46 research outputs found


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    Dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni rupa banyak siswa kelas yang belum menguasai  Penelitian ini berawal dari permasalahan rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn). Penulis berupaya  mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan mencoba menerapkan model pembelajaran Discovery. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran PKn pada materi “Nilai Juang dalam Proses Perumusan Pancasila” dengan penerapan Model pembelajaran Discovery. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 siklus dengan subyek penelitian siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 2 Girinata Kecamatan Dukupuntang Kabupaten Cirebon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran PKn pada materi “Nilai Juang dalam Proses Perumusan Pancasila”  meningkat. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan penerapan model pembelajaran discovery dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran PKn

    Perbaikan Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa Kepariwisataan dengan Metode Servqual dan Qfd (Studi Kasus di Keraton Kasepuhan Kota Cirebon)

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    . Kasepuhan Palace Cirebon tourism services participate to build theeconomy of the country, especially the city of Cirebon. Therefore, in order tofurther increase the number of visits, the service quality should be improved.Using SERVQUAL method, can know the perception of service qualitykasepuhan palace Cirebon. Measuring the quality of services performed on fivedimensions that has tangible, responsiveness, assurance, reliability, and empathy.The results of this study showed that all of the dimensions are still not as expectedvisitors. The Improvement starts from the dimensions of responsiveness that havethe smallest SERVQUAL score. QFD can be analyzed using improvementpriorities according to customer needs. The most important priority that needs tobe adequate hygiene team, demolition charges, as well as the renovation andrestoration. Overall it can be proposed for improving services such as:improvement of operational systems, improvements and additions to the facility,the addition of human resources and training. The limitations is only the firstphase HOQ

    Memahami Teks, Melahirkan Konteks: Menelisik Interpretasi Ideologis Jamaah Tabligh

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    The  dialectical  process  between  the  Qur’an,  Hadith  and  other  religious texts with reality will produce a variety of  interpretations.  This diversity of interpretations within different kinds of approaches: theological, legal, mystical, social, political, economical as well as various other points, in turn will present a discourse in the domain of thought, as well as practical measures in social realities. In this article, the author analyzes the theological and legal interpretation of Jama‘ah Tabligh. He also discusses a number of concepts which was arisen from their readings of a number of verses in the Qur’an and Hadith.

    Living Qur’an: Sebuah Pendekatan Baru dalam Kajian Al-Qur’an (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren As-Siroj Al-Hasan Desa Kalimukti Kec. Pabedilan Kab. Cirebon)

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    Artikel ini memfokuskan kajian tentang metode Living Qur’an sebagai sebuah pendekatan baru dalam kajian al-Qur’an. Living Qur’an adalah kajian atau penelitian ilmiah tentang berbagai peristiwa sosial terkait dengan kehadiran al-Qur’an atau keberadaan al-Qur’an di sebuah komunitas muslim tertentu. Living Qur’an juga bisa dimaknai sebagai “teks al-Qur’an yang ‘hidup’ dalam masyarakat.” Pendekatan ini berusaha memotret proses interaksi masyarakat terhadap al-Qur’an, yang tidak sebatas pada pemaknaan teksnya, tetapi lebih ditekankan pada aspek penerapan teks-teks al-Qur’an dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penerapan teks-teks al-Qur’an tersebut kemudian menjadi tradisi yang melembaga dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyaraka

    Makna Islam dalam Al-Qur’an Perspektif Tesktualis: Studi terhadap Orientasi Tekstual dalam Penafsiran Al-Qur’an

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    The Meaning of Islam in the Qur'an Textualist Perspective: A Study of Textual Orientation in Al-Qur'an Interpretation In the treasures of exegesis, there are two orientations commonly used by mufassir in interpreting the Qur'an. First, textual orientation. Second, contextual orientation. This article aims to critically examine textual orientation in the interpretation of the Qur'an, which often only looks at the text alone, without looking at the aspects of the context surrounding the birth of the text. The focus of the study in this research is about the meaning of Islam in the Qur'an from the perspective of the textualist group. This research is library research using qualitative methods. The approach used in this research is analytical descriptive. The results of this study indicate that the textual interpretation carried out by textualist groups about the meaning of Islam emphasizes that Islam is a system of beliefs, creeds (read: religion) which are institutionalized with a set of binding doctrines. This view in turn assumes that the religion they understand is superior to others, and followers of other ways of life are considered infidels, hypocrites or wicked. Therefore, a critical review of the textual orientation in the interpretation of the Qur'an is something that is necessary

    Kesehatan Mental dalam Perspektif Tafsir Al-Qur’an Tematik LPMQ Kemenag RI dan Teori Psikologi Al-Balkhi

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    Kesehatan mental merupakan keharmonisan dalam kehidupan yang terwujud antara fungsi-fungsi jiwa, kemampuan menghadapi problematika yang dihadapi, serta mampu merasakan kebahagiaan dan kemampuan dirinya secara positif. Apabila setiap individu hidup sehat maka keluarga dan masyarakat juga akan ikut sehat, karena manusia merupakan makhluk sosial. Oleh karena nya perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya agar terciptanya kesehatan baik kesehatan fisik maupun kesehatan mental dalam menjalani kehidupan. Rumusan masalah yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana kesehatan mental dalam perspektif tafsir psikologi pada Tafsir Al-Quran Tematik Karya LPMQ Kemenag RI?,(2) Bagaimana Telaah Teori Psikologi Terhadap Tafsir Al-Quran Tematik LPMQ Kemenag RI? Penelitian ini berjenis library research (Penelitian Kepustakaan). Sumber data, sumber data primer yang digunakan penulis yaitu tafsir al-Quran tematik kesehatan karya LPMQ Kemenag RI dan sumber data sekunder yang digunakan penulis yaitu buku, jurnal, artikel yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan mental dan psikologi. Teknik pengumpulan dan penganalisisan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan cara melihat dan menganalisis penafsiran Kementrian Agama RI tentang ayat yang menerangkan mengenai kesehatan mental pada tafsir al-Quran tematik kesehatan karya LPMQ Kemenag RI dalam sudut pandang tafsir psikologi dan menguatkannya dengan pendapat mufassir lain dan pakar psikologi. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesehatan mental dalam perspektif tafsir psikologi pada tafsir al-Qura>n tematik kesehatan karya LPMQ Kemenag RI dapat disimpulkan ciri utama mental yang sehat yaitu; memiliki iman yang menjadi landasan semua sikap dan tingkah lakunya, mampu beradaptasi terhadap kenyataan mampu membebaskan diri dari penyakit-penyakit hati seperti; dengki, iri hati, dendam, buruk sangka, pamer, sombong, marah, lalai dan lupa, was-was. Frustasi, rakus, mampu menjalin hubungan dengan orang lain dan saling menguntungkan, bebas dari kecemasan dan ketegangan, mampu memperoleh kepuasan dari upaya perjuangan hidupnya, memiliki rasa setia kawan terhadap sesama , lebih senang memberi dari pada menerima, mampu mengarahkan permasalahan menjadi penyelesaian konstruks

    Kesehatan Mental dalam Perspektif Tafsir Alqur'an Temalik LPMQ Kemenag RI dan Teori Psikologi Al-Balkhi

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    RESEPSI TERHADAP RAGAM METODE TAHFIZ ALQURAN: Studi Living Alquran Di Pondok Pesantren Assalafie Dan Assalafiat Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon

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    Appreciation and respect the community of Muslims to holy so extraordinary. Addition to reading is Muslims memorize Al-Qur’an. Memorize Al-Qur'an do with various method. Many method found who can help and already easy in memorize it. Such as memorize methods at Assalafie and Assalafiat Islamic Boarding Schools. Thus in Islamic boarding schools there are memorize method of Al-Qur’an ILHAM. However, the students who memorize Al-Qur'an with various method, there are applied method classic, ILHAM and combination between classic and ILHAM. The reception students on various memorizing methods is so unique that it is positive, active and innovative. The reception students that uses the classic method of memorizing is feeling comfortable, easy and often repeating. The response of the ILHAM method almost all said it was fun, not saturated, as if playing games. Reception of the combined method is extraordinary, memorizing positions can be anywhere and anytime and easier to memorize

    Sikap Konsumen Terhadap Produk Bundling Agribisnis

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    The objectives of the study are how to determine product bundling strategy and implementation to Dekalb brand hybrid corn and Round-up brand herbicide. By analyzes how consumer attitudes toward buying intention in this regard farmers as buyer and retailers as products services. The data used is primary data. Primary data is obtained using 2 kind of respondents are retailers and farmers. The data obtained by distributed 30 questionnaires for retailers and 110 farmers in Grobogan. The descriptive statistic employed to analyzed data by using multiple linear regressions with t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The result showed that on retailers respondents attribute the product bundling has no significant influence to consumer buying intention but consumer attitudes significantly influence the buying intention. On the farmers respondents showed that attributes of the product bundling and consumer attitudes positive and significant influence to buying intention


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    At-Tarbiyyatul Wathoniyyah Islamic Boarding School (PATWA) located in the village of Mertapada Kulon, Astanajapura District, Cirebon Regency, is one of the Islamic boarding schools that conducts a routine reading of Surah Yasin, or commonly known as Surah Yasin Fadilah, in which there are dhirk and prayers. The phenomenon was used as the object of this study with some research questions formulated, which are (1) why do they conduct a routine reading of Surah Yasin Fadilah?, (2) what is the purpose of reading Surah Yasin Fadilah?, and (3) how does the practice of reading Surah Yasin Fadilah affect the community