577 research outputs found

    Conflicts at the Science-Society Interface: The Recombinant DNA Controversy

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    A meeting of scientists and lay people was organized by Paul Berg at Stanford in 1971 to discuss potential consequences of an experiment involving the structure of SV40 virus. That meeting led to a large public controversy which became highly charged with scientific and intellectual excitement, as well as emotional and gut-level fears. Questions were raised about who controls research, scientists or the general public; questions about whether certain types of basic research should be done at all. Many of the issues have since been resolved, albeit in an unsatisfactory fashion for many. Yet the controversy is still worthy of discussion as a paradigm of conflicts that occur at the interface of science and society. It may hopefully serve as a mechanism for enlightening us for dealing with other problems of this nature. The real danger of any science/society conflict comes not when the experiment threatens society physically (as with the creation of a pathogen) but rather when it threatens what are perceived as societal values. Many see the recombinant DNA technology not so much as a threat to their health, but rather as a threat to perceived societal values. And this is the question that is so difficult to respond to. This paper, originally sponsored by Sacred Heart University\u27s Center for Applied Ethics, was delivered at the University in the fall, 1982

    A Grand Canonical Ensemble Approach to the Thermodynamic Properties of the Nucleon in the Quark-Gluon Coupling Model

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    In this paper, we put forward a way to study the nucleon's thermodynamic properties such as its temperature, entropy and so on, without inputting any free parameters by human hand, even the nucleon's mass and radius. First we use the Lagrangian density of the quark gluon coupling fields to deduce the Dirac Equation of the quarks confined in the gluon fields. By boundary conditions we solve the wave functions and energy eigenvalues of the quarks, and thus get energy-momentum tensor, nucleon mass, and density of states. Then we utilize a hybrid grand canonical ensemble, to generate the temperature and chemical potentials of quarks, antiquarks of three flovars by the four conservation laws of the energy and the valence quark numbers, after which, all other thermodynamic properties are known. The only seemed free paremeter, the nucleon radius is finally determined by the grand potential minimal principle.Comment: 5 pages, LaTe

    Nonequilibrium Evolution of Correlation Functions: A Canonical Approach

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    We study nonequilibrium evolution in a self-interacting quantum field theory invariant under space translation only by using a canonical approach based on the recently developed Liouville-von Neumann formalism. The method is first used to obtain the correlation functions both in and beyond the Hartree approximation, for the quantum mechanical analog of the ϕ4\phi^{4} model. The technique involves representing the Hamiltonian in a Fock basis of annihilation and creation operators. By separating it into a solvable Gaussian part involving quadratic terms and a perturbation of quartic terms, it is possible to find the improved vacuum state to any desired order. The correlation functions for the field theory are then investigated in the Hartree approximation and those beyond the Hartree approximation are obtained by finding the improved vacuum state corrected up to O(λ2){\cal O}(\lambda^2). These correlation functions take into account next-to-leading and next-to-next-to-leading order effects in the coupling constant. We also use the Heisenberg formalism to obtain the time evolution equations for the equal-time, connected correlation functions beyond the leading order. These equations are derived by including the connected 4-point functions in the hierarchy. The resulting coupled set of equations form a part of infinite hierarchy of coupled equations relating the various connected n-point functions. The connection with other approaches based on the path integral formalism is established and the physical implications of the set of equations are discussed with particular emphasis on thermalization.Comment: Revtex, 32 pages; substantial new material dealing with non-equilibrium evolution beyond Hartree approx. based on the LvN formalism, has been adde

    Nonequilibrium Quantum Dynamics of Second Order Phase Transitions

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    We use the so-called Liouville-von Neumann (LvN) approach to study the nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of time-dependent second order phase transitions. The LvN approach is a canonical method that unifies the functional Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the quantum evolution of pure states and the LvN equation for the quantum description of mixed states of either equilibrium or nonequilibrium. As nonequilibrium quantum mechanical systems we study a time-dependent harmonic and an anharmonic oscillator and find the exact Fock space and density operator for the harmonic oscillator and the nonperturbative Gaussian Fock space and density operator for the anharmonic oscillator. The density matrix and the coherent, thermal and coherent-thermal states are found in terms of their classical solutions, for which the effective Hamiltonians and equations of motion are derived. The LvN approach is further extended to quantum fields undergoing time-dependent second order phase transitions. We study an exactly solvable model with a finite smooth quench and find the two-point correlation functions. Due to the spinodal instability of long wavelength modes the two-point correlation functions lead to the t1/4t^{1/4}-scaling relation during the quench and the Cahn-Allen scaling relation t1/2t^{1/2} after the completion of quench. Further, after the finite quench the domain formation shows a time-lag behavior at the cubic power of quench period. Finally we study the time-dependent phase transition of a self-interacting scalar field.Comment: discussion on back-reaction added, typos corrected, references added, final version for PR

    Comparison of severity of illness scoring systems for patients with nosocomial bloodstream infection due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    BACKGROUND: Several acute illness severity scores have been proposed for evaluating patients on admission to intensive care units but these have not been compared for patients with nosocomial bloodstream infection (nBSI). We compared three severity of illness scoring systems for predicting mortality in patients with nBSI due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. METHODS: We performed a historical cohort study on 63 adults in intensive care units with P. aeruginosa monomicrobial nBSI. RESULTS: The Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), and Simplified Acute Physiologic Score (SAPS II), were calculated daily from 2 days prior through 2 days after the first positive blood culture. Calculation of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve confirmed that APACHE II and SAPS II at day -1 and SOFA at day +1 were better predictors of outcome than days -2, 0 and day 2 of BSI. By stepwise logistic regression analysis of these three scoring systems, SAPS II (OR: 13.03, CI95% 2.51–70.49) and APACHE II (OR: 12.51, CI95% 3.12–50.09) on day -1 were the best predictors for mortality. CONCLUSION: SAPS II and APACHE II are more accurate than the SOFA score for predicting mortality in this group of patients at day -1 of BSI

    Consensus on circulatory shock and hemodynamic monitoring. Task force of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

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    OBJECTIVE: Circulatory shock is a life-threatening syndrome resulting in multiorgan failure and a high mortality rate. The aim of this consensus is to provide support to the bedside clinician regarding the diagnosis, management and monitoring of shock. METHODS: The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine invited 12 experts to form a Task Force to update a previous consensus (Antonelli et al.: Intensive Care Med 33:575-590, 2007). The same five questions addressed in the earlier consensus were used as the outline for the literature search and review, with the aim of the Task Force to produce statements based on the available literature and evidence. These questions were: (1) What are the epidemiologic and pathophysiologic features of shock in the intensive care unit ? (2) Should we monitor preload and fluid responsiveness in shock ? (3) How and when should we monitor stroke volume or cardiac output in shock ? (4) What markers of the regional and microcirculation can be monitored, and how can cellular function be assessed in shock ? (5) What is the evidence for using hemodynamic monitoring to direct therapy in shock ? Four types of statements were used: definition, recommendation, best practice and statement of fact. RESULTS: Forty-four statements were made. The main new statements include: (1) statements on individualizing blood pressure targets; (2) statements on the assessment and prediction of fluid responsiveness; (3) statements on the use of echocardiography and hemodynamic monitoring. CONCLUSIONS: This consensus provides 44 statements that can be used at the bedside to diagnose, treat and monitor patients with shock