497 research outputs found

    A Analítica da Subjetivação em Michel Foucault

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    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a analítica da subjetivação desenvolvida nas pesquisas de Foucault. Paralelamente a isso, buscou-se explorar as possibilidades de operacionalização dessa analítica, em pesquisas qualitativas. Trabalhou-se principalmente com os cursos nos quais Foucault investigou a subjetividade como prática de liberdade, a partir de 1978 e com textos e entrevistas do mesmo período. A passagem entre uma subjetivação que se faz sob práticas coercitivas a uma subjetivação reflexiva mais autônoma, ocorreu em decorrência de sua pesquisa sobre governamentalidade. A subjetivação passou a ser pensada a partir de dois vetores: as práticas de assujeitamento e as práticas de si. O segundo vetor foi explorado a partir de 1980, estando associado à atitude crítica em relação à governamentalidade, tendo um caráter coletivo, institucional e político. O trabalho de pesquisa, como modo de pensar diferentemente do que se pensava antes, constitui-se para Foucault um importante dispositivo de subjetivação contemporâneo

    Comprehensive analysis and experimental validation of five-level converters for ev battery chargers framed in smart grids

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    The electric vehicle (EV) is the foremost element for spreading electric mobility in smart grids. Its integration into the electrical power grid involves the use of battery chargers with improved power quality aspects, and therefore, the topology of the front-end power converter represents a vital role in the EV battery charger (EVBC). Since multilevel topologies offer a set of advantages to accomplish with the power grid interface, a comprehensive investigation of two five-level topologies for EVBCs is presented in this paper. An accurate computational validation and a meticulous explanation of the hardware and software required for the five-level topologies under study is presented and explained considering realistic operating conditions. The obtained results show the pros and cons of each topology targeting EVBC applications for smart grids.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. This work has been supported by FCT Project newERA4GRIDs – New Generation of Unified Power Conditioner with Advanced Control, Integrating Electric Mobility, Renewables, and Active Filtering Capabilities for the Power Grid Improvement: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030283. Mr. Tiago Sousa is supported by the doctoral scholarship SFRH/BD/134353/2017 granted by the Portuguese FCT agency

    Multivariate robust modelling and optimization of cutting forces of the helical milling process of the aluminum alloy Al 7075

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    Helical milling is an advanced hole-making process and different approaches considering controllable variables have been presented addressing modelling and optimization of machining forces in helical milling. None of them considers the importance of the noise variables and the fact that machining forces components are usually correlated. Exploring this issue, this paper presents a multivariate robust modelling and optimization of cutting forces of the helical milling of the aluminum alloy Al 7075. For the study, the tool overhang length was defined as noise variable since in cavities machining there are specific workpiece geometries that constrain this variable; the controllable variables were axial feed per tooth, tangential feed per tooth and cutting speed. The cutting forces in the workpiece coordinate system were measured and the components in the tool coordinate system, i.e., the axial and radial forces, were evaluated. Since these two outcomes are correlated, the weighted principal component analysis was performed together with the robust parameter design to allow the multivariate robust modelling of the mean and variance equations. The normal boundary intersection method was used to obtain a set of Pareto robust optimal solutions related to the mean and variance equations of the weighted principal component. The optimization of the weighted principal component through the normal boundary intersection method was performed and the results evaluated in the axial and radial cutting forces components. Confirmation runs were carried out and it was possible to conclude that the models presented good fit with experimental data and that the Pareto optimal point chosen for performing the confirmation runs is robust to the tool overhang length variation. Finally, the cutting force models were also presented for mean and variance in the workpiece coordinate system in the time domain, presenting low error regarding the experimental test, endorsing the results.publishe

    Asymmetric c-fos expression in the ventral orbital cortex is associated with impaired reversal learning in a right-sided neuropathy

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    BACKGROUND: Recently we showed that unilateral peripheral neuropathic lesions impacted differentially on rat's emotional/cognitive behavior depending on its left/right location; importantly, this observation recapitulates clinical reports. The prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain region morphofunctionally affected in chronic pain conditions, is involved in the modulation of both emotion and executive function and displays functional lateralization. To test whether the PFC is involved in the lateralization bias associated with left/right pain, c-fos expression in medial and orbital areas was analyzed in rats with an unilateral spared nerve injury neuropathy installed in the left or in the right side after performing an attentional set-shifting, a strongly PFC-dependent task. RESULTS: SNI-R animals required more trials to successfully terminate the reversal steps of the attentional set-shifting task. A generalized increase of c-fos density in medial and orbital PFC (mPFC/OFC), irrespectively of the hemisphere, was observed in both SNI-L and SNI-R. However, individual laterality indexes revealed that contrary to controls and SNI-L, SNI-R animals presented a leftward shift in c-fos density in the ventral OFC (VO). None of these effects were observed in the neighboring primary motor area. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that chronic neuropathic pain is associated with a bilateral mPFC and OFC hyperactivation. We hypothesize that the impaired performance of SNI-R animals is associated with a left/right activity inversion in the VO, whose functional integrity is critical for reversal learning.This work was granted by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) project PTDC/SAU-NEU/108557/2008 and grant SFRH/BPD/80118/2011

    Stress induced risk-aversion is reverted by D2/D3 agonist in the rat

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    Stress exposure triggers cognitive and behavioral impairments that influence decision-making processes. Decisions under a context of uncertainty require complex reward-prediction processes that are known to be mediated by the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) system in brain areas sensitive to the deleterious effects of chronic stress, in particular the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Using a decision-making task, we show that chronic stress biases risk-based decision-making to safer behaviors. This decision-making pattern is associated with an increased activation of the lateral part of the OFC and with morphological changes in pyramidal neurons specifically recruited by this task. Additionally, stress exposure induces a hypodopaminergic status accompanied by increased mRNA levels of the dopamine receptor type 2 (Drd2) in the OFC; importantly, treatment with a D2/D3 agonist quinpirole reverts the shift to safer behaviors induced by stress on risky decision-making. These results suggest that the brain mechanisms related to risk-based decision-making are altered after chronic stress, but can be modulated by manipulation of dopaminergic transmission.Pedro Morgado was supported by a fellowship SFRH/SINTD/60129/ 2009 funded by FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology. Supported by FEDER funds through Operational program for competitive factors - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology to project PTDC/SAU-NSC/111814/2009

    Mechanical joining methods for additive manufactured assembly tools

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    The use of additive manufacturing (AM) processes is growing in the manufacturing industry. One application with great potential for using these processes is the manufacture of assembly tools for a high-ly competitive markets, such as the automotive industry. A critical aspect of the assembly tool design is its capability to incorporate modifications even at a late stage of its development in very short time. In many cases, these modifications are achieved using metal inserts in the polymeric tool, which allow to add new geometric features. This capability increases the usefulness and versatility of components produced by AM and compensate for potential shortcomings of using additive mate-rials. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the potential use of accessories in additive manufactured com-ponents. In addition, the effect of different percentages of infill tool material on the joining quality of accesso-ries is evaluated. This is done by performing a screw pull-out test on a ABS ESD-7 part, produced by fused deposition modelling. The following different joining solutions were compared and studied in this work: em-bedded inserts, glue, heating processes, pressure (Tap-in) and creation of threads, such as, printing the thread directly and machining the thread onto the material.Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização - COMPETE 2020, Projeto nº 002814, Ref. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002814 entre a Univ. do Minho e a Bosc

    Rede de laboratórios para a energia e geologia

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    RESUMO: O Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG), nas suas áreas de competências reuniu as competências de anteriores instituições com um histórico de trabalho em Laboratórios com acreditação desde os anos 80. No LNEG, estes Laboratórios focaram-se em atividades da área de energia e geologia, mantendo as suas acreditações mas sentiram a necessidade de trabalhar em rede.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rheological characterization for different phases of inulin extract from chicory roots, obtained through temperature reduction

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    Inulin is a functional food ingredient, generally employed as sugar or fat substitute in food systems. This ingredient can be found in several vegetal products, including chicory roots. As the solubility of inulin is susceptible to temperature changes, the product suffers a fractionalization resulting in two phases when cooled, originating a precipitated phase, more viscose, and a liquid phase, of lesser viscosity. The study of rheological properties of different phases of inulin extract is important for equipment designing, such as mixer and bombs. In this work, rheological behavior at three different temperatures (25; 40 and 50 ºC) was determined for liquid and precipitated phases of inulin liquid extract, extracted from chicory roots by hot water diffusion and cooled at two different temperatures (8 and -10 ºC), suffering phases separation. The precipitated phase was analyzed in two conditions: pure and with the addition of microencapsulating agents (maltodextrin and hydrolized starch). All of them presented a linear behavior, similar to that of the Plastics of Bingham. Some of them, however, were not an adequate fit to this model.A inulina é um ingrediente funcional, geralmente empregado na indústria alimentícia como substituto do açúcar ou da gordura. Esse ingrediente pode ser encontrado em diversos produtos vegetais, incluindo as raízes de chicória. Por ser um produto com solubilidade variável com a temperatura, a inulina sofre uma separação de fases ao ser resfriada, originando uma fase precipitada, mais viscosa, e uma fase sobrenadante, de menor viscosidade. O estudo das propriedades reológicas das diferentes fases do extrato de inulina é importante para o projeto de equipamentos, como misturadores e bombas. Neste trabalho, foi estudado o comportamento reológico, para três condições distintas de temperatura (25; 40 e 50 ºC), das fases sobrenadante e precipitada do extrato líquido de inulina, extraído de raízes de chicória por difusão em água quente e resfriado a duas temperaturas distintas (8 e -10 ºC), sofrendo separação de fases. A fase precipitada foi analisada em duas condições: pura e com a adição de agentes microencapsulantes. Todos apresentaram um comportamento linear, semelhante ao dos Plásticos de Bingham, porém, nem todos se ajustaram a esse modelo.202210Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES