157 research outputs found

    Highly controllable ambient atmosphere spray deposition of water dispersible poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) films

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    Thin films of water dispersible poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) functionalized poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) (BBL) polymers have been prepared by a pulse spray technique on a spinning substrate in ambient atmosphere. The deposition method is advantageous for generating ultra-thin films of nanometer thicknesses. A single spray pulse was found in a reproducible manner to generate a layer of ca. 2 nm thickness. The PEO-chain length in the BBL functionalization had an essential influence on the building mechanism of the films. The polymers functionalized by short PEO chains induced the formation of very smooth films while longer PEO chains induced rough films and notable nanostructuration. The BBL-PEO film deposited using spray pulse deposition was found to be electro- and photoactive. The electron transfer processes observed are slightly different from earlier reported results for similar polymers, which is probably due to the very thin film. The films exhibited photocurrent generation when transformed into conducting form.Peer reviewe

    Video outperforms illustrated text : Do old explanations for the modality effect apply in a learner-paced fifth-grade classroom context?

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    The modality effect occurs when people learn better from a combination of pictures and narration than from a combination of pictures and written text. Despite the strong empirical results in earlier studies, the modality effect has been less prominent in later studies of children in learner-paced settings. However, the generalizability of these results in practice may be limited because the studies included notable differences compared to a classroom context. The present study examined the modality effect in a learner-paced classroom context. In a within-subjects experiment, fifth graders learned from illustrated texts and videos and completed pre-, post-, and delayed tests on two science topics. The video group outperformed the illustrated text group in retention, delayed retention, cognitive load, and efficiency measures but there were no statistical differences in transfer. In both learning conditions, the cognitive load was moderate and did not correlate with any learning outcomes. The results suggest that while the modality effect can occur in a learner-paced classroom context, it may not be based on the avoidance of cognitive overload. Alternative explanations concerning the differences in settings and materials between classroom contexts and modality effect research are discussed.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Puna-apilasäilörehun ruokinnallinen arvo lypsylehmän ainoana karkearehuna ja seoksena heinäkasvisäilörehun kanssa

