2,461 research outputs found

    A national cybersecurity management framework for developing countries

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    Abstract : Please refer to full text to view abstract.D.Phil. (Computer Science

    Autoxidation Chemistry: Bridging the Gap Between Homogeneous Radical Chemistry and (Heterogeneous) Catalysis

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    During the autoxidation of cyclohexane, abstraction of the αH-atom of the hydroperoxide product by chain-carrying peroxyl radicals produces both the desired alcohol and ketone products, as well as the majority of by-products. Rationalizing the impact of this reaction, one should aim for a (catalytic) destruction of this hydroperoxide without the intervention of peroxyl chain-carriers. Starting from these new insights in the molecular mechanism, attempts for rational catalyst design are initiate

    Autoxidation of Hydrocarbons: From Chemistry to Catalysis

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    This contribution summarizes our recent efforts to unravel the radical chemistry of autoxidations. Abstraction of the weakly bonded αH-atom of the primary hydroperoxide product by chain carrying peroxyl radicals is identified as the source of major end products such as alcohol and ketone/aldehyde. In the case of cyclohexane autoxidation, this reaction is even responsible for the majority of ring-opened by-products. In a second part, different approaches to autoxidation catalysis are discussed, ranging from transition metal ion catalysis to organocatalysis with immobilized N-hydroxyphthalimid

    ESR evidence for disordered magnetic phase from ultra-small carbon nanotubes embedded in zeolite nanochannels

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    A multi-frequency electron spin resonance (ESR) study provides evidence for the occurrence of low temperature ferromagnetic/spin-glass behavior in aligned arrays of sub-nanometer single walled carbon nanotubes confined in zeolite nano-channels, owing to sp2-type non-bonding carbon associated localized states with density of ~3 x 1019 /g. Features related to the much anticipated conduction ESR are not detected. In the paramagnetic phase, the ESR linewidth is found to be weakly dependent on microwave frequency.Comment: Accepted to be published in EuroPhysics Letter

    Innovation management : from a conceptual framework to the design and development of an idea management tool

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    Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH SUMMARY: Large corporations are often disrupted by innovative organisations and then they lose their competitive advantage. For organisations to survive today’s competitive marketplace, it is crucial for them to be innovative. Therefore, it is important for organisations to manage their innovations effectively to ensure that their business grows and remains relevant. Managing innovation is not an easy task and requires that many different components of an organisation and its market should be in place and are managed well. Organisations should not take innovation lightly, but they should ensure that it is managed with care, just as they manage any other resource. Many times, organisations do not know where to start managing their ideas and innovations so that they can increase their competitive advantage. The research seeks to find all the different factors within the organisational and external domains that need to be taken into consideration when dealing with innovation. The different factors are used to develop a conceptual framework that describes the different concepts and their relationships with one another. The concepts are obtained from literature and then categorised and synthesised to form the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework does not aim to be an improvement of existing innovation models, but rather to give an understanding of the factors that need to be taken into consideration when organisations want to start the journey of managing their innovations. In order to validate the conceptual framework, an idea management tool is developed that assists with the implementation of an innovation strategy and framework at an organisation that wants a more defined and official innovation management process. The result of the research is a conceptual framework that can be used by organisations to assist with the development and implementation of an innovation strategy. It could also give a better understanding of the innovation management sphere and where to start, in order to implement it. The framework also highlights where idea management tools can be useful within the process to assist organisations with managing innovations effectively.AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Groot besighede verloor dikwels hul mededingende voordeel teenoor ander innoverende organisasies wat binne dieselfde mark as hulle funksioneer. Om in vandag se kompeterende mark te kan oorleef, is dit noodsaaklik vir organisasies om innoverend te wees. Dit is dus belangrik vir organisasies om innoverende idees op ‘n effektiewe manier te bestuur en sodoende te verseker dat hul besigheid groei en relevant bly. Dis nie ‘n maklike taak om innovasie te bestuur nie, en dit vereis dat sekere belangrike aspekte in plek moet wees vir innovasie om in die mark en besigheidsplek te kan floreer. Innovasie is nie ‘n kwessie wat besighede ligtelik moet opneem nie, maar dis iets wat bestuur moet word met dieselfde sorg wat enige ander hulpbronne bestuur sou word. Organisasies weet egter nie altyd waar of hoe om hul idees en innovasies te bestuur om hul mededingende voordeel te kan bevorder nie. Die navorsingstuk ondersoek verskeie faktore binne die besigheidsomgewing en eksterne omgewing wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer innovasie ter sprake is. Die verskillende faktore word later gebruik om ‘n konsepsuele raamwerk te skep om die verskillende konsepte asook hul verwantskappe met mekaar te verduidelik. Die konsepte word deur die beskikbare literatuur oor die onderwerp geidentifiseer en gekategoriseer om die raamwerk te skep. Die doel van die raamwerk is nie om bestaande innovasie modelle te verbeter nie, maar eerder om die verskillende faktore uiteen te sit wat oorweeg moet word wanneer ‘n organisasie beoog om hul innovasies beter te bestuur. ‘n Innovasie-bestuur sagteware stelsel is geskep om die validasie van die konsepsuele raamwerk meer prakties te kon doen. Die raamwerk en stelsel is getoets by ‘n organisasie wat die behoefte het om hul innovasie-bestuur proses te verbeter, en dit het die organisasie gehelp om die waarde van ‘n innovasie strategie en stelsel te kon raaksien. Die navorsing het bewys dat ‘n konsepsuele raamwerk organisasies kan help om ‘n innovasie-strategie te formuleer en te implementeer, asook om innovasie bestuur en die implementering daarvan beter te verduidelik. Die raamwerk lig ook uit hoe innovasie-bestuur hulpbronne organisasies kan help om hul innovasies beter en meer effektief te kan bestuur.Master

