2,115 research outputs found

    O Papel das Prostaglandinas na Dinâmica do Tracto Urinário Inferior de Doentes Prostatectomizados: um Ensaio com Indometacina e Aspirina

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    Using 49 prostatectomized patients as experimental subjects, we studied the effects of Inclometnacin and acetylsalicylic acid — accredited prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors — from a urodynamic and clinical standpoint. Relevant urodynamic data was gathered 1 hr 30 mi after the patients had taken the drugs and placebo. Clinical results were further scrutinized after 8 days of treatment, at which time a new urodynamic workup was again performed on some patients. Results were again studied shortly after the end of treatment. The effect of the drugs on bladder and urethral structures was borne out by clear-ct!t clinical and urodynamic changes. After statistically analyzing such changes, we concluded that prostaglandin synthesis inhibition resulting in the inhibition of prostaglandin action had, at least in part, led to the changes noted. In the present report we shall discuss the role played by the highly complex mechanisms at work

    A silicon-labelled amino acid suitable for late-stage fluorination and unexpected oxidative cleavage reactions in the preparation of a key intermediate in the Strecker synthesis

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    A novel silicon-substituted phenylalanine derivative was prepared using the Strecker amino acid synthesis. An unexpected oxidative cleavage was observed in the preparation of the aldehyde required for the Strecker reaction. In this step, a homobenzylic alcohol intermediate was oxidatively cleaved to the corresponding benzaldehyde using either chromium or palladium based oxidants. This undesired side reaction was overcome through the use of Dess-Martin Periodinane, or through an efficient TEMPO-bleach oxidation. The amino acid prepared in this study was then labelled with fluoride in aqueous solvent using a range of fluoride sources. The efficiency of this labelling motivates future studies in late-stage fluorination of peptide and protein therapeutics for use in positron emission tomography

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Portugal: Pneumobil (1995) and 2002 prevalence studies revisited

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has been a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, over the years. In 1995, the implementation of a respiratory function survey seemed to be an adequate way to draw attention to neglected respiratory symptoms and increase the awareness of spirometry surveys. By 2002 there were new consensual guidelines in place and the awareness that prevalence of COPD depended on the criteria used for airway obstruction definition. The purpose of this study is to revisit the two studies and to turn public some of the data and respective methodologies. METHODS: From Pneumobil study database of 12,684 subjects, only the individuals with 40+ years old (n = 9.061) were selected. The 2002 study included a randomized representative sample of 1,384 individuals with 35-69 years old. RESULTS: The prevalence of COPD was 8.96% in Pneumobil and 5.34% in the 2002 study. In both studies, presence of COPD was greater in males and there was a positive association between presence of COPD and older age groups. Smokers and ex-smokers showed a higher proportion of cases of COPD. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence in Portugal is lower than in other European countries. This may be related to lower smokers' prevalence. Globally, the most important risk factors associated with COPD were age over 60 years, male gender and smoking exposure. All aspects and limitations regarding different recruitment methodologies and different criteria for defining COPD cases highlight the need of a standardized method to evaluate COPD prevalence and associated risks factors, whose results can be compared across countries, as it is the case of BOLD project

    In search for the role of thermospermine synthase gene in poplar vascular development

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    This work is supported by the FCT project PTDC/AGR-GPL/098369/2008 and FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/30074/2006 (A.M.).Peer Reviewe

    Prevalência de Obstrução numa População Exposta ao Fumo do Tabaco - Projecto PNEUMOBIL

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    A espirometria não atingiu ainda a divulgação que se justificaria em patologia respiratória, ou indivíduos que se encontram em risco relativamente a esta patologia, cujo diagnóstico é insuficiente, havendo um escasso conhecimento, e consequente controlo, dos custos atribuíveis a estas doenças, com destaque para a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC). O PNEUMOBIL, iniciativa que visa esta divulgação entre fumadores e ex -fumadores, foi reactivado, após 10 anos de aplicação em Portugal, revelando agora, numa amostra de 5324 indivíduos, em que cerca de 50% ainda mantêm os hábitos tabágicos, sejam do sexo masculino ou feminino, que houve uma elevada prevalência de obstrução detectada por espirometria (30% e 25%, respectivamente) nas pessoas rastreadas perto de centros de saúde (grupo público) e em empresas (grupo privado). Este risco não se explica em regra por exposição ocupacional, nem se relaciona com a maioria dos sintomas respiratórios, muito frequentes nos rastreados. Apenas a dispneia (OR=1,28; p=0,02) e os episódios frequentes de expectoração (OR=1,21; p=0,008) ou de bronquite aguda (OR=1,31; p=0,05) revelam alguma relação com a obstrução. O reconhecimento prévio da DPOC é muito reduzido e a presença de obstrução não se correlaciona (p=0,204) com o assumir da condição de portador