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin puna-apilasta(A1) ja heinäkasveista (N2) tehtyjen säilörehujen vaikutustalypsylehmien rehun syöntiin, rehuannoksen sulavuuteen, maidontuotantoon ja maidon koostumukseen.Rehut korjattiin samanaikaisesti ja niitä syötettiin joko ainoana karkearehuna tai seoksena (A1N2, 1:1kuiva-aineessa).Kontrollina oli samasta heinäkasvinurmesta neljä päivää aikaisemmin tehty säilörehu(N1). Kasvustot niitettiin niittomurskaimella, esikuivattiin ja paalattiin pyöröpaaleihinmuurahaishappopohjaista säilöntäainetta käyttäen.Tutkimus tehtiin tasapainotetun 4×4 latinalaisen neliön mukaisesti. Kokeessa oli kahdeksanay-lehmää,jotka jaettiin tuotoksen mukaan kahteen blokkiin (23kertaa poikineet ja ensikot). Lehmätsaivat säilörehua vapaasti. Väkirehu oli ohran ja kauran (1:1) sekä rypsipuristeen (238 g/kg väkirehua)seos, jota annettiin 10,5 (blokki 1) tai 8,4 kg/pv (blokki 2). Lisäksi lehmät saivat kivennäisrehua jaruokasuolaa.Säilörehujen kuiva-ainepitoisuudetolivat 261 (N1), 337 (A1) ja 372 (N2) g/kg. Apilasäilörehuja samaan aikaan niitetty heinäkasvisäilörehu olivat rajoittuneesti käyneitä ja sisälsivät runsaastisokeria. Lisäksi ammoniumtypen osuus kokonaistypestä oli pieni. Aikaisemmin korjattuheinäkasvisäilörehu oli hieman pidemmälle käynyttä. Se sisälsi myös runsaasti etanolia jaammoniumtypen osuus kokonaistypestä oli melko suuri (81 g/kg). Säilörehujen orgaanisen aineen(OA) in vitro -sulavuudetolivat 718 (N1), 711 (A1) ja 670 (N2) g/kg OA ja D-arvotvastaavasti664, 640 ja 623 g/kg KA.Lehmät söivät puhdasta apilasäilörehua 1,3 kg KA/pv enemmän (P<0,01) kuinsamanaikaisesti niitettyä heinäkasvisäilörehua. Näiden rehujen seosta lehmät söivät lähes yhtä paljonkuin puhdasta apilasäilörehua (11,2 (N1), 12,0 (A1), 10,7 (N2) ja 11,8 (A1N2) kg KA/pv). Apilarehuasyötettäessä lehmät saivat enemmän raakavalkuaista, ohutsuolesta imeytyvää valkuaista (P<0,001) jarehuyksikköjä (P<0,01) sekä vähemmän NDF-kuitua(P<0,001) kuin samanaikaisesti niitettyäheinäkasvirehua syötettäessä. A1-ruokinnanorgaanisen aineen ja raakavalkuaisen sulavuudet olivathieman suuremmat (P<0,10) kuin N2-ruokinnan.Seoksena syötettäessä apila- jaheinäkasvirehuillaoli yhdysvaikutusta vain rehuannoksen raakavalkuaisen sulavuudessa, sillä A1N2-ruokinnansulavuusoli pienempi kuin A1- jaN2-ruokintojenkeskimäärin (P<0,10). Rehuannoksen kuidun sulavuus oliapilarehulla ruokittaessa numeerisesti pienempi kuin muissa ruokinnoissa. Myös myöhempirehunkorjuu heikensi (P<0,05) kuidun sulavuutta, vaikka ero heinäkasvirehujen korjuuajassa oli vainneljä päivää.Apilarehua syöneet lehmät lypsivät keskimäärin 1,5 kg/pv enemmän (P<0,05) kuinsamanaikaisesti tehtyä heinäkasvisäilörehua syöneet lehmät. Kasvilajeilla ei kuitenkaan ollutyhdysvaikutusta maidontuotannossa, sillä seoksella ruokittujen lehmien maitotuotos oli 0,9 kg/pvpienempi kuin puhdasta apilarehua syöneiden lehmien tuotos. Koska apilarehu hieman pienensimaidon rasvapitoisuutta (P<0,10) verrattuna N2-rehuun,ei energiakorjatussa maitotuotoksessa [29,2(N1), 30,0 (A1), 29,1 (N2) ja 29,6 (A1N2)] ollut eroa. Ruokinta ei vaikuttanut maidonvalkuaispitoisuuteen, mutta runsaamman maitotuotoksen vuoksi apilaa syöneiden lehmienvalkuaistuotos oli suurempi (P<0,05) kuin samanaikaisesti niitettyä heinäkasvirehua syöneidenlehmien valkuaistuotos. Apila lisäsi (P<0,01) maidon laktoosipitoisuutta verrattuna N2-rehuun.Apilalisäsi maidon ureapitoisuutta ja heikensi jonkin verran rehuvalkuaisen hyväksikäyttöämaidontuotantoon samanaikaisesti niitettyyn heinäkasvirehuun verrattuna (P<0,001)

    Rypsi- ja soijapuriste puna-apilasäilörehun valkuaistäydennyksenä

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin valkuaisrehun määrän ja valkuaislähteen vaikutuksia lypsylehmien rehunsyöntiin, maitotuotokseen ja maidon koostumukseen, kun säilörehu oli puhdasta puna-apilaa.Valkuaisrehuina olivat Öpex®käsiteltyrypsipuriste ja soijapuriste, joita lisättiin ohra-kauraseokseen(1:1) siten, että väkirehussa oli raakavalkuaista keskimäärin 145 (taso 1) tai 180 (taso 2) g/kg kuiva-ainetta(KA). Rypsipuristeen määrä oli 1,5 (R1) tai 3,0 (R2) kg/pv ja soijapuristeen määrä sensuuremman valkuaispitoisuuden vuoksi 0,95 (S1) tai 1,9 (S2) kg/pv. Lehmät saivat väkirehuakeskimäärin 10,8 kg/pv. Säilörehu oli esikuivattua, puna-apilantoisesta sadosta pyöröpaalattua rehua,jota lehmät saivat vapaasti. Säilönnälliseltä laadultaan rehu oli melko pitkälle käynyttä, minkä vuoksisen sokeripitoisuus oli pieni. Rehussa oli myös runsaasti etikkahappoa, mutta ammoniumtypen osuuskokonaistypestä oli pieni. Säilörehun sulavan orgaanisen aineen pitoisuus kuiva-aineessa(in vitro pepsiinisellulaasimenetelmä)oli keskimäärin 608 g/kg.Tutkimus tehtiin tasapainotetun 4´4 latinalaisen neliön mukaisesti ja siinä oli mukana neljä 23kertaa poikinutta ay-lehmää.Tutkimuksen alkaessa lehmien poikimisesta oli kulunut 7685päivää.Lehmät söivät säilörehua rypsiruokinnoilla keskimäärin 13,3 kg KA/pv ja soijaruokinnoilla 13,1 kgKA/pv. Valkuaisen määrää lisättäessä säilörehun syönti väheni vaikutuksen ollessa suurempiruokittaessa rypsiä kuin soijaa (1,0vs. 0,4kg KA/pv), mutta ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä.Väkirehun syönnissä ei ollut eroa ruokintojen välillä. Valkuaistason nosto lisäsi lehmienraakavalkuaisen saantia (P<0,05), mutta ei vaikuttanut ohutsuolesta imeytyvän valkuaisen (OIV)saantiin. Rypsiä syötettäessä lehmät saivat hieman enemmän OIV:a kuin soijaa syötettäessä (P<0,10).Myös kuitua (NDF) lehmät saivat enemmän, kun valkuaislähteenä oli rypsi verrattuna soijaan(P<0,05). Lehmien energian saanti väheni numeerisesti, kun rypsin määrää lisättiin, mutta soijanmäärää lisättäessä pysyi samana. Rehuannoksen orgaanisen aineen sulavuudessa ei ollut eroavalkuaislähteen eikä valkuaistasojen välillä. Kuidun sulavuus oli rypsillä ruokittaessa parempi kuinsoijalla ruokittaessa (P<0,05). Valkuaistason nosto ei vaikuttanut kuidun sulavuuteen.Maitotuotos oli keskimäärin 33,1 (R1), 34,2 (R2), 33,4 (S1) ja 33,6 (S2) kg/pv jaenergiakorjattu maitotuotos (EKM) 31,3 (R1), 32,9 (R2), 32,3 (S1) ja 31,4 (S2) kg/pv. Valkuaislähdetai valkuaistaso eivät vaikuttaneet merkitsevästi tuotokseen. Rypsi lisäsi (P<0,001) maidonvalkuaispitoisuutta soijaan verrattuna (31,7 vs. 30,9 g/kg). Muutoin ruokinta ei merkitsevästivaikuttanut maidon koostumukseen tai rasva,valkuais- jalaktoosituotokseen.Rypsipuriste osoittautui soijapuristetta paremmaksi valkuaisen lähteeksi myös yksinomaistapuna-apilasäilörehuakarkearehuna käytettäessä. Aikaisemmista kokeista poiketen ruokinnanvalkuaistason nosto rypsin tai soijan avulla ei lisännyt lainkaan säilörehun kuivaaineensyöntiä.Rypsilisää käytettäessä maidon valkuaispitoisuus oli kuitenkin merkitsevästi suurempi kuin soijalisääkäytettäessä. Plasman pienemmät metioniinipitoisuudet soijaruokinnoilla viittaavat siihen, ettämetioniinin puute saattoi rajoittaa maidontuotantoa soijapuristeruokinnoilla. Tehty koe antoi viitteitäsiitä, että runsaasta lisävalkuaisannoksesta ei olisi apilaan perustuvassa ruokinnassa yhtä suurta hyötyäkuin heinäkasviruokinnassa

    Identifying childhood movement profiles and comparing differences in mathematical skills between clusters : A latent profile analysis

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    The aims of this study were; 1) to identify different movement profiles in sixth graders, and 2) to investigate if there are differences in their mathematical basic (BasicMath) and problem solving (ProbSol) skills between existing movement profiles. The sample included 461 (223 girls, 238 boys) students with a mean age of 11.27 +/- .32 years from southern and middle Finland. A latent profile analysis (LPA) revealed four movement profiles: "poor movers", "average movers", "skilled movers" and "expert movers". These profiles differed substantially in their motor competence (MC) and health-related fitness (HRF). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) also revealed that "poor movers" and "average movers" obtained lower results in BasicMath comparing with "skilled movers". The results of this study suggest that cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, MC and BasicMath are interrelated.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence of High Bleeding Risk among Hospitalized Suspected NSTEMI Patients

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    In recent years, guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) have placed more emphasis on identifying patients at high bleeding risk (HBR). We set out to investigate the prevalence of HBR patients according to the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) criteria in hospitalized patients with suspected non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Consecutive patients were retrospectively enrolled between January and June 2019 from the emergency department (ED) of a tertiary hospital. The discharge diagnosis and baseline data were manually collected using electronic patient records and database searches. Patients with non-cardiac diagnoses were excluded. Overall, 212 patients were included in the study. A total of 146 (68.9%) patients were diagnosed with NSTEMI (Type 1), 47 (22.2%) with unstable angina pectoris (UAP) and 19 (9.0%) with "other." HBR was detected in 47.6% (n = 101) of all patients. Common criteria for HBR among ACS patients were age (40.4%), chronic kidney disease (33.7%), and the use of oral anticoagulation medicines (20.2%). In conclusion, nearly half of the patients hospitalized for ACS fulfilled HBR criteria. According to contemporary guidelines, the management of HBR patients differs from that of non-HBR patients, and thus, a more comprehensive screening for HBR may be considered in clinical practice

    Baroreflex sensitivity following acute upper-body exercise in the cold among stable coronary artery disease patients

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    Background: A cold environment and exercise separately affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS), baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), and blood pressure variability (BPV) but their combined effects on post-exercise recovery are not known. Our cross-over trial examined these responses following upper-body static and dynamic exercise performed in a cold and neutral environment in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: 20 patients with stable coronary artery disease performed both graded static (10%–30% of maximal voluntary contraction) and dynamic (light, moderate and high perceived intensity) upper-body exercise at −15°C and +22°C for 30 min. Electrocardiogram and continuous blood pressure were measured to compute post-exercise (10 and 30 min after exercise) spectral powers of heart rate (HR), blood pressure variability and BRS at low (0.04–0.15 Hz) and high (0.15–0.4 Hz) frequencies. Results: Static upper-body exercise performed in a cold environment increased post-exercise high frequency (HF) spectral power of heart rate (HF RR) (p Conclusion: Static upper-body exercise in the cold increased post-exercise BRS and overall vagal activity but without reduced systolic blood pressure. Dynamic upper-body exercise in the cold reduced post-exercise vagal BRS but did not affect the other parameters. The influence of cold exposure on post-exercise autonomic and cardiovascular responses following static upper-body exercise require further studies. This information helps understanding why persons with cardiovascular diseases are vulnerable to low environmental temperature. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02855905 (04/08/2016)

    The effect of gypsum on phosphorus losses at the catchment scale

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    The ability of novel measures to reduce the loss of phosphorus from fields to surface waters is seeing increasing testing. Gypsum, by elevating the ionic strength in soil solution, has been shown to reduce phosphorus losses from Finnish soils under laboratory conditions. This report presents the results of a catchment-scale gypsum experiment. In a 2.45 km2 catchment in southern Finland, 91% of the field area (93 out of 101 hectares, mostly on clayey soils) was amended with gypsum after the harvest in 2008. Runoff volume and quality (e.g., turbidity, nutrients, cations, and anions) were monitored for six high-flow periods in February 2008 to November 2010 – i.e., before, during, and after the amendment – by means of on-line sensors and manual sampling. Additional data were collected by a local water protection association at the site and in a nearby ‘reference’ catchment where gypsum was not used. Moreover, the effect of gypsum was simulated with the ICECREAM model and scaled for the clay fields in the catchment of the Archipelago Sea via the assessment tool VIHMA. Potential changes in soil chemistry were monitored with soil analyses. Finally, the impact on lakes caused by sulphate lost from gypsum was studied by means of laboratory soil and sediment incubations. The turbidity recorded by the on-line sensors from the runoff correlated with the concentration of particulate phosphorus analysed in the laboratory, which enabled the evaluation of changes in particulate phosphorus loss from the on-line data. Using a covariance model with gypsum application as a qualitative and runoff volume as a quantitative variable, we approximated gypsum as having reduced the loss of particulate phosphorus by 57 %. The loss of dissolved reactive phosphorus decreased by approximately one third. The total phosphorus reduction was about 54 %. According to the ICECREAM model, the reduction in total phosphorus was 45 %. No corresponding changes were found in the reference catchment. Gypsum did not affect soil test values for phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, or calcium but did increase the ionic strength and sulphur in soil. The proportion of gypsum lost in runoff could not be estimated precisely, because there were insufficient background data on sulphate losses. At maximum, 45 % of the gypsum was lost, as calculated from conductivity values recorded by the sensors. Since sulphate may aggravate eutrophication in sulphate-poor lakes, the sulphate lost from gypsum may restrict extensive gypsum application to only those catchments discharging directly into the Baltic Sea. Fortunately, most clayey fields in Finland with a risk of erosion are located in the coastal catchments without a great presence of lakes. As an example, the application of gypsum on all clayey fields used for cereals or high-value crops in the catchment of the Archipelago Sea could reduce the total phosphorus load by 68 t y−1, as calculated with the assessment tool VIHMA. That would be more than half of the national target (120 t y−1) for this sea area. The duration of the gypsum effect and impact of gypsum-derived sulphate on the ecology of rivers and lakes has yet to be determined

    Subtype of atrial fibrillation and the outcome of transcatheter aortic valve replacement: The FinnValve Study

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    Whether the subtype of atrial fibrillation affects outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis is unclear. The nationwide FinnValve registry included 2130 patients who underwent primary after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis during 2008–2017. Altogether, 281 (13.2%) patients had pre-existing paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, 651 (30.6%) had pre-existing non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 160 (7.5%) were diagnosed with new-onset atrial fibrillation during the index hospitalization. The median follow-up was 2.4 (interquartile range: 1.6–3.8) years. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation did not affect 30-day or overall mortality (p-values >0.05). Non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation demonstrated an increased risk of overall mortality (hazard ratio: 1.61, 95% confidence interval: 1.35–1.92; p0.05). In conclusion, non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and new-onset atrial fibrillation are associated with increased mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis, whereas paroxysmal atrial fibrillation has no effect on mortality. These findings suggest that non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation rather than paroxysmal atrial fibrillation may be associated with structural cardiac damage which is of prognostic significance in patients with aortic stenosis undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement.Peer reviewe

    Finnish students’ enjoyment and anxiety levels during fitness testing classes

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    Background: Fitness testing is a commonly applied learning and teaching practice implemented in both secondary and elementary school physical education (PE). Many teachers believe that by using a variety of different tests, they are able to provide students with feedback regarding their fitness status, and furthermore, increase students’ willingness to be physically active later in their lives. However, empirical evidence concerning students’ affective responses during fitness testing classes is limited.Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to investigate whether students’ perceptions of enjoyment and anxiety differed between two different types of fitness testing classes and PE in general. In addition, the measurement invariances over time and between Grade 5 (aged 11–12) and Grade 8 (aged 14–15) groups were determined.Method: A total sample of 645 Finnish Grade 5 (N = 328, 50% boys, mean age = 11.2, SD = 0.36) and Grade 8 students (N = 317, 47% boys, mean age = 14.2, SD = 0.35) participated in the study. Series of multi-group confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to test the level of measurement invariance between general PE and fitness testing classes, and between age groups. Strict factorial invariance was supported for both enjoyment and anxiety scales allowing for latent mean comparisons. Latent mean differences were studied using z-tests.Results: Grade 5 students perceived significantly lower levels of enjoyment and cognitive processes and a higher level of somatic anxiety in fitness testing classes compared to general PE. Additionally, for Grade 8 students, levels of enjoyment and cognitive processes were significantly lower and somatic anxiety and worry higher in fitness testing classes than in general PE. Furthermore, enjoyment was significantly higher, and cognitive processes, somatic anxiety and worry lower among Grade 5 students compared with Grade 8 students in both contextual PE and during fitness testing class.Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that students’ perceptions of enjoyment were lower in fitness testing classes compared to PE in general. Additionally, students perceived lower levels of cognitive anxiety and higher levels of somatic anxiety in fitness testing classes than in general PE. It is noteworthy that students might not significantly dislike fitness testing per se but instead have significantly more positive affects towards PE in general. Generally, practitioners conducting fitness testing lessons are encouraged to embrace different strategies such as fostering basic psychological needs or promoting mastery climate to facilitate enjoyment and diminish anxiety.</p