1,836 research outputs found

    HLA-DR in Cytotoxic T lymphocytes predicts breast cancer patients' response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Prediction of breast cancer response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) is an urgent need to promptly direct non-responder patients to alternative therapies. Infiltrating T lymphocytes, namely cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) have been appointed as predictors of response. However, cancer cells have the ability to dampen CTLs' activity and thus, the prognostic value of the CTLs, per se, is debatable. Here, we disclose that more than the occurrence of CTLs, it is their activation state, revealed by HLA-DR expression, that can accurately predict response to NACT. Flow cytometry analysis of breast cancer biopsies showed that the frequency of CTLs and other lymphocytes were similar regardless disease stage and between NACT responders and non-responders. However, only breast cancer patients without axillary lymph node metastasis and NACT responders have HLA-DRhi CTLs. Interestingly, HLA-DR levels in tumor CTLs is correlated with HLA-DR levels in systemic CTLs. These HLA-DR+ CTLs produce IFN-γ and Granzyme B, enlightening their effector and probable anti-tumor activity profile. Moreover, the level of HLA-DR in CTLs is negatively correlated with the level of HLA-DR in T regulatory lymphocytes and with immunosuppressive and pro-tumor molecules in the tumor microenvironment. Hence, HLA-DR levels in CTLs is a highly sensitive and specific potential predictive factor of NACT-response, which can be assessed in blood to guide therapeutic decisions.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia: PD/BD/114023/2015; PTDC/BBB-BMD/4497/2014. Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancroinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório Técnico do TCTP 2007

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    Com a celebração, em 2006, do convênio entre o Japão, por meio da ‘Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA’, e o Brasil, por meio da ‘Agência Brasileira de Cooperação – ABC’, do Ministério das Relações Exteriores - MRE, a Embrapa Hortaliças realizou no período de 5 de novembro a 7 de dezembro de 2007, o ‘II CURSO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE PRODUÇÃO SUSTENTÁVEL DE HORTALIÇAS’. De acordo com o memorando de entendimento, o ‘II Curso’ estava programado para os técnicos que atuam em instituições de assistência técnica e extensão rural de países da América Latina, exceto os do Cone Sul (Argentina, Chile e Uruguai). Entretanto, por solicitação da JICA, esta cláusula foi alterada em discussões posteriores com a Embrapa e a ABC, e o curso foi realizado exclusivamente para os técnicos de instituições de países de Língua Portuguesa da África

    Influência da raça na qualidade de couros caprinos

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    O estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da raça na qualidade de couros caprinos. Foram utilizados cinco caprinos de cada uma das raças: Anglo Nubiana, Alpina e Saanen, com seis meses de idade. Os animais foram abatidos e as peles foram curtidas ao cromo e recurtidas com recurtente acrílico. Dos couros foram retiradas três amostras na posição paralela e três na perpendicular à linha dorsal para a avaliação da qualidade intrínseca de resistência à tração, ao rasgamento e ao lastômetro. As médias dos resultados foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. A raça não influenciou a resistência à distensão da superfície dos couros dos animais estudados no teste de lastômetro. As médias da resistência dos couros à tração foram maiores na posição longitudinal (P&#61500;0,05) para as três raças. Na posição longitudinal os couros dos caprinos Anglo Nubianos foram mais resistentes à tração (P<0,05), comparado com os couros das outras duas raças, que não apresentaram diferença entre si. A resistência dos couros ao rasgamento não sofreu influência da posição, porém na posição transversal os couros dos caprinos Anglo Nubianos foram mais resistentes (P<0,05), comparado com os couros das outras duas raças, que não apresentaram diferença entre si. A raça e a posição de retirada das amostras de couro influenciam a qualidade de couros caprinos

    Mathematical Problem Solving with Technology Beyond the Classroom: The use of Unconventional Tools and Methods

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    This paper addresses mathematical problem solving with technologies in a beyond school web-based competition. We aim to disclose the ways mathematical and technological knowledge are used and combined for solving the given problems. A specific conceptual framework for accounting both these components was developed. By means of the Mathematical Problem Solving with Technology model (MPST) we report the case of Marco, aged 13, solving and expressing a geometrical problem. His ability in perceiving affordances in the tools that he chose is in line with the eficient use he made of them in the development of mathematical understanding that was crucial for finding and expressing the solution. Results suggest that digital thinking and experience have to be seen as relevant as the mathematical cognitive resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The new automated daily mortality surveillance system

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    The experience reported in an earlier Eurosurveillance issue on a fast method to evaluate the impact of the 2003 heatwave on mortality in Portugal, generated a daily mortality surveillance system (VDM) that has been operating ever since jointly with the Portuguese Heat Health Watch Warning System. This work describes the VDM system and how it evolved to become an automated system operating year-round, and shows briefly its potential using mortality data from January 2006 to June 2009 collected by the system itself. The new system has important advantages such as: rapid information acquisition, completeness (the entire population is included), lightness (very little information is exchanged, date of death, age, sex, place of death registration). It allows rapid detection of impacts (within five days) and allows a quick preliminary quantification of impacts that usually took several years to be done. These characteristics make this system a powerful tool for public health action. The VDM system also represents an example of inter-institutional cooperation, bringing together organisations from two different ministries, Health and Justice, aiming at improving knowledge about the mortality in the population

    Efeito da conservação e do curtimento na qualidade de couros ovinos.

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    Editado por Ana Rita de Araújo Nogueira, Simone Cristina Méo Niciur

    An analytical framework to infer multihop path reliability in MANETs

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    Due to complexity and intractability reasons, most of the analytical studies on the reliability of communication paths in mobile ad hoc networks are based on the assumption of link independence. In this paper, an analytical framework is developed to characterize the random behavior of a multihop path and derive path metrics to characterize the reliability of paths. This is achieved through the modeling of a multihop path as a PDMP (piecewise deterministic Markov process). Two path based metrics are obtained as expectations of functionals of the process: the mean path duration and the path persistence. We show that these metrics are the unique solution of a set of integro-differential equations and provide a recursive scheme for their computation. Finally, numerical results illustrate the computation of the metrics; these results are compared with independent link approximation results