2,113 research outputs found

    Delayed reperfusion deficits after experimental stroke account for increased pathophysiology.

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    Cerebral blood flow and oxygenation in the first few hours after reperfusion following ischemic stroke are critical for therapeutic interventions but are not well understood. We investigate changes in oxyhemoglobin (HbO(2)) concentration in the cortex during and after ischemic stroke, using multispectral optical imaging in anesthetized mice, a remote filament to induce either 30 minute middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo), sham surgery or anesthesia alone. Immunohistochemistry establishes cortical injury and correlates the severity of damage with the change of oxygen perfusion. All groups were imaged for 6 hours after MCAo or sham surgery. Oxygenation maps were calculated using a pathlength scaling algorithm. The MCAo group shows a significant drop in HbO(2) during occlusion and an initial increase after reperfusion. Over the subsequent 6 hours HbO(2) concentrations decline to levels below those observed during stroke. Platelets, activated microglia, interleukin-1α, evidence of BBB breakdown and neuronal stress increase within the stroked hemisphere and correlate with the severity of the delayed reperfusion deficit but not with the ΔHbO(2) during stroke. Despite initial restoration of HbO(2) after 30 min MCAo there is a delayed compromise that coincides with inflammation and could be a target for improved stroke outcome after thrombolysis

    Computational Identification of Uncharacterized Cruzain Binding Sites

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    Chagas disease, caused by the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, claims 50,000 lives annually and is the leading cause of infectious myocarditis in the world. As current antichagastic therapies like nifurtimox and benznidazole are highly toxic, ineffective at parasite eradication, and subject to increasing resistance, novel therapeutics are urgently needed. Cruzain, the major cysteine protease of Trypanosoma cruzi, is one attractive drug target. In the current work, molecular dynamics simulations and a sequence alignment of a non-redundant, unbiased set of peptidase C1 family members are used to identify uncharacterized cruzain binding sites. The two sites identified may serve as targets for future pharmacological intervention

    Terahertz underdamped vibrational motion governs protein-ligand binding in solution

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    Low-frequency collective vibrational modes in proteins have been proposed as being responsible for efficiently directing biochemical reactions and biological energy transport. However, evidence of the existence of delocalized vibrational modes is scarce and proof of their involvement in biological function absent. Here we apply extremely sensitive femtosecond optical Kerr-effect spectroscopy to study the depolarized Raman spectra of lysozyme and its complex with the inhibitor triacetylchitotriose in solution. Underdamped delocalized vibrational modes in the terahertz frequency domain are identified and shown to blue-shift and strengthen upon inhibitor binding. This demonstrates that the ligand-binding coordinate in proteins is underdamped and not simply solvent-controlled as previously assumed. The presence of such underdamped delocalized modes in proteins may have significant implications for the understanding of the efficiency of ligand binding and protein–molecule interactions, and has wider implications for biochemical reactivity and biological function

    Application of Graphene within Optoelectronic Devices and Transistors

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    Scientists are always yearning for new and exciting ways to unlock graphene's true potential. However, recent reports suggest this two-dimensional material may harbor some unique properties, making it a viable candidate for use in optoelectronic and semiconducting devices. Whereas on one hand, graphene is highly transparent due to its atomic thickness, the material does exhibit a strong interaction with photons. This has clear advantages over existing materials used in photonic devices such as Indium-based compounds. Moreover, the material can be used to 'trap' light and alter the incident wavelength, forming the basis of the plasmonic devices. We also highlight upon graphene's nonlinear optical response to an applied electric field, and the phenomenon of saturable absorption. Within the context of logical devices, graphene has no discernible band-gap. Therefore, generating one will be of utmost importance. Amongst many others, some existing methods to open this band-gap include chemical doping, deformation of the honeycomb structure, or the use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). We shall also discuss various designs of transistors, including those which incorporate CNTs, and others which exploit the idea of quantum tunneling. A key advantage of the CNT transistor is that ballistic transport occurs throughout the CNT channel, with short channel effects being minimized. We shall also discuss recent developments of the graphene tunneling transistor, with emphasis being placed upon its operational mechanism. Finally, we provide perspective for incorporating graphene within high frequency devices, which do not require a pre-defined band-gap.Comment: Due to be published in "Current Topics in Applied Spectroscopy and the Science of Nanomaterials" - Springer (Fall 2014). (17 pages, 19 figures

    Impact of carbohydrate restriction with and without fatty acid loading on myocardial 18F-FDG uptake during PET: A randomized controlled trial