    A Modeling Framework to Assess Strategies Alignment based on Collaborative Network Emotions

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    [DE] The Collaborative Networks (CN) discipline has been largely studied in last decades, addressing different problems and proposing solutions for the robust establishment of collaborative processes, within the enterprises willing to collaborate. The main aim of CN research is, therefore, to generate approaches that enable creating effective relationships in the long term, to achieve stable and agile alliances. The concept of alignment among the CN partners has been considered since the beginning of CN research. Nevertheless, novel perspectives of study in CN, such as the consideration of collaborative emotional states, within the CN, have been introduced in recent years. This paper connects the research area of strategies alignment and the CN emotion models. Accordingly, a modelling framework to assess strategies alignment considering the emotional environment within the CN is proposed. The modelling framework allows representing how the enterprises emotions affect in the selection and alignment of formulated enterprises¿ strategiesAndres, B.; Ferrada, F.; Poler, R.; Camarinha-Matos, L. (2018). A Modeling Framework to Assess Strategies Alignment based on Collaborative Network Emotions. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 534:349-361. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99127-6_30S349361534Camarinha-Matos, L.M.: Collaborative networks in industry and the role of PRO-VE. Int. J. Prod. Manag. Eng. 2(2), 53–57 (2014)Andres, B., Poler, R.: Models, guidelines and tools for the integration of collaborative processes in non-hierarchical manufacturing networks: a review. Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2(29), 166–201 (2016)Bititci, U., Martinez, V., Albores, P., Parung, J.: Creating and managing value in collaborative networks. Int. J. Phys. Distrib. Logist. Manag. 34(3/4), 251–268 (2004)Carbo, B.: Align the organization for improved supply chain performance. ASCET Proj. 2, 244–447 (2002)Macedo, P., Camarinha-Matos, L.: Value systems alignment analysis in collaborative networked organizations management. Appl. Sci. 7(12), 123 (2017)Andres, B., Poler, R.: A decision support system for the collaborative selection of strategies in enterprise networks. Decis. Support Syst. 91, 113–123 (2016)Andres, B., Macedo, P., Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Poler, R.: Achieving coherence between strategies and value systems in collaborative networks. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H. (eds.) PRO-VE 2014. IFIP AICT, vol. 434, pp. 261–272. Springer, Heidelberg (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44745-1_26Ferrada, F., Camarinha-Matos, L.M.: A system dynamics and agent-based approach to model emotions in collaborative networks. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Parreira-Rocha, M., Ramezani, J. (eds.) DoCEIS 2017. IFIP AICT, vol. 499, pp. 29–43. Springer, Cham (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-56077-9_3Campuzano, F., Mula, J.: Supply Chain Simulation. A System Dynamics Approach for Improving Performance. Springer, London (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-0-85729-719-8Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H.: Collaborative networks: a new scientific discipline. J. Intell. Manuf. 16(4–5), 439–452 (2005)Vicsek, T.: Complexity: the bigger picture. Nature 418(6894), 131 (2002)Sterman, J., Richardson, G., Davidsen, P.: Modelling the estimation of petroleum resources in the United States. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang. 33(3), 219–249 (1998)Vlachos, D., Georgiadis, P., Iakovou, E.: A system dynamics model for dynamic capacity planning of remanufacturing in closed-loop supply chains. Comput. Oper. Res. 34(2), 367–394 (2007)Campuzano-Bolarín, F., Mula, J., Peidro, D.: An extension to fuzzy estimations and system dynamics for improving supply chains. Int. J. Prod. Res. 51(10), 3156–3166 (2013)Barton, P., Bryan, S., Robinson, S.: Modelling in the economic evaluation of health care: selecting the appropriate approach. J. Heal. Serv. Res. Policy 9(2), 110–118 (2004)Eldabi, T., Paul, R.J., Young, T.: Simulation modelling in healthcare: reviewing legacies and investigating futures. J. Oper. Res. Soc. Spec. Issue Oper. Res. Heal. 58(2), 262–270 (2007)Andres, B., Poler, R., Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H.: A simulation approach to assess partners selected for a collaborative network. Int. J. Simul. Model. 16(3), 399–411 (2017)Gohari, A., Mirchi, A., Madan, K.: System dynamics evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies for water resources management in central Iran. Water Resour. Manag. 31(5), 1413–1434 (2007)Fishera, D., Norvell, J., Sonka, S., Nelson, M.J.: Understanding technology adoption through system dynamics modeling: implications for agribusiness management. Int. Food Agribus. Manag. Rev. 3, 281–296 (2000)Lyneisa, J.M.: System dynamics for market forecasting and structural analysis. Syst. Dyn. Rev. 16(1), 3–25 (2000)Borshchev, A., Filippov, A.: From system dynamics and discrete event to practical agent based modeling: reasons, techniques, tools. In: The 22nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society (2004)Ferrada, F.: C-EMO: A Modeling Framework for Collaborative Network Emotions Doctoral dissertation, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal (2017). https://run.unl.pt/handle/10362/26857Scherer, K.R.: Emotions are emergent processes: they require a dynamic computational architecture. Rev. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Biol. Sci. 364(1535), 3459–3474 (2009

    Kalirin: a novel genetic risk factor for ischemic stroke

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    Cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. They are complex disorders resulting from the interplay of genetic and environmental factors, and may share several susceptibility genes. Several recent studies have implicated variants of the Kalirin (KALRN) gene with susceptibility to cardiovascular and metabolic phenotypes, but no studies have yet been performed in stroke patients. KALRN is involved, among others, in the inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase, in the regulation of ischemic signal transduction, and in neuronal morphogenesis, plasticity, and stability. The goal of the present study was to determine whether SNPs in the KALRN region on 3q13, which includes the Ropporin gene (ROPN1), predispose to ischemic stroke (IS) in a cohort of Portuguese patients and controls. We genotyped 34 tagging SNPs in the KALRN and ROPN1 chromosomal region on 565 IS patients and 517 unrelated controls, and performed genotype imputation for 405 markers on chromosome 3. We tested the single-marker association of these SNPs with IS. One SNP (rs4499545) in the ROPN1-KALRN intergenic region and two SNPs in KALRN (rs17286604 and rs11712619) showed significant (P < 0.05) allelic and genotypic (unadjusted and adjusted for hypertension, diabetes, and ever smoking) association with IS risk. Thirty-two imputed SNPs also showed an association at P < 0.05, and actual genotyping of three of these polymorphisms (rs7620580, rs6438833, and rs11712039) validated their association. Furthermore, rs11712039 was associated with IS (0.001 < P < 0.01) in a recent well-powered genomewide association study (Ikram et al. 2009). These studies suggest that variants in the KALRN gene region constitute risk factors for stroke and that KALRN may represent a common risk factor for vascular diseases

    Checkpoints are blind to replication restart and recombination intermediates that result in gross chromosomal rearrangements

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    Replication fork inactivation can be overcome by homologous recombination, but this can cause gross chromosomal rearrangements that subsequently missegregate at mitosis, driving further chromosome instability. It is unclear when the chromosome rearrangements are generated and whether individual replication problems or the resulting recombination intermediates delay the cell cycle. Here we have investigated checkpoint activation during HR-dependent replication restart using a site-specific replication fork-arrest system. Analysis during a single cell cycle shows that HR-dependent replication intermediates arise in S phase, shortly after replication arrest, and are resolved into acentric and dicentric chromosomes in G2. Despite this, cells progress into mitosis without delay. Neither the DNA damage nor the intra-S phase checkpoints are activated in the first cell cycle, demonstrating that these checkpoints are blind to replication and recombination intermediates as well as to rearranged chromosomes. The dicentrics form anaphase bridges that subsequently break, inducing checkpoint activation in the second cell cycle