30 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Family Functions and Juvenile Delinquency: A Case of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya

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    The incidences of juvenile delinquency have increased in recent years in Kenya. Most of the studies done on Juvenile delinquency have paid little or no attention to family functions as one of the possible causes. This study was carried out in Nakuru town Municipality on former street children on rehabilitation in three homes. The sample was 148 and included all the 30 girls in the three homes and 118 boys selected using the stratified random sampling technique from a population of 241. Three managers of the three homes and six purposively selected parents were included. Two interview schedules and a questionnaire were used to collect data from the respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s moment correlation and t-test. Juvenile delinquency was found to be significantly related to marital stability, family size, marital adjustment and mode of discipline. A weak relationship between juvenile delinquency and socio-economic status was observed. The delinquency level of boys was significantly higher than that of girls. It was concluded that there is a relationship between family functions and juvenile delinquency. The study recommended strengthened of counselling on parenting and involvement of families and non-governmental organizations in the rehabilitation efforts.Key words: family, functions, juvenile, and delinquency

    Discordant Impact of HLA on Viral Replicative Capacity and Disease Progression in Pediatric and Adult HIV Infection

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    HLA class I polymorphism has a major influence on adult HIV disease progression. An important mechanism mediating this effect is the impact on viral replicative capacity (VRC) of the escape mutations selected in response to HLA-restricted CD8+ T-cell responses. Factors that contribute to slow progression in pediatric HIV infection are less well understood. We here investigate the relationship between VRC and disease progression in pediatric infection, and the effect of HLA on VRC and on disease outcome in adult and pediatric infection. Studying a South African cohort of >350 ART-naĂŻve, HIV-infected children and their mothers, we first observed that pediatric disease progression is significantly correlated with VRC. As expected, VRCs in mother-child pairs were strongly correlated (p = 0.004). The impact of the protective HLA alleles, HLA-B*57, HLA-B*58:01 and HLA-B*81:01, resulted in significantly lower VRCs in adults (p<0.0001), but not in children. Similarly, in adults, but not in children, VRCs were significantly higher in subjects expressing the disease-susceptible alleles HLA-B*18:01/45:01/58:02 (p = 0.007). Irrespective of the subject, VRCs were strongly correlated with the number of Gag CD8+ T-cell escape mutants driven by HLA-B*57/58:01/81:01 present in each virus (p = 0.0002). In contrast to the impact of VRC common to progression in adults and children, the HLA effects on disease outcome, that are substantial in adults, are small and statistically insignificant in infected children. These data further highlight the important role that VRC plays both in adult and pediatric progression, and demonstrate that HLA-independent factors, yet to be fully defined, are predominantly responsible for pediatric non-progression

    Factors associated with adaptation and performance of trypanotolerant Orma boran bulls in Kajiado District, Kenya

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    l’ adaptation de 14 taureaux Orma Boran trypanotolerant distribués dans le district de Kajiado pour d'amélioration génétique du bétail a été évaluée. Les taureaux ont été suivis mensuellement de Novembre 2002 à Décembre 2004pour les changements de poids corporel, PCV, et la prévalence de la trypanosomiase, l'anaplasmose, babésiose et infections ECF. La morbidité, la durée de détention par l’éleveur et les taux de mortalité ont été mesurés facteurs d’adaptation des taureaux. Seulement 29% des taureaux ont achevé la période de détention de deux ans prévu au moment de leur distribution. Durée moyenne était de 20,8 mois avec la différence importante entre les zones de basse et haute densité de mouches tsé-tsé. La Moyenne de PCV était de 27% et a été significativement plus faible dans les taureaux infectés par trypanosomose. Prévalence des infections a été de 20,3% pour la trypanosomose, 9% pour ECF, 46% pour anaplasmose et 7% pour babésioses. Bien que, l'infection à la trypanosomose a eu le plus d'effet significatif sur la santé, la survie et la productivité des taureaux, un cas detrypanotolerance a été soupçonné chez un taureau chez qui il n'a jamais été détectée une infection a trypanosome suggérant que la race pourrait être utilisée efficacement dans les zones infestés de mouche tsé-tsé. Les défis rencontrés par l'adoption cette race bovine sont entre autres l’apathie des pastoralists, la grave sécheresse, la forte prévalence des infections et la mortalité.Adaptation of 14 trypanotolerant OB bulls disseminated to Kajiado District for livestock improvement was assessed. The bulls were monitored for body weight changes, PCV, and prevalence of trypanosomosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and ECF infections monthly from November 2002 to December 2004. Morbidity status, retention time and mortality rate were used as the measures of outcome indicating bulls’ adaptation. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, association tests and logistic regression. Only 29% of the bulls completed the anticipated 2 year retention period. Mean duration of stay was 20.8 months with significant difference between low and high tsetse density areas. Mean PCV was 27% and was significantly lower in trypanosomosis infected bulls. Prevalence of infections was trypanosomosis 20.3%, ECF 9%, anaplasmosis 46% and babesiosis 7%, which were associated with animal level, management and geographic factors. Although trypanosomosis infection had the most significant effect on bulls’ health, survival and productivity, perhaps a true case of trypanotolerance was demonstrated by one bull that wasnever detected with a trypanosome infection suggesting that the breed could be used for effective utilization of tsetse fly infested lands. Pastoralists’ apathy, severe drought, high prevalence of infections and mortality were challenges faced by adoption of trypanotolerance technology

    Comparative returns from livestock and crops among the agro-pastoralists of Magadi division, Kajiado District, Kenya

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    Une étude transversale a été menée dans le district Kajiado en août 2003 afin d'estimer les revenus provenant du bétail et des cultures agricoles, et d'évaluer les facteurs importants associés à eux. Une sélection aléatoire et objective des éleveurs et leurs animaux a été utilisé afin de recueillir des données qui ont ensuite été analysées à l'aide de statistiques descriptives et les modèles linéaires généralisés auprès des ménages tous dirigés par des hommes. Ces éleveurs sont généralement considérés commeriches, avec une moyenne de 232 animaux de bétail et les marges de profit annuel total de 436 300 KShs, provenant a la fois des cultures et de l'élevage, démontrant la complémentarité et la diversification des moyens d'existence afin de réduire les risques dus aux catastrophes. Le Coût des intrants et de la valeur des revenus ont été significativement associés à des bénéfices réalisés à partir des productions agricoles ou l'élevage. Cette étude a révélé que l'élevage reste la principale source de revenuedans le district Kajiado rapport à la production des cultures. Une réduction des coûts de production en élevage et production agricoles accroîtrait les profits aussi bien chez les grands et les petits éleveurs ; de même la complémentarité des cultures et l'élevage pourraient permettre aux pasteurs d’exploiter les possibilités existantes dans leur environnement pour créer plus de richesse et d'atteindre la sécurité alimentaire.A cross-sectional study was conducted in Kajiado District in August 2003 to estimate incomes from livestock and crop agricultural enterprises, and assess important factors associated with them. Purposive and random selection of pastoralists and their animals was used in order to collect data which were then analyzed using descriptive statistics and Generalized Linear Models from the households (HHs) that were all headed by men.These pastoralists were considered generally wealthy with an average livestock holding of 232 heads of livestock and annual total profit margins of Kshs 436,300 from both livestock and crops, demonstrating their complementarity and livelihood diversification for risk aversion. Cost of inputs and value of income were significantly associated withprofit from either crop or livestock production enterprises. This study revealed that livestock production still remained the major source of livelihood in Kajiado District compared to crop production. While reducing cost of livestock and crop production could increase profit for the large and small scale pastoralists respectively, complementarity of crop and livestock production could be exploited by medium scale pastoralists to harness existing opportunities for significant wealth generation and achieve food security

    Prevalence and potential for aflatoxin contamination in groundnuts and peanut butter from farmers and traders in Nairobi and Nyanza provinces of Kenya

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    Objective: Most of the peanut butter marketed in Nairobi is processed in cottage industry and its aflatoxin contamination status has not been documented. This study was therefore conducted to determine the status of aflatoxin contamination in groundnuts and peanut butter in Nairobi and Nyanza. Methodology and results: Eighty two fresh samples comprising raw and roasted groundnuts and peanut butter were obtained from market outlets and cottage processors in Nairobi and Nyanza regions. The marketers and processors were asked for information on the source of groundnuts. The incidence of Aspergillus section Flavi was determined using standard laboratory methods. Defective nuts in raw groundnuts were determined by manual sorting. Aflatoxin analysis was done using competitive ELISA technique. Groundnuts in Nairobi were imported from Malawi while those Nyanza were grown in the region. The fungal species isolated from the samples were: Aspergillus flavus (L and S strains), A. parasiticus, A. niger, A. tamari, A. alliaceus, A. caeletus and Penicillium spp. The percentage of defective nuts among all unsorted groundnuts ranged from 0.0% to 26.3%. The mean percent defective nuts was higher for Nairobi samples than Nyanza. Aflatoxin levels in all samples ranged from 0 to 2377.1 ÎĽg/kg. The mean aflatoxin level was higher for raw samples from Nairobi than Nyanza. The source of groundnuts and defective nuts were positively associated with aflatoxin levels. Conclusions and application of findings: The source of groundnuts and presence of defective nuts were identified as the main factors influencing increased aflatoxin contamination in the cottage industry. Mechanisms for inspection and certification of imported groundnuts should be put in place accompanied by effective monitoring for compliance to set aflatoxins standards. All the market players should sort their groundnuts before selling or processing in order to reduce aflatoxin contamination of peanut butter. Key words: Aflatoxin, cottage industry, groundnut, peanut butter. J. Appl. Biosci. 201