3,294 research outputs found

    Cabora Bassa Fish Populations Before and During the First Filling Phase

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    Pre-impoundment surveys were made in 1973-4. The regulatory effect of continual water discharge from Kariba resulted in extensive dry-season aquatic, rooted, vegetal growth and a comparatively high small-fish population. Of a maximum of 38 species found one, Sarotherodon andersoni, was a new Middle Zambezi record. Lotic and shallow-water species were abundant; gill-nets showed moderately high catches per unit effort. In early November 1974 two-month-old Hydrocymis vittatus juveniles were present indicating an abnormal spawning time. Post-impoundment data from closure on 5 December 1974, to mid-August 1975 are given. The dam filled extremely rapidly to within 10 m of retention level but was thereafter drawn down by heavy floodgate discharge, resulting in continuous slow water-flow and the absence of any stratification or explosive plankton reproduction. Small lotic species, previously abundant, immediately disappeared or became scarce. There was a very high survival of new-spawned young of many migratory species. Growth rates, and abnormal feeding habits caused by post-impoundment stresses, of some of these are described. There was relatively poor reproduction of cichlid species. Soon after closure the first year-class predominated over all other age-groups; these juveniles, and small adult species, concentrated under mats of Elchhomia crassipes. One further species new to the area, Haplochromis carlottae, is recorded

    Does landscape-scale conservation management enhance the provision of ecosystem services?

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    Biodiversity conservation approaches are increasingly being implemented at the landscape-scale to support the maintenance of metapopulations and metacommunities. However, the impact of such interventions on the provision of ecosystem services is less well defined. Here we examine the potential impacts of landscape-scale conservation initiatives on ecosystem services, through analysis of five case study areas in England and Wales. The provision of multiple ecosystem services was projected according to current management plans and compared with a baseline scenario. Multicriteria analysis indicated that in most cases landscape-scale approaches lead to an overall increase in service provision. Consistent increases were projected in carbon storage, recreation and aesthetic value, as well as biodiversity value. However, most study areas provided evidence of trade-offs, particularly between provisioning services and other types of service. Results differed markedly between study areas, highlighting the importance of local context. These results suggest that landscape-scale conservation approaches are likely to be effective in increasing ecosystem service provision, but also indicate that associated costs can be significant, particularly in lowland areas

    A p53-independent role for the MDM2 antagonist Nutlin-3 in DNA damage response initiation.

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    BACKGROUND: The mammalian DNA-damage response (DDR) has evolved to protect genome stability and maximize cell survival following DNA-damage. One of the key regulators of the DDR is p53, itself tightly regulated by MDM2. Following double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs), mediators including ATM are recruited to the site of DNA-damage. Subsequent phosphorylation of p53 by ATM and ATM-induced CHK2 results in p53 stabilization, ultimately intensifying transcription of p53-responsive genes involved in DNA repair, cell-cycle checkpoint control and apoptosis. METHODS: In the current study, we investigated the stabilization and activation of p53 and associated DDR proteins in response to treatment of human colorectal cancer cells (HCT116p53+/+) with the MDM2 antagonist, Nutlin-3. RESULTS: Using immunoblotting, Nutlin-3 was observed to stabilize p53, and activate p53 target proteins. Unexpectedly, Nutlin-3 also mediated phosphorylation of p53 at key DNA-damage-specific serine residues (Ser15, 20 and 37). Furthermore, Nutlin-3 induced activation of CHK2 and ATM - proteins required for DNA-damage-dependent phosphorylation and activation of p53, and the phosphorylation of BRCA1 and H2AX - proteins known to be activated specifically in response to DNA damage. Indeed, using immunofluorescent labeling, Nutlin-3 was seen to induce formation of γH2AX foci, an early hallmark of the DDR. Moreover, Nutlin-3 induced phosphorylation of key DDR proteins, initiated cell cycle arrest and led to formation of γH2AX foci in cells lacking p53, whilst γH2AX foci were also noted in MDM2-deficient cells. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first solid evidence showing a secondary role for Nutlin-3 as a DDR triggering agent, independent of p53 status, and unrelated to its role as an MDM2 antagonist

    An instability criterion for nonlinear standing waves on nonzero backgrounds

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    A nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with repulsive (defocusing) nonlinearity is considered. As an example, a system with a spatially varying coefficient of the nonlinear term is studied. The nonlinearity is chosen to be repelling except on a finite interval. Localized standing wave solutions on a non-zero background, e.g., dark solitons trapped by the inhomogeneity, are identified and studied. A novel instability criterion for such states is established through a topological argument. This allows instability to be determined quickly in many cases by considering simple geometric properties of the standing waves as viewed in the composite phase plane. Numerical calculations accompany the analytical results.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    CCD photometric search for peculiar stars in open clusters. VII. Berkeley 11, Berkeley 94, Haffner 15, Lynga 1, NGC 6031, NGC 6405, NGC 6834 and Ruprecht 130

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    The detection of magnetic chemically peculiar (CP2) stars in open clusters of the Milky Way can be used to study the influence of different galactic environments on the (non-)presence of peculiarities, which has to be taken into account in stellar evolution models. Furthermore it is still unknown if the CP2 phenomenon evolves, i.e. does the strength of the peculiarity feature at 5200A, increase or decrease with age. We have observed eight young to intermediate age open clusters in the Delta a photometric system. This intermediate band photometric system samples the depth of the 5200A, flux depression by comparing the flux at the center with the adjacent regions having bandwidths of 110A, to 230A. The Delta a photometric system is most suitable to detect CP2 stars with high efficiency, but is also capable of detecting a small percentage of non-magnetic CP objects. Also, the groups of (metal-weak) lambda Bootis, as well as classical Be/shell stars, can be successfully investigated. This photometric system allows one to determine the age, reddening and distance modulus by fitting isochrones. Among the presented sample of eight galactic clusters, we have detected twenty three CP2, eight Be/Ae and eight metal-weak stars. Another six objects show a peculiar behaviour which is most probably due to a non-membership,variability or duplicity. Fitting isochrones to Delta a photometry yields estimates of the age, reddening and distance that are in excellent agreement with published values

    What Drives the Intensification of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the West African Sahel under Climate Change?

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    Extreme rainfall is expected to increase under climate change, carrying potential socioeconomic risks. However, the magnitude of increase is uncertain. Over recent decades, extreme storms over the West African Sahel have increased in frequency, with increased vertical wind shear shown to be a cause. Drier midlevels, stronger cold pools, and increased storm organization have also been observed. Global models do not capture the potential effects of lower- to midtropospheric wind shear or cold pools on storm organization since they parameterize convection. Here we use the first convection-permitting simulations of African climate change to understand how changes in thermodynamics and storm dynamics affect future extreme Sahelian rainfall. The model, which simulates warming associated with representative concentration pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) until the end of the twenty-first century, projects a 28% increase of the extreme rain rate of MCSs. The Sahel moisture change on average follows Clausius–Clapeyron scaling, but has regional heterogeneity. Rain rates scale with the product of time-of-storm total column water (TCW) and in-storm vertical velocity. Additionally, prestorm wind shear and convective available potential energy both modulate in-storm vertical velocity. Although wind shear affects cloud-top temperatures within our model, it has no direct correlation with precipitation rates. In our model, projected future increase in TCW is the primary explanation for increased rain rates. Finally, although colder cold pools are modeled in the future climate, we see no significant change in near-surface winds, highlighting avenues for future research on convection-permitting modeling of storm dynamics

    Video enhancement using adaptive spatio-temporal connective filter and piecewise mapping

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    This paper presents a novel video enhancement system based on an adaptive spatio-temporal connective (ASTC) noise filter and an adaptive piecewise mapping function (APMF). For ill-exposed videos or those with much noise, we first introduce a novel local image statistic to identify impulse noise pixels, and then incorporate it into the classical bilateral filter to form ASTC, aiming to reduce the mixture of the most two common types of noises - Gaussian and impulse noises in spatial and temporal directions. After noise removal, we enhance the video contrast with APMF based on the statistical information of frame segmentation results. The experiment results demonstrate that, for diverse low-quality videos corrupted by mixed noise, underexposure, overexposure, or any mixture of the above, the proposed system can automatically produce satisfactory results

    The Hall Technique 10 years on: its effect and influence

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    Dental caries in early childhood can have a very significant effect not only on the oral health of young children but on their quality of life and that of their families. Added to this are the long-term infective risks to the host of untreated caries in primary teeth but also the risk of damage to successor permanent teeth. Traditional restoration of damaged primary teeth has been shown to have only moderate outcomes depending on the techniques and materials used and the ability of children to cooperate because of age or other factors. The Hall technique has outperformed other techniques in randomised clinical trials. In this Opinion Article I will take a look back at the Innes et al. paper, first published in this Journal in 2006, that introduced the Hall Technique and the subsequent scientific literature which provided us with high quality scientific evidence of the efficacy of the technique. I will evaluate how this new technique has affected the management of early childhood caries and hence its influence on wider oral and general health

    Genetic background modifies vulnerability to glaucoma related phenotypes in Lmx1b mutant mice

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    Variants in the LIM homeobox transcription factor 1-beta (LMX1B) gene predispose individuals to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), a key risk factor for glaucoma. However, the effect of LMX1Bmutations varies widely between individuals. To better understand the mechanisms underlying LMX1B-related phenotypes and individual differences, we backcrossed the Lmx1bV265D (also known as Lmx1bIcst ) allele onto the C57BL/6J (B6), 129/Sj (129), C3A/BLiA-Pde6b+ /J (C3H) and DBA/2J-Gpnmb+ (D2-G) mouse strain backgrounds. Strain background had a significant effect on the onset and severity of ocular phenotypes in Lmx1bV265D/+ mutant mice. Mice of the B6 background were the most susceptible to developing abnormal IOP distribution, severe anterior segment developmental anomalies (including malformed eccentric pupils, iridocorneal strands and corneal abnormalities) and glaucomatous nerve damage. By contrast, Lmx1bV265D mice of the 129 background were the most resistant to developing anterior segment abnormalities, had less severe IOP elevation than B6 mutants at young ages and showed no detectable nerve damage. To identify genetic modifiers of susceptibility to Lmx1bV265D -induced glaucoma-associated phenotypes, we performed a mapping cross between mice of the B6 (susceptible) and 129 (resistant) backgrounds. We identified a modifier locus on Chromosome 18, with the 129 allele(s) substantially lessening severity of ocular phenotypes, as confirmed by congenic analysis. By demonstrating a clear effect of genetic background in modulating Lmx1b-induced phenotypes, providing a panel of strains with different phenotypic severities and identifying a modifier locus, this study lays a foundation for better understanding the roles of LMX1B in glaucoma with the goal of developing new treatments

    Can ultrasound be used to stimulate nerve tissue?

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    BACKGROUND: The stimulation of nerve or cortical tissue by magnetic induction is a relatively new tool for the non-invasive study of the brain and nervous system. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), for example, has been used for the functional mapping of the motor cortex and may have potential for treating a variety of brain disorders. METHODS AND RESULTS: A new method of stimulating active tissue is proposed by propagating ultrasound in the presence of a magnetic field. Since tissue is conductive, particle motion created by an ultrasonic wave will induce an electric current density generated by Lorentz forces. An analytical derivation is given for the electric field distribution induced by a collimated ultrasonic beam. An example shows that peak electric fields of up to 8 V/m appear to be achievable at the upper range of diagnostic intensities. This field strength is about an order of magnitude lower than fields typically associated with TMS; however, the electric field gradients induced by ultrasound can be quite high (about 60 kV/m(2 )at 4 MHz), which theoretically play a more important role in activation than the field magnitude. The latter value is comparable to TMS-induced gradients. CONCLUSION: The proposed method could be used to locally stimulate active tissue by inducing an electric field in regions where the ultrasound is focused. Potential advantages of this method compared to TMS is that stimulation of cortical tissue could be highly localized as well as achieved at greater depths in the brain than is currently possible with TMS