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    Low-carbohydrate (LC) and high-fat, low-carbohydrate (HFLC) dietary preparations may enhance 18F-FDG-PET-based imaging of small, inflamed structures near the heart by suppressing myocardial FDG signal. We compared myocardial 18F-FDG uptake in patients randomized to LC, HFLC, and unrestricted (UR) preparations prior to 18F-FDG-PET. We randomized 63 outpatients referred for oncologic 18F-FDG-PET to LC, HFLC, or UR dietary preparations (1:1:1 allocation) starting the evening before PET. After eating dinner according to instructions, UR and LC patients fasted until FDG injection (mean time 745 minutes for UR, 899 minutes for LC), and HFLC patients drank a fatty drink 60-70 minutes prior to FDG injection. Attenuation-corrected PET imaging was performed 60 minutes after FDG administration. Maximal myocardial standard uptake values (MyoSUVmax) were systematically measured in axial view and compared between the three groups. Using UR patients as reference, mean MyoSUVmax was lower in LC patients (3.3 ± 2.7 vs 6.2 ± 5.2, P = .03) but not in HFLC patients (5.5 ± 4.2, P = .63). Ratios of MyoSUVmax to liver SUVmax, calculated to control for background uptake, were not significantly different amongst the groups (1.9 ± 2.1 LC, 2.6 ± 2.3 HFLC, 3.6 ± 3.5 UR). In this small randomized controlled trial using UR diet as reference, LC dietary preparation followed by extended fasting resulted in significant myocardial uptake suppression

    Effects of rising temperature on pelagic biogeochemistry in mesocosm systems: a comparative analysis of the AQUASHIFT Kiel experiments

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    A comparative analysis of data, obtained during four indoor-mesocosm experiments with natural spring plankton communities from the Baltic Sea, was conducted to investigate whether biogeochemical cycling is affected by an increase in water temperature of up to 6 °C above present-day conditions. In all experiments, warming stimulated in particular heterotrophic bacterial processes and had an accelerating effect on the temporal development of phytoplankton blooms. This was also mirrored in the build-up and partitioning of organic matter between particulate and dissolved phases. Thus, warming increased both the magnitude and rate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) build-up, whereas the accumulation of particulate organic carbon (POC) and phosphorus (POP) decreased with rising temperature. In concert, the observed temperature-mediated changes in biogeochemical components suggest strong shifts in the functioning of marine pelagic food webs and the ocean’s biological carbon pump, hence providing potential feedback mechanisms to Earth’s climate system

    Caveolin-1 protects B6129 mice against Helicobacter pylori gastritis.

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    Caveolin-1 (Cav1) is a scaffold protein and pathogen receptor in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic infection of gastric epithelial cells by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a major risk factor for human gastric cancer (GC) where Cav1 is frequently down-regulated. However, the function of Cav1 in H. pylori infection and pathogenesis of GC remained unknown. We show here that Cav1-deficient mice, infected for 11 months with the CagA-delivery deficient H. pylori strain SS1, developed more severe gastritis and tissue damage, including loss of parietal cells and foveolar hyperplasia, and displayed lower colonisation of the gastric mucosa than wild-type B6129 littermates. Cav1-null mice showed enhanced infiltration of macrophages and B-cells and secretion of chemokines (RANTES) but had reduced levels of CD25+ regulatory T-cells. Cav1-deficient human GC cells (AGS), infected with the CagA-delivery proficient H. pylori strain G27, were more sensitive to CagA-related cytoskeletal stress morphologies ("humming bird") compared to AGS cells stably transfected with Cav1 (AGS/Cav1). Infection of AGS/Cav1 cells triggered the recruitment of p120 RhoGTPase-activating protein/deleted in liver cancer-1 (p120RhoGAP/DLC1) to Cav1 and counteracted CagA-induced cytoskeletal rearrangements. In human GC cell lines (MKN45, N87) and mouse stomach tissue, H. pylori down-regulated endogenous expression of Cav1 independently of CagA. Mechanistically, H. pylori activated sterol-responsive element-binding protein-1 (SREBP1) to repress transcription of the human Cav1 gene from sterol-responsive elements (SREs) in the proximal Cav1 promoter. These data suggested a protective role of Cav1 against H. pylori-induced inflammation and tissue damage. We propose that H. pylori exploits down-regulation of Cav1 to subvert the host's immune response and to promote signalling of its virulence factors in host cells