481 research outputs found

    Jeunesse de la garçonne

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    Ce livre s\u27inscrit dans un héritage historiographique déjà riche, en particulier celui des études portant sur des périodes plus éloignées. Ici, il ne s\u27agit pas d\u27étudier "la jeunesse" en général mais certains groupes de jeunes socialement identifiés, des étapes institutionnelles ritualisées délimitant des seuils d\u27ùge. Les contributions réunies, fruit d\u27un séminaire de deux ans, forment une analyse socio-historique assez nouvelle en France, à laquelle ont contribué de jeunes chercheurs américains apportant les méthodes et l\u27esprit de l\u27école anglosaxonne dont les travaux sur la jeunesse, "invention moderne" née de l\u27industrialisation et de l\u27urbanisation, selon l\u27un de ces historiens (John R. Gillis), remontent aux années 1970

    The Pristine survey II: a sample of bright stars observed with FEROS

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    Extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars are old objects formed in the first Gyr of the Universe. They are rare and, to select them, the most successful strategy has been to build on large and low-resolution spectroscopic surveys. The combination of narrow- and broad band photometry provides a powerful and cheaper alternative to select metal-poor stars. The on-going Pristine Survey is adopting this strategy, conducting photometry with the CFHT MegaCam wide field imager and a narrow-band filter centred at 395.2 nm on the CaII-H and -K lines. In this paper we present the results of the spectroscopic follow-up conducted on a sample of 26 stars at the bright end of the magnitude range of the Survey (g<=15), using FEROS at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope. From our chemical investigation on the sample, we conclude that this magnitude range is too bright to use the SDSS gri bands, which are typically saturated. Instead the Pristine photometry can be usefully combined with the APASS gri photometry to provide reliable metallicity estimates.Comment: AN accepte

    Les dĂ©bats entre État, Église catholique et Églises rĂ©formĂ©es autour de l’édit de tolĂ©rance de 1787

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    Un siĂšcle aprĂšs l’édit de Fontainebleau de 1685 qui rĂ©voque l’édit de Nantes, et Ă  la suite de nombreux dĂ©bats, Louis XVI accorde en novembre 1787 aux non-catholiques du royaume, protestants et juifs, un Ă©dit que l’on appelle couramment l’édit de tolĂ©rance ou l’édit de Breteuil, du nom du secrĂ©taire d’État qui a participĂ© Ă  sa rĂ©daction. Ce texte ne donne en aucune façon une quelconque libertĂ© de culte aux non-catholiques, mais uniquement un Ă©tat civil. En effet, dĂ©sormais, ils peuvent faire enregistrer les naissances, mariages et dĂ©cĂšs de leurs communautĂ©s, rĂ©habiliter les unions illĂ©gales contractĂ©es avant l’édit et faire lĂ©gitimer les enfants nĂ©s de ces unions auprĂšs d’un juge ou d’un curĂ©, ce dernier n’ayant aucun rĂŽle religieux mais devenant seulement un officier d’état civil . Depuis la fin du XVIIe siĂšcle, les protestants français, car ce sont principalement eux qui sont concernĂ©s par cette loi, refusent la plupart du temps de faire cĂ©lĂ©brer leur union par un curĂ©, se contentant de la signature d’un contrat notariĂ© et de la bĂ©nĂ©diction Ă©ventuelle d’un pasteur du DĂ©sert, comme ils renoncent Ă©galement Ă  faire baptiser les enfants nĂ©s de ces unions et Ă  demander une sĂ©pulture au curĂ© dans le cimetiĂšre catholique ; ces comportements, variables selon les provinces, se trouvent confortĂ©es par le synode national du DĂ©sert de 1744 qui exhorte les rĂ©formĂ©s Ă  n’accepter aucune compromission avec la confession adverse . Ainsi, tout au long du siĂšcle des LumiĂšres, une partie de la population française vit sans Ă©tat civil. Ce ne sont pas les mesures rĂ©pressives prises contre les rĂ©formĂ©s, que ce soit les nombreuses lois, les enfermements, les enlĂšvements d’enfants, les procĂšs contre les cadavres ou les campagnes de rebaptisations des enfants rĂ©formĂ©s, sur le modĂšle des dragonnades des annĂ©es 1680, qui changent la situation . À partir du milieu du XVIIIe siĂšcle un dĂ©bat tripartite s’instaure entre l’État, les Églises rĂ©formĂ©es et l’Église catholique, chacun avec ses propositions, avant mĂȘme l’affaire Calas  qui Ă©clate en 1761, et les nĂ©gociations aboutissent Ă  un accord en 1787 entre l’État et les Églises rĂ©formĂ©es, contre l’avis de l’Église catholique. L’objectif de cette communication est d’une part d’essayer de comprendre l’évolution de la position de l’État Ă  l’égard des protestants, alors que les persĂ©cutions sont nombreuses jusqu’au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1760, mais aussi d’étudier les arguments des trois partenaires pour obtenir une solution en s’intĂ©ressant Ă  des Ă©crits publiĂ©s durant cette pĂ©riode , principalement des pamphlets et des mĂ©moires. Je m’appuierai pour comprendre les trois points de vue sur un texte publiĂ© anonymement en 1788 et intitulĂ© ConfĂ©rence entre le frĂšre Pancrace, Capucin, le docteur Hoth-Man, ministre protestant, &amp; M. Robino, avocat au Parlement de Paris

    On-axis spatially resolved spectroscopy of low redshift quasar host galaxies: HE 1503+0228 at z=0.135

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    We present the first result of a comprehensive spectroscopic study of quasar host galaxies. On-axis, spatially resolved spectra of low redshift quasars have been obtained with FORS1, mounted on the 8.2m ESO Very Large Telescope, Antu. The spectra are spatially deconvolved using a spectroscopic version of the ``MCS deconvolution algorithm''. The algorithm decomposes two dimensional spectra into the individual spectra of the central point-like nucleus and of its host galaxy. Applied to HE1503+0228, at z=0.135 (M_B=-23.0), it provides us with the spectrum of the host galaxy between 3600A, and 8500A, (rest-frame), at a mean resolving power of 700. The data allow us to measure several of the important Lick indices. The stellar populations and gas ionization state of the host galaxy of HE1503+0228, are very similar to the ones measured for normal non-AGN galaxies. Dynamical information is also available for the gas and stellar components of the galaxy. Using deconvolution and a deprojection algorithm, velocity curves are derived for emission lines, from the center up to 4arcsec, away from the nucleus of the galaxy. Fitting a simple three-components mass model (point mass, spherical halo of dark matter, disk) to the position-velocity diagram, we infer a mass of M(r<1kpc) = (2.0 +- 0.3) 10^{10} solar mass within the central kiloparsec of the galaxy, and a mass integrated over 10 kpc of M(r<10kpc) = (1.9 +- 0.3) 10^{11} solar mass, with an additional 10% error due to the uncertainty on the inclination of the galaxy. This, in combination with the analysis of the stellar populations indicates that the host galaxy of HE1503+0228, is a normal spiral galaxy.Comment: accepted by AA, 11 page

    Evidence for metallicity spreads in three massive M31 globular clusters

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    We quantify the intrinsic width of the red giant branches of three massive globular clusters in M31 in a search for metallicity spreads within these objects. We present HST/ACS observations of three massive clusters in M31, G78, G213, and G280. A thorough description of the photometry extraction and calibration is presented. After derivation of the color-magnitude diagrams, we quantify the intrinsic width of the red giant branch of each cluster. This width translates into a metallicity dispersion that indicates a complex star formation history for this type of system. For G78, sigma_[Fe/H]}=0.86 \pm 0.37; for G213, 0.89 \pm 0.20; and for G280, 1.03 \pm 0.26. We find that the metallicity dispersion of the clusters does not scale with mean metallicity. We also find no trend with the cluster mass. We discuss some possible formation scenarios that would explain our results.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    HST/WFPC2 Color-Magnitude Diagrams for Globular Clusters in M31

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    We report new HST/WFPC2 photometry for 10 globular clusters (GC) in M31 observed in F5555W(V) and F814W(I). Additionally we have reanalyzed HST archival data of comparable quality for 2 more GCs. Extraordinary care is taken to account for the effects of blended stellar images and required field subtraction. We thus reach 1 mag fainter than the horizontal branch (HB) even in unfavorable cases. We present the color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and discuss their main features also in comparison with the properties of the Galactic GCs. This analysis is augmented with CMDs previously obtained and discussed by Fusi Pecci et al. (1996) on 8 other M31 clusters. We report the following significant results: 1. The locus of the red giant branches give reliable metallicity determinations which compare generally very well with ground-based integrated spectroscopic and photometric measures, as well as giving good reddening estimates. 2. The HB morphologies show the same behavior with metallicity as the Galactic GCs, with indications that the 2nd-parameter effect can be present in some GCs of our sample. However, at [Fe/H] ~ -1.7 we observe a number of GCs with red HB morphology such that the HB type versus [Fe/H] relation is offset from the MW and resembles that of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. One explanation for the offset is that they are younger than their MW counterparts by 1-2 Gyr. 3. The Mv(HB)-[Fe/H] relationship has been determined and the slope (~0.20) is very similar to the values derived from RR Lyrae stars in the MW and the LMC. The zero-point of this relation based on the assumed distance modulus (m-M)o(M31)=24.47+/-0.03 is consistent with (m-M)o(LMC)=18.55.Comment: 50 pages, 12 figures (one in jpeg format), 8 tables, accepted for publication in The A

    Hierarchy Theory of Evolution and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Some Epistemic Bridges, Some Conceptual Rifts

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    Contemporary evolutionary biology comprises a plural landscape of multiple co-existent conceptual frameworks and strenuous voices that disagree on the nature and scope of evolutionary theory. Since the mid-eighties, some of these conceptual frameworks have denounced the ontologies of the Modern Synthesis and of the updated Standard Theory of Evolution as unfinished or even flawed. In this paper, we analyze and compare two of those conceptual frameworks, namely Niles Eldredge’s Hierarchy Theory of Evolution (with its extended ontology of evolutionary entities) and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (with its proposal of an extended ontology of evolutionary processes), in an attempt to map some epistemic bridges (e.g. compatible views of causation; niche construction) and some conceptual rifts (e.g. extra-genetic inheritance; different perspectives on macroevolution; contrasting standpoints held in the “externalism–internalism” debate) that exist between them. This paper seeks to encourage theoretical, philosophical and historiographical discussions about pluralism or the possible unification of contemporary evolutionary biology

    Full-Fledged Dwarf Irregular Galaxy Leo A

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    We have studied Leo A - the isolated and extremely gas rich dwarf irregular galaxy of very low stellar mass and metallicity. Ages of the stellar populations in Leo A are ranging from ~10 Myr to ~10 Gyr. Here we report the discovery of an old stellar halo and a sharp stellar edge. Also we find the distribution of stars extending beyond the gaseous envelope of the galaxy. Therefore, Leo A by its structure as well as stellar and gaseous content is found to resemble massive disk galaxies. This implies that galaxies of very low stellar mass are also able to develop complex structures, challenging contemporary understanding of galaxy evolution.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Spectroscopy of clusters in the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS)

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    We present spectroscopic observations of galaxies in 4 clusters at z = 0.7-0.8 and in one cluster at z~0.5 obtained with the FORS2 spectrograph on the VLT as part of the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS), a photometric and spectroscopic survey of 20 intermediate to high redshift clusters. We describe our target selection, mask design, observation and data reduction procedures, using these first 5 clusters to demonstrate how our strategies maximise the number of cluster members for which we obtain spectroscopy. We present catalogues containing positions, I-band magnitudes and spectroscopic redshifts for galaxies in the fields of our 5 clusters. These contain 236 cluster members, with the number of members per cluster ranging from 30 to 67. Our spectroscopic success rate, i.e. the fraction of spectroscopic targets which are cluster members, averages 50% and ranges from 30% to 75%. We use a robust biweight estimator to measure cluster velocity dispersions from our spectroscopic redshift samples. We also make a first assessment of substructure within our clusters. The velocity dispersions range from 400 to 1100 km s-1. Some of the redshift distributions are significantly non-Gaussian and we find evidence for significant substructure in two clusters, one at z~0.79 and the other at z~0.54. Both have velocity dispersions exceeding 1000 km s-1 but are clearly not fully virialised; their velocity dispersions may thus be a poor indicator of their masses. The properties of these first 5 EDisCS clusters span a wide range in redshift, velocity dispersion, richness and substructure, but are representative of the sample as a whole. Spectroscopy for the full dataset will allow a comprehensive study of galaxy evolution as a function of cluster environment and redshift.Comment: 18 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, Table 4 is available ahead of journal publication by downloading the source files for this astro-ph submission or from first author on request ([email protected]

    Measurement with beam of the deflecting higher order modes in the TTF superconducting cavities

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    This paper reports on recent beam measurements of higher order modes in the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) accelerating modules. Using bunch trains of about 0.5 ms with 54MHz bunch repetition and up to 90% modulated intensity, transverse higher order modes are resonantly excited when the beam is offset and their frequency on resonance with the modulation frequency. With this method, the trapped modes can be excited and their counteraction on the beam observed on a wide-band BPM downstream of the module. Scanning the modulation frequency from 0 to 27MHz allows a systematic investigation of all possible dangerous modes in the modules