    Towards a framework for building security operation centers

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    In this thesis a framework for Security Operation Centers (SOCs) is proposed. It was developed by utilising Systems Engineering best practices, combined with industry-accepted standards and frameworks, such as the TM Forum’s eTOM framework, CoBIT, ITIL, and ISO/IEC 27002:2005. This framework encompasses the design considerations, the operational considerations and the means to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of SOCs. The intent is to provide guidance to consumers on how to compare and measure the capabilities of SOCs provided by disparate service providers, and to provide service providers (internal and external) a framework to use when building and improving their offerings. The importance of providing a consistent, measureable and guaranteed service to customers is becoming more important, as there is an increased focus on holistic management of security. This has in turn resulted in an increased number of both internal and managed service provider solutions. While some frameworks exist for designing, building and operating specific security technologies used within SOCs, we did not find any comprehensive framework for designing, building and managing SOCs. Consequently, consumers of SOCs do not enjoy a constant experience from vendors, and may experience inconsistent services from geographically dispersed offerings provided by the same vendor

    Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Keripik Pisang (Studi Kasus pada Seorang Pengusaha Keripik Pisang di Desa Hegarmanah Kecamatan Cidolog Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan, faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan agroindustri keripik pisang, alternatif strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengembangan agroindustri keripik pisang di Desa Hegarmanah Kecamatan Cidolog Kabupaten Ciamis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi kasus. Data yangdikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Penarikan responden dalam penelitian ini dilakukan purposive sampling yaitu penetuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu yang dipandang dapat memberikan data secara maksimal, maka responden yang diambil satu orang pengusaha keripik pisang dan sebagai responden pendukung yaitu satu orang Pemerintah Desa Hegarmanah dan satu orang dari Dinas Pertanian.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa:1) Besarnya biaya total yang dikeluarkan oleh pengusaha keripik pisang dalam satu kali proses produksi sebesar Rp 1.369.385,67, penerimaannya sebesar Rp 2.500.000,00 dan pendapatannya sebesar Rp 1.130.614,33.2) Faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh pada pengembangan agroindustri keripik pisang di Desa Hegarmanah Kecamatan Cidolog Kabupaten Ciamis terdiri dari kekuatan, kelemahan dan peluang, ancaman. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi kekuatan yaitu tersedianya cukup jumlah tenaga kerja, produksi mudah dilakukan, produk keripik pisang yang tahan lama, harga produkyang terjangkau. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang menjadi kelemahan yaitu keterbatasan permodalan, kualitas SDM yang masih kurang, pengemasan produk masih sederhana, dan promosi masih kurang. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi peluang yaitu tidak ada pesaing produk sejenis disatu daerah, pangsa pasar yang masih luas, permintaan semakin meningkat, cuaca tidak mempengaruhi produksi. Faktor-faktor yang menjadi ancaman yaitu kelangkaan bahanbaku, fluktuasi harga bahan baku, kurang adanya peran dari pemerintah, dan kenaikan harga sarana produksi.3) Alternatif strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengembangan agroindustri keripik pisang di Desa Hegarmanah Kecamatan Cidolog Kabupaten Ciamis yaitu mempertahankan kualitas produksi dan pengembangan pasar, mempertahankan kontinyuitas produksi untuk memenuhi permintaan, optimalisasi kualitas SDM untuk memenuhi permintaan produk, diversifikasi produk untuk memenuhi pangsa pasar, pengelolaan tenaga kerja dan ketersediaan bahan baku,keseragaman harga jual dengan peran serta pengawasan pemerintah, penganekaragaman pengemasan untuk memaksimalkan produksi dan menjalin kerja sama dengan pihak terkait dalam menyikapi permodalan

    Cyanide resistant respiration and the alternative oxidase pathway : A from to mammals

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    In a large number of organisms covering all phyla, the mitochondrial respiratory chain harbors, in addition to the conventional elements, auxiliary proteins that confer adaptive metabolic plasticity. The alternative oxidase (AOX) represents one of the most studied auxiliary proteins, initially identified in plants. In contrast to the standard respiratory chain, the AOX mediates a thermogenic cyanide-resistant respiration; a phenomenon that has been of great interest for over 2 centuries in that energy is not conserved when electrons flow through it. Here we summarize centuries of studies starting from the early observations of thermogenicity in plants and the identification of cyanide resistant respiration, to the fascinating discovery of the AOX and its current applications in animals under normal and pathological conditions.Peer reviewe
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