192 research outputs found

    A PLATO Program for Instruction and Data Collection in Mathematical Problem Solving

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryDepartment of Army / DA-36-039-AMC-02208(E)UICSM Mathematics ProjectNational Science Foundation / US NSF G23554DA Project 3A-99-25-00

    Culturally-adapted and audio-technology assisted HIV/AIDS awareness and education program in rural Nigeria: a cohort study

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    Background: HIV-awareness programs tailored toward the needs of rural communities are needed. We sought to quantify change in HIV knowledge in three rural Nigerian villages following an integrated culturally adapted and technology assisted educational intervention. Methods: A prospective 14-week cohort study was designed to compare short-term changes in HIV knowledge between seminar-based education program and a novel program, which capitalized on the rural culture of small-group oral learning and was delivered by portable digital-audio technology. Results: Participants were mostly Moslem (99%), male (53.5%), with no formal education (55%). Baseline HIV knowledge was low (\u3c 80% correct answers for 9 of the 10 questions). Knowledge gain was higher (p \u3c 0.0001 for 8 of 10 questions) in the integrated culturally adapted and technology-facilitated (n = 511) compared with the seminar-based (n = 474) program. Conclusions: Baseline HIV-awareness was low. Culturally adapted, technology-assisted HIV education program is a feasible cost-effective method of raising HIV awareness among low-literacy rural communities

    Tipping Points for Norm Change in Human Cultures

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    Humans interact with each other on a daily basis by developing and maintaining various social norms and it is critical to form a deeper understanding of how such norms develop, how they change, and how fast they change. In this work, we develop an evolutionary game-theoretic model based on research in cultural psychology that shows that humans in various cultures differ in their tendencies to conform with those around them. Using this model, we analyze the evolutionary relationships between the tendency to conform and how quickly a population reacts when conditions make a change in norm desirable. Our analysis identifies conditions when a tipping point is reached in a population, causing norms to change rapidly.Comment: SBP-BRiMS 201

    Leaders in Social Networks, the Delicious Case

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    Finding pertinent information is not limited to search engines. Online communities can amplify the influence of a small number of power users for the benefit of all other users. Users' information foraging in depth and breadth can be greatly enhanced by choosing suitable leaders. For instance in delicious.com, users subscribe to leaders' collection which lead to a deeper and wider reach not achievable with search engines. To consolidate such collective search, it is essential to utilize the leadership topology and identify influential users. Google's PageRank, as a successful search algorithm in the World Wide Web, turns out to be less effective in networks of people. We thus devise an adaptive and parameter-free algorithm, the LeaderRank, to quantify user influence. We show that LeaderRank outperforms PageRank in terms of ranking effectiveness, as well as robustness against manipulations and noisy data. These results suggest that leaders who are aware of their clout may reinforce the development of social networks, and thus the power of collective search

    Experimental glomerulonephritis induced by hydrocarbon exposure: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Much epidemiological evidence suggests that hydrocarbon exposure may induce glomerulonephritis and worsen its course in many patients. The mechanisms are unknown, however, no specific microscopic pattern has been identified, and it has also been argued that hydrocarbon exposure causes tubular damage mainly. Studying experimental animals may best answer these questions, and as no systematic review of glomerulonephritis produced experimentally by hydrocarbon exposure has been performed previously, I found it relevant to search for and analyse such studies. METHODS: Animal experiments having mimicked human glomerulonephritis by hydrocarbon exposure were sought on Medline and Toxnet RESULTS: Twenty-six experiments using thirteen different hydrocarbons were identified. Several human subtypes were observed including IgA nephritis, mesangial, proliferative and extracapillary glomerulonephritis, focal and focal-segmental sclerosis, minimal change nephropathy, anti-GBM and anti-TBM nephritis, and glomerulonephritis associated with peiarteritis nodosa. Glomerular proteinuria was seen in 10/12 experiments that included urine analyses, and renal failure in 5/8 experiments that included measurements of glomerular function. All experiments resulted in various degrees of tubular damage as well. In most studies, where the animals were examined at different times during or after the exposure, the renal microscopic and functional changes were seen immediately, whereas deposits of complement and immunoglobulins appeared late in the course, if at all. CONCLUSION: These experiments are in accord with epidemiological evidence that hydrocarbon exposure may cause glomerulonephritis and worsen renal function. Probable mechanisms include an induction of autologous antibodies and a disturbance of normal immunological functions. Also, tubular damage may increase postglomerular resistance, resulting in a glomerular deposition of macromolecules. In most models a causal role of glomerular immune complex formation was unlikely, but may rather have been a secondary phenomenon. As most glomerulonephritis subgroups were seen and as some of the hydrocarbons produced more than one subgroup, the microscopic findings in a patient cannot be used as a clue to the causation of his disease. By the same reason, the lack of a specific histological pattern in patients with glomerulonephritis assumed to have been caused by hydrocarbon exposure is not contradictive

    1960: Abilene Christian College Lectures - Full Text

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    Table of Contents: Theme Speeches: Christian Faith in the Modern World Basis of Faith - Leonard Mullens - 9 Authority in Christianity - John T. Smithson, Jr. - 27 Origin and Preservation of the Bible - Neil R. Lightfoot - 44 Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible - David H. Bobo - 62 The Unity of the Bible - Jack Meyer - 91 Faith and Reason - Joe Sanders - 115 The Reasonableness of Supernaturalism - Virgil Trout - 126 The Present Statue of the Doctrine of Organic Evolution - J.D. Thomas - 146 The Nature of Man - Roy F. Osborne, Jr. - 181 Modern Challenges to Christian Morals - Carl Spain - 199 The Christ, Whose Son is He? - Gordon Teel - 232 Special Speeches Teaching the Word of God in Korea - L. Haskell Chessfire - 255 The Influence of Christian Education - Judge Jack Pope - 276 Mission Opportunities in the Far East - Harry Robert Fox - 288 Mission Work in Austria - Robert Skelton - 303 Report from Switzerland - Heinrich Blum - 313 The Work in Nigeria - Rees Byrant - 320 The Training of Evangelists in Foreign Fields - Reiner Kallus - 331 Christian Scholarships - Everett Ferguson - 340 Evangelizing the World - A.R. Holton - 349 Panel Discussions The Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls The Scrolls and the Text of the Bible - Paul Rotenberry - 357 The Relation between the Religion of the Essenes and that of Early Christians - Jay Smith - 366 Biblical Interpretation Expediency and Pattern Authority - J.W. Roberts - 381 Examples in Pattern Authority - Thomas B. Warren - 392 Mental Health and Sin The Present State of Mental Health Knowledge - Donald R. Sime - 409 The Relationship of Mental Health Problems to Sin - Paul Easley - 421 The Teenager The Problems of Youth - Mack Wayne Craig - 432 Influences for Good - Wyatt Sawyer - 443 The Benefits of Abilene Christian College To the Church - Hulen Jackson - 451 To The Home - Robert S. Bell - 459 \u27To the Community - Louie Welch - 465 Expenses At Abilene Christian College - James C. Kerr - 469 The Graduate School at Abilene Christian College What I Am Getting Now in the ACC Graduate Program - Harold Vanderpool - 475 How the ACC Graduate Program Has Stood Up - Everett Ferguson - 481 What the ACC Graduate Program Ought To Be - Frank Pack - 486 The Importance to the Church of the ACC Graduate Program A.R. Holton - 490 Beware: Large File Size Uploaded by Jackson Hage

    Effects of Global Warming on Ancient Mammalian Communities and Their Environments

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    Current global warming affects the composition and dynamics of mammalian communities and can increase extinction risk; however, long-term effects of warming on mammals are less understood. Dietary reconstructions inferred from stable isotopes of fossil herbivorous mammalian tooth enamel document environmental and climatic changes in ancient ecosystems, including C(3)/C(4) transitions and relative seasonality.Here, we use stable carbon and oxygen isotopes preserved in fossil teeth to document the magnitude of mammalian dietary shifts and ancient floral change during geologically documented glacial and interglacial periods during the Pliocene (approximately 1.9 million years ago) and Pleistocene (approximately 1.3 million years ago) in Florida. Stable isotope data demonstrate increased aridity, increased C(4) grass consumption, inter-faunal dietary partitioning, increased isotopic niche breadth of mixed feeders, niche partitioning of phylogenetically similar taxa, and differences in relative seasonality with warming.Our data show that global warming resulted in dramatic vegetation and dietary changes even at lower latitudes (approximately 28 degrees N). Our results also question the use of models that predict the long term decline and extinction of species based on the assumption that niches are conserved over time. These findings have immediate relevance to clarifying possible biotic responses to current global warming in modern ecosystems

    The impact of rheumatoid foot on disability in Colombian patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alterations in the feet of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are a cause of disability in this population. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact that foot impairment has on the patients' global quality of life (QOL) based on validated scales and its relationship to disease activity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a cross-sectional study in which 95 patients with RA were enrolled. A complete physical examination, including a full foot assessment, was done. The Spanish versions of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) Disability Index and of the Disease Activity Score (DAS 28) were administered. A logistic regression model was used to analyze data and obtain adjusted odds ratios (AORs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Foot deformities were observed in 78 (82%) of the patients; hallux valgus (65%), medial longitudinal arch flattening (42%), claw toe (lesser toes) (39%), dorsiflexion restriction (tibiotalar) (34%), cock-up toe (lesser toes) (25%), and transverse arch flattening (25%) were the most frequent. In the logistic regression analysis (adjusted for age, gender and duration of disease), forefoot movement pain, subtalar movement pain, tibiotalar movement pain and plantarflexion restriction (tibiotalar) were strongly associated with disease activity and disability. The positive squeeze test was significantly associated with disability risk (AOR = 6,3; 95% CI, 1.28–30.96; P = 0,02); hallux valgus, and dorsiflexion restriction (tibiotalar) were associated with disease activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Foot abnormalities are associated with active joint disease and disability in RA. Foot examinations provide complementary information related to the disability as an indirect measurement of quality of life and activity of disease in daily practice.</p

    Determinants of Unlawful File Sharing: A Scoping Review

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    We employ a scoping review methodology to consider and assess the existing evidence on the determinants of unlawful file sharing (UFS) transparently and systematically. Based on the evidence, we build a simple conceptual framework to model the psychological decision to engage in UFS, purchase legally or do nothing. We identify social, moral, experiential, technical, legal and financial utility sources of the decision to purchase or to file share. They interact in complex ways. We consider the strength of evidence within these areas and note patterns of results. There is good evidence for influences on UFS within each of the identified determinants, particularly for self-reported measures, with more behavioral research needed. There are also indications that the reasons for UFS differ across media; more studies exploring media other than music are required
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