40 research outputs found

    Safety and effectiveness of shoulder arthroplasties in Spain: a systematic review.

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    The effectiveness and safety of shoulder arthroplasties in the general context of a Spanish patient population remains unclear. The aim of this study was to ascertain both the effectiveness and safety of primary shoulder arthroplasties and the prosthesis types used in Spain. A systematic review of all the available literature evaluating the effectiveness and safety of primary shoulder arthroplasties in Spain was performed. A narrative synthesis was performed, and evidence tables were created in four dimensions: study design, arthroplasty characteristics, safety, and effectiveness. Orthopaedic Data Evaluation Panel (ODEP) scores were used to evaluate prosthesis types. Twenty-one studies were selected that included a total of 1293 arthroplasties. The most common indication was fractures, while the prosthesis most frequently used was the Delta Xtend (ODEP 10A). The most common complication was scapular notching. Prosthesis revision rate was approximately 6% for follow-ups between 12 and 79 months. In addition, significant improvements were observed in the Constant-Murley test score after the intervention. Currently in Spain, shoulder arthroplasty can be considered a safe and effective procedure with functional recovery and pain reduction for eligible patients with humeral fracture, rotator cuff arthropathy, fracture sequelae and malunion of the proximal humerus, and degenerative disease. Future longitudinal research and population-based studies could serve to confirm these results and identify points of improvement.The article is freely available via the publisher's site, click on the Publisher URL to access

    Identification of Proteins Targeted by the Thioredoxin Superfamily in Plasmodium falciparum

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    The malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum possesses a functional thioredoxin and glutathione system comprising the dithiol-containing redox proteins thioredoxin (Trx) and glutaredoxin (Grx), as well as plasmoredoxin (Plrx), which is exclusively found in Plasmodium species. All three proteins belong to the thioredoxin superfamily and share a conserved Cys-X-X-Cys motif at the active site. Only a few of their target proteins, which are likely to be involved in redox reactions, are currently known. The aim of the present study was to extend our knowledge of the Trx-, Grx-, and Plrx-interactome in Plasmodium. Based on the reaction mechanism, we generated active site mutants of Trx and Grx lacking the resolving cysteine residue. These mutants were bound to affinity columns to trap target proteins from P. falciparum cell extracts after formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. Covalently linked proteins were eluted with dithiothreitol and analyzed by mass spectrometry. For Trx and Grx, we were able to isolate 17 putatively redox-regulated proteins each. Furthermore, the approach was successfully established for Plrx, leading to the identification of 21 potential target proteins. In addition to confirming known interaction partners, we captured potential target proteins involved in various processes including protein biosynthesis, energy metabolism, and signal transduction. The identification of three enzymes involved in S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) metabolism furthermore suggests that redox control is required to balance the metabolic fluxes of SAM between methyl-group transfer reactions and polyamine synthesis. To substantiate our data, the binding of the redoxins to S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase and ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) were verified using BIAcore surface plasmon resonance. In enzymatic assays, Trx was furthermore shown to enhance the activity of OAT. Our approach led to the discovery of several putatively redox-regulated proteins, thereby contributing to our understanding of the redox interactome in malarial parasites

    Population Genetics of Trypanosoma evansi from Camel in the Sudan

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    Genetic variation of microsatellite loci is a widely used method for the analysis of population genetic structure of microorganisms. We have investigated genetic variation at 15 microsatellite loci of T. evansi isolated from camels in Sudan and Kenya to evaluate the genetic information partitioned within and between individuals and between sites. We detected a strong signal of isolation by distance across the area sampled. The results also indicate that either, and as expected, T. evansi is purely clonal and structured in small units at very local scales and that there are numerous allelic dropouts in the data, or that this species often sexually recombines without the need of the “normal” definitive host, the tsetse fly or as the recurrent immigration from sexually recombined T. brucei brucei. Though the first hypothesis is the most likely, discriminating between these two incompatible hypotheses will require further studies at much localized scales

    Neurocognition and quality of life after reinitiating antiretroviral therapy in children randomized to planned treatment interruption

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    Objective: Understanding the effects of antiretroviral treatment (ART) interruption on neurocognition and quality of life (QoL) are important for managing unplanned interruptions and planned interruptions in HIV cure research. Design: Children previously randomized to continuous (continuous ART, n=41) vs. planned treatment interruption (PTI, n=47) in the Pediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS (PENTA) 11 study were enrolled. At study end, PTI children resumed ART. At 1 and 2 years following study end, children were assessed by the coding, symbol search and digit span subtests of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (6-16 years old) or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale ( 6517 years old) and by Pediatrics QoL questionnaires for physical and psychological QoL. Transformed scaled scores for neurocognition and mean standardized scores for QoL were compared between arms by t-test and Mann-Whitney U test, respectively. Scores indicating clinical concern were compared (<7 for neurocognition and <70 for QoL tests). Results: Characteristics were similar between arms with a median age of 12.6 years, CD4 + of 830 cells/\u3bcl and HIV RNA of 1.7 log 10 copies/ml. The median cumulative ART exposure was 9.6 in continuous ART vs. 7.7 years in PTI (P=0.02). PTI children had a median of 12 months off ART and had resumed ART for 25.2 months at time of first assessment. Neurocognitive scores were similar between arms for all tests. Physical and psychological QoL scores were no different. About 40% had low neurocognitive and QoL scores indicating clinical concern. Conclusion: No differences in information processing speed, sustained attention, short-term memory and QoL functioning were observed between children previously randomized to continuous ART vs. PTI in the PENTA 11 trial

    Analysis of protein carbonylation - pitfalls and promise in commonly used methods

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    Abstract Oxidation of proteins has received a lot of attention in the last decades due to the fact that they have been shown to accumulate and to be implicated in the progression and the patho-physiology of several diseases such as Alzheimer, coronary heart diseases, etc. This has also resulted in the fact that research scientist became more eager to be able to measure accurately the level of oxidized protein in biological materials, and to determine the precise site of the oxidative attack on the protein, in order to get insights into the molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of diseases. Several methods for measuring protein carbonylation have been implemented in different laboratories around the world. However, to date no methods prevail as the most accurate, reliable and robust. The present paper aims at giving an overview of the common methods used to determine protein carbonylation in biological material as well as to highlight the limitations and the potential. The ultimate goal is to give quick tips for a rapid decision making when a method has to be selected and taking into consideration the advantage and drawback of the methods

    613 cases of splenic rupture without risk factors or previously diagnosed disease: a systematic review

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    Background Rupture of the spleen in the absence of trauma or previously diagnosed disease is largely ignored in the emergency literature and is often not documented as such in journals from other fields. We have conducted a systematic review of the literature to highlight the surprisingly frequent occurrence of this phenomenon and to document the diversity of diseases that can present in this fashion. Methods Systematic review of English and French language publications catalogued in Pubmed, Embase and CINAHL between 1950 and 2011. Results We found 613 cases of splenic rupture meeting the criteria above, 327 of which occurred as the presenting complaint of an underlying disease and 112 of which occurred following a medical procedure. Rupture appeared to occur spontaneously in histologically normal (but not necessarily normal size) spleens in 35 cases and after minor trauma in 23 cases. Medications were implicated in 47 cases, a splenic or adjacent anatomical abnormality in 31 cases and pregnancy or its complications in 38 cases. The most common associated diseases were infectious (n = 143), haematologic (n = 84) and non-haematologic neoplasms (n = 48). Amyloidosis (n = 24), internal trauma such as cough or vomiting (n = 17) and rheumatologic diseases (n = 10) are less frequently reported. Colonoscopy (n = 87) was the procedure reported most frequently as a cause of rupture. The anatomic abnormalities associated with rupture include splenic cysts (n = 6), infarction (n = 6) and hamartomata (n = 5). Medications associated with rupture include anticoagulants (n = 21), thrombolytics (n = 13) and recombinant G-CSF (n = 10). Other causes or associations reported very infrequently include other endoscopy, pulmonary, cardiac or abdominal surgery, hysterectomy, peliosis, empyema, remote pancreato-renal transplant, thrombosed splenic vein, hemangiomata, pancreatic pseudocysts, splenic artery aneurysm, cholesterol embolism, splenic granuloma, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, rib exostosis, pancreatitis, Gaucher's disease, Wilson's disease, pheochromocytoma, afibrinogenemia and ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Conclusions Emergency physicians should be attuned to the fact that rupture of the spleen can occur in the absence of major trauma or previously diagnosed splenic disease. The occurrence of such a rupture is likely to be the manifesting complaint of an underlying disease. Furthermore, colonoscopy should be more widely documented as a cause of splenic rupture

    Empirical mean-noise fitness landscapes reveal the fitness impact of gene expression noise

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    The effects of cell-to-cell variation (noise) in gene expression have proven difficult to quantify because of the mechanistic coupling of noise to mean expression. To independently quantify the effects of changes in mean expression and noise we determine the fitness landscapes in mean-noise expression space for 33 genes in yeast. For most genes, short-lived (noise) deviations away from the expression optimum are nearly as detrimental as sustained (mean) deviations. Fitness landscapes can be classified by a combination of each gene's sensitivity to protein shortage or surplus. We use this classification to explore evolutionary scenarios for gene expression and find that certain landscape topologies can break the mechanistic coupling of mean and noise, thus promoting independent optimization of both properties. These results demonstrate that noise is detrimental for many genes and reveal non-trivial consequences of mean-noise-fitness topologies for the evolution of gene expression systems.This work was supported by a European Research Council Consolidator grant (616434), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2011–26206 and SEV-2012–0208), the AXA Research Fund, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, 2014SGR831), FP7 project 4DCellFate (277899), the EMBL-CRG Systems Biology Program (all to B.L.), an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (ALTF 857–2016), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 752809) (both to J.M.S.) an AGAUR grant (2014SGR0974) and a MINECO grant (BFU2015–68351-P) (both to L.B.C.). The authors acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) to the EMBL partnership, the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa, and the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya