cells failed to extend germ tubes into long filaments and switched back to yeast growth after 3 h of incubation during growth on plastic surfaces. Expression of EED1 is regulated by the transcription factor Efg1 and ectopic overexpression of EED1 restored filamentation in efg1Δ. Transcriptional profiling of eed1Δ during infection of oral tissue revealed down-regulation of hyphal associated genes including UME6, encoding another key transcriptional factor. Ectopic overexpression of EED1 or UME6 rescued filamentation and damage potential in eed1Δ. Transcriptional profiling during overexpression of UME6 identified subsets of genes regulated by Eed1 or Ume6. These data suggest that Eed1 and Ume6 act in a pathway regulating maintenance of hyphal growth thereby repressing hyphal-to-yeast transition and permitting dissemination of C. albicans within epithelial tissues

    Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 Antagonizes Candida albicans Growth and Protects Intestinal Cells from C. albicans -Mediated Damage

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    Candida albicans is a pathobiont of the gastrointestinal tract. It can contribute to the diversity of the gut microbiome without causing harmful effects. When the immune system is compromised, C. albicans can damage intestinal cells and cause invasive disease. We hypothesize that a therapeutic approach against C. albicans infections can rely on the antimicrobial properties of probiotic bacteria. We investigated the impact of the probiotic strain Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) on C. albicans growth and its ability to cause damage to intestinal cells. In co-culture kinetic assays, C. albicans abundance gradually decreased over time compared with C. albicans abundance in the absence of EcN. Quantification of C. albicans survival suggests that EcN exerts a fungicidal activity. Cell-free supernatants (CFS) collected from C. albicans -EcN co-culture mildly altered C. albicans growth, suggesting the involvement of an EcN-released compound. Using a model of co-culture in the presence of human intestinal epithelial cells, we further show that EcN prevents C. albicans from damaging enterocytes both distantly and through direct contact. Consistently, both C. albicans ’s filamentous growth and microcolony formation were altered by EcN. Taken together, our study proposes that probiotic-strain EcN can be exploited for future therapeutic approaches against C. albicans infections

    Gene expansion shapes genome architecture in the human pathogen Lichtheimia corymbifera: an evolutionary genomics analysis in the ancient terrestrial mucorales (Mucoromycotina)

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    Lichtheimia species are the second most important cause of mucormycosis in Europe. To provide broader insights into the molecular basis of the pathogenicity-associated traits of the basal Mucorales, we report the full genome sequence of L. corymbifera and compared it to the genome of Rhizopus oryzae, the most common cause of mucormycosis worldwide. The genome assembly encompasses 33.6 MB and 12,379 protein-coding genes. This study reveals four major differences of the L. corymbifera genome to R. oryzae: (i) the presence of an highly elevated number of gene duplications which are unlike R. oryzae not due to whole genome duplication (WGD), (ii) despite the relatively high incidence of introns, alternative splicing (AS) is not frequently observed for the generation of paralogs and in response to stress, (iii) the content of repetitive elements is strikingly low (<5%), (iv) L. corymbifera is typically haploid. Novel virulence factors were identified which may be involved in the regulation of the adaptation to iron-limitation, e.g. LCor01340.1 encoding a putative siderophore transporter and LCor00410.1 involved in the siderophore metabolism. Genes encoding the transcription factors LCor08192.1 and LCor01236.1, which are similar to GATA type regulators and to calcineurin regulated CRZ1, respectively, indicating an involvement of the calcineurin pathway in the adaption to iron limitation. Genes encoding MADS-box transcription factors are elevated up to 11 copies compared to the 1–4 copies usually found in other fungi. More findings are: (i) lower content of tRNAs, but unique codons inL. corymbifera, (ii) Over 25% of the proteins are apparently specific for L. corymbifera. (iii) L. corymbifera contains only 2/3 of the proteases (known to be essential virulence factors) in comparision to R. oryzae. On the other hand, the number of secreted proteases, however, is roughly twice as high as in R. oryzae
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