255 research outputs found

    Fractional Delay Digital Filters

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    On Design of CIC Decimators

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    On Passband and Stopband Cascaded-Integrator-Comb Improvements Using a Second Order IIR Filter

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    This paper proposes an efficient second order IIR filter which considerably improves the passband as well as the stopband of the cascaded-integrator-comb (CIC) filter. Using the polyphase decomposition of the proposed filter, all filtering can be moved to a lower rate, which is D times less than the high input rate, where D is the decimation factor. The overall phase response of the compensated CIC is approximately linear in the passband. The design parameters are the number of cascaded CIC filter N, the decimator factor D, the passband frequency wp, and a weighted parameter a

    Optimal Sharpening of Compensated Comb Decimation Filters: Analysis and Design

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    Comb filters are a class of low-complexity filters especially useful for multistage decimation processes. However, the magnitude response of comb filters presents a droop in the passband region and low stopband attenuation, which is undesirable in many applications. In this work, it is shown that, for stringent magnitude specifications, sharpening compensated comb filters requires a lower-degree sharpening polynomial compared to sharpening comb filters without compensation, resulting in a solution with lower computational complexity. Using a simple three-addition compensator and an optimization-based derivation of sharpening polynomials, we introduce an effective low-complexity filtering scheme. Design examples are presented in order to show the performance improvement in terms of passband distortion and selectivity compared to other methods based on the traditional Kaiser-Hamming sharpening and the Chebyshev sharpening techniques recently introduced in the literature

    Sistema de verificação de impressão digital baseado em DWT, extração de recursos de vários domínios e classificador de subespaço de conjunto

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    This paper describes a fingerprint verification system including preprocessing, Wavelet transform, feature extraction using multiple domains, and ensemble subspace discriminant classifier. The system is implemented in MATLAB using Wavelet Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. First, the motivation and novelty, followed by the review of the previous work, are presented. Next, all steps are described in detail. Three fingerprint databases from the literature are used. The proposed method’s performance is compared with state-of-the-art techniques based on different classifiers utilizing the accuracy metric. The proposed algorithm achieves high accuracy at 97.5% for the DB3-FVC2000 subset.Este documento describe un sistema de verificación de huellas dactilares que incluye preprocesamiento, transformada Wavelet, extracción de características utilizando múltiples dominios y clasificador discriminante subespacial de conjunto. El sistema se implementa en MATLAB utilizando Wavelet Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox y Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. En primer lugar, se presenta la motivación y la novedad, seguido de la revisión del trabajo anterior. A continuación, se describen todos los pasos en detalle. Se utilizan tres bases de datos de huellas dactilares de la literatura. El rendimiento del método propuesto se compara con técnicas de última generación basadas en diferentes clasificadores que utilizan la métrica de precisión. El algoritmo propuesto logra una alta precisión del 97,5 % para el subconjunto DB3-FVC2000.Este documento descreve um sistema de verificação de impressão digital que inclui pré-processamento, transformada Wavelet, extração de recursos usando vários domínios e classificador discriminante de subespaço de conjunto. O sistema é implementado em MATLAB usando Wavelet Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox e Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. A motivação e a novidade são apresentadas primeiro, seguidas pela revisão do trabalho anterior. Todas as etapas são descritas em detalhes a seguir. Três bancos de dados de impressões digitais da literatura são usados. O desempenho do método proposto é comparado com técnicas do estado da arte baseadas em diferentes classificadores que utilizam a métrica de precisão. O algoritmo proposto atinge uma alta precisão de 97,5% para o subconjunto DB3-FVC2000

    Possible role of TGF-B pathways in schizophrenia

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    © 2016, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All Rights Reserved. The phenomenological uniqueness of each patient with schizophrenia is determined by complex symptomatology, particularly the overlapping of symptoms and their prominence in certain phases of this mental disorder. Establishing biological markers is an important step in the further objectivisation and quantification of schizophrenia. Identifying the cytokine profiles that precede a psychotic episode could direct the strategies for relapse prevention and be useful in predicting disease progression and treatment response. In the context of inflammation, TGF-β exerts potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive functions by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis, but it can also have pro-inflammatory functions through its stimulatory effects on inflammatory 17 cells. It has been shown that the T helper cell type-1 and type-17 responses are reduced and type-2 response is increased in patients with schizophrenia. Both data from the literature and our results also indicate the presence of an anti-inflammatory response through production of the TGF-β regulatory cytokine. A meta-analysis of plasma cytokine alterations suggested that TGF-β is the state marker for acute exacerbation of schizophrenia, and we showed that TGF-β can also be a valuable marker for psychosis. Hyperactivity of TGF-β signalling pathways in schizophrenia may be both a neuroprotective mechanism and a possible therapeutic target

    Inflammatory Pseudotumor/Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of Spleen – A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Splenic inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT)/inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a rare pseudotumor/tumor of unknown origin, which is usually benign, although atypical and aggressive cases have been reported. It is a lesion composed of proliferated myofibroblastic cells (hence IMT by some authors) with admixed pleomorphic inflammatory cells of varying proportions. CASE REPORT: Herein, we report a case of 61-year-old male patient with ill-defined abdominal discomfort and no other symptoms and signs. Clinical and imaging investigations revealed a mass in the spleen that was equivocally interpreted as secondary neoplasm, although primary neoplasm of the spleen was not excluded by the radiologists. Splenectomy was performed and on gross examination a well demarcated greyish-livid tumor measuring 3.5 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm was discovered. Microscopic examination showed proliferation of loosely arranged spindle cells admixed with inflammatory cells (histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, occasional plasma cells, and/or plasmacytoid cells) with varying density and multifocal clustering, multifocal hemorrhage, and fibrinoid-like deposition. We performed additional histochemical and immunohistochemical stainings which were consistent with the diagnosis of IPT/IMT. Next-generation sequencing (TruSight Tumor 15) showed common TP53 polymorphism (c.215C>G; p.Pro72Arg) along with several intronic and synonymous single nucleotide variations (SNVs), as well as five low confidence missense SNVs. Sixteen months after the operation the patient has uneventful follow-up. CONCLUSION: Although the incidence of IPT/IMT is low, awareness of its existence is necessary. The prognosis is favorable following splenectomy in most cases. Careful microscopic examination of the specimen is mandatory, due to possible misdiagnosis. We believe that extensive NGS analysis on archive samples would provide more data about the spectrum of possible genetic changes in lesions like IPM/IMT

    Uticaj klimatskih uslova područja na prinos pšenice

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of climatic conditions in the city of Leskovac, in the period from 2000 to 2008th year, the yield of wheat. This paper presents the average yield of wheat according to the mean monthly temperature and total precipitation during the vegetation period. So they separated two years ago (2003) when he achieved the lowest yield of wheat in the territory of Leskovac (2.4 t ha-1) and the 2004th years ago, when achieved the highest average yield in the period (3.7 t ha- 1). The average yield in the year with favorable schedule and rainfall, and average air temperature was higher by 1.3 t ha-1 of the unfavorable climatic conditions. Deficiency, poor distribution of rainfall, high average temperature, and temperature fluctuations during the growing negative impact on wheat yield. By choosing a variety that is more tolerant to drought, as well as quality and timely application of agro-technical measures can mitigate the adverse impact of climate conditions on the yield of wheat fields.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se analizira uticaj klimatskih uslova na području grada Leskovca, u periodu od 2000.-2008. godine, na prinos pšenice. U radu su prikazani prosečni prinosi pšenice u zavisnosti od srednjih mesečnih temperatura i ukupnih padavina u periodu vegetacije pšenice. Tako su izdvojene dve godine (2003), kada je ostvaren najniži prinos pšenice na teritoriji Leskovca (2.4 t ha-1) i 2004. godina, kada je ostvaren najviši prosečan prinos u posmatranom periodu (3.7 t ha-1). Prosečan prinos u godini sa povoljnijim rasporedom i količinom padavina, kao i srednjom temperaturom vazduha bio je veći za 1.3 t ha-1 od godine sa nepovoljnim klimatskim prilikama. Nedostatak, loš raspored padavina, visoke prosečne temperature, i temperaturna kolebanja u toku vegetacije negativno utiču na prinos pšenice. Izborom sorte koja je tolerantnija prema suši, kao i kvalitetnom i pravovremenom primenom agrotehničkih mera može se ublažiti nepovoljan uticaj klimatskih prilika područja na prinos pšenice