14 research outputs found

    Choice Architecture Cueing to Healthier Dietary Choices and Physical Activity at the Workplace:Implementation and Feasibility Evaluation

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    Redesigning choice environments appears a promising approach to encourage healthier eating and physical activity, but little evidence exists of the feasibility of this approach in real-world settings. The aim of this paper is to portray the implementation and feasibility assessment of a 12-month mixed-methods intervention study, StopDia at Work, targeting the environment of 53 diverse worksites. The intervention was conducted within a type 2 diabetes prevention study, StopDia. We assessed feasibility through the fidelity, facilitators and barriers, and maintenance of implementation, building on implementer interviews (n = 61 informants) and observations of the worksites at six (t1) and twelve months (t2). We analysed quantitative data with Kruskall–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests and qualitative data with content analysis. Intervention sites altogether implemented 23 various choice architectural strategies (median 3, range 0–14 strategies/site), employing 21 behaviour change mechanisms. Quantitative analysis found implementation was successful in 66%, imperfect in 25%, and failed in 9% of evaluated cases. These ratings were independent of the ease of implementation of applied strategies and reminders that implementers received. Researchers’ assistance in intervention launch (p = 0.02) and direct contact to intervention sites (p < 0.001) predicted higher fidelity at t1, but not at t2. Qualitative content analysis identified facilitators and barriers related to the organisation, intervention, worksite environment, implementer, and user. Contributors of successful implementation included apt implementers, sufficient implementer training, careful planning, integration into worksite values and activities, and management support. After the study, 49% of the worksites intended to maintain the implementation in some form. Overall, the choice architecture approach seems suitable for workplace health promotion, but a range of practicalities warrant consideration while designing real-world implementation

    Molecular epidemiology of Paenibacillus larvae infection in Finland

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    The epidemiology of a Paenibacillus larvae infection, causing American Foulbrood (AFB), was studied regionally in Finland and temporally in the apiaries. Altogether 156 P. larvae isolates from honey or brood samples supplied by 114 beekeepers were analysed by NotI pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and biotyping, as well as for tetracycline resistance. Fifty-two NotI macrorestriction profiles (MRP) and three biotypes were detected. All isolates were susceptible to tetracycline. Most MRPs and biotypes IV and V were widely spread throughout the country, though a few MRPs and biotype I were clustered around certain areas. Analysis of subsequent isolates from 25 beekeepers usually showed persistence of the infection in the apiaries, but in six cases unrelated infections emerged. Typing of contemporary isolates from one beekeeper revealed the presence of the same infection in distant apiaries, thus indicating that the spread of infection was through apicultural practices instead of neighbourhood. NotI PFGE allowed efficient strain discrimination and can be recommended for epidemiological surveillance of AFB

    Porsaiden vieroitusripulin tukihoito

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    Porsaiden vieroitusripulin tukihoito : tutkimusraportti 22.3.2002

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    Nimekkeen selvennys: Non-medical treatment of post-weaning diarrhoea.Sekä nestehoito että Porsipect vähensivät välittömästi vieroituksen jälkeen painoaan menettäneiden pahnueiden määrää. Muutoin tukihoidosta ei ollut selvää hyötyä porsaiden kasvuun tai rehunkäyttöön. Porsipeck vähensi jo muutenkin vähäisen vetisen ripulin määrää sekä ripulipäivien määrää. Porsipeck pienensi sonnan vesipitoisuutta, ja vaikutus havaittiin vielä koejakson jäkeen. Myös sonnan kolibakteerien määrä oli pienenmpi Porsipect-annostelun aikana, mutta ei hoidon päätyttyä. Elektrolyyttilio lisäsi ripulipäivien määrää ja huononsi rehuhyötysuhdetta. Liuoshoito myös lisäsi sonnan vesipitoisuutta ja kolibakteerien määrää. Porsaiden vapaasta elekttrolyyttiliuoksen saannista ei ollut etua vieroitusripulin ehkäisyssä tai hoidossa. Liuos ei myöskään soveltunut käytettäväksi yhdessä Porsipecktin kanssa. Vettä sitova valmiste lisäsi huomattavasti elektrolyyttiliuoksen kulutusta.vsaatavissa tekijält