75 research outputs found

    The toad's warts: Discordance creates bumpy expectations of mitochondrial-nuclear evolution between species

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    Discordance between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes is a prevalent phenomenon in nature, in which the underlying processes responsible are considered to be important in shaping genetic variation in natural populations. Among the evolutionary processes that best explain such genomic mismatches incomplete lineage sorting and introgression are commonly identified, however, many studies are unable to distinguish between these hypotheses, which has become a major challenge in the field. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Firneno et al. (2020) present an elegant exploration of mitochondrial‐nuclear discordance in Mesoamerican toads. Integrating genome‐scale and spatial data to test between these hypotheses within an empirical model testing framework, they find strong support that incomplete lineage sorting explains the observed discordance. Their work, along with many previous articles in Molecular Ecology, highlights the commonality of mito‐nuclear discordance among species despite the expectations of tightly concerted mitochondrial and nuclear genome evolution. It is increasingly clear that the nuclear genomes of many species are (at least for short periods of evolutionary time) functionally compatible with multiple, divergent mitochondrial haplotypes. As such, we suggest future research not only seeks to understand the processes causing spatial mito‐nuclear discordance (e.g. incomplete lineage sorting, introgression), but also explores those that maintain discordance through time and space (e.g. relaxed selection on mito‐nuclear interactions, heterozygosity, population demographics). We also discuss the vital role that taxonomy plays in interpreting patterns of mito‐nuclear discordance when data‐consistent yet differing taxonomies are used, such as treating allopatrically distributed taxa as multiple isolated populations versus multiple micro‐endemic species

    Genomic SNPs resolve the phylogeny of an ancient amphibian island radiation from the Seychelles

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsUnusually for oceanic islands, the granitic Seychelles host multiple lineages of endemic amphibians. This includes an ancient (likely ca. 60 million years) radiation of eight caecilian species, most of which occur on multiple islands. These caecilians have a complicated taxonomic history and their phylogenetic inter-species relationships have been difficult to resolve. Double-digest RAD sequencing (ddRADseq) has been applied extensively to phylogeography and increasingly to phylogenetics but its utility for resolving ancient divergences is less well established. To address this, we applied ddRADseq to generate a genome-wide SNP panel for phylogenomic analyses of the Seychelles caecilians, whose phylogeny has so far not been satisfactorily resolved with traditional DNA markers. Based on 129,154 SNPs, we resolved deep and shallow splits, with strong support. Our findings demonstrate the capability of genome-wide SNPs for evolutionary inference at multiple taxonomic levels and support the recently proposed synonymy of Grandisonia Taylor, 1968 with Hypogeophis Peters, 1879. We revealed three clades of Hypogeophis (large-, medium- and short-bodied) and identify a single origin of the diminutive, stocky-bodied and pointy-snouted phenotype

    An effective all-atom potential for proteins

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    We describe and test an implicit solvent all-atom potential for simulations of protein folding and aggregation. The potential is developed through studies of structural and thermodynamic properties of 17 peptides with diverse secondary structure. Results obtained using the final form of the potential are presented for all these peptides. The same model, with unchanged parameters, is furthermore applied to a heterodimeric coiled-coil system, a mixed alpha/beta protein and a three-helix-bundle protein, with very good results. The computational efficiency of the potential makes it possible to investigate the free-energy landscape of these 49--67-residue systems with high statistical accuracy, using only modest computational resources by today's standards

    Microsatellite discovery in an insular amphibian (Grandisonia alternans) with comments on cross-species utility and the accuracy of locus identification from unassembled Illumina data

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    The Seychelles archipelago is unique among isolated oceanic islands because it features an endemic radiation of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona). In order to develop population genetics resources for this system, we identified microsatellite loci using unassembled Illumina MiSeq data generated from a genomic library of Grandisonia alternans, a species that occurs on multiple islands in the archipelago. Applying a recently described method (PALFINDER) we identified 8001 microsatellite loci that were potentially informative for population genetics analyses. Of these markers, we screened 60 loci using five individuals, directly sequenced several amplicons to confirm their identity, and then used eight loci to score allele sizes in 64 G. alternans individuals originating from five islands. A number of these individuals were sampled using non-lethal methods, demonstrating the efficacy of non-destructive molecular sampling in amphibian research. Although two loci satisfied our criteria as diploid, neutrally evolving loci with the statistical power to detect population structure, our success in identifying reliable loci was very low. Additionally, we discovered some issues with primer redundancy and differences between Illumina and Sanger sequences that suggest some Illumina-inferred loci are invalid. We investigated cross-species utility for eight loci and found most could be successfully amplified, sequenced and aligned across other species and genera of caecilians from the Seychelles. Thus, our study in part supported the validity of using PALFINDER with unassembled reads for microsatellite discovery within and across species, but importantly identified major limitations to applying this approach to small datasets (ca. 1 million reads) and loci with small tandem repeat sizes

    A Non-Specific Effect Associated with Conditional Transgene Expression Based on Cre-loxP Strategy in Mice

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    Transgenes flanked by loxP sites have been widely used to generate transgenic mice where the transgene expression can be controlled spatially and temporally by Cre recombinase. Data from this approach has led to important conclusions in cancer, neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration. Using this approach to conditionally express micro RNAs (miRNAs) in mice, we found that Cre-mediated recombination in neural progenitor cells caused microcephaly in five of our ten independent transgenic lines. This effect was not associated with the types or the quantity of miRNAs being expressed, nor was it associated with specific target knockdown. Rather, it was correlated with the presence of multiple tandem transgene copies and inverted (head-to-head or tail-to-tail) transgene repeats. The presence of these inverted repeats caused a high level of cell death in the ventricular zone of the embryonic brain, where Cre was expressed. Therefore, results from this Cre-loxP approach to generate inducible transgenic alleles must be interpreted with caution and conclusions drawn in previous reports may need reexamination

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis ecology in Venezuela: epidemiologic correlates of common spoligotypes and a large clonal cluster defined by MIRU-VNTR-24

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tuberculosis remains an endemic public health problem, but the ecology of the TB strains prevalent, and their transmission, can vary by country and by region. We sought to investigate the prevalence of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>strains in different regions of Venezuela. A previous study identified the most prevalent strains in Venezuela but did not show geographical distribution nor identify clonal genotypes. To better understand local strain ecology, we used spoligotyping to analyze 1298 <it>M. tuberculosis </it>strains isolated in Venezuela from 1997 to 2006, predominantly from two large urban centers and two geographically distinct indigenous areas, and then studied a subgroup with MIRU-VNTR 24 loci.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The distribution of spoligotype families is similar to that previously reported for Venezuela and other South American countries: LAM 53%, T 10%, Haarlem 5%, S 1.9%, X 1.2%, Beijing 0.4%, and EAI 0.2%. The six most common shared types (SIT's 17, 93, 605, 42, 53, 20) accounted for 49% of the isolates and were the most common in almost all regions, but only a minority were clustered by MIRU-VNTR 24. One exception was the third most frequent overall, SIT 605, which is the most common spoligotype in the state of Carabobo but infrequent in other regions. MIRU-VNTR homogeneity suggests it is a clonal group of strains and was named the "Carabobo" genotype. Epidemiologic comparisons showed that patients with SIT 17 were younger and more likely to have had specimens positive for Acid Fast Bacilli on microscopy, and patients with SIT 53 were older and more commonly smear negative. Female TB patients tended to be younger than male patients. Patients from the high incidence, indigenous population in Delta Amacuro state were younger and had a nearly equal male:female distribution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Six SIT's cause nearly half of the cases of tuberculosis in Venezuela and dominate in nearly all regions. Strains with SIT 17, the most common pattern overall may be more actively transmitted and SIT 53 strains may be less virulent and associated with reactivation of past infections in older patients. In contrast to other common spoligotypes, strains with SIT 605 form a clonal group centered in the state of Carabobo.</p

    A Kinetic Model of Trp-Cage Folding from Multiple Biased Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Trp-cage is a designed 20-residue polypeptide that, in spite of its size, shares several features with larger globular proteins. Although the system has been intensively investigated experimentally and theoretically, its folding mechanism is not yet fully understood. Indeed, some experiments suggest a two-state behavior, while others point to the presence of intermediates. In this work we show that the results of a bias-exchange metadynamics simulation can be used for constructing a detailed thermodynamic and kinetic model of the system. The model, although constructed from a biased simulation, has a quality similar to those extracted from the analysis of long unbiased molecular dynamics trajectories. This is demonstrated by a careful benchmark of the approach on a smaller system, the solvated Ace-Ala3-Nme peptide. For the Trp-cage folding, the model predicts that the relaxation time of 3100 ns observed experimentally is due to the presence of a compact molten globule-like conformation. This state has an occupancy of only 3% at 300 K, but acts as a kinetic trap. Instead, non-compact structures relax to the folded state on the sub-microsecond timescale. The model also predicts the presence of a state at of 4.4 Å from the NMR structure in which the Trp strongly interacts with Pro12. This state can explain the abnormal temperature dependence of the and chemical shifts. The structures of the two most stable misfolded intermediates are in agreement with NMR experiments on the unfolded protein. Our work shows that, using biased molecular dynamics trajectories, it is possible to construct a model describing in detail the Trp-cage folding kinetics and thermodynamics in agreement with experimental data

    Emerging concepts in biomarker discovery; The US-Japan workshop on immunological molecular markers in oncology

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    Supported by the Office of International Affairs, National Cancer Institute (NCI), the "US-Japan Workshop on Immunological Biomarkers in Oncology" was held in March 2009. The workshop was related to a task force launched by the International Society for the Biological Therapy of Cancer (iSBTc) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to identify strategies for biomarker discovery and validation in the field of biotherapy. The effort will culminate on October 28th 2009 in the "iSBTc-FDA-NCI Workshop on Prognostic and Predictive Immunologic Biomarkers in Cancer", which will be held in Washington DC in association with the Annual Meeting. The purposes of the US-Japan workshop were a) to discuss novel approaches to enhance the discovery of predictive and/or prognostic markers in cancer immunotherapy; b) to define the state of the science in biomarker discovery and validation. The participation of Japanese and US scientists provided the opportunity to identify shared or discordant themes across the distinct immune genetic background and the diverse prevalence of disease between the two Nations


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    Alignment file containing sequence (261 bp) of synuclein alpha interacting protein (SNCAIP) for Tantilla wilcoxi, T. coronata (3 samples), T. nigriceps, and T. gracilis (21 samples). Each sequence id has the unique numerical id for each sample. See associated manuscript (Table 1) for additional information for each sample